CAMPUS DISTRICTS (See Page 4) Latest Deadline in the State :43 tit WARMER. RAIN VOL. LXVI, No. 29 Entered as 2nd Class Matter, Post Office, Ann Arbor ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1955 SIX PAGES Big Four Foreign ,Ministers Meet Pay Tribute To Cause of Peace; Deadlock on German Unity Issue GENEVA (1P)-The Big Four foreign ministers convened yesterday and quickly found themselves deadlocked on European security and the unification of Germany-the basic questions "the spirit of Gene- va" has been unable to reconcile. All paid tribute to the cause of world peace in this followup to the ,summit conference of their chiefs of government here last July. But their opposing policies on the two big issues remained basically unal- tered. Pinay Speaks For West t I. . I France's Foreign Minister Anto -caseas chairman, although his go USSR01VReady For Moves In Mid-East GENEVA (P) -Russia, with a foot already in the Middle East door, was reported ready last night with a new diplomatic ma- neuver to expand her influence in the region. Western diplomats said they ex- Y pect the Soviets to offer to join with the West in organizing a new collective security alliance which would bind all the states of the Middle East to act against aggres- sion. No Confirmation There was no confirmation of #.the plan from Soviet delegation sources. Russian leaders, however, aired the idea publicly soon after the parley of the Big Four gov- ernment chiefs here inJuly. .The United States, Britain and France now have no intention of getting into any formal, full-scale discussion of the Middle East with Russia. , Their broad policy aim is to stall the Soviet drive for friends and influence in the sprawling and seething Moslem world. Tension is mounting between the divided Arab nations and be- tween the Arabs and their Israeli enemies. Developments Reported In quick succession in the past 48 hours these developments were reported: Along the desert frontiers of Palestine, Israeli forces clashed in turn with both Egyptian and Syri- an troops. Each side blamed the other for the trouble in both wide- ly separated incidents. In Cairo,,Egypt and Saudi Ara- bia signed a defense pact that re- portedly .will unite command of their armies. This followed a simi- lar agreement reached last week between Egypt and Syria. Taken together, the interlocking series of agreements has been de- signed to rival the Baghdad group- ing along the northern tier of the Middle East binding Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Britain. The West supports the northern alli- ance. The Soviet bloc is backing Egy/pt and her friends to the south. Sharett Comments In this conference city, Premier Moshe Sharett told reporters "I hope to God that Israel will not be driven" to a preventive war against the Arabs. And in the Arabian Desert, where quarreling sheikhs and sul- tans think they can smell oil, Brit- ish-led troops outed a Saudi Ara- bian force from the disputed Bur- aimi oasis. ine Pinay spearheaded the West's vernment may fall today. Pinay 'urged an immediate decision on a plan for simultaneously uniting Germany and making Europe se- cure. But he said the North At- lantic Treaty Organization defense alliance could not be sacrificed. Russia's Foreign Minister Vya- cheslav M. MolotoV, demanded the gradual dissolution of NATO and rejected "a mechanical mergere of Germany on Western terms. Molotov Unuerturbed Seemingly unperturbed by ru- mors he may be on the way out as Soviet foreign minister, .,Molotov made the longest and sherpest op- ening speech Friday. He declared: 1. The Soviet Union has liqui- dated "all its military bases on foreign soil"' - in Finland and Manchuria-and decided to cut its armed forces by 640,000 men-- as previously announced--to re- duce international tension. 2. NATO-has been a war danger and it must be abolished, gradu- ally at least. 3. Under the Western program for uniting Germany, "militarism would in fact be resurrected throughout Germany by stages. The resurgence of German mili- tarism cannot be accepted ,either at once or by stages." 4. The social achievements of Communist.East Germany cannot be sacrificed in any reunification. It is up to the two rival German republics to arrange unity between themselves, instead of by Big Four directive.. 5. The Big Four powers already have "reached a wide measure of agreement" on aspects of the dis- armament problem. 