WALTER LIPPMANN- 'IMMOBILIZED WEST' Pr Latest Deadline in the State Daii4 CLOUDY AND COOL See Page 4 VOL. LXVI, No. 34 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1955 FOUR PA _... . SGC Adopts Better Pep Rally Plans 'Best-Organized Program Ever By BILL HANEY A pan for an elaborate pep raly before the Ohio State game was adopted last night at Student Government Council meeting. The program, which features seven University acts and the Uni- versity Marching Band and cheer- leaders, was called by Tom Bleha, "The best-organized pep rally this University has ever seen. The Council was pleased with the work done by the Central Pep Rally Committee and its chair- man, Myki Gold, '58. Miss Gold said the objective of this pep rally "is to avert diffi- culties which arose at the last pep meeting.". Rally To Start At 8:15 The rally is scheduled to start at 8:15 p.m. instead of the usual 7:30. The purpose of the later starting time is to leave less time for "unorganized folly" after the rally. For the first time at such a rally two varsity football players and a coach will be on the pro- gram. Johnnie Greene, '44, form- er, Michigan and Detroit Lion player will be the main speaker. Dick Blazhiser, '54, is the head toastmaster with Bob Trost, '58, and John Schubeck, '57, filling in between acts. University Band and cheerlead- ers will lead the students from the Union to Ferry Field where a well- lighted stage with a public ad- dress system has been constructed for the entertainment. Dance Discussion Tabled Central Pep Rally Committee al- so suggested dances be scheduled as part of the rally. Discussion was tabled until more information could be acquired about possible locations for the dances. SGC also delegated the Student Book Exchange to the Union on "a one-year trial basis." Bill Diamond, who proposed the motion said, "We feel that a small organization may not be able to handle the book exchange. Due to the size of the project it was felt that one of the six major service organizations should handle it. Four Groups Interested "IHC and Pan Hellenic were not interested. Assembly a nd t h e League were interested in co-spon- sorship and Interfraternity Coun- cil and the Union were definitely interested." The Union was chosen over IFC because "it is an all-campus pro- ject and should be given to an all- campus organization." SGC also discussed what they should do about student activities put on by individual groups which draw all-campus participation or interest. After much discussion the Coun- cil decided to have the Campus Affairs Committee review the mat- ter so the body could decide on a policy of when to take action and when not to. Mitchell Says Changing T-H Holds No Hope DENVER (')-Secretary of La- bor James P. Mitchell said yester- day he has abandoned any hope that the next congressional session will approve Administration pro- posals to change the Taft-Hartley Labor Law, But he said President Dwight D. Eisenhower again will recommend changes to the legislators. Mitchell spent 30 minutes con- ferring with President Eisenhow- er at Fitzsimons Army Hospital. He told a news conference af- terward the President will pressa once more for half a dozen items of labor legislation which the democratic - controlled Congress failed to enaot in the last session, along with the new legislative4 suggestions which can't be dis- closed now. As som~ething of an afterthought,1 Links Students To Vice 'Expose' Free Press Names Dice Den., Claims Some Bettors From 'U' By LEW HAMBURGER An "expose" under the banner headline: "Reporter Visits Gambling Den; Toledo Dice Lure Students," was released last night by the Detroit Free Press. Students concerned are Michigan students, and the place they're reputed to have visited is the Dixie Inn, 1.9 miles from the Ohio- Michigan state line, on the northwest outskirts of Toledo. No names were mentioned in the story, save an isolated reference to four of the gamblers, the chief bettor for the group referred to as "The Professor." "The Professor" says he was graduated from the University of Michigan in 1952," the story relates. "He wears no graduation ring. But he knows the names of the State SenateI Authorizes Speed Limit Bill Would Affect' South Michigan LANSING (R)-The Senate to- night passed and sent to the House a bill to impose a speed limit on~ highways in the southern two- thirds of Michigan. The vote was 30 to three, with Senators Lane, Rahoi and Swain- son, all Democrats, voting no. The bill would affect that part of Michigan lying south of Town Line 16, which corresponds to the southern border of Clare, Osceola,, Lake and Mason Counties. Bay, Huron Included To avoid dividing counties cross- ed by Town Line 16, the Senate+ specified that Bay and Huron Counties be included entirely with- in the speed limit area. The limit. specified is 65 miles an hour in the daytime and 55 miles at night. By a 26-7 vote, the Senate also} approved a bill authorizing a high- # way traffic safety center at Michi- gan State University. 