19 Sixty-Sixth Year ED:TED AND.MANAGED ET STUDENTS OF THE UNSYERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDE* AUT"OtrIT 03 BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUP*NT PUBLCATIONs BLDG.* ANN ARBoR, MICH. * Phone No 2-3241 "Oh, No!" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1955 , NIGHT EDITOR: DICK SNYDER Back=Door, Strategy Fails To Win Airport Shift TAYNE County's latest attempt to shift air- Or is it possible he decided to try back-door line operations from Willow Run indicates maneuvers instead of front-door business? that its confidence in business negotiations is By playing up to the one major airline who much less than its ability to execute back-door favored a move from Willow Run, the city and strategy, county may have figured they could start a In attempting to set up American Airlines as chain reaction, thereby placing themselves in kingpin in a plan to have all Detroit-area air a better position to deal with the joint group. operations transferred to Wayne-Major Air- With American as the "kingpin," "strategists" port, Detroit and Wayne County officials have may have thought it would be easier to "knock cQmpletely overlooked an earlier agreement to the others. over" with no commitments as to the air operations board at Willow Run. definite plans for development of Wayne-Major As the result of an airlines-county officials airport. meeting May 24, the city and county agreed to submit a "prospectus" definitely outlining such RTUNATELY, American officials realized matters as rental cost of the Wayne County the move for what it was and called off port, and intended construction of terminals, "negotiations" yesterday. With a "united we ramps and roadways. stand, divided we fall" attitude, the ANTSCO Representatives of the two local government members, for the present at least, are together agencies' further agreed that this "prospetus," on their opinions regarding any shift in airline would be submitted to the Airlines National operations. American's decision to cease bar- Terminal Service Company (AlinTSCO) within gaining until the other six lines receive a defi- a month after the May-(meeting. nite prospectus, as promised last May, reflects their desire to carry on operations in a. busi- NOW, almost five months since the meeting, nesslike manner rather than dabble in the the airlines operations board, representing ring of questionable strategy. seven of the nine lines scheduled at Willow With a planned 25 per cent increase In .Run, has received no word from the city and scheduling set for the Detroit area next year, county officials. capital improvements will soon be necessary Instead, on Monday it was disclosed by Amer- at Willow Run. Once these improvements are ican Airlines, an.,ANTSCO member, that a pro- made, and the airlines have appropriated addi-: posai had beern submittedto them to "nego- tional money for the present port, it is doubt- tiate" with Detroit and Wayne bunty.ful that they could consider any offer by an- In a later attempt to justify this proposal, other terminal. Wayne County highaey ensineer LeRoy Ci Except that Wayne=Major is ten miles nearer Smith said It was made because American Air- the automobile city, its operators so far have lines was the only one of the seven willing to not enumerated in any "prospectus" any of shift operations from Willow Run. Smith fur- the supposed advantages and intended improve- ther stated that Wayne County would be per- ments. fectly willing to negotiate with the other six For its own good, Wayne County might bet- airlines. "if they wanted to talk" ter profit by conducting business through the Apparently- Mr, Smith has forgotten about front door. the agreement reached at the May meeting. -DICK SNYDER Pondering and Wondering .". . .s .- i 4' '. .a '1 .ak9, .. ; *1 __ I'-4.. 4~46 rr . - - w t'" l11' lc ' ' ' R~t~cser ' .\ 7 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Dulles Hopeful at Geneva -BY DREW PEARSON IWONDER ... , . . how some of the local homeowners around the stadiuni manage to keep putting in and taking out fenceposts on football Saturdays so that faxis can part cars on, their lawns? .. . when some sort of order will be established in the Haven-Mason Hall lovies between classes? . ..when professors will start to take the hint as students start snapping notebooks when Burton Tower bells signal class' end? . . . who will be the lucky recipient of the statue on the old courthouse roof when the relic is auctioned off? ..