FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 195l~ - THE MICHIGAN DAILY £ ACJEL' 1' Heating Problem Seen, Power Plants Overtaxed Exchange Student Finds Facilities Amazing (.. The University may be facedv with a serious heating problem within three years. The new undergraduate library, social science, and medical build- ings to be completed by then will put an even heavier demand on the already heavily taxed power plant. With its top theoretic capacity of 515,000 pounds of steam per hour and its current operating ca- pacity of 400,000 pounds the plant must supply 350,000 poundsR sev- eral times each winter and two years ago had to pipe 380,000. The problem is further compli- cated by the possibility of the plant's two 30 year old boilers be- ing put out of commission. Each could cut the capacity 65,000 pounds. By the first of the year the University hopes to have hired an engineering firm to study the heating problem. The group is expected to determine whether the present 40 year old plant should be retained and expanded. .,. Reserve now your first edition set of the long-awaited MEMOIRS BY By GAIL GOLDSTEIN Rated first out of 100 applicants for the scholarship, SGC's Free University of Berlin Exchange student, Werner Koenig, Grad., finds facilities available at the University for research "amazing." The personable young man is working on his doctoral thesis which will be a continuation of his Master's thesis, "Communist Influence on American Labor Un- ions." In the political science depart- ment Koenig is taking courses in International Law, Constitutional Law, political science and special American fields. Asked how he feels about the University, Koenig expressed ap- preciation of the curriculum. Attends Classes in Varied Courses "Here you attend many classes in varied courses on a day to day basis," he said. "This to you seems a routine matter." Koenig continued to explain that in Ger- many the student is not forced to attend any classes. He simply must know the material when he applies for an exam in the sub- ject. "Where he gets the knowledge is up to the student. Sometimes he may work in one course only for a whole year or even longer," z Koenig said. "Here he gets a t touch of many classes and other t fields besides his own." t Schooling More Intensified 1) Koenig's schooling to date has r been more intensified than that V of the average American student. In high school he took eight years b of Latin, six of Greek, four of English, two years of Russian, and a "little" French. a -Daily-Dick Gaskili Werner Koenig Makes Use of Library Germans and 30 foreign students. This was completely handled by the students themselves and was not under University control," Koenig said. "Decisions were made by a general assembly of the stu- dents which I think would be com- parable to the fraternity system here." Koenig has found it easy to make friends at the University. He likes the informal life and said through living and eating to- gether, the students have a much closer contact with each other than at the Free University of Berlin. 'There is no big difference be- tween the style of life in the two countries though," he said. "Typi- cal of both is the aim to work hard and have a good time." Plans to Travel After his scholarship runs out Koenig plans to "buy a car and travel with two other exchange students for a few months to see the entire United States at first hand." Now run by the Student Gov- ernment Council, the exchange program started under the Stu- dent Legislature. In Berlin it consists first of a series of exams, both written and oral, from which the- field of applicants is finally cut down to three. These three names are then submitted to the University by the committee from the Free University of Berlin for final consideration. Finances for the fund come from bucket drives at the University and interested organizations. Mi- chigan's exchange student to Ber- lin this year is David Learned. Government Provides Finances At the Free University of Ber- lin, the city government provides finances for exchange students, Koenig says. Therefore it is easier to give scholarships to foreign stu- dents than under the system here at Michigan. The German school is very eager to exchange more students with colleges in the Unit- ed ;States, he added. Room and board is provided for Koenig by South, West and East Quad Councils for the first se- mester. South Quad is presently housing him as a result of a draw- r ing held at the end of the spring semester among the three Quads. A local store provided all of his books. Commenting on the present German situation, Koenig said the difference between the Russian zone and the Federal Republic is the same as between Russia and the United States in view of eco- nomic and political circumstances. Two Million Left Russia "Since 1948 about two million people have left the Russian zone' and entered west Berlin and the, Federal Republic, which proves! the difficulties they were living under. I feel that the West Ger- man Communists have little in- fluence at all. "Looking at the Berlin elec- tions of 1954 in which the Com- munists were allowed to partici- pate, you can see that 3.4% of the votes were given to their candi- dates. However, it must be re- membered that the Communists put much more money and man power into propaganda for the election than the other parties." Asked his main "gripe" about Michigan, Koenig laughingly pro- tested against the age limit for drinking. "Students drink more than if they were not limited. Of course, I know that the average college student in Germany is old- er than a student of the same lev- el at this University." Messiah Set For December - Traditional performances of Handel's Christmas oratorio "The