'U' Proposal Defeated West Turns Down Sovie German Unity Proposal Russia Asks Ey Troop ~~ Withdrawal Present University of Detroit ten- nis team members." Michigan Licenses The first indication that any Michigan students have been in- volved follows four paragraphs of descriptive information concerning the Dixie Inn, with special notice to the cars in the parking lot- "Fourteen of the cars, mostly late models and expensive makes, bear Michigan license plates." Then the anonymous reporter makes his reference to the University, stating: "There are indications that students from the University of Michigan find their way into the dim parking lot. In- side they manage to drop their spending money, sometimes a little more." Here on campussDean of Men Walter B. Rea stated he could make no comment on the story itself without first reading and in- vestigating it. He did say that his office was not aware of any gambling in the last few years. "In fact, we thought it was one vice we didn't have," he said. Alumni Pressure The most recent incident con-: cerning gambling occurred some 15 to 20 years ago. "I can't re- call exactly how long ago it. was, but a few students got in trouble., We learned of it," he said, "and some of our alumni with influence in Toledo applied pressure and we closed the place to students." However, since that time there have been no reports of students gambling in Toledo. "We are completely uninformed of any: present practices there," he said He did cite the fact that the expense of the games made it dif- ficult for students to participate and unlikely that they would be there, save possibly a few. "Stu- dents just don't have the money for big games," he said. His reference was based on a trip to the houses when the prob- lem flared years ago. Permits Not Mentioned He cited the fact that the story made no mention of University driving permits on cars seen in the lot. This could lead to many discoveries, one possibility being that students had gone home for the weekend, taken their family's car and gone on their own. In this instance the responsi- bility would be the family's. "There are so many possibilities," Dean Rea said, "that we can't make any statement until we learn more1 facts.' "I'm sure one or two students out of 20,000 would do anything" he continued, "but it is individual, not representative." The FreenPressstory closed on an ominous note. A woman had called the sheriff, reported a loss and asked for the sheriff to arrive. 'Wait an Hour' "But you wait an hour," the story proclaimed, "and there is no sign of the Lucas County Sher- iff's Department. "Maybe it's what you'd call le- galized gambling." And the story left the reader pondering there. Heetorians Nobel Prizes Won By Three' U.S. Scientists STOCKHOLM,SwedenUP)-- Three American scientists yester- day won the 1955 Nobel prizes in, chemistry and physics. Dr Vin.t rild Viap r of . uv igeuao;Spokesmen for the University of Cornell University medical college Michigan, led by Sen. Lewis G. will receive the $36,720 chemistry Christman (R-Ann Arbor), tried award for work on two hormones unsuccessfully to scuttle the bill on that help in childbirth and keep a the grounds that Michigan State check on vital organs like the did not need legislative approval kidneys, and that the University of Michi- The physics award goes jointly gan was better equipped to operate to Dr. Willis E. Lamb of Stanford such a center. University and Dr. Polykarp Kusch It had been recommended by of Columbia University. Gov. G. Mennen Williams, the They will split $36,720 for work State Safety Commission and vari- in connection with atomic meas- ous traffic and law enforcement urements. Their work corrected an groups. error made by a Briton who previ- The Senate also approved a bill ously won the Nobel jrize. making it reckless driving to driveF The peout of a yellow line zone in passing Royal Swedish Academy of Sci- another car ence, will be presented by King Give Fee Increase Okay Gustaf Adolf here Dec. 10. The Meanwhile, the House gave pre-, awards were created by the will of liminary approval to a bill increas- Alfred Nobel, inventor of dyna- ing drivers license fees, the money mite. to be used to finance state-sup- ported high. school drivers training programs. 1l1 The bill must be given final approval in a formal House vote, approved by the Senate and signed Round Upby the Governor before it becomes law. Little opposition is expected in either House, however. PARIS UP) T' Na L nti ±nnol Ac_ .C -Daily-Hal Leeds SINGS PLEA FOR PARDON-Students rehearse from the fourth act of Verdi's "Aida" which will be included in the speech department's first laboratory playbill at 8 p.m. today. At the right is Am- neris, an Egyptian prinicess, pleading to the high priest for the absolution of Radames, an Egyptian military leader charged with treason. In addition to the final act from the opera, which will be sung in Italian, the playbill will also feature two one-act plays: Anton Chekov's "The Proposal" and Edmond Rostand's "The Romancers." Speech DepartmentTo Offer _Playbill Variety, interest and differences l in periods and styles will higlhlight in their performances so that both the first lal playbill today and audience and actors may become tomoryow. familiarized with the many phases Presentation of two one-act of the theater. plays, "The Proposal" by Anton A large cast and even distribu- Chekov and, "The Romancers" by tion of male and female parts were Edmond Rostand, and the final also criteria for choosing the act of Verdi's opera "Aida." brings works. together romance, farce and Once the plays are chosen, the drama. director, costume designer and They will be presented by the scenarist meet to decide just how speech department in cooperation each play will be presented. Three with the music school at 8 p.m. at separate groups of students, both Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. undergraduate and graduate, work Seeks Familiarity With Theater on each of the plays, giving more Bruce Nary, business manager people experience. of the speech department, said "Coordination