0 RIGHT TO VOTE Latest Deadline in the State ~Iaii4 * 00 0* o * 0 ~ MILDER, MUCH I3LDER VOL LXVI, No. 2' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1955 SIX PAGES Egypt-Red Block T ransaetion Seen Report 80 Million Dollar Deal Offered at Reduced Price Rate WASHINGTON (P)-Egypt's arms deal with the Qommunist bloc is reported 'ta total 80 million dollars with individual weapons priced at about one tenth to one fifth of what Western countries would charge. Diplomatic officials who reported this yesterday said they under- stood the Egyptians have contracted to buy some 200 Soviet MIG jet fighters, 100 Russian tanks, half a dozen submarines and sizeable quantities of artillery. The cut rate prices agreed to by the Communists are reported to be virtually unprecedented. They are understood to be far below Sthe price Red China has been forced to pay for similar Soviet equipment. First Shipment Arrives The first shipment of these Communist weapons, agreed upon in a deal between Egypt and Czechoslovakia nearly a month ago, has Ikte Walkes First Time Since Illness DENVER (A)-President Dwight ). Eisenhower walked yesterday for the first timne since his heart attack Sept. 24. , \And the first newsman to get close to the President since his illness reported that "he looked just about the same to me"-not like a man who has spent a month in bed. He said President Eisen- hower's color was "good" and his It was only a step or two at a tiethat the chief ecutive took, back and forth from his hospital bed to an easy chair. But It was the beginning of 8 program, set by his doctors, which is expected to result In his walking to an east- bound plane In perhaps another fortnight. President Eisenhower had reach- ed the stage in his recovery where photographers were invited to make the first close-up shots of the President sinice his Illness, with a lone representative of the White House press corps standing by. That was on the sun-splashed terrace outside President Eisen- hower's eighth floor quarters at Fitzsimons Army Hospital. The "pool" reporter present, Garnett D. Homner of the Wash- ington Evening Star, told'his col- leagues: "He looked .just about the same to me. Thesonly thingr ntced thin, but that would be explained by h~is loss of weight." . WORTHINGTON, Minn. (A') - Demands for the resignation of Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson brought cheers yesterday from a farm audience participating in a Senate Agriculture Commit- tee hearing on farm problems. Later, a witness who defended Sec. Benson's flexible farm price support policies drew cheers, how- ever. Moments later he got boos from the sharply divided gather- ing when he criticized the high supports of the Harry S. Truman Ber Big nwho said he farms near Sanborn, Minn., with his wife and five children, set off the fireworks when he ,offered a farm program that started with the de- mand: "Ezra Taft Benson must go." Loud cheers and applause arose from the audience, estimated by committee officials at 400. Both Democratic and Republi- which is touring the county seek- te agriu u r economy sat stone- frer of nearb Spri Lake, Ia. >already arrived in Egypt from the Soviet port of Odessa, informants said. Additional boatloads are set to follow in the near future. Information provided by diplo- mats in the first authoritative re- port on the quantities and prices involved in the Egyptian govern- ment's deal. To make it as painless as pos- sible for the Egyptians, the Com- munists are said to be asking only $50,000 for each MIG .fighter. Prices for Soviet submarines, these informants said, are 1% million dlollars apiece. The cost for tanks, artillery and other weapons in- cluded in the deal is reported to be equally low. Egypt To Pay Fraction Egypt is being asked to provide only a small fraction of the cost in actual money. Surplus Egyptian cotton and rice will pay for the bulk of the purchase. But Egypt is understood to have already made a down payment of one million British pounds, $2,800,000 to a Czech bank to start the flow of Communist arms. The start of actual weapons de- liveries has increased the grave concern felt by top American off i- cials over the possible outbreak of hostilities between Egypt and Is- rael. knownrto fear that Israelsfaced with the prospect of a far more powerful Egyptian army and air force, might be tempted to strike the Egyptians before all Com- munist weapons arrive.' Egyptians To Be Charged Israeli leaders have warned the State Department they will not sit idly by while Egypt builds up its military power for possible attacks cials have given no indication they would attack. Egypt to prevent this. The bargain basement prices to be charged the Egyptians -is de- scribed as a reversal of past Soviet practices. Russia often has prof- ited handsomely from such deals by charging higher than normal rates. This switch in tactics is believed to reflect: 1. Russia's determination to pen- etrate militarily and eqonomically into the Middle East, posing as a friend of the Arabs, while stirring up as much trouble as possible for the West. 2. A