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October 27, 1955 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1955-10-27

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IIr~ .--- --

Sa ies






Daily Sports Editor a

ZBT, AEPi Top Opponents;

Experienced in clothing or furnishings
All day Saturday and Monday evenings
113 Sout- Ma--- St. - ~

HE HEAT is on Evy this weekend.
Imagine this situation. You are a bigtime football coach, and
* you inherit a great team. You return to the scene of your school days
to -lace the school you once played for. You lose by a point.
A year later, your team is even better. Again you lose to your
Alma Mater by a single point.
Suddenly it -is 1955 . .. and your team hits bad days. It has won
* two, lost two and tied one. Only one thing will save your season
from disaster . . . and that is a win over this same arch-antagonist
that has beaten you two years straight.
This is precisely the situation in which Forest Evashevski finds
himself, as he brings his injury riddled Iowa Hawkeyes to Ann Arbor
Saturday to play the team that many consider one of the nation's
very best.
* There is no doubt that Evashevski is on the spot. If he loses this
one-there may be omininous rumblings in Iowa City. He .will un-
doubtedly shoot the works conrie Saturday afternoon in an all-out
effort to belt Michigan out of the conference lead.
The doors at Iowa City are closed tight. Little is leaking out--
Sand there are rumors afoot that he is driving his limping squad
We do know that this task which the tall, grim Iowan must
face is further complicated by the fact that his squad is in its worst
shape of the season.
* * *
Injries Riddle Hawks...
W HEN UCLA ran over the Hawks, 33-13 last weekend, center Don
Suchy had a cleat run through his hand, center Bill Van Buren
re-injured a bad ankle, and Jim Freeman bruised his back.
Add to this, an injury to All-American captain Cal Jones-who
is a question mark Saturday, and the broken leg suffered by star end
Frank Gilliam last month, and you can see why Evy is worried.
The injury to Freeman really hurts. He was the first string
right end-anchoring an end corps that was already shattered by
the loss of Gilliam. He was the teams top punter, averaging 41.3
yards on six kicks.
Will these men play, or are they really out of Saturday's contest?
To answer this is just about as impossible as finding out if Ron Kramer
will play for Micigan.
We will only know when the game gets underway. Injuries are.
funny things--some heal extremely fast-others take months. There
are rumors flying that the two star ends-Gilliam and Kramer may
both see action-but both coaches say "if they do - it will only be
limited." Both are among the top ends in the conference. Both wear
number 87. Both are needed badly.
* * *.
AsForMich'i E gan... e
W AT ABOUT Michigan? What does it. feel like to have to bring
your team to a greater psychological peak each week? This is the
problem Lacing Bennie Oosterbaap, who must fire his Wolverines
even higher than they were last week for their Little Brown Jug scare
at Minneapolis.
It Is no fun being top team In the conference-and one of the
top in the nation to boot. Everyone guns for you-a victory over
Michigan makes an opponent's season a success. -
You can be sure that nobody wants to beat Michigan worse than
Forest Evashevskl. You can also be sure that Michigan wants to beat
Iowa-for the Wolverines have not lost a homecoming game since
Nine years ago, Buddy Young, Julie Rykovich, and Perry Moss
sparked the Bowl bound Illini to a 13-9 triumph-and since that time
Michigan has never dropped a homecoming tilt.
This year's team certainly doesn't want to break that string.
Read and Use Daily Classifieds

yLF ~I5,JA~
Sigma Alpha Mu squeezed by Psi
Upsilon 14-12, to gain an impor-
tant first place playoff victory in
Social Fraternity I-M football yes-
Wearren Wertheimer's passes to
Joel Tauber were the deciding
factors in the game. Wertheimer
passed to Tauber for both touch-
downs and the same combination
clicked for the all-important extra
points. Bill Hoffhines passed to
Phil Fast f or Psi Upsilon's first
touchdown. A short pass from
Hoffhines to Art Kuiper resulted
in a second and final tally for the
Psi U's.
ZBT Blanks Alpha Dells
Zeta Beta Tau whipped Alpha
Delta Phi to the tune of 21-0. The
ZBT seven were handed a safety
as a result of a bad pass from
bal rledy hdead in Alph Delt
gave ZBT two points Bil Gardne
whoegalloped the rest of the wa
for the score.
Ivan Kushen caught a pass from
Siegel for the point after touch-
down. A Kushen to Harry Israel
pass gave ZBT their second tally.
Gardner intercepted an Alpha

