2, Sixty-Sixth Year EDT-D AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNnrERSrrY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. - Phone NO 2-3241 'I Don't Want To Complain, But You Never Take Me Anywhere" AT THE MICHIGAN: Phen x' 13lood-Soaked Morality Lsso FROM a series of reports on sin-ridden Phenix City, Alabama, brought to the nation's attention in widely circulated periodicals, Allied Artists Pictures has fashioned a terse, sometimes overdone screenplay that presents an ethical lesson in the style of a childlike Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. )VEMBER 2, 1955 NIGHT EDITOR: ERNEST THEODOSSIN Molotov's Israel Peace Offer Devoid of Meaning RUSSIA has told Israel she will not be hurt by the flow of Red arms to Egypt. Soviet oreign Minister V. M. M4olotov has said Russia as no desire to see Israel hurt in the Red process of combating Western politicies in the /lideast. One wonders if the Communist foreign min- ster kept a straight face while making this tatement. If the Red process of combating Vestern policies in the Middle East included ome hurt to Israel, there would be no Soviet oftness to prevent it. In fact, the Western policy in the Middle last at the pi'esent time is to reduce tensions etween Israel and the Arab nations. Comr- ating Western policy concerning this situa- ion would mean building up tension. This is xactly what the Reds are doing by shipping reapons to Egypt. Molotov's statement that Russia does not rant Israel to get hurt seems a gross misre- 'resentation of true - Soviet feeling. As ten- ion builds, so do the chances of Israel being .urt. Assuming an equality of military trength between Israel and the Arab nations efore the first shipment of Red arms to Egypt >r the sake of argument, the balance is now eing loaded in favor of the Arabs. So, in nother way, too, Israel's danger is growing. 1USSIA'S guarantee that Israel will not be hurt by the arms shipments is not only meaningless, but was never intended to mean anything. Unless the Soviet, through Czecho- slovakia, has obtained a condition from Egypt that the arms will not be used against Israel, Russia could never enforce the guarantee; and it is doubtful that she could even if such a condition existed. But it seems evident that Russia never had any intention of enforcing such a guarantee. The Reds are aware of the tensions in the Middle East, and foresee much more profit in exploiting them than in alleviating them. Shipping arms to Egypt is certainly exploiting them.f Anyone who up to now retained some faith in Russia's peaceful intentions should now be convinced she is only looking for trouble, cau- tiously. Russia's real reason for shipping arms to Egypt is, sure enough, to combat Western policies, which just happen to include the pre- vention of strife between Israel and the Arabs. The important question is what can the West do about it? It obviously cannot stop the ship- ment of Red arms to Egypt, unless it wants to blow up a few ships and start a war. What seems necessary is to ship Western arms to Israel to maintain the balance of power, a system of preventing war that defin- Itely has not passed out of vogue, despite the aims, and idealism of the United Nations. -JIM DYGERT Daily City Editor LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Hit 'Policy', Speed Limit TODAY AND TOMORROW: (EDITOR'S NOTE: After a tical affairs in Europe, Wa' sumes his regular column. Lippmann will appear in Th week.) THE MOST comforting say, after a few week eve of the Geneva confer does not need to be so w primary trouble is not th has very strong cards a strong cards. It is that: reasons the, Western gov time unable to play theirc and conviction. The summit meeting at a public recognition byk could not use thermo-nuc of it to settle the struggle did not mean that the s meant that the strugglei lomatic contest. In this contest the So the summer shown ag maneuvering, for liquidat new initiatives. - The fourV Bonn, Paris, London an on the other hand, remai mobile in all their pre-Ge cow has been acting while ments have been reacting main not by actions of complaining. They have d able in its weight and sc gambit in Austria, witht ment of Tito, with the S of diplomatic relations wit with the. Soviet's incursion political front into Egypt. THE INNOCENT public to believe that the G nounce nuclear war was standing that the Sovie henceforth' to accept our ment of the cold war. Bu ever had the slightest rea this would happen. The G mean that we were goin way.tIt meant that the gr able to negotiate and strik unless they did this suc lose control of the probl posed to solve. For this kind of mane have to be sufficiently su Editorial Dave Baad ...,.............. Jim Dygert .................. Murry Frymer ................ Debra Durchslag ............, David Kaplan ............ Jane Howard ........... Louise Tyor .,............... Phil Douglis ............,.., Alan Eisenberg,.............. Jack Horwitz............ Mary Helithaler ..,..., Elaine Edmonds...........A John Hirtzel............... Business S Dick Astrom ...,.......... Bob Ilgenfritz ............Ass Ken Rogat....,..... Marty Weisbard ............. Jerry Pusch ................ The Immobilized West -RY WALTER LIPPMANN three-week tour of pol- home to be flexible and responsible abroad. lter Lippmann here re- Go me nts that ae n res of t eb l ves As in the past, Mr. Governments that are unsure of themselves e Daily three times each are usually able to be firm only if they are rigid and obstinate. They become immobile- thing I can find to unable to move lest they appear to be retreat- ks in Europe on the ing. It is the immobility of the Western nce, is that the West governments, not the inherent weakness of the eak as it looks. Our Western position in the world, that makes the prospects so dark in Central Europe, in North Iat the Soviet Union Africa and in the Middle East. nd that we have no - for internal political Thus in Germany we are immobilized upon ernments are at this a policy that not even the Germans, much less cards with confidence the Soviets, can be counted upon to believe in the end. In the relations of the West with the t Geneva in July was Moslem upheaval, which extends from the At- both sides that they lantic Ocean to the borders of India, there is lear war or the threat the greatest reluctance to do anything new for between them. This fear of losing something old, truggle was over. It would become a dip- THE WEST Germans are immobilized by Dr. Adenauer's illness and by the fact that, like viet Union has since Eisenhower, he has no recognized successor who greater capacity for can be counted upon to carry out his policy. ing liabilities and for There is, in fact, every reason to think, as Western governments, Moscow most certainly does think, that Ade- d Washington have, nauer's successor will not stand upon, that ined frozen and im- he will negotiate about, the terms that the eneva positions. Mos- West is proposing at Geneva. Our position at the Western govern- Geneva is inspired primarily by loyalty to Dr. -and reacting in the Adenauer; by a determination not to concede their own but by anything which might be construed in Ger- lone nothing compar- many as rocking Dr. Adenauer's boat. If we ope with the Soviet's concede an inch, we fear that Dr. Adenauer's the Soviet's appease- German opponents will be encouraged to con- oviet's establishment cede a yard. So on Germany the West is ,h the two Germanies, immobilized and unable to put itself in a posi- n behind the Western tion to negotiate. The trouble with this position is that in the not so very long run it will alienate us from may have been led the Germans who mean, if they must, to eneva accord to re- negotiate for reunification directly with the s a kind of under- Soviet Union and the East Germans. Our t Union was going problem in Germany is how to overcome the terms for a settle- immobility of our policy. This means that we t no one in the know must find a way to take a position about Ger- son for thinking that many that the Germans at least will regard as eneva accord did not genuinely negotiable. ig to have our own kgt have ursm oghtn The French are immobilized bythe crisis in reat powers might be North Africa which has posed the question of ke bargains, and that whether the French have a government that cessfully, they might can take decisions and have them carried out ems they were sup- by its own Generals and officials. France has the primary responsibility for the relations uvering governments between the Western world and the Arabs of ure of themselves at Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. The outcome depends upon what is in essence a constitu- tional crisis within France. For unless there is, a French government that can govern, there j1 7IaTJ4J is no prospect of a settlement in North Africa. Staff THE BRITISH do have a government that ..tafEt governs. But they have a new Foreign Sec- Maa.......... City Editor retary. They are having a recurrence of their .... . . iyE io ...... Editorial Director old money troubles. As they do not feel strong ....... Magazine Editor in the outer world, they are not in the mood for .......As.Feature Editor the kind of brilliant initiative which Anthony .......Associate Editor Eden showed in his last Years at the Foreign . Sports Editor Office, Associate Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor Here, the President reigns but does not gov- ..o.....Women's Editor en, and, in addition, we are facing an election. .ssoclate women's Editor Mr. Dulles has the President's confidence. He ... Chief Photographer cannot have the President's authority, which taff is a non-transferable attribute. He cannot, .Business Manager therefore, initiate new policies with a certainty ociate Business Manager that he will have the support of the country. .. Advertising Manager The safest and one might add the inevitable n. anrccaeithing is to go on saying what was said before Circlationnaar... Good Book Cover... To