I I I Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1955 NIGHT EDITOR: MARY ANN THOMAS Speed Laws Effective-Partly "SLOW down and live longer" the signs read. ably realizes it is the most radical measure he Drop the speed limit, and reduce fatality could put through the legislature. rate on roads. This appears to be generally accepted by THE most advanced solution to the problem traffic and state officials, and most citizens as of highway safety is being worked out in well. Under this prescription Governor G. Pennsylvania, where the Turnpike stretches Mennen Williams, and state legislators have from one end of the state to the other. put the right foot forward by asking for a 55- Here flashing red signs indicate the speed mile-per-hour limit at night, and 65 mph for limit for the present driving conditions. They daytime driving. change, as the weather changes. The driver In the eyes of the nation's safety laws, the must be alert, but the chances of accident, if move is a normal one for legislatures to take, the law is enforced, are greatly reduced. and is a sound one. It is obvious that the fatality rate on Michi- The human element of judgment of condi- ga rsovioads uwastfa oteofa orton w ih hat tions has been removed to a great extent. gan roads was far out of proportion with that Although, in comparison, Gov. Williams' of other states of equal size. It is also obvious measure is only part of the solution, it should that this measure, the "blanket" limit, is an prove effective in reducing the unprecedented answer to the safety problem. high traffic toll in the state. The question remains as to whether it is the best answer, although Governor Williams prob- -LEW HAMBURGER Iowa Asks:.'No Queens?'. "Wise Gzysr' To The Editor A UNIVERSITY alumnus presently at the State University of Iowa sent The Daily the following editorial from the Daily Iowan: "Thek University of Michigan will have no Homecoming Queen at its Homecoming foot- ball game with the Iowa Hawkeyes Saturday. Michigan never has a Homecoming queen. It never has a beauty queen. "The custom just never reached Ann Arbor, explains a news story elsewhere on this page. "We sympathize with University of Michigan students. Ann Arbor must be quite an isolated spot. "We at SUI have a Dolphin queen who reigns over' Homecoming and several beauty queens each year-bless their peaches and cream com- plexions and their silken hair, long or short, blonde, brunette or red. "Our queen selections are high spots of the social year. "SUI alumni can look at a dazzling display of feminine beauty in the queen section of their Hawkeye yearbook and remember some- thing about the "good old days" which were mighty good. "We regret one thing. There aren't nearly enough titles to go around to our hundreds of coed queens. But maybe Michigan just doesn't have queen material." W ELL, sirs, men don't go raiding women's dorms if there isn't some good material around. But we don't give ourselves much claim for that. No, we'd rather show off some of our pro- fessors and students, whatever their complex- ions may be, silken hair, or no hair at all.1 And U of M alumni can look at a dazzling dis- play of education in progress, which was part of our alumni's "good old days" and was also mighty good. If you're having trouble finding new titles for your queens, we can only sympathize, but are sure that if you sit around thinking about it long enough, some new idea will crop up. And as for not having a queen to brighten our Homecoming game, well, we prefer to let the football team do that. They didn't do a bad job of it, either. -M.F. £ f~ SSVW w .MMv Pur a WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND:tC ore on CensoRshpE in D. C. -DY DREW PEARSON Not a Big Problem, But- WITH THE increased number of pedestrians and bicyclists presently on campus, a day rarely passes without a minor collision between a walker and a rider, particularly on the Diagonal. Nobody gets hurt In these slight accidents, no great damage is done, not even much time is lost-but they become rather annoying to the walker when he gets clipped day after day. The leisurely stroll across the campus is no longer possible. The pedestrian has to be constantly on the alert to avoid stepping into the path of a bike quietly coming from the rear. To the front, more peril comes from the cyclist weaving in and out in an effort to bypass the students streaming to and from INTERPRETING THE NEWS: class. The walker never quite knows which way to go to get out of the way. This being a situation affecting a major portion of the University community, the Stu- dent Government Council might concern itself with solving the problem. By prohibiting bicycle riding within the central campus and desig- nating parking sites on the outer edges of the block, congestion in this area would be relieved. Elsewhere on campus, the cyclist should be required to operate his vehicle in the street and leave the sidewalk to the pedestrian for whom it was intended. This isn't a big problem, admittedly, but with twenty thousand plus of us crowded into this small community, even small improvements go a long way in making life more pleasant. --DICK HALLORAN - I HERE are further examples of how difficult it is for the press or the public to get the truth out of Washington these days. Despite President Eisenhower's statement that the American peo- ple were to get every scrap of in- formation about government which did not endanger the nation's safe- ty, the Pentagon has become more secretive--if not deceptive-than ever. When the Defense Department issued a list of defense contracts, it deliberately omitted General Motors contracts. Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson, of course, is former head of General Motors, and contracts to his com- pany have leaped ahead since he came to the Pentagon. The Sen- ate Preparedness Committee fin- ally caught the omission of Gen- eral Motors' name. * * * - ON TOP of this, the Pentagon has again locked the stable door after the horse was stolen by restricting a list of American ov- erseas bases, even though the list had already been widely circulat- ed. The Communists already know where these bases are. And the list was previously given to news- men without any restrictions. But the other day, Karl Honoman, De- puty Assistant Secretary of De- fense for Public Relations, called in the list and stamped it classi- fied. As a result, newsmen who got the list before it was stamped can keep on publishing it, while those who got it after being stamp- ed, can't. LIKE TAKING candy from a baby, 15 big chocolate manufac- turers have been taking butter from Secretary Benson's Commod- ity Credit Corporation - at the fantastic bargain price of-25 cents a pound. What this amounts to is a Bran- nan Plan for candy manufactur- ers. Though Eisenhower called the Brannan Plan "moral bank- ruptcy" during his election cam- paign, his Administration has now adopted the Brannan Plan for wool-sometimes called the Bran- nan Plan in sheep's clothing. What the Brannan Plan amounts to is letting the price of farm pro- ducts fall to their natural level, giving the housewife the benefit of this decrease, then paying the farmer a subsidy to make up for his loss. In the Brannan Plan for chocolate, the only difference is that the candy manufacturers get the benefit, not the candy- consuming public. ALREADY 3,390,750 pounds of salted creamery butter have mov- ed out of Commodity Credit ware- houses under this program. Cost to taxpayers is over $1,000,000. This is because Commodity Credit has been paying 58.25 cents a pound for butter,'now being sold for 25 cents. This candy giveaway has no re- lation to CC's famous cheese and butter "sell-back" of last year. That one involved profits over $2,000,000 earned by cheese deal- ers, and $279,949 earned by but- ter dealers. They sold the com- modities to Uncle Sam before the price support level fell from 90 to 75 per cent. of parity, then bought them back at a cheaper price a month later. The cheese and butter never left the dealers' warehouses. 4" The candy concession involves ordinary sales of butter, but at a giveaway price. It was formu- lated after the candy-makers vis- ited the Agriculture Department to complain that imported cocoa butter, important in chocolate making, was too high. Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, Inc. Reds in 'Show Biz' ... To the Editor: IN a recent issue of The Daily Mr. Pete 'folk singer' Seeger was quoted as deploring the Aug- ust hearings on Communist infil- tration into the entertainment bus- iriess. Seeger's opposition to the hearings is no doubt sincere, his motives, however, are open to ques- tion. I happened to be in New York during the hearings and took the opportunity to view them at first hand. It was a sickening but highly educational experience. Nearly all of the witnesses took refuge in the Constitutional pro- tections which Communism is pledged to destroy. Many of the witnesses m a d e rabblerousing speeches filled with patriotic slo- gans and epithets like "witch hunting," "McCarthyism," and so on ad nauseaum. Arrogance and insolence filled much of the testi- mony. Whenever a witness reviled a committee member the carefully planted pro - Communist claque would guffaw or cheer wildly. Not all of the witnesses were sullen and hostile. Mr. Pete Seeger, for example, was deliberately playful and continually responded to ques- tions about his front activity with an offer to play his banjo. The claque howled in glee and the hear- ings were in danger of becoming a joke. Probably the only thing which foiled this Communist strategy was the unexpected appearance at the hearings of Mr. Bernard Baruch. To the consternation of the 'Worker' Mr. Baruch publicly praised both the aims and the procedures of the committee. He rightly observed that Communist use of entertainment media con- stitutes a serious threat to the nation. The damage done by one entertainer alone, Paul Robeson, confirms that opinion. As might be expected, the 'Worker' describ- ed the eminent elder statesman as a senile. fool who spends most of his time fiddling with a hearing aid or picking his nose. Fortun- ately it takes more than this kind of vitriol to silence a man with the guts of a Barney Baruch. From beginning to end the hear- ings and the Communist counter- attack provided a fascinating in- sight into this particular aspect of the- cold war. Mr. Seeger's be- havior left little doubt as to where his sympathies lie. He has very little to. be proud 'of. -Paul H. Johnson, Grad. Suggestion .