- If. .. people will want to come to Ann Arbor at all after all the highways have been built to bypass the city? . . . when coeds will wear ten- nis sneakers on the tennis courts only? ... ... if the local citizenry will have any kind words for the Huron Valley Bridge when traf- fic. piles up on football Saturdays? . . if Charles A. Sink will ever forget to. shake President Hatcher's hand before a Choral Union, concert begIns? .. . If the. modern-age hoinebuilding will spread to the average home- owner instead- of being limited to builders and University Deans?,. . If the Romance Languages Building will ever be the scene of a Halloween play? . .. if the trolley tracks In front of the Union are ever going to be removed?... .--WHY no new hotel has been built in town for so many years? .. when the func- tions of all those people who check registration railroad tickets are explained to bewildered students? ... . . . when someone will uncover an idyllic place to walk besides the Arboretum? . . when a new City Hall will be built to match the spanking new courthouse? .. ... if someone will ever write the Great Eng- lish I paper? ... when the day will come that parking meters manage to wait the extra min- ute as you run down the street, before they flash a violation?.. . .. -how many students will be in town in '2000? . .. why there is no outdoor ice-skating rink for University students? .. . . . . why unaffiliated students feel sophis- ticated? . .. who will solve the enigma of the Ivy League attitude? ... whena student gov- ernment will not be accused of ineffective de- bating? . . . if Big Brother will live past 1984? what the world will be like with no existence instead of coexistence? . . . if the day's head-. lines will be less frightening tomorrow? .. -DAVID KAPLAN Daily Feature Editor THE degree of optimism or pessi- mism that Secretary of State Dulles has for the Foreign Minis- ters Conference opening in Gene- va today can best be gauged by the private conference he had with Congressional leaders just before he left Washington. Though a statement of confi- dence was issued by Congressional leaders after the Dulles closed- door talk, most of what the Secre- tary of State reported has not leaked out. Dulles took up most of the time, speaking slowly and precisely, with U.S. Ambassador "Chip" Bohlen sitting in his shadow. Sen- ators got in only a few questions edgewise, and Bohlen, who has been here on consultation from Moscow, kept mum except for an- swering one or two inconsequen- tial questions addressed specifi- cally to him. * * * DULLES OPENED with a report that President Eisenhower was keenly alert, both physically and mentally. Ike not only had ap- proved Dulles' approach to the Geneva meeting but had instruct- ed him to make a personal plea to Congressional leaders fortheir bi- partisan support, Dulles said. The Secretary took a hopeful but pessimistic view of the Gene- va prospects. He feared, he said, that the conference might get hung up on the first item on the agenda, German unification. His hope was to keep the "Geneva spi- rit" alive and arrange another meeting-at which a more favor- able agenda might be drawn up. New Jersey's Sen. Alex Smith, the ex-Princeton professor, asked whether there was any chance of agreement on Germany. Dulles replied that he was afraid Molo- tov would demand East Germany be represented before even dis- cussing the problem. Molotov, he said would use the argument that we had demanded Chiang Kai- Shek sit in on any discussion of Formosa. * * *. ON THE ticklish question of the Middle East, Dulles said the State Department was discussing the possibility of asking Russia to guarantee the status quo in that area. He planned to take this up with the French and British be- fore the Geneva conference. If they got together on this proposal, he then planned to broach the idea to Molotov in private discus- sions. Here again, Dulles appealed for bipartisan Senate support. "We must keep the Israeli- Egyptian issue out of politics," he said in a rather condescending manner. His tone brought a smile to the faces of some Democrats. Dulles promised that after his briefing on the Geneva prospects and the Middle East outlook, he would discuss the Far East. but after he had rambled on and on without mentioning the Far East, GOP Congressman John Taber of New York interrupted: "Mr. Secretary, I suggest that now would be a good time to hear about the Far East." DULLES acknowledged the ques- tion, but got off on another'sub- ject. After a few minutes of more rambling, Taber broke in again: "Mr. Secretary, I suggest we get on to the Far East." Again Dulles prepared to talk about the Far East, but again he got off on another subject. Fi- nally Taber stood up and blurted: "Mr. Secretary, you'll have to excuse me. I've got to catch a train." He walked out. Dulles never did.get to his prom- ised briefing on the