Campus Organizations Will Present Their Annual Dances
Throughout Year
U Colleges Will Sponsor
Own Traditional Festivities
Plan Various
During the school year, the dif-
ferent colleges in the University
sponsor their own annual dances.
Early in the fall the School of
Natural Resources holds its an-
nual Paul Bunyan Ball. It was
started when the Foresters decid-
ed they wanted a dance which was
different from all others on
They rented an old barn and
came to the dance in blue jeans
and plaid shirts, the typical dress
of lumbermen. Since then the
dance has become an annual
event, held in honor of the "great-
est woodsman of them all."
In order to create the proper
atmosphere, the students bring in
pine trees whlcic were cut down
by members of the Forestry Club.
Caduceus Ball
In February,. Galens, honorary
medical fraternity,asponsors its
annual Caduceus Ball. This dance
is given especially for medical
students and staff members at
the University Hospital, but is
open to students from all schools.
The name of this ball comes
from the Caduceus, a symbol con-
sisting of a rod entwined with
snakes, which dates back to Greek
and Roman days.
,During intermission, the medical
students usually put on some type
of skit satirizing a part of the
Medical School. This past year
they made fun of the school with
a radio program.
Military Ball
Another Important dance is the
Military Ball which is held in
March. Traditionally a formal af-
fair, cadets appear in full uni-.
form. ROTC unit commanders
and visiting dignitaries attend the
dance to make it a festive occa-
Last year, highlighting the mil-
itary decorations was a 15 foot
model of a rocket ship set up at
the edge of the dance floor.
The dance is sponsored by the
ROTC units on campus but re-
serve officers and other students
are also welcome to attend.
An annual tradition is for mem-
bers of the Arnold Air Society and
Scabbard and Blade to entertain
their dates at dinner before the
dance. Both are honoraries.
Odonto Ball
Following this, the School of
Dentistry presents Odonto Ball in
honor of the senior class.
In 1951 the dance helped cele-
brate the diamond jubilee of the
founding of the University Den-
tal School. Decorations showed the
evolution of dentistry with murals
and picturees portraying scenes
from the life of a pioneering
"tooth doctor" down to the fa-
miliar dentist's office of today.
The theme of last year's dance
was fantasy, and the ballroom was
decorated with fairyland charac-
ters such as Cinderella, St.
George and the Dragon, and Jack
and the Beanstalk.
Slide Rule Ball
Slide Rule Ball is the annual
dance sponsored by the College of
Engineering. This ball is a rival
of the Crease Ball which is spon-
sored by the Law School.
According to tradition the cam-
rus !awyerc use all legal and il-
legal ingenuity to discover where
the huge eight foot slide ruo has
been hidden l y the engineers and
try to steal it for their Crease
This rivalrydeveloped on cam-
pus many years ago when law
classrooms were located in Haven
Guarding one entrance to the
diagonal while the engineers held
down the fort at the opposite end,
the lawyers aroused the anger of
the "engine gang" by parking a
car in the middle of the engineer-
ing arch and letting the air out
of the tires.
In revenge, the engineers would
form a human chain across the
arch to prevent the lawyers from
reaching their classrooms. Thus
began the friendly feud.
Crease Ball
Then the lawyers present their
Crease Ball which receives its
name from the appearance of the
lawyers back in the early days.
At that time lawyers, who were
called barristers, were forced to
struggle for a living and their
trousers along with the rest of
their clothes were noticeably
lacking in creases.
Last year, each couple who at-
tended the ball received a copy
of "The Michigan Raw Review" a
humorous takeoff of "The Michi-
gan Law Review" publication.
International Ball
The International"'Center in co-
operation with the International
Students Association present In-
ternational Ball. This dance is
held annually and is formal. Stu-
dents from foreign countries per-
form their native dances.
To highlight this event, the In-
ternational Center holds an In-
ternational Week with parties,
luncheons and auctions being the
main events. The Ball concludes
a week of gay festivities between
American and foreign students.
Graduating Coeds Hold
Cosmetics Change with Season
Zenior Nigh
Each spring the senior women
meet for the traditional festivities
of the Senior Night dinner and
Until 1933 a Senior Supper was
held in Betsy Barbour. After din-
ner coeds clothed in caps and
gowns, paraded to Waterman
Gymnasium to view a show pre-
sented by the junior women.
Upon completion of the Union,
Senior Suppers were held in the
new building, while the shows
were given at the old Whitney
Theatre on Main Street.
Held in League
Starting in 1936 and continuing
to the present time, the traditional
dinners have been held in the
League. In 1936, seniors rented
caps and gowns for the occasion
and were charged 65 cents for the
dinner and play.
For the duration of the war, the
Senior Supper was discontinued,
although seniors were still invited
to attend the Junior Girls Play
Senior Supper became Senior
Night in 1949. The Senior Night
program begins at 5:30 p.m. with
the traaitional march from the
library to the League. Following
the parade, a banquet is served in
the League Ballroom.
Romantic Status Revealed
At the dinner, each senior wo-
man bears a sign of her romantic
it Program
status. Married women carry cand-
les while engaged coeds suck
A pin-cushion made by Miss
Ethel McCormick, social director
of the League, holds safety pins
which pinned seniors must wear
instead of their fraternity pins.
Every Senior Night general chair-
man inscribes her name on the
cushion at the end of the cere-
Unattached coeds carry pennies
to toss in a wishing well, one for
each year of their age.