Messiah," sponsored by the Uni- versity Musical Society, will be given at 8:30 p.m. Dec. 3 and 2:30 p.m. Dec. 4. Lester McCoy will conduct the University Choral Union, the. Mu- sical Society Orchestra and solo- ists Ellen Faull, soprano; Lillian Chookasian, contralto; Howard Jarrat, tenor and Donald Gramm, bass. Organist will be Mary Mc- Call Stubbins. Tickets for both performances are available at the offices of the University Musical Society in Bur- ton Tower. Economist Will Discuss Japan Visit Dr. Fritz Machlup, of the De- partment of Political Economy of Johns Hopkins University, will give an informal talk to the fac- ulty and students of the Center for Japanese Studies today at 8:30 p.m. in the Union. Dr. Machlup has just returned from participating in the American Studies Seminar conducted at Kyoto Imperial University in Ja- pan. Supported by the Rockefeller' Foundation, the participation sem- inar is sponsored by the University of Michigan. The noted econo- mist's purpose in visiting the Uni- versity is to render his report on his achievements while abroad. First established in 1953 under the sponsorship of the University of Illinois, Michigan took over the program in 1954 and has recently been awarded the sponsorship for three more years. The Center for Japanese Studies administers the program for the University. Dr. Malchup, recipient of the 1954 fellowship, was one of two nationally known professors to spend seven months lecturing in his field of specialty. The "tours" of the two scholars are arranged so that both are in Kyoto during the summer when they are joined by four to six other American stu- dents and teachers to conduct a comprehensive summer session in American Studies. The importance of this program lies in the fact that the field of American Studies is only in its beginning stage in Japan. Despite the closeness of contacts between Japan and the United States, area studies in Japan have traditionally been oriented toward Europe, China and, more recently, Russia. A special feature of Michigan's participation in the Kyoto project has two prominent Japanese teachers utilizing the facilities of the University. Shuichi Sugai, pro- fessor of law, and Yoshio Sakata, professor of philosophy, of Kyoto, have taken part in the American Studies program in Japan and are now visitors and consultants for the Center of Japanese Studies here. 'HarryS.Truman VOLUME I, YEAR OF DECISIONS Publication, November 1955 VOLUME II, YEARS OF TRIAL AND HOPE Publication, February 1956 PRICE: $8.50 the set for all orders placed with us from now through December 31. Each volume individually will be priced at $5. H ERE are the most important Presidential memoirs ever written. The volumes are a remarkable record of the former President's tumultuous years as the nation's Chief Executive, his early years in Missouri, his rise in local and national politics. Throughout both books are keen flashes of insight, warm and human views on family matters, frank discussions of the tremendous conflicts that Mr. Truman had to resolve as President. Regardless of political affili- ation, readers of these volumes of contemporary history will find an extraordinary picture of an age and an enter- taining portrait of a man. Call, write, drop in, or use this coupon to reserve your first edition set BOB MARSHALL'S BOOK SHOP :?;;.;; ;" 11 South State Street Ann Arbor, Michigan :" Please reserve in my name......sets ofMEMOIRS BY HARRY S. TRU- I MAN at $8.50 each. I understand that each volume will be delivered to me upon publication. . :Please send me............copies of Volume I only at $5.00 each. - Charge my account Payment enclosed l Send C.O.D. I NAME........................ ....... ..«... ..... 1.CITY................. ..ZO N E ......S ATB ..... .. --Z(ocal tal where necessary) *no ..................J "This school was in the east one, which I left in 1948 to en- er a similar school in western Berlin," Koenig said. "I applied o the Free University of Berlin n 1950, but because of the many eturnees from the war I had to wait a year to get in." During his year Koenig worked as a rick-layer in Berlin. Enrolled at Hochschule Fuer Politik In September, 1951, he enrolled t the "Hochschule Fuer Politik", he school of political science, af- iliated with the Free University' f Berlin. "About 600 students comprised this school. I was also enrolled h the Free University's Law chool." Commenting on the difference between the German school and the University, Koenig said that facilities at the former were limit- ed resulting from the fact that the students do not live together in dorms around a central campus. "There is nothing like a foot- ball team to bring us together," he said. "Because of lack of fin- ances students must finish their educations as soon as possible. We did have many clubs, student or- ganizations, and drama groups similar to those on this campus," Koenig added. Lived in an International Student's Camp "Although there were no dorms, I lived in an International Stu- dent's Camp which housed 30 +" .. ,.. ' 1 /t 1 f fi° . ,, r -{ f , g t fi o; it s .. Looking for the right place to diae? Why not come down and try our famous Smorgasbord in- cluding hot dishes, dessert, and beverage. It's really tops! BIKES NO PARKING PROBLEMS LOW-COST TRANSPORTATION Open Evenings 'til 9 P.M. Campus Bike & Hobby 514-1l6 E. William Call NO 2-0035 *?N4YEROA NISL 4tWlMs Graduates! DON..T FORGET TO RETURN MICHIGANENS 'IAN PICTURE PROOFS .:...... .,r:. lit a PAPER-MATE 9 TU-TONE PENS now in MICHIGAN colors MAiZE & BLUE ko tut can buy famous Paper*Matso Vans Mnyour college colors, or In 'aycolor Combination Iyou destr#W 5*9tvo0t l~vndbsfmonflw Paper~.mat* 7 TuiTores with the ox~lustv* y 6 ,alt.AU&Ad tP, hat alvba Vt F .r+' S