No Problem" that the department strives to in- _;Coordination between the two lude a complete range of plays groups is no problem for they have ceipts rarely meet costs, but which serves as an excellent showcase for musical and speech students' tal- ent. The speech unit is planning one more playbill this semester and two more big productions, the next of which is "The Good Women of Setzuan" which will be presented at Lydia Mendelssohn next Wed- nesday through Saturday. "The Worlds of Tommy Albright" will follow in December. Auto Violations Of Students Dulles Stresses Free Elections in Germany GENEVA ()-The Soviet Union advanced a proposal yesterday for gradual merger of East and West Germany. The three Western foreign min- isters promptly rejected it and repeated their demand for free elections to unify Germany. Soviet Foreign Minister Vyache- slav M. Molotov also revived an old Soviet proposal for withdrawal of foreign armed forces from di- vided Germany and set a new three-month deadline for it. The West immediately turned a cold shoulder to this idea. "Only Way To Tackle Problem" The merger plan would be built around an all-German council from the two parliaments in East and West Germany. Arguing that this was the only way to tackle the unity problem, Molotov pro- posed to the Big Four foreign min- isters conference: 1. Formation of an all-German council as a "consultative body" 2. Under the council, mixed com- mittees from the two governments would deal with economic and cul- tural ties, including German cur- rency, intra-German financial transactions, customs, post and telegraph and transport. Would Agree On Arms 3. The council "shall bring about accord" on the strength, arma- ments and location of forces to defend the two republics' frontiers and territories. 4. The council "shall bring about accord" on the republics' partici- pation in European security meas- ures and "shall consider by mutual agreement" questions relating to "the bringing about of prerequi- sites for the unification of Ger- many as a peaceful and democratic state." Proposals "Unparalled Dictates" British Foreign Secretary Harold Macmillan declared, "The Soviet zone proposals are an unparalled dictate, far more drastic. than the provisions of any previous treaty. "The West wants, and all the four powers here are committed to work for, an independent, united Germany free to choose its home and foreign policies." United States Secretary of State John Foster Dulles told Molotov that "only by free elections can the wishes of the German people be ascertained." States Proposal In reviving the Soviet proposal for withdrawal of foreign forces, the Russian leader said: "As a first ste,, toward a rap- prochement between the Bonn and East Berlin governments, the So- viet Union proposes that all foreign armed forces should be removed from German territory to within their own national frontiers with the exception of certain well-con- trolled contingents." Expert Hired To Investigate Plane Crash rtiio -t e xationai As- sembly gave Premier Edgar Faure's government a vote of confidence early today on the issue of advan-j cing the date for the next parli- mentary electoins. The vote was 330-211. The government has called for a windup of the present parlia- ment on Jan. 2. This would mean elections some time next month. * * * Peron Breaks His Exile RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (P)_- Juan D. Peron broke off his exile in Paraguay Wednesday and flew to Brazil. His ultimate destination was an- been working together for a long time," Nary said. The speech de- Increase At u'1 I WASHINGTON (,)-A Congres- nounced as Nicaragua, but specu- sional committee disclosed yester- lation arose that the deposed day that about'30 new classifica- President of Argentina. might be tions have been created to keep heading for Europe. non-security government informa- Officials in Paraguay provided tion from the public. a plane for him and breathed a The classifications include such sigh of relief. Insisting on anony- designations as "need to know" mity, they said his departure re- and "medical-private." lieved them of many worries. But }Adlai's Plans Expected Soon CHICAGO 0P) - An aide said yesterday "no decision has yet been made" on Adlai Stevenson's an- nouncement of his 1956 politfcal plans. partment handles the business re- lations, scenery and costumes and the music school supplies the orch- estra and chorus. Rehearsals started three weeks' ago and the cast moved into the theater for dress rehearsals last Sunday. The lab playbill is a non-profit organization whose admission re- Oc drivir a 100 year'. Acc 'Men viola regula mont total i * * * WASHINGTON (j')-Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis) said yester- day he has "succeeded in uncov- ering facts, which, if true, estab- lish the existence of a currently functioning Communist cell" in the National Labor Relations Board. "My information incriminates a large number of individuals who at this very moment hold top level jobs in this government agency." McCarthy said in a letter to Chair- man John L. McClellan (D-Ark) of the Senate Investigations sub- committee. they insistedI it was Peron's own idea. The Paraguayan army DC4 halt- ed in Rio de Janeiro three hours, landing in a military section of the airport closed to the public, and then headed northward. An air force captain quoted Peron as saying he was going to Nicaragua, as had been announced in Paraguay-but it wasn't clear why he was traveling around Bra- zil's hump when he could go to Nicaragua