* * To the Editor: AY I suggest that The Daily would be performing a real service to the married students on the campus if it would investigate the married students' housing on North Campus. There is a rumor to the effect that of the 100 units now completed, 50 units are oc- cupied by Internal Revenue Ser- vice men here for training in Bus. Ad. School. These men are living two or three to a unit and are not accompanied by their wives. Students newly \married and without a full-time job find it far more difficult to afford the prices demanded by most Ann Arbor landlords than men who have full time jobs already, who are here for only a short time and who I suspect get some kind of per-diem living allowance from the govern- ment. Didthe University have to bribe the government with these quart- ers to obtain a contract to teach them? How many times I've been told it's a privilege to go to school here. Also, Michigan men are sup- posed to have priority in these quarters. Are all these men from Michigan? --G. S. Ferguson, '57 'Heed the Call'..- To the Editor: S A newcomer to the Michigan campus, I have been much impressed with the "Letters to the by Dick Bibler LL/yyj ~ ~'j'~t E ? Editors" column of The Daily, es- pecially as a sounding board for points of vital signifigance. However, it has come to my at- tention that something must be done. This condition has not gone unnoticed by many members of student body, faculty, and staff. This condition, if left unattended, will gravely undermine the morale of everybody, and perhaps lead to moral dissension, culminating in violent rioting reminiscent of the worst excess of the French Revolu- tion. Let us, therefore, strike now while the iron is hot, and not cross the bridge when we come to It. Gentlemen, the situation has thrust itself upon us in all its ugly ominence. Heed the call to arms before we are plunged into a sea of destruction. Let us cover this Achilles' heel with the durable leather of moral rearmament. -Emmett D. Graybill, Jr., '58L DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1955 VOL. LXVII, NO. 31 General Notices Meeting of the University Staff; General staff meeting at 4:15 p.m., Mon., Oct. 31,in Rackham Lecture Hall. President Hatcher and the Vice- Presidents will discuss the state of the University. All members of the Uni- versity staff, academic and non-aca- demic, are invited. Science Research Club. Pckhan Amphitheatre at 7:30 p.m. Tues., Nov. 1. "Effect of Radiation on Chemical Reactions," Joseph J. Martin-Chemical & Metallurgical Engineering; "Diagnos- ing Malfunction of the Salivary Glands," Irving M. Blatt, Otolaryngol- ogy. Election of new members. Dues for 1955-56 accepted after 7:10 p.m. Exhibitions, Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall: 20th Century Painting and Sculpture from the Winston Collection. Oct. 30 through Nov. 27, 1955. Major Work in Minor Scale. Nov. 1 through Nov. 22, 1955. Hours: 9-5 week- days, 2-5 Sundays. The public is in- vited. Medieval Society meeting has been changed to Thurs., Nov. 3, at 7:45 p.m. in the Michigan Room, League. Prof. Palmer A. Throop will give an informal talk on "Courtly Love." Mem- bers and graduate students invited. Lectures Special Lecture: Prof. H. . Hartley, of Iowa State College, will speak on "Two-way Stratification" Wed., Nov. 2, at 4:00 p.m., in Room 3011 A.H. Concerts Organ Recital by Robert Noehren, University Organist, 4:15 p.m. today, concluding the first group of four re- citals of music for the organ by Johann Sebastian Bach. Open to the general public without charge. Stanley Quartet Concert, first program Tues., Nov. 1, 8:30 p.m., Rackham Lec- ture Hall. Academic Notices Mathematics Colloquium: Tues., Nov. 1, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 3011 A.H. Prof. J. G. Wendel will speak on "Ab- stract Application of Measure Con- volutions." Tea and coffee will be served at 3:45 in 3212 A.H. Doctoral Examination for Warren Orice Yates, Linguistics; thesis: "A Descriptive Study of the Structura Features Indicating 'Plurality' in the German Noun as Exemplified in Thomas Mann's Novel Der Zauberberg," Mon., Oct. 31, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 7:30 p.m. Chairman, Hans Kurath. Events Today Free films, Museums Bldg., 4th floor exhibit hall. "The Middle East and Pakistan." Oct. 25-31. Daily at 3:00 and 4:00 p.m., including Sat. and Sun., with extra showing Wed, at 12:30. Placement Notices NOTICE: This is to remind students that Tues- day, Nov. 1, is the last day that regis- tration blanks may be taken out from the Bureau of Appointments. No blanks will be given out in November after that date. Students who have blanks out are reminded that these blanks are due back in this office fifteen days from the date they were taken. For blanks and for registration infor- mation contact the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371, during the hours 9-12 or 2-4. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: Representatives from the following will be at the Engrg. School: Thurs., Nov. 3i, Beech Aircraft Corp., Wichita, Kan.- B.S. & M.S. in Aero., Mech. & Elect. for Design, Stress Analysis, Aerodynam- ics & Test. Landis Tool Co., Waynesboro, Penn.