Far East, ex- cept to answer a question from GOP Senator Bridges of New, Hampshire who wanted to know whether the Far East would be discussed at all at Geneva. Dulles replied that he would not allow the Far East to be raised at the meeting. (Copyright, 1955, Bell Syndicate, Inc.) LETTERS to the EDITOR Letters to the Editor must be signed and limited to 300 words. The Daily reserves the right to edit or withhold any letter. Ivy Education ... To the Editor: THINK Jane Howard's comment on Holiday magazine's feature on the "Natural Superiority of the Ivy League" deserves a re- ply. I am a 1955 graduate of an Ivy League affiliate, Radcliffe Col- lege; and Holiday's article infur- iated me. That is, Robinson's third of the feature, infuriated me-the other two articles, especially John Sack's, were good fun. For one thing, such an article leads to what I call "Inverse snob- bery." When I returned to De- troit's Central High after my first semester at Radcliffe, my Latin teacher asked me, in front of the class, what it took to go to an Eastern college. Before I could answer, one of the students blurt- ed out, "Money!" That seems to be Miss Howard's attitude as well. I'd wager, though, that the average income of the families of the students in that Latin class was higher than the average income of my fellow resi- dents in Everett cooperative house last year. Many students receive scholarship assistance and / or work. Secondly, many of the state- ments in Robinson's article were downright inaccurate. It's not true that "vast and impersonal lectures" are rare at Harvard. It's true that the "general education" courses break up into weekly sec- tion meetings, but the lectures themselves are huge. The student body at Harvard is as varied as here at Michigan. The "college tie" is a keen de- light in matters intellectual. Judging from A. G. Kerkmann's letter on the same page of the Daily as Miss ,Howard's article, this is a trait not universally shar- ed even at a very superior state university such as Michigan. Well, the only time I've ever seen John Sack he was wearing a yellow shirt and a crimson tie. And most of the men I knew wore army pants instead of a gray flan- nel suit. So perhaps I'm too much of a "wonky" to describe Ivy League accurately. But I loved the East, and I hate to see old Ivy misrepresented. Af- ter all, one does receive a superior education at Harvard, I must ad- mit, though, that I didn't find the first week of my freshman year at all exhausting. Really hard was the last term of the senior year. -Ilse Lowy, Grad. Co-ed Living Vote... To the Editor: 4 AS A RESIDENT of Prescott House 'I want to voice my ob- jections to misrepresentation in the recent vote on co-ed living. At the same time I would like to ask the purpose of a poll taken in the Quad and on the Hill. In the past, polls of that nature have been used to determine public opinion. The procedure was then taken to determine the majority, generalize and when the final vote taken these facts used as a basis. It is quite obvious that this was not the practice followed in the vote for co-ed living. It would seem a much easier and cheaper practice to dispense with such democratic forms when there is no use made of them. This brings up the question of a representative. The word means one who seaks for a majority, disregarding per- sonal opinions. Isn't representa- tion the basis of our democratic form of government? It does not seem logical to break these demo- cratic traditions on a University campus. The facts certainly have not been kept secret. Those who have experienced co-ed living voted 90% in favor of it. One person does not have the right to disregard such an overwhelming majority. Something must be done. If immediate action can not be taken I think it is important to let it be known that the 90% of us do not accept the vote and wish to make our objections known. -Barbar Korman, '59 'Tender Spot'... To the Editor: IN REGARD to Mr. Baad's edi- torial of Oct. 18, it would seem to me as though the "Republicans" on campus have been hit in the proverbial "tender" spot. There was no mention of any specific political party and yet the fright- ened hypersensitive Republicans immediately jump on anything that looks like an attack on their "sacred" president. The Republicans' sudden and solicitous concern about Mr. Eis- enhower's health is very touching, and yet it's funny how I always get the impression that they're more like the farmer who is wor- ried about his prize winning hog than a true friend worried about his buddy. Perhaps it has some- thing to do with the fact that next v, i 1s I 4 THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preoeding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be