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October 30, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-10-30

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(See Page 4)


Latest Deadline in the State

Iai*t t






Ask Egypt, Israel
To Halt Attacks
UN Warns of 'Grave Consequences'
In. Offensive Action in Middle East
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (A- The United Nations called on
Egypt and Israel yesterday to halt reprisal raids and warned that
grave moral responsibility would rest on the country that takes of-
fensive action in the frontier hostilities.
UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold joined Maj. Gen. L. M.
Burns, Canadian supervisor of the UN truce setup in Palestine, in a
strong appeal to both countries to avoid - action "which may result
in the gravest consequences."
The action came after new flareups in the El Auja-area and at
the end of a series of urgent diplomatic conferences here. They were
climaxed by a meeting here yesterday that included British and
United States representatives.
Consulted Governments
In a statement Hammarskjold said' he and Burns had consultedj
with the "interested governments" on measures that would prevent

Benson Gets
IKe Support
on Program.
DENVER (P)-President Dwight
D. Eisenhower gave embattled Sec.
retary of Agriculture Ezra T. Ben-
son's flexible support program his
100 per cent backing yesterday and
made it clear Benson is remaining
in the Cabinet.
With President Eisenhower's ap-
proval Benson outlined this pro-
gram to help solve the admittedly
poor plight of the farmers in re-
lation to current prices:.
1. A stepped-up program of sur-
plus disposal and expansion of ex-
2. A vigorous purchasing pro-
gram to remove market gluts
where ever they occur andkassist
farmers adjusting to market de-
3. An enlarged program of soil
conservation and incentive pay-
ments to divert crop lands into
grass, trees and forage.
4. Expand our rural develop-
ment program for our low income
farm families.
5. A stepped-up program of re-
search emphasizing lower costs
and expansion of markets.
6. Actively pushing forward the
Great Plains program in cooper-
ation with the ten states involved
as part of a better use of the land
and a better balancing 'of pro-
Get Chance
On Halowe'en
"Death," said the hollow-eyed
young man, "gets the horselaugh
A cold wind flayed the clean
brick angles of South Quad, and
the hollow-eyed youth and his
friendrshuddered slightlyat its
whisper. The second youth put
the finishing touches on the left
eye of a mammoth jack-o'-lantern
and wiped the blade on his trous-
"You mean Hallowe'en?" he
"Yes," answered the first. "It's
completely out of character, but
every year they do it. Skulls and
ghost-type things. Little kids run-
ning around, laughing ghoulishly.
I don't know. It bothers me."
"You're nuts," said the carver,
jabbing his knife in to the orange
flesh of the pumpkin. The hollow-
eyed young man winced.
"You don't have to be so vicious
about i," he said. "Anyway, what
I mean is, why do they avoid it all
the rest of the year, and then on
Hallowe'en make a show of it?"
The Carver pried with his knife,
and a vegetable-orb popped out of
t h fl'lmni,3 1c. tPvp--fif rfl'TU-n. fo

deterioration of the situation, es-'
pecially in the El Auja area. How-
ever, no Security Council meeting
was planned.
Sir Pierson Dixon, British chief
delegate, and James Barco, United
States minister-counsellor, took
part in the final talks at which
the appeal was outlined. The
United States and Britain, along
with France, have a special man-
date under UN agreements to safe-
guard the security of the Arab-
Israel area in the Middle East.
The French were consulted ear-
lier in the week. So were Israel,
Egypt and officials of the eight-
nation Arab League.
Exchanged Charges
Sunday's high - level meeting
came after Israel and Egypt had
exchanged charges of new truce
violations in the El Auja demili-
tarized zone m'in the Israeli-Egyp-
tion frontier and an Egyptian
spokesman in Cairo announced,
"We are ready for any eventual-
ity." adding that it was up to the
UN to ease the tension in the zone.
In Jerusalem, an Israeli Foreign
Office spokesman said that Israel
had again asked the UN truce
officials to take immediate act-
ion. The spokesman charged, that
the Egyptians were spreading their
"deliberate and unprovoked exten-
sion of hostilities" to the Gaza
area. Gaza has been quiet for some
At Gaza, however, a UN spokes-
man said he found no evidence
that an Egyptian force had ad-
vanced, as the Israelis charged,
into the Nirim area east of the
Gaza frontier.
British Protest
In Geneva, meanwhile, British
Foreign Secretary Harold Mac-
millan protested informally, to
Russian Foreign Minister Vyaches-
lav M. Molotov yesterday Soviet
bloc arms sales in the Middle
East tinderbox.
The British statesman's com-
plaint was directed specifically at
t h e d e a 1 between communist
Czechoslovaki and Egypt under
which undisclosed numbers of MIG
fighters, submarines, tanks and
heavy arms are being supplied.