- all levels of Mech. .h foes le.ign & Sales%.n II f r Some Boyhood.Reminiscence TV REVIEW AND PREVIEW: More Allen Now; Advertising, Too By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst A TEXAS boy recently wrote the Roanoke, Va., police department about some un- claimed bicycles. There wasn't any chance for bicycles in his family, he said, and here he was, 9 years old, with a brother 12, and a sister, 13, and a baby, 3. The response was thriee new bicycles and a tricycle. How would you like to be 9 years old, and waiting for your first bicycle? After Jerry Wayne heard what was coming, his mother said, he would wake up at night anct inquire if he was still only dreaming. WHEN I began to dream about a bicycle, my family was much better off than Jerry Wayne's. But my father was building a new place to replace the huge old house he had rented for his school, and everything except eating money went into that. I got badly needed clothing for birthdays and Christmas, and books. My mother saw that we were never short of books. I don't ever recall having a "store" toy, although a vast amount. of family do-it-yourself ingenuity went into our entertainment. Editorial Staff Dave Baad .. ............. Managing Editor Jim Dygert...........................C ity Editor Murry Frymer .............Editorial Director Debra Durchslag ........... Magazine Editor David Kaplan....................... Feature Editor Jane Howard ......................... Associate Editor We had a good time, the kids that gathered 'round, and mostly didn't miss what we didn't have. But I sure did want a bicycle. MADE a little chance selling the surplus from the family garden, and milk from the cow or two or three we always kept. I argued I could increase the business if I could extend my route with a bicycle. Nothing doing. The family's general welfare came first. Then I got a break, after perhaps two years of yearning. An older boarding student at the new school had left a well-worn bicycle at a former boarding place. He would sell cheap. But he still wanted more than I could dream of. I made a deal with my father abot my future share of garden and cow products, and went for the wheel. Its tires were shiny, flat and rotten. Some- how I managed new ones. Its handlebars were high and old-fashioned, like the Euro- peans used. Its pedals were of serrated metal, so that a man's booted foot would not slip, but were almost non-negotiable for a bare- foot boy. Rventually I got rubber. IT HAD a coaster brake, but not a very good one, and the gear ratio was too low to keep up, except by the excess energy which I ap- plied, with the newer wheels of my friends. But that day I became a centaur. The lickings I had had and would get again, the burrs on which I stepped, the cow that flicked her wet tail in my face when I tried to milk her, the learning which my schoolteacher parents and aunts tried to force upon me- nothing made any difference. The sun cast a golden glow upon all of life. THIS morning various sections +of the country changed from Daylight Savings Time to Stand- ard Time. Although Ann Arbor has been on Standard Time all through the summer, nevertheless our tele- vewing habits will *be altered by the changes in New .York, Chi- cago, Los Angeles, etc. From now on all network television shows will be seen an hour later. The only major program change due to the time change is the lengthening of Steve Allen's "To- night." Now, instead of seeing ten minutes of entertainment and twenty minutes of commercials, we can see thirty minutes of en- tertainment and a full hour of commercials. * * * THE UNIVERSITY of Minnesota fans certainly should be indebted to Jack Drees and Francis Wallace for their description of the Michi- gan-Minnesota game on CBS Tele- vision last Saturday. You would expect some partial- ity from an announcer who is reporting a professional athletic event where he is being paid in part by the professional team. You might even allow a little partiality when a college event is being re- ported on a local college campus. But last Saturday's game was tele- cast to Chicago, Detroit and other Midwestern cities which are not predominantly Minnesota-consci- ous. Yet Drees and Wallace acted as if they owed their success to same format as our "Hit Parade" but is an improvement on the original American version. They invite a few recording stars who have top records to appear on the show each week, thus giving the viewers not only the top songs but performances by the same singers who made them hits. Because of other commitments it would not be possible to get all of the performers who have the top records to appear on any one show every week. But Canada has at least made an attempt to pre- sent the top tunes as they should be sung. The American viewers, it seems, are contented to hear Dorothy Collins sing "Rock Around The Clock," Snooky Lanson sing "Sev- enteen" and the Hit Paraders dance to "Love is a Many Splen- dored Thing," for the ratings in- dicate that "Parade" is one of the most watched shows. * * * TV TROUBLES: Add Phil Sil- vers to the list of people who are not satisfied with their filmed shows. Silvers, after screening the first few films of his new show "You'll Never Get Rich," thought the laughter on the soundtrack sounded dubbed-in and was too loud in certain parts. He later learned that in order to cut out come audience response he also has to cut out some of the lines of the script. So he has de- cided to let the first few films remain uncut, but will make sure there will be a great array of stars divided up between "The Ed Sulli- van Show" (8 p.m.-CBS) and the "Variety Hour" (8 p.m.-NBC). Sullivan presents Eddie Fisher, Orson Bean, Marion Marlowe, Dick Shawn and David Whitfield. At the same time the "Variety Hour" will present Merle Oberon, Bob Cummings, Spike Jones, Jack Webb, Ben Alexander, Maria Al- berghetti and Billy Daniels. There will be a lot of dial flip-j ping tonight. -Larry Einhorn LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS .1 on 0 ...a- ~Th~r I Iillll11i111H I I 1 1 ( 1 1 11111 1 1