is by 2 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1955 VOL. LXVII, NO. 28 General Notices A University Terrace zero-bedroom apartment will be available in two weeks to any faculty couple. Contact G. L. Hansen, 1060 Administration Bldg., Ext. 2662. Fuibright Applications and all sup- porting material must be received in the Graduate School, Room 1020, Rack- ham Building by 4:00 p.m. Mon., Oct. 31. This Is the closing date for the 1955-5 competition and will not be extended. The Fllowing Student Sponsored Social Events are approved for the com- ing week-end. Social chairmen are re- minded that requests for approval for social events are due in the Office of Studen Affairs not later than 12:00 noon on the Tuesday prior to the event: October28 Delta Theta Phi, Inter- Co-op. Council, Graduate Student Council, Phi Rho Sigma, October 29 (1:00 closing unless other- wise indicated): Acacia, Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Kappa Psi, Alpha Omega, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Theta P, Chi Phi. Chi Psi, Couzens Hall, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta' Sigma Delta, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Theta Phi, Delta Upsilon, Lambda Chi Alpha, Lloyd House, Mich. Christian Fellowship, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Chi, Phi Delta Epsilon, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi' Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi Lambda Phi, Psi Omega, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Society of Les voyageurs, Tau Delta Phi, Tau Epsilon Rho, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Taylor House, Theta Chi, Theta Delta Chi, Theta X, Triangle, Trigon, Wenley House, Willi- ams House, Zeta Psi, Alpha Phi. October 30: Phi Delta Phi, Scott House, Theta Chi. Lectures Dr. Adolph L. Sahs, Professor of Neurology at the State University of Iowa College of Medicine. University Lecture sponsored by the Department Of Neurology, Fri., Oct. 28. "Problems in Lymphocytic Meningitis." University Hospital amphitheater at 2:30 p.m. Astronomy Department Visitors' Night. (For children and adults: individual children must be accompanied by adults, and In the case of groups of school children, there must be at least one adult for every five children.) Fri., Oct. 28, 8:00 p.m., Room 2003 Angell Hall. Dr. William Liller, "As. tronomers at Work." Student Observa- tory, fifth floor Angell Hall, will be open for inspection and for telescopic observations of the Moon. Concerts Faculty Recital: Frances Greer, so- prano, accompanied by Eugene Bossart, 8:30 tonight, Lydia Mendelssohn The- ater; open to the public without charge. Carillon Recital, 7:15 tonight, by Per- cival Price, University Carillonneur; Franz Schubert's music. Academic Notices Engineering Seminar: "Opportunities in Medium-Sized Organizations." Harry I. Baker, director, Engineering Labora- tory, King-Seely Corp.; William Young- er, manager, Merchandise Sales and Advertising, Square D Co.; and Donald Kory, development engineer, St. Clair Rubber Co., Thurs., Oct. 27, 4:00 p.m., Room 311 W. Engineering Bldg. Open to all engineering students. Medical College Admission Test: Can- didates taking the Medical College Ad- mission Test on Oct. 31 are requested to report to 100 Hutchins Hall and 140 Business Administration at 8 45 Mon. morning. Law School Admission Test. Applica. tion blanks for the Nov. 12 administra. tion of the Law School Admission Test are now available at 110 Rackham Build- ing. Application blanks are due in 1955. College of Architecture and Design freshman five-week grade reports are due Mon., Oct. 31. Please send them to 207 Architecture Building. Physical Therapy Meeting, Thurs., Oct. 27, 7:15 p.m., Room 1603, Main Building, University Hospital. This is an important meeting for all Juniors concentrating in Physical Therapy and expecting t9 apply for admission to the professional program of the senior year. To Instructors of Engineering Fresh- men: Five-week grades for all Engineer ing Freshmen are due in the Secretary's Office, 263 West Engineering Building on Fri., Oct. 28. Psychology Colloquium. Dr. E. Lowell Kelly, "Personality Changes in Husbands and Wives." (with slides) Fri., Oct. 28, 2402 Mason Hall. Open to the public. Seminar in Applied Mathematics, Thurs., Oct. 27, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 247 West Engineering Building. Prof. R. C. F. Bartels, "Stability of Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations." 