Soviet Pact
Is Rej*ected;
Molotov Under
Heavy Criticism
GENEVA WA)- The Western
Powers yesterday rejected Rus-
sia's anti-NATO pact for "collec-'
tive European security" as a peril
to the West.
Soviet Foreign Minister Vyache-
slav M. Molotov came under heavy
criticism at the Big Four foreign
ministers conference on the charge
his proposals would "deceive the
hopes of the world."
United States Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles told the Rus-
sian diplomat to push through
a security pact while delaying any
effort to achieve ,erman reuni-
fication violated the directives the
summit conference laid down three
months ago.
Pinay Protests Pact
Foreign Minister Antoine Pinay
of France protested that Molotov's
security pact continues to be aim-
ed at the disolution of NATO, the
Atlantic defense alliance.
Despite seven and one - half
hours of debate in three sessions
since Thursday, Russia and the
West have made no dent in Eur-
ope's status quo: Russia will not
roll back from the Elbe line-the
cold war front in mid-Germany for
10 years.
The West will not bargain on
the dismantling of the Atlantic
Alliance, in which more than 400,-
000 United States troops and air-1
men are committed overseas.
Will Not Risk Election
Russia will not risk a unifying
German election that could put
anti-Communists in control of that
powerful nation of 70 million.
The West will make no deal for
German reunification that would
concede in advance the military
neutralization of -all Germany.
Wants .Return
To High Parity~
DULUTH, Minn. (A)-Adlai Ste-
venson said yesterday the United
States "must return to 90 per cent
supports" for farm commodities to
boost agricultural income.
He declared that "restoring 90
per cent price supports to meet
the present emergency is not to
say they are a solution, but only
that it is a better program than
sliding supports that slide only one
"While firm price supports keep
income up, they don't keep sur-
pluses down, and we Democrats
must press on, with Republican
help, to develop the much broader
national farm program which is
required to restore full parity of
total farm income," Stevenson

Passing Humbles
Hawkeyes, 33-21
Maentz, Kramer, Maddock Branoff
Star Before Homecoming Crowd
Daily Sports Editor
Unleashing one of the greatest rallies in Big Ten history, mighty
Michigan yesterday smashed Iowa, 33-21, and established itself
beyond a doubt as the finest football team in the nation.
Striking through the air with the most devastating pass barrage
seen in recent years, the fired-up Wolverines churned a homecoming
crowd of over 72,000 into frenzy and chalked up their sixth straight
victory of the season to remain unbeaten and still on top of the
Big Ten conference.
Tops in Thrills
It was perhaps the most thrilling game eyer to be played in the
Michigan Stadium. The Wolverines opened up for 33 points in the
second half to catch and pass an Iowa team that had at one time
led, 14-0.
Poised, magnificently cool Jimmy Maddock fired spectacular
passes of 65 and 60 yards, and Tony Branoff raced 30 yards in the'
closing seconds to tumble the