the Editor: DO YOU see yourself as a great crusader of the "liberal" cause? Well, 20,000 Michigan stu- dents see you as a narrow hack writer, having a rough time digging up copy. Your two editorials at- tacking the performances of the band would have been funny if they hadn't been so symbolic of your editorial policy of being anti- Eisenhower, anti - big business, anti-Greek, anti-Republican Par- ty, and anti-anybody and any- thing which happens to conflict with your own pseudo-intellectual beliefs. Your newspaper's editorial page is completely unrepresentative of the student body-from its Her- block cartoons to the drival of Drew Pearson. Its only appeal to student is its sports its movie section. the Michigan coverage and Other than - i ' that it's good to cover books on a rainy day. Mr. Baad, go back to proofread- ing, before The Daily ; slips still lower in student esteem. -Donald Reisig, '56 Safer, Not Slower... To the Editor: MAY I remark to Mr. Hambur- ger (Editorial pake Sunday) that there is at present a speed limit in Michigan. In fact, the present limit is the only fair and sensible one. It is currently il- legal for drivers to exceed a safe speed, defined as a speed at which one can stop within the distance clearly visible ahead. This law identifies legal speeds with safe speeds, which is all one could ask. A fixed speed limit will some- times make safe speeds legal and' will sometimes make unsafe speeds legal. A fixed speed limit may make people drive more slowly; it does .not necessarily make them drive more safely. That can only be accomplished by driver educa- tion programs and non-trivial li- censing procedures. Your casual remark in reference to the Pennsylvania Turnpike that drivers must be -alert under a system of variable speed limits seems to imply that under a fixed limit they can afford to be less so. This 411 too common assumption is the fatal error of the speed limit thinker. Save me from en- countering on the road those who seem to think that not exceeding a certain fixed speed constitutes safe driving. The adoption of a fixed speed limit would be a return to the thinking before 1927, in which year the 35 mph state-wide speed limit was replaced with the modern .,n-rnahla ael .nn -lm. More on Kelly. .. To the Editor: CONCERNING MR. Kenney's let- ter of the 26th which in turn concerned Mr. Kelly's letter of the 25th, we should like to submit a few observations. A careful reading of the Kelly letter will reveal that the implica- tions thereof were a little more subtle than Mr. Kenney may have perceived. He construed the letter as a personal attack on the Presi- dent; when, in reality, it merely foreshadowed p o s s i b e develop- ments if the misguided zeal of cer- tain groups is permitted to run its course. Although we possess a copy of Roget's Thesaurus, we will not consult it for the purposes of de- scribing Mr. Kenney's attack. How anyone could label Kelly's reflec- tions "outrageous," "disgraceful," "small-minded," "disgusting" and "putrid," while, at the same time, calling him a bigot, is beyond us. While appreciating the "un- biased and nonpartisan" view of Mr. Kenney, we were disconcerted to. learn that the deification bri- gade has such a champion. At least, Mr. Kelly escaped being sanctimonious. -George Caspar, 57L Thomas Quinn, 57L More on Ike..* To the Editor: SEVERAL weeks ago a frenzied barrage of Letters to the Edi- tor attacked Daily Editor Baad for his editorial on the Eisenhow- er Marching Band show. This un- fortunate epistolary reaction was climaxed last 'week by a letter at- tacking Eisenhower himself and calling for the Republicans to spin the ex-general's coffin. The entire display of poor taste x exhibited in those letters resulted from an act of even poorer taste which Baad rightly recognized. The band show, centered about the President, and sponsored by the University, was distinctly partisan. And this was a certainly logical occurrence at a university so dis- tinctly biased by Republican in- fluences (e.g. General Motors, the University administration's hand- ling of the Subversive Activities Hearings of May, 1954, etc.). A logical but hardly. justifiable occurrence it seems. The entire University concept, liberally con- ceived, calls for no official dogma, no official political affiliation; such was once called free choice. In an electoral climate of opinion so extremely intensified by the President's illness, the band show could evidence nothing but parti- sanship. Some enneiv in thne letarsQ cally, would have been a far bet- ter honoring of Eisenhower than the disturbing event which led to one student's asking the Re- publicans to carry his coffin on their forthcoming campaign train. Daily Editor Baad did not vili- fy the President, he criticized what he felt was an act in bad taste according to the democratic tra- dition. I wholeheartedly second his defense of that tradition. -David Elliot Levy, '57 Letter's Implications.,. To the Editor: ATFIRST glance one is tempted to dismiss Mr. Kelly's