6. To be successful, development of East-West contact must "rest on a firm economic basis and un- hindered expansion of internation- al trade. Margaret, Bishop Talk LONDON () - Princess Mar- garet, torn between the dictate of her heart and a tenet of her church, talked alone yesterday with the Archbishop of Canter- bury. As head of the Church of Eng- land, he must be the most adamant opponent to any idea of her mar- rying Peter Townsend, a divorced man. The princess met the archbishop -apparently at her request-in the archbishop's Lambeth Palace across the Thames from Margaret's royal residence at Clarence House. What they discussed at this sur- prise meeting with its note of high drama no official would say. But to everyone in Britain it was inconceivable that they could meet in this heart-to-heart fashion without the archbishop making clear his opposition to any marri- age with the 40-year-old war hero. Rain Rumor The homecoming prepara- tions reach a climax today, and plans for festivities go on, de- spite rumors from the weather department that the contract between Michigan's athletic de- partment and the elements may be cancelled. Advanced weather reports for Saturday predict cooler temp- eratures, overcast skies, and strong possibilities of showers throughout. U' Students To Help Plan' Coed Dorm By LEE MARKS A large group of students will be involved in the early stages of planning a coed dorm, Vice-Presi- dent for Student Affairs James A. Lewis told Inter-House Council members yesterday. "We'll take a committee of eight or 10 and examine coed dorms at Drake and other Universities," Vice-President Lewis said. To Hire Architect Residence Halls' Board of Gov- ernors have authorization from the Regents to hire an architect and begin plans for a large coed dorm to be built on North Cam- pus. Vice-President Lewis told the representatives plans for North Campus also include building a fraternity and sorority "row" and 800 -married student apartments. IHC members questioned Vice- President Lewis and Prof. Lionel Laing, of the political science de- partment, a member of the Board, on recent decisions by the Board of Governors. Asked if there was any chance that Fletcher and Victor Vaughn could be converted to men's hous- ing before reconversion of Tyler and Prescott, 'the Vice-President replied, "Consideration is definite- ly on the Residence Halls Board of Governor's agenda." Receive Specifications Architects working on plans for the new women's dorm, to be biult behind the School of Public Health, yesterday received func- tional specifications according to Vice-President Lewis. Present plans call for six to eight houses in the 1,000 student dorm.{ Discuss Shortage Discussing the immediate hous- ing situation to be faced next fall, Vice-President Lewis said it would probably be less serious than this fall's shortage. "We will try to put on an in- tense campaign to house more students with Ann Arbor resi- dents," Vice-President Lewis com- mented. He estimated 200 more students could be housed in this manner. With relief afforded by addi- tion to Couzens Hall, Vice-Presi- dent Lewis estimated 300 extra students would have to be accom- odated in men and women's resi- dence halls. Benson Says No Cabinet Farm Split WASHINGTON (' -- Secretary of Agriculture Ezra T. Benson said yesterday there is no Cabinet split on farm policy, but that two or three Cabinet members had ex- pressed concern recently over the problem of declining hog prices which exists chiefly in traditional Republican territory. Sec. Benson called in reporters regularly covering the Agriculture Department to make this state- ment to them. First off, he asked if they had seen a story in a leading farm publication about a Cabinet split. This was a reference to the Farm Journal magazine which says in itsj November issue, out today, thatI some members of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Cabinet tried to oust Benson after the President was stricken with a heart attack. In comment on the story, Sec. Benson then said, "I'd like to get this situation straight. About three weeks ago-Oct. 7-we had a very full and frank discussion on the farm problem-in the It was nut nn the znd aat my gua- Legislation DENVER (P)- President Dwight D. Eisenhower got a head start yesterday on whipping into shape a 1956 legislative program expect- ed to lay heavy emphasis on farm. highway, school, health and water resources problems. Sitting up in his hospital bed- after shaving himself for the first time since his Sept. 24 heart at- tack, President Eisenhower ap- proved various topics to be in- cluded in his State of the Union message in January to a Congress still under Democratic manage- ment. Long Session This was in the longest busi- ness conference since his illness, a 45-minute session with three White House aides: . The assistant to the President, Sherman Adams; the deputy as- sistant in charge of legislative liaison, Maj. Gen. Wilton B. Per- sons; and Kevin McCann, assist- ant in charge of drafting speeches and reports. The chief executive tackled the message - framing project after what his doctors said was a "good night's sleep of more than eight hours" that left him "feeling re- freshed and in a jovial mood." Ordinarily this is a task Eisen- hower wouldn't take on until De- cember. Presidential press s e c r e t a r y James C. Hagerty told newsmen that "we have just shot it up a little now" because the President "wants to get started on it and to{ work on it over a langer period# of time rather than a shorter con- centrated period." Alreadv somethin- of an out- I -I Arab-Israel Dis Ike Tackles Next Year's anlSgetSoui s -Daily-Esther Goudsmit ARAB-ISRAEL DISCUSSION-Spectator questions panelists at last night's debate on the Near-East. RUSSIA AGREES: UN Votes For Peaceful Atomic Energy Agency line of the message is beginning toI appear. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (A')-With the United States and Russia President Eisenhower himself voting together in favor, the UN Political Committee yesterday has indicated some of the points called for the early creation of an international atomic energy agency that are likely to be covered, for peaceful purposes. Farm Problems Included The vote was 53-0. The six Arab members of the United Nations The problem of sagging farm abstained. prices scarcely can be overlooked Russia, the United States and India buried their differences and in the message. approved a resolution which is certain to obtain final passage in the Already it is a subject of hot "UN Assembly. Diplomatic sources political debate. Secretary of Agri- said the Arabs abstained because culture Ezra T. Benson, who has Isn t canceled an extensive European 9 S t Israel was a co-sponsor of the reso- trip because of the farm problem, luThesesouces added that when is flying out from Washington the resolution comes up in the Saturday to confer with the Presi- Asmlyticoesup inte dent.j Assembly it will be a commlittee Aterae . recommendation without sponsors dentEisenhonweruesdayt Sere- The University and three prop- and the Arabs will vote for it. dent Eisenhower Tuesday, Secre- {try owners have reached a settle- Threouinndrd asof tary of the. Interior James McKaytroweshvracdastl- The resolution endorsed plans of told nes I t Jtme State ofment concerning the land on the United States and Allied ato- thed nion or subsequt spal which the University plans to mic powers to hold a conference meshes illrsubmiquet toCi build a Student Activities Build- of all members of the UN and spe- messages will resubmit to Con- ing. cialized agencies an the final text grs the Upperv Cllradn and Fry- fngciizdaeieonteialet Faure Plan Moves Near 'Completion PARIS .P) - Premier Edgar Faure's plan to hold national elec- tions in December moved one step nearer yesterday. The government was expected to insist that debate in the full As- sembly open tonight, immediately after a scheduled vote of confi- dence-if the government: wins. Under the tentative plan being considered debate would continue tomorrow and a final decision be reached by Sunday or Monday: The deputies were busy with committee meetings today but there was a feeling that the chan- ces of the government winning the confidence vote were improved. This moring it seemed inevitable that Faure would be defeated. Two ballots on procedural questions went against the government and Faure asked for the confidence Arab, Israeli Students Air Controversy Refugee Problem Causes Debate By MARY ANN THOMAS Three possible solutions to the Arab-Israeli dispute were offered in a heated debate between Arab and Israeli students yesterday. Representing the Arab viewpoint, Khalid Al-Shawi, Grad., and Hus- ni R. Alul said peace could be possible with Arabs and Jews live ing together in one state in Pale- stine, under the status quo or as the United Nations designated the boundaries. On the Israeli side Ariel Naor '58E, and Yehoshua Lahav, Grad., expressed satisfaction with the status quo. Israel can hold many more people now because of scien- tific advances in agriculture, they pointed out. "Declaration Illegal" Al-Shawi, a law student, con- tended the Balfour Declaration supporting a national homeland for the Jews in Palestine and the creation of a new state by the United Nations was illegal. "Breaking pre-war promises to the Arabs, the Balfour Declaration was announced without consulting the Arabs of Palestine," he a- plained. Arabs feel that the UN decision on partition was illegal and was made under high pressured coer- cion, he continued. "The, Arab nations have tried to have this de- cision reviewed by the Internation- al Court of Justice, but IUN mem- bers have refused," he said. Jewish History Traced Naor traced the history of the Jewish people and Israel describ- ing the long-standing, desire of the Jews to return to their mother- land after they were forced to leave in the seventh century. Fin- anced by rich European Jews, small groups of Jews started mov- ing to Palestine about 55 years ago. "But the Arab tribal chiefs did not like the modern culture brought by the Jews because they feared it would restrict their com- plete authority," he added. Accused of Expansionism Alul, outlining the history of Zionism, accused the movement of being expansionist and not satis- fied with what they have. Speak- ing to a standing-room only audi- ence in Auditorium A, Angell Hall, he quoted an Israeli general as saying the present boundaries were not meant to last. "The Jews started terroristic ac- tivities to drive the Arabs out of their homes," Alul continued. "'their aim was to get as many Jewish inhabitants as possible, in the quickest time." Refugee Problem Aired Closing the Israeli side of the debate,kLahav accused the Arabs of making political propaganda out of the refugee problem by hindering their resettlement in the. surrounding Arab nations. Arab states are refusing them economic aid and citizenship, he said. Rich Arabs were the first to leave Israel to