-Daily-John Torncho
Wolverine Fireworks Enliven Fans

Daily city Editor
It was certainly cold and damp,
and dreary in that first half, but
the Wolverines warmed things up
with fireworks in the second.
Michigan's second-half display
of gridiron aerial artistry that
overcame a two-touchdown deficit
electrified not only the 72,096fans
in the rain-soaked stadium but
also more than 60,000,000 television
viewers across the nation.
Urged to Run'
CHICAGO (P)-Harry S. Tru-
man and Adlai Stevenson con-
ferred here yesterday and the for-
mer President said afterward he
had "advised" Stevenson to an-
nounce his candidacy for the presi-
dential nomination.
Stevenson ,the 1952 Democratic
nominee, brushed aside newsmen's
questions regarding his political
intentions in 1956.
He left Truman's hotel suite af-
ter a short visit, telling reporters
he had dropped in "to pay my re-
spects." He added they had a
"pleasant chat" during which poli-:
tics had entered the conversation
"once or twice."
Stevenson and Truman posed'
for photographers before Stevenson
left for Duluth, Minn., to address
a party rally.
After telling newsmen he had
advised Stevenson to declare him-
self a candidate for the presidency,
Truman said:
"If he is the nominee of the
convention this coming summer,
I . would support him. I didn't
promise to support him before the


It was the TV "Game of the 'got consolations that the nation
Veek." "It was the greatest game had seen the Marching Band put
seen," agreed several fans on another great show before the
ye eversTV color cameras.
exhausted elation afterwards. They forgot everything except
"They didn't deserve their rat- that Michigan hadn't been beatenj
ig before, but they do now," I yet. There was slapping of backs,
meone exclaimed, waving of arms, and yelling of
First-Half Despair voices to the utmost as the game
The alumni who poured into unfolded into the most thrilling
nn Arbor to see their alma mater comeback in years.
in it's sixth straight game, even This was the story of the day.
ringing with them their own band Nothing else happened of impor-
nd Louis Elbel to conduct the tance. If something did, no one

Mvarcing "ana n nrb compus o u,
"The Victors," were shivering in
the stiff, cold wind while watching
hopelessly as the Hawkeyes were
making fun of the homecoming
Iowa was ahead by two touch-
downs when the Marching Band
followed the Hawkeyes' marching

Adeiauer Is
Out Until '56

band onto the field at halftime. BONN, Germany ()-West Ger-
And they hadn't missed the extra many will be without the leader--
point, like they did last year and ship of ailing Chancellor Konrad
the year before that. Adenauer until early next year.
One student was already trying Government leaders plan to set
to sell his ticket for next week's up a special inner Cabinet to
worry against Illinois. handle his responsibilities during
Noise Tells Story the months he is convalescing
Then the second half came, and from bronchial pneumonia.
disgusted students back on the The 79-year-old Chancellor has
main campus heard the stadium been ill for more than three weeks.
erupt twice in a bedlam and knew His doctors predict he will make
Michigan had scored. a complete recovery but hint at
The west side of the stadium a long convalescence.
was back in the game. They for- Yesterday Chancellor Adenauer's
Christian Democratic party post-
poned its annual convention --
01 originally scheduled for November
WASHINGTON (A--There's -until "early next year." The
aewaugToimp)-tncereispostponement was requested by
a new gauge of importance in Adenauer so he could take part.
Washington since President The well-informed newspaper
Dwight D. Eisenhower became Frankfurter Allgemeine said the
ill and officials have been go- possibility of Adenauer running
ing to Colorado to see him. for a third term in 1957 was di-
It was illustrated by .the of- minishing.
ficial's wife who dropped her This revived speculation in
head and commented: "My hUS political circles over his successor.
hand's not important enough to I Several newspapers criticized what
be invited to Denver. they call his failure to train a