401 Interdisciplinary Seminar in the Application of Mathematics to Social Science, Thurs., Oct. 27, 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. in Room 3401 Mason Hall. A. Copeland, "A New Learning Model for Language Behavior." Doctoral Examination for Bernard .J. Fridsma, Germanic Languages and Lit- eratures; thesis: "Social and Cultural Criticism in the Works of Ernst Wie- DAILY OFFICIA ir . M ei fI 3 4 urry Frymer - IN THIS CORNER Students Asking Religious Questions QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Lewis Views SGC's Past, Future EvERYONE at the dinner table noticed the student at one end pray before beginning the meal. Despite the apparent nonchalance of the group around the table, there was 'a sudden interest in religious thought at that table. It wasn't the religious act that inspired the interest. Interest has existed on college cam- puses for some time now, a new, searching in- terest. About twenty years ago, it wasn't stylish to talk about religious matters on a college cam- pus. The New York Times quotes a college graduate of the early Thirties sum up his ex- perience: "None of us: would be caught dead taking religion seriously," Yet whether or not it is a style now, or a new development, religion has assumed new signifi- cance for the student. College courses on re- ligious philosophy and literature have been drawing full lecture halls, including such courses offered here. ON THE NATION'S campuses there are 3,000 student religious groups with some 1,200 employees, which the Times reports was about one-fifth that twenty years ago. find the meanings, causes, and outcomes of1 beliefs. A GREAT deal of the time he talks about such things as "proof," or a pragmatical "what for?" In all the discussions, there seems to be a basic effort to relate religious thought with modern problems. In fact, some authorities credit modern problems such as the fear of atomic warfare, with this type of religious revival. However, there does not seem to be any in- crease in church attendance, probably due to the "scientific" rather than "reverant" nature of campus thought. "What's the church doing for our present- day problems?" the student asks. A student in an eastern college was quoted by the Times as saying: "Christ passed up the church in His day. Is there any reason for not doing so now?" Another attacked the church as a place for parties, but no serious modern thought. WHAT EVER may be the reason for this modern thought, or even whether it is modern or not, the emphasis is on answers. Whereas churches and synagogues have stressed By GAIL GOLDSTEIN Daily Staff Writer VICE-PRESIDENT of Student Affairs James A. Lewis is here questioned as to his opinions con- cerning the new student govern- ment on campus, the Student Gov- ernment Council. Mr. Lewis has helped and advised the new or- ganization since its foundation and is the chief administrative link be- tween it and the University. Q: What do you think of the ac- complishments of the Student Government Council to date? A: The Council has served its pur- pose in the short time in which it has been operating. The projects it has considered are timely ones. * * * Q: Do you believe in the Council's policy of delegating to its com- mittees? A: The body should become a pol- icy-making group and delegate many matters to committees for consideration. The Admin- istrative Wing should be given a chance to show its potential- ity as a workable body to help the Council in its work. Since the Council is running on a two-year pilot program, members have to be most statesmanlike. As it is work- ing out, the ex-officios are de- veloping a rationale for their actions which will be most help-, ful in the future. * * * Q: Is the representation that SGC members have on administra- tion and faculty committees proving valuable? A: We have found these represen- tatives to be well-informed and valuable assets to committees of the faculty and administra- tion. The viewpoints of the stu- dent members are respected and given great consideration. These committees have a sen- sitive climate to student opin- ion. Q: Do you think that the campus student body has shown ade- quate interest in SGC? A: Historically the student body at large has not been interested in student government at Mi- chigan. Every effort should be made to make the council im- portant on this campus. It is a good chance for the student to practice the rights and re- sponsibilities he will have as a citizen. The president and oth- er members of the administra- 4 / JAMES A. LEWIS . . - optimistic A Council does not, have to de- vote its efforts to fund-raising campaigns. Q: Is the Council using the po- tentiality and power given to it? A: SGC has used its power very carefullysthus far. The Coun- cil should feel its way along and not move too quickly. The ori-