avoid any conflict, 1 S 1 ingpan-Arkansas water resources projects. . Hung Students with a bit of "ham" in theim will have their big chance this morning.1 The National Broadcasting E Company has sent a plea out for .University students who t want to be "performers." At 7:45 and 8:45 the TV i cameras will flash their im- ages from coast to coast on Dave Garroway's program "To- day." The program will feature the University cheerleaders w h o might look a little silly with1 no one responding. So those I without conflicting appoint- ments have been requested to 1 go out to the East stands of the Stadium, and when the cameras come, CHEER. NOT AFTER 'GLORY' The owners are Mary J. Taft of a constitution for the agency. rj , automatically shutting off and H. Chester Taft (owners of a The United States has circulated debate, piece of property stretching from a proposed statute to all UN mem- The vote on the confidence ques- Maynard to Thompson, including bers and specialized agencies and tion will cover rejection of a Social- the houses at 431 Thompson street hopes to have the agency operat- ist resolution which expresses no and 434 Maynard street) and ing before the end of 1956. confidence in the government and Guernsy P. Collins who owns the This would put into operation adoption of another resolution house and lot at 417 Thompson. President Dwight D. Eisenhower's which "takes note" of the govern- Condemnation preceedirigs by proposals of Dec. 8, 1953, to use ment's statements on its general the University were' halted yest- the atom for peaceful purposes..,policies. erday following a meeting between attorneys for the University, at- Sn torneys for the property ownersSeventeenth Annual Varsity and Judge James R. Breakey, Jr., in circuit court. Pr The University had earlier pmr- the area bounded by Maynard and gtH Thompson and East Jefferson Ave. Campus and professional acts will spark the 17th annual Varsity Earlier, it was reported that the Night, at 8:15 p.m., in Hill Auditorium. University had offered $32,000 for Sponsored by the University Bands, the program will be eiceed the Taft property and $31,000 for by Howard Nemerovski and Steve Filipiak. the Collins land. Euphonium Soloist University Vice-President Wil- Prof. W. D. Revelli and the Symphony Band will open the pro- versity's plans for the Student gram with "The World is Waiting for. the Sunrise," with Raymond Activities Building had not been Young, soloist, on the euphonium. "significantly slowed" by the con- They will follow it with "La Virgen de la Macarena," featuring demnation proceedings. I John Alexander on the trumpet. The program will continue with Q"Lover Come Back to Me" sung Getting Acquainted I 4 by lyric soprano Joanne Simmens, followed by Jon Collins, Jerry Hays and Richard Philins doin a de- scriptive dialogue. To Feature Skit' Candidates Express Views on SGC Ttre oo numetresk. Daniel Pressley, tenor, will sing, By BILL HANEY reorganized internally to allow I "I hope to see the SGC gain atJonube rT . the Administrative Wing to aid position where it will have more g John Schubeck and Robe't Trost SGC is not a "glory" organiza- the group proper. clearly defined powers and func- will give a skit "Sales Talk," fol- tion. d "Secondly, SGC should work m tions as well as increasing its lowed by a vocal quintet, the Scot- Candidates were informed by codnto wihoermjrspenca u." ties. former SL members and present c ordination with other major scope on campus. Larry Hurst, an accordionist, SGC members that very few people ampus organizations th ithe id JanetNeary, Ej8o I a running will play "Carnival of Venice" and appreciate the work put in by framework of student activities." for re-election because I believe "Sabre Dance" or "Czardas." those in student government. Collins Commends in student government and b- Russ Brown will perform magi- oifthecandidatesrealizethatC sCssd'racal illusions, the "Amrah Levita- So the canaes realize Joe Collins, '58-"I have always cause I want to continue the work tion" and the "floatinglady." for SGC members low grades are been interested in student govern- I have already started. E not uncommon and recognition is ment since I served on SL its last: "Frankly, I enjoy working on gling acdt, followed bwidmma Lu- almost unheard of, why are they semester in operation. SOC and feel I am learning a gigat olwdb im o running for-SGC? "The issues coming up in the great deal about the campus. Bate adfhis peai sa Candidates Answer future in which I am most in- John Wrona, '57-"I feel SGC's Be"IsAmerictKaf ,pianist. The nonole most qalified to terested are the driving ban. de- position on campus can be much: he explained. Mass exodus start- ed after outbreak of hostilities with Arab states urging Palestinian Arabs to leave and promising their quick and triumphant return The audience showed acute in- terest in the proceedings asking the panel a variety of questions. After moderator Prof. John Daw- son of the Law School closed the discussion small groups of people continued their arguments out into the halls. National Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-The State De- mI I