Russian drive to get rid of obsolete war equipment for what- ever prices can be realized. old, explained in Traffic Court tht haewthhr meagen garage the nifty, white foreign- made car a boy friend gave her. So the judge didn't insist that she pay the accumulated $1,900 in overtime parking fines all at once, or go to jail for 190 days. He is letting her pay it off at $50 a week, now that she has hat heawyer termed a prom- Ohi Rally Student Government Council will meet at 7:15 p.m. today in Rm. 3B of the Union. Plans for the Ohio State pep rally will be discussed. As a result of the panty-raid occurring after thei last rally, the Council is re- consdeneg t11he aprova of nthe of definite plans for the rally, SOC will decide its approval or disap- proval. Discussion topic of the meeting will be the Educational Objectives of SGC. SGC esietHank Berliner, '56, said that one function of the Council~ Is to evaluate its own objectives and attempt to formu- late its objectives in the realm of educational goals. "We will not attempt to go Into specific problems, but to etablish a framewor oh oni' posi tion on this topic," Berliner said. Topics for discussion of this ob- jective will include counseling pro- grams, faculty evaluation and student - faculty administration conferences-. A full report on the Cinema Guild operation will be heard at the meeting. Plans To Be Presented .J" Hop Committee will present its plans for te Council's ap- proval. Proposed will be a sleigh ride or hayride, depending upon the weather, with dancing in the stable following the ride. This is a new featurerin the weekend, according toBriper. Discussion will determine the acceptability of such activity es- pecially since an insurance com- pany that will insure vehicles of this type has not been found, ac- cording to Mrs. Ruth Callahan of the Office of Student Affairs. Otu her committee report wil in- approval of the budget for Pan- hellenic Ball. Plan Crshes Over Enoland KENDAL, England (IP)-A Unit- ed States Air Force B29 carrying a crew of 10 crashed on land near here after sending a distress sig- nal while over the Irish Sea, police reported early today. "We believe all members of the crew bailed out of the aircraft be- fore it crashed," a spokesman for the Westmoreland County police said. "We are organizing a search for them now." Officials Of irline Operations Shift To Wayne-Major? By DICK SNYDER A erica1n Airine soffcias re reports of a definite decision to shift operations from University- owned Willow Run Airport to Detroit-Wayne Major Airport. Though American's district sales manager Jack A. Tompkins admit- ted his company was considering a proposal made by Wayne County officials, he disclaimed a Detroit Free Press statement that the company had already decided to move to the other port, approxi- mately 10 miles neae Dsetrodit. sion concerning our negotiations with these local officials." Tomp- kins said. Decision Expected Yesterday decisio woul be made knw t yesterday's board meeting of Air- lines National Terminal Service Company, Inc. ANTSCO operates and services Willow Run, which is leased to the airlines by the University. The organization includes seven of the nine airlines now scheduled at the University-owned field. According to ANTSCO president -Robert E. Miller, the board did discuss the proposed shift with American's George Van Nostrand, vice president in charge of real properties, but announcement of any definite decision was left up to the airline. STompkins said last night no decision had been reached. SOthers Write Cobo Meanwhile, the six othedr com mercial airline companies drfe a letter to Detroit Mayor Albert E. Cobo to be made public tomor- row. Though contents of the letter were not revealed, it is thought that it isa restatement of the ains Major. The airlines have stated for some time that they would be open to any definite proposal advanced by Wayne officials, but that a shift in operations from Willow Run 'would call for extensive develop- ment of the Wayne County port. Anmerican Believed "Kingpin" Many observers of the shift in operations issue, which has been under discussion since last spring, feel that American Airlinies is the "kingpinl" in plans to move from Willow Run. Some University and Wayne County offiicals have also express- ed the opinion that the long-de- layed report of the federal gov- ernment's Airport Use Panel is due to a "wait-and-see" attitude on the part of Panel members. Dulles To Confer With ih --Daily--Chuck Kelsey MOBILE EDUCATIONAL UNIT-Stockmobile, a three-compartmented bus housing a miniature brok- erage office, drew a crowd of approximately 100 people yesterday. Stationed at the Main and Packard parking lot, its visitors were mostly students, gathering Information for classroom papers or asking technical questios Approximately 100 people, mostly students, visited the "stockmobile" at the 'Main and Packard parking lot yesterday. Many were writing papers and most asked technical questions, Clayton Call, of the Detroit office of rthe brokeragefi rm t hat spon- Call added that one student asked some questions about op- tions that "even had me stumped." He said that many were gathering material for future uses, and some own stocks now. The stockmobile, an educational device in its present situation, is part of a group of three miniature brokerage offices. 