on a more direct route via Lima, Peru. Indeed, Lima had been announced in Paraguay as his immediate goal. Investigators Still Surveying I n A A 1 9 in1e of si Ann Arbor's "Blighted Areas'catio parki Ann Arbor's so-called "blighted areas" are still undergoing per- strict iodic surveillance by regional and national federal government in- Vic vestigators. have Early last May National Hone and Housing Finance representa- were tive James W. Follin toured the city with Mayor Willian E. Brown, TheY Jr., and other city officials. At that time he announced there were "viola funds available through his department to finance planning costs in Mo rehabilitation.. first- Since that time authorities from Chicago, the regional head- Howe quarters, and Washington have been in Ann Arbor surveying the sit- in a also uation. as th The study is still going on, and Mayor Brown said he did not Arbor *know when it would terminate. Alt He expressed hope that rehabil- Unive itation on some scale would behave rarivi~irieot but refusead to com- tober tabulations of student ing violations show more than 0 per cent increase over last is figures. cording to Assistant Dean of Karl D. Streiff, 85 cases of tions of Universitydriving lations were reported last h:. October, 1954, violations ed 35. sciplinary action has resulted ly from "the blase attitude" tudents about proper appli- n of their permit decals and ing in the University's re- ed lots. olations of decal instructions totalled 25, while 40 students reported for illegal parking. remaining 20 cases involved ations of a regular nature." st of these violations carry a offense fine of five dollars. ver, in the case of parking restricted lot the student is subject to a one-dollar fine ze result of ticketing by Ann r police. ;hough enforcement of the e arsity'sdriving regulations increased considerably this Qfiaf aiR 7n ranaral w Call Fifteen When Zeus climbed high on golden dawn and smiled on fates of Priam's JAPANESE VISITOR: Formosan Qestion Th (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third As a shooting war in the For- and last in a seriesof articles based mosan 'Strait could easily lead to on interviews with Japanese Socialist the outbreak of World War III, Party leader Seiichi Katsumata.) every precaution should be taken By DICK HALLORAN to eliminate this possibility. When asked what action the "The most acute of all ist United Nations should take in the Formosan question." area, the Socialist leader would This was prominent Japanese say only that the Japanese Social- Socialist Seiichi KatsUmata's open- ist Party had "pledged full support ing remark in a discussion of cur- to the UN and to the spirit 'of the rent international affairs in the UN as outlined in its charter." ctliu u, ulc auw"vi-iyear, 5Lrieff said, -in general we e ment on whether he felt such re- have had excellent cooperation ALONGMONTColo. e -United oug htevelopment was a certainty, from students, and the new de- Air Lines yesterday engaged an colshav sered heirpuroseexplosives expert to investigate the Several Sources For Funds ! cals have served Itheir purpose crash of a New York-to-Seattle Trade with China is an economic Funds for the project, if and i very well in making enforcement DC6B near here Tuesday night necessity for Japan, he continued, when it comes into being, would more efficient." with the loss of 44 lives. if she is to develop aself-support- come from several sources under a -UAL President W. A. Patterson ing economy. He expounded his coefoIeea sucsL1~ firm beliefin free trade fra complex maze of loans, grants and: Csaid in a statement released at the nations based on due respect for possibly taxes. Mayor Brown said airline offices in Chicago "all evi- nations bsedeindy s t rthe largest source of funds would I dence now strongly indicates this national sovereignty, be the federal government, but the . accident resulted from an explo- Solution Ipvolves "Patience" city would have to put forth some Mighty Vulcan, holding court in sion in the air." Katsumata's succinct remark on money. his forge Mt. Aetna, sat embit- This action came as governmnent what he considers the key to solu- In addition, the federal grants tered at man's misuse of his be- investigators sought to determine tion of the knotty problem of are paid back, under another com- loved fire. whether remedial action" should Japanese-Korean relations was plex system. Then now come to his faithful be taken immediately in this area "patience." ' The area under observation is ' followers, saying,"Mighty Vulcan as a result of the disaster. It was With regard to the current Phil- bounded by Main, Ann Det'oit hear sandihty d the second near Denver in less than ippine-Japanese, discussionsiton;thearthese candidates for admis- four weeks and the fourth UAL ppme-Japanese discussions on the I and Depot Streets. Despite the sion to our Sacred Order." These, question of war reparations. Kat-r - . .. ... . .. . , . . . -- , - - crash on the same route in ten in response to a question, the sec- land. retary included Taft-Hartley am- He blessed pursuit endments in the legislative pro- at noble Hector's hand. gram for labor. With Congress in The call went forth its present mood, he said, he sees for each to take his stand. no possibility that it would put Then all the best of Troy were through such amendments. hvh+ if 1 :A i , I . Orient. Visiting the United States on behalf of the Socialist Party of .TJanan.the Socialist floore adrr Calls For Recognition I Katsumata observed that policy nf theS nialist Partvca lls for