Iowa End

By JIM THURMAN interested." Hill said he would will be up and out to get us .. .
, . like to play for the Rams explain- but we'll be up too."
"Playing ball here at the Uni- ing with a grin, that, "the weather
versity is tremendous." is quite nice out on the coast."
This very positive statement was 'Strange Hobby'
the opinion expressed by Dave Hill admits he cultivates a rather
Hill, Wolverine fullback. The 6 "strange hobby." He doesn't collect
foot tall, 183 pounder from Ypsi- rare coins, records, old stamps, or
lanti went on to say, "Everything match folders. He studies chem-
about the team is simply great.'' istry. He has many books on vani-
Hill has looked impressive in ous facets of the subject and, as
the fullback slot this year. Ham- he puts it, "I enjoy reading them,
pered by an ankle sprain which and I have ever sinice high school."
he received early in the season, The Rose Bowl game is a fore- ..
the 24 year-old pile-driver has most thought in' many Michigan -
nevertheless gained 86 yards in 21 students' minds. Hill thinks the
tries for a rushing average of 4.1 Wolverines have a "good chance."
yards per carry. ''We gained a lot of confidence at
Trek to Michigan Minnesota. Our ofrei± came ~
Lowell Perry, former all-Amern- through when the pressure was
ofn Hillwas the influecin factr When he was reminded that the ~
that directed Hill to Michigan. remaining four teams -on. the Blue
"We didn't want the possibility of schedule, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana
playing against each other to come and. Ohio State, will be 'up' sky--
up," he explained, high when they meet Michigan, DAVE HILL
Hill was a three-sport-man at Hill countered, "They certainly ... "wie'Il be up"
Ypsilanti, playing football, basket-
ball and running track. He was *** *
placed on the class B all-state Mid ship men To Pit Aerialist,
football team during his senior **
year, asa hafb5ac HlcmeDefense g istMighty Iish
up with the Wolverines as ar half-
back. He showed promise that By Tue Associated Press lmtdisfvopnestoa
year as paser nd runer. The nation's No. 1 defense and average of 119.6 pards per game.
When the Kore'an conflict erupted a passer who ranks among the No major team since 1947 has
hex letw Mihian andh sen the i first 10 in the major college ranks gone this far into the season with
nex tw yerJ ihth ryi will be Navy's principal weapons so small an allowance.
Korea Sandt Japan. FulakSaturday in its effort to upend The Midshipmen have proved
LStedon H ullbaeuredk n Notre Dame after nine straight equally adept at defending against
Last seasone Hil thfurneda ndpoi losses to the Irish. ground and air attacks. They're
tion where he played 125 mInutes Although they haven't yet play- fourth in pass defense with an av-
and proved to be a rugged competi- ed anyone as tough as Notre Dame, erage allowance of 41.6 yards and
tor on both offense and defense, the Midshipmen come up to this sixth in rushing defense with a 78-
The big senior, who is studying game with a resistance record that yard average. In addition, they've
pre-medicine, is seriously consid- is the best in major college com- yielded only two touchdowns in
ering professional football. "I've petition in eight years. five games while every other
had a lot of feelers from the pros NCAA Service Bureau statistics xnajor team has allowed at least
and the Rams seem to be the most showed yesterday that Navy has four.
Ahead of the game ...
~ ~. NArrow fields a smart squad of sweaters,
with mnan-for-rnan superiority down
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Delta Pass for the third and final
touchdown. The play was high-
lighted by Bob Segar's key block
which took out three opponents.
In another second place playoff
Thta Chi 15-12 Harvey 1Rutstei
heaved a 30 yd. pass to Irwin
Solomon to start the scoring for
the victors. Rutstein ran for a
touchdown and threw to Buddy
Seligsohn for the extra point.
Larry Cohen tagged a Theta
Chi man in his end zone for a
safety. Duane Wiltse speared a
Entries for the all-campus
Ihandball tournament are now
being taken at the I-M Build-
--Earl Riskey
I-M Director
long Ray Roble pass for a Theta
Chi six-pointer. A short pass over
center from Roble to Dann Deaver
resulted in Theta Chi's second
Pi Lambs Gain Shutout
The hero of the day ivas Leon
Greenblatt as Pt Lamda Phi wal-
loped Tau Kappa Epsilon 20-0. A
Greenblatt to John Loeb aerial
gave Pi Lamda Phi its first TD.
The Greenblatt to Mary Cherin
combination clicked twice for
touchdowns. Dan Gaie roun d
player in his own end zone for a
Beta Theta Pt beat Sigma Phi
14-0, to gain a third place play-off
victory. Don Bryan was the lead-
ing scorer as the Betas racked up
all their points in the first half.
Bryan ran for the initial six-
pointer and Doug Munro caught a
Bryan pass for the extra point.
Bryan completed an aerial to Gor-
don Barnes for the last touch-
down and later raced around end
for the point after touchdown.
Delta Sigs Win
In a low scoring game Delta
Sigma Phi squeaked past Zeta
Psi 6-0. A shor't aerial from Har-
vey Johnson to Dick Hoek ac--
counted for the only tally of the
Triangle defeated Delta Chi 19-
6. Paul Anderson sparked the
Triangle team to victory with his
trum nared passshort pass from
Anderson for the first Triangle
TD. An Anderson to Ralph Kroy
aerial accounted for six more
points for Triangle. The same
combination clicked for the extra
For the last touchdown Ander-
son added a little variety, by run-
nigfr; feen ards;and te
scored fronthree yards out. Paul
DeMarrais heaved an eighteen yard
pass to Dick Flodin for Delta Chi's
only tally.



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