letter in Tuesday's Daily ("Spin Ike") as the effort of someone with nothing to say and with a talent for say- ing it in incredibly bad taste. Or perhaps the gentleman thinks he is being witty in a most pene- trating manner. If, however, one happens to re- call America's dominant position in the world, along with the fact that university students presum- ably represent the intellectual elite of today's voters and the potential leadership of tomorrow's states- men,. these remarks of necessity acquire contextual significance. Could it be that the famed lib- eral mentality, recently charact- erized by successive retreats to- ward a position virtually indisting- uishable from that of the alleged opposition, is now genuinely un- able to effectively present any real alternatives? In such a situ- ation Mr. Kelly's remarks can only be regarded as typical of the irrelevant, the trivial, and the vul- gar to which we will be subjected from now until the latter days of 1956. If this becomes the most mean- ingful level of American politics, it can safely be predicted that we will succeed in isolating ourselves to an increasing degree from the new and vital political currents in the rest of the world. For better or worse, the peoples of Asia and Africa will look elsewhere for dir- ection. -Henry Elsner, Jr., Grad Story With A Moral... To the Editor: ONE WOULD assume that the function of the University Health Service is to provide medical care for the students of the University wJenever neces- sary. It is time for the officials of this Health Service to realize that sickness works a twenty-four day; it is not confined between the hours of eight and five. The unfortunate student who should contract his ailment at 5:01 is given some aspirin and told to t morality play. "The Phenix City Story" open interview with actual town resident gangland-syndicate rule. Setting the tone for the remaining hour- and-a-half fight between good and evil, the prologue is so skillfully edited and directed that the ensu- ing dramatic portion often seems weak and superfluous. Cinematically, "Phenix City" re- lates how Alabaman John Patter- son began a one-man fight against corruption that eventually cost the lives of his father and friends. The approach is documentary, the acting (by a largely unknown cast) heavily realistic, and the di- rectorial technique throughout one of raw shock. * * * THESE considerations aside, the film suffers most from three com- mon crime-story ailments. First, since it must conform to the con- troversial Motion Picture Produc- tion Code, it can only approach its sinfulness in standard patterns. Such things as dope - addiction are only mentioned briefly. And prostitution is deliberately obscur- ed through Meg Miles' rendition of the title song, "The Phenix City Blues." But where it does make itself clearly understood is in the -violence department, since sadism is a regular Hollywood method of exploiting moral de- generation, An old man is riddled with bul- lets, a child smashed by a car,her lifeless body thudded next to a baby's plaSpen, numerous men and women beaten up-sexual transgressions are minimized, bru- tality accentuated: the result, a little one sided. ** * SECOND, the villains and he- roes of "Phenix City" are so gross- ly one 'dimensional, that morality becomes a childish study in black and white. With the exception of one young lady, who changes "sides," the characters are either basically rotten "bad men" or vir- tuous, noble "good men." Third, some of the philoso- phy (you gotta exterminate evil through the laws, you gotta take sides in a moral conflict) may not seem quite so universally logical or undisputable as shown in the picture. Unlike the advertise- ments suggest, "The Phenix City Story" is not so risque as viciously blood-soaked. -Ernest Theodossin AT THE STATE: 'Gold' Spoils Early West IN 1769, Spain sent columns of soldiers into, the unexplored country of California to search for gold. "Seven Cities of Gold" re- lates the adventures of one such column. Anthony Quinn leads the band of mercenaries, plunderers, and men of God. Michael Rennie plays the Franciscan priest who goes along as the "spiritual director" for the purpose of founding missions. When he rips open'the folds of his robe and buries a flaming torch in his chest to impress the soldiers just what deviltries former col- umns of plunderers had perpet- rated against the friendly savages, you begin to get a feeling of un- easiness. THEN A LIEUTENANT and the priest get lost together in the desert during a sand storm. A house suddenly appears in the darkness and the two men stumble toward it. Inside, they are fed and comforted Ily no less than the Holy Family. A little later, the same priest breaks a 60 day drought as rain falls at the first peal of his new' mission bell. He also wins over the chief of a hostile tribe with the gift of a pair of scissors. The lieutenant, however won't let well enough alone. Behind the back of the tireless priest, he woos the savage chief's