Hawkeyes into defeat and keep
intact the Wolverines' perfect
It was the vaunted All-Ameri-
can candidate Ron Kramer who
set up the storybook finish by
grabbing a Maddock pass, with
only eight minutes left, for a
touchdown, and then converted to
pull Michigan to within one point
of the Hawkeyes. The play cov-
ered 65 yards.
Maentz Gains Lead
Then, as if in a script, Michigan
proved to the millions of TV fans
who watched throughout the na-
tion yesterday that it was un-
doubtedly of championship calibre.
Only three minutes and 24 seconds
remained on the big blue clock,
when Tom Maentz sprinted down
the field, broke into the clear and
grabbed Maddock's pinpoint, last
ditch pass for a 60 yard touch-
down play.
Minutes later Branoff raced into
the end zone for the final tally,
and Michigan had scored 20 points'
in the final nine minutes to justi-
fy its claim as odds on favorites
to snare the Big Ten title.
The dead-game Iowans had
played solid, hard-hitting football
for 50 minutes, scoring two quick
ones in the first half, and then
countering a desperate Michigan
third quarter rally by tallying their
third touchdown, and apparently
dashing Michigan hopes.
Evashevski Disappointed
Forest Evashevski had pointed
his team for this game such as
few teams had ever been pointed
before. It was to no - avail as
the Wolverines roared from be-
hind to smash his hopes into
Iowa started out like it did in
the two seasons past by rushing to
a two touchdown lead. Only this
time they made both extra points,
and the huge homecoming crowd
was plunged into despair.
Using straight power football,
the Hawks moved in for the kill
as soon as they touched the ball.
Cutting the Big Blue line for 62
yards in 13 successive ground
See MICHIGAN'S, Page 7

Odd Camera
Sp ins, Takes
Field Photo
Daily city Editor
If you were at the game yester-
day a few minutes, before it began,
you probably saw a man walk out
to the middle of the fifty-yard
line and raise a camera above his
He stood there for a few seconds
while nothing happened. Suddeily
the camera spun in a circle, photo-
graphing the entire stadium. He
lowered the camera and walked
off the field.
The camera was taking a pic-
ture on 35mm film at an angle
of 360 degrees.
It was mounted on a small box
with gears, a spring and a' timing
mechanism that opened the shut-
ter as the camera was released
to spin in a circle. The film re-
volves through four and a half
frames, allowing eight shots on a,
The picture he took will pbe a
view of the stadium as seen from
the middle of the fifty-yard line
and as if you could see the whole
stadium at once from there.
Doctor Invented Camera
The man who took the 360 de-
gree angle picture was Dr. Eugene
Trachtman, who invented the
Dr. Trachtnian is an optome-
trist from New Jersey who does
not enjoy 'photography as a hob-
by. "The idea of mounting a
camera so that it could revolve
and take a 360 degree angle pic-
ture just came to me one day,"
he said.
After "tinkering" around with
the idea for a while, he found how
to make it work.
So, yesterday, he found himself
in the middle of the Michigan
Stadium taking pictures for Life
Prefers Optometry
"I like optometry better," he
explained. "Some people may like
the glamor of flying from New
York to Ann Arbor to Chicago
taking pictures for Lie, but not
Dr. Trachtman was not around
for the second half because he
rushed off in a taxi to catch a
plane to Chicago at Willow Run
This was really too bad. He said
he hadn't seen a football game in
twenty years.
His -camera aroused much in-
terest arhong the sideline photo-
graphers. The idea of taking a
360 degree angle shot sounded
preposterous to some of, them.
Ike's Resignation
Wanted - Kefauver
MUSKEdON, Mich. (') - Sen
Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.) said
yesterday a "segment of right-
wing" Republicans is "scheming
tn t M Pe-.nDwiht D. Eienhow-

Ci1i Phi, Sigma Kappa Take Home coming Display Honors

Hawks, whales, an octopus, and other animals seemed to dominate
yesterday's homecoming displays.
Winning display in the men's all-campus division was Chi Phi's
octopus. Captioned "20,000 Leagues to the Rose Bowl," it had Army
and MSU well within its grasp, and was reaching for Iowa.
Beta Theta Pi's bird that "Got it in the End Zone" and Tau
Delta Phi's "Anyone for a Fourth?" tied for second place. A pinball
machine, complete with sound effects and blinking lights, won third
place for the men of Scott House.
Rains Didn't Spoil Fun
Although the rains came during the night and morning, the
displays seemed to hold up well, at least until the judges went by.
"Confucius says, 'Great is Man Who Reaps Roses by Plowing
Corn'" was the title of Sigma Kappa's winning display in the
women's division.
Second place went to Kappa Delta's "Scare Those Hawks Out of
Our Victory Field." Mosher Hall's twin-carrying stork won third place
for the women.
SAE Wins Mud Bowl Game

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