Preview JGP
After the dinner, the seniors
preview the premiere of the JGP
production, presented in their hon-
or by the junior women, in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Taking full advantage of their
class status, the senior coeds en-
joyed the opportunity to call for
a repeat performance of any song,
dance or scene they particularly,
liked in the evening's entertain-
In 1938, however, the custom of
throwing pennies, confetti, gun-
drops and sticky stuff was tabooed.
In previous years, the seniors
wore caps and gowns. Due to the
increase in price for the garb,
this custom was dropped in 1952.
The 1955 theme of Senior Night
was "Pot 'O Gold," in keeping
with the St. Patrick's Day spirit.
With the changing of the sea-
sons, many new and different items
are appearing on the cosmetic and
fragrance markets over the entire
One of the most revolutionary
and different concoctions is an aft-
er-bath cologne that features both
lasting fragrance and skin-sooth-
ing properties.
Packaged in a five-ounce spray
container, which eliminates spill-
ing worries, the cologne emerges
as a fluffy white foam.
The cologne was developed and
produced by a famed cosmetic firm,
which claims that this product is
completely non-sticky and that it
will melt into the skin very quick-
The new cologne foam is avail-
able in four well-known scents.
The producers of this lanolin-en-
riched cologne say that these sub-
tle fragrances will outlast alcohol-
based cologne by hours.
Another new product on the
scent scene is a scientifically de-
veloped perfume "pellette" which
is enclosed in a tiny lace envelope.
The scent of this tablet form
perfume is said to last for weeks
without replacement. The mak-
ers claim that their product cannot
disintegrate in use and that mois-
ture will not affect the tablet or
its fragrance.
It can be used in a woman's
purse or attached to her clothing.
It can also be put in dresser draw-
ers with handkerchiefs or lingerie.
There is world of fragrances
from which to choose a correct one
for each individual coed. It might
be a light floral scent or a heavy
oriental, a spicy bouquet or a def-
initely "sweet" one.
Many Fragrances
No one fragrance is right for all
women, because of personality dif-
ferences, but all women can wear
more than one fragrance. Varying
scents can be mixed and matched
until the right combination is dis-
Perfume should be applied light-
ly to many areas instead of just
one. After a bath, touch it to
wrists, throat temples, and even
the hair. Perfume reaches its full-
est beauty only when warmed by
the skin, fashion experts say.
No liquid perfume application
will last all day. It should be re-
newed with frequent touch-ups as
often as lipstick.
Round the Clock
To get the fullest benefit from
perfume, a woman should use
enough so that it will act as "round
Stadium Wear
The Saturday afternoon foot-
ball games are often more like
summer than fall. Cottons and
skirts and blouses are appropriate
dress for coeds for the first few,
games, with sweaters, heavy wool-
ens, stadium boots and colorful
blankets in order for the end of the
the clock magic" for her and those
around her.
For dieting women, a new de-
velopment on the cosmetic scene
is lotion, which is applied to firm
the skin while losing weight.
The producers of this product
state that as one loses weight, the
skin tends to sag and this lotion
tightens the skin and brings back'
the natural elasticity.
Little Needed
,Very little of the cream is need-
ed to cover the body, and in only
a few minutes it is absorbed into,
the skin and disappears. .
A recently introduced hand
cream, advertised to be "scientif-
ically years ahead" offers a "new'
deep softing action" against the
chill of cool fall days.
The producers claim that this
lotion is unique in that the bene-
ficial action is not stopped on the
outer skin but pentrates below the
Healing Quality
Another quality of this hand
cream is that it will counteract
the irritating chemical action of
soaps and detergents. It also heals
chapping hands from d a m p
weather and smooths out any dry,
scratchy roughness.
Another new product currently
appearing in local drug and cos-
metic stores is a combination com-
pact and lipstick holder in the
shape of a tiny hand mirror.
This Parisienne vanity case con-
tains a cream powder in a pressed
non-spilling form.
Special occasions give various
campus committees the opportu-
nity to plan festive dances to
celebrate such events as Home-
coming and Greek Week.
This year will mark the 58th
presentation of Homecoming fes-
tivities at the University. Last
year, the weekend was highlight-
ed by "Brown Jug Ball" which
featured Woody Herman and his
Third Herd.
The big weekend was first in-
augurated in 1897, when alumni
came home for a football game
with the Varsity.
Brown Jug Rivalry
Since then, though, no one ex-
actly knows how the event came
about. It has come to Include a
rivalry between the Minnesota
Gophers and the Michigan Wol-
verines for the "Little Brown
The dance itself originated dur-
ing the forties. Previous to this
time, the houses on campus held
their own individual dances.
To supplement another football
weekend, I-Hop is' held the night
of the Michigan-Iowa game. It
will be the first all-campus dance
to be held this fall. The dance is
sponsored by Assembly.
The decorations committee car-
ried out the Arabian theme of "A
Thousand and One Nights" last
fall, and couples danced to the
music of Tommy Aquino
Proceeds from the dance are
traditionally given to a charitable
The dance this year will be in-
formal, and late permission is us-
ually granted.
IFC Ball
Fraternity men and their dates
took a "Venetian Holiday" last
year as they danced to the music
of Claude Thornhill at the annual
Interfraternity Council Ball.
Climaxing the IFC - Panhel
Greek Week Program, the tradi-
tional affair helps to maintain
good inter-fraternity relations,
Panhel Ball
The Panhellenic Association
also gets into the swing of things
with their annual Panhel Ball.
Last year's semi-formal dance
followed the theme of "Candy-
land" and was held in the League
Ballroom. The "Psurfs," a barris-
ter singing group of 12 men, en-.,
tertained during intermission.
In years before and including
1945, Panhel Ball was sponsored
jointly by both Panhellenic and
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