beautiful daugh- ter. When time comes to leave the mission, he feels she wouldn't fit in so well back in Seville and she leaps over a cliff into the sea. * * * THIS MEANS WAR. The lieu- tenant, strangely, has a com- pletely inexplicable change of character. Since it is he alone the Indians want, he decides its would be the thing to do to give himself up to them, thus saving the rest of the crew. He does this, losing his heart in the process. Everybody seems to think this was the right thing for a man to do, though, and luckily the supply ship arrives just after the inci- dent and everyone is happy to hush up the affair as a graceless blunder. s GS with a thirteen-minute newsreel telling of their experiences under U l DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must- be in by 2 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1955 VOL. LXVI, NO. 34 General Notices Regents' Meeting: Fri., Nov. 18. Com- munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands by Nov. 10. Choral Union Members with good attendance records please call for courtesy pass to the Cleveland Orches- tra concert (3rd concert in the Choral Union Series) on Fri., Nov. 4-between 9:00 and 11:30 a.m., and 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. After 4:00 no tickets will be issued. change In Parking Lot Use. Effective Mon., Nov. 7, parking in the right of way leading to the Michigan Union from Thompson Street will be changed from Staff Parking to open Metered Parking. Parking will be permitted on the north side of this drive only and the meters .are arranged for parallel parking at a nickel an hour on a 24. hour basis. AU Veterans who expect education and training allowance under Public Law 550 (Korea G. I. Bill) must get instruc- tors' signatures for the months of September-October and turn Dean's Monthly Certification into the. Dean's office before 5:00 p.m. Nov. 3. ..veterans who expect to receive edu- cation and training allowance under Public Law 550 (Korea G. 1. Bill) must fill in VA Form 7-1996a, Monthly Cer- tification, in the Office of Veterans' Affairs, 555 Administration Building, between 8:30 a.m. Tues., Nov. 1 and 3:30 p.m. Mon., Nov. 7. The Following Student Sponsored Social Events are approved for the coming week-end. Social chairmen are reminded that requests for approval for social events are due in the Office of Student Affairs not later than 12:00 noon on the Tues. prior to the event. , Nov. 4: Alpha Omincr# P, Delta Theta Phi, Gilbert & Sullivan Society. Phi Delta Chi and Lambda Kappa Sig- mas. Nov. 5: Allen-Rumsey House, Alpha Chi Sigma, Chinese Students Club, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Theta Phi, Gom- berg House, Hayden House, Hinsdale House, Kappa Alpha Psi, -Kappa Sigma Phi Delta Phi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Sigma Nu, Van Tyne House, Winchell House. Nov. 6: Henderson House, Phi Delta Phi. Lectures Lecture - "Enzymatic Adaptation In Bacteria" by Dr. Jacques Monod, Micro- biologist from Pasteur Institute, Paris. Depart~ment of Bacteriology ad the Phi Sigma Society. Thurs., Nov. 3, Rackham Building, 8:00 p.m. Open to the public. Murray F. Buell, Rutgers University, University Lecture 'on "The Role of Ecology in our Expanding Population" in Aud. A, Angell Hall, Thurs., Nov. 3, at 4:15 p.m. Astronomy Department Visitors' Night (Only high school age and older admit. ted.) Fri., Nov. 4, 8:00 p.m., Room 2003 Angell Hall. Dr. Freeman D. Miller will show the color film, "The Story of Palomar." After the movie the Student Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall will be open for inspection and for telescopic observations of the Per- seus double cluster and a double star. Note: Individual children accompanied by adults will be admitted. A special children's night has been scheduled for Nov. 25. Academic Notices Graduate Record Examination: Ap- plication blanks for the Nov. 19 admin. istration ofthe Graduate Record Ex- amination are available at 110 Becham Building. This examination will be administered at the University of De- troit. Application blanks are due in Princeton, N. J. not later than Nov. 4 1955. Doctoral Candidates who expect to receive degrees in February, 1956, must have three bound copies of their dis- sertations In the office of the Grad. uate School by Friday, December 16. on the final oral examination must be filed with the Recorder of the Graduate School together with two copies of the thesis, which is ready in all respects for publication, not later than Monday, January 16. Inorganic-Analytical-Physical Chemis- try Seminar. 7:30 p.m., Room 3005. Ojars Risgin will speak on "Chemical Aspects of Shock Waves." Engineering Seminar. "Opportunities in Large Organizations." Russell Raney, director of engineering, Avco Manufac- turing Company; C. B. Robins, sales representative, Linde Air Products Co.; and J. L. Edman, chief technical en- gineer, Bendix Products Division, Ben- dix Aviation Corp., Thurs., Nov. 3, 4:00 p.m., Room 311 W. Engineering Bldg. 4 v