'These buses operate in and around New York City offering the services of a regular brokerage office. The unit that visited Ann Arbor has made aerie of two wek stop arod Ptittsburgh, Cle"ve- The three-compartmented bus has a center '"board room" where current stock prices are posted. Flanking the board room are two small offices where prospective customers can discuss their stock-- buying problems with members of the firm. ATlANTA, Ga. (A)-An ex- convict pleaded guilty in United States District Court yesterday to stealing nine hogs from the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary's honor farm within a week after he was released from the prison. 'NO PANACEA': 'U' Psychiatrist A rgues New Drug's Evaluation By ERNEST THEODOSSIN A University psychiatrist disagrees with the statement that new drugs used in treatment and recovery of mental patients have pro- duced a "revolutionary transformation." Dr. Willard J. Hendrickson of the psychiatry department said yesterday that most reports about the so-called "wonder" drugs - thorazine and reserpine-have been "grossly optimistic in view of what the facts today .justify. "These drugs quieting disturbed are extremely people. They RondupWS By The Associated Press Be Careful .. WASHINGTON--The Air Force BONGO DRUMS, LAMPS-: 9 *0 High School Workshop Begins Cuban bongo drums, two mod- ernistic lamps and a Hi-Fi amp- lifier were among the projects be- gun last night at the opening of the recreational workshop in Uni- versity High School. Any University student may en- roll in the workshop and take ad- vataget of tlhe euipment and in- cret d yorelf tre d i ~ a s e a d cd e d h ec c o u l d s a v e oteris, workingon asrctr gre- served notice Alast night it ,will soon begin flying aircraft which may be mistaken for flying sauc- ers by the public. But Secretary Donald A. Quarles added in a statement that the Air Force, after a study started in 1947 and covering thousands of al- leged "sightings," still has found nothing to confirmn the existence of saucers, which some people thought might, have come from outer space. - * * * Intrigue. . . LONDON - A Laborite M P yesterday named a former British diplomat in Washington as the shadowy third man whose last- minute warning gave Soviet spies Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean time enough to escape behind the Iron Curtain. - Lt. Col. Marcus Lipton touched the Washington Embassy, gave the tipoff just as a security net was closing in on the two Foreign Office diplomats. . * * High Price.-..- INDIANAPOLIS-Cost of using National Guard troops in the Per- fect Circle Corporation strike will toa about $140,000, Cat. Wil Scot said the cost to dte has b een $121,500. R . , mnimum 45 mle an hou hgwa igntivp macninn nnoning Nov. L interesting in their properties in tre promising and continue to be progming. But as for being "rev- olutionary,' this Is not the case- they are not curative," he said. Story Carried Nationally National news-releasing organi- zations last week carried the story that the drugs' "have lifted the recovery rate from about 65 per cent to 90 per cent among acute [ease as schizophreniamand anic depression'" Dr. Hendrickson. who has me- cently been working with the drugs, especially thorazine, said that although the psychiatric divi- sion of University Hospital does not treat large numbers of pat- ients, treatment to' the present number has not indicated any startling developments. " From our experience," he said, .thorazine is a very promising aid in helping control patients. With resperine we have not seen very good results, but we are currently starting to use them in larger doses. Dr. Hendrickson explained that there are no known drugs that cure mental diseases. "These new drugs continue to be promising," he emphasized, "but they are no new panacea. Inspire Enthusiasm "Like penicillin and shock treat- But the medical profession has had countless 'panaceas' that turned out to be only partially useful." Thorazine has been on the mar-- 1ket one and g half years, reser- pine a year longer. , Dr. Hendrickson lamented that, in spite of the new drugs, "We are still going to have a lot of prob- lems." Schon i lrs hp hig Of Balkans Causes Visit Plans Announced At Paris Meeting PARIS (IP)-Secretary of State John Foster Dulles announced yesterday he plans to meet Presi- dent Tito in Communist Yugo- slavia Nov. 6. The visit will underscore the inm- portance of the Balkan leader In East-West diplomacy. Sec. Dul- les will be the highest ranking American ever to visit the Yugo- slav marshal and this will be his first meeting w/ith Tito. Sec. Dulles told reporters qf his plans after a meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for- eign ministers. The four power foreign minist- ers' conference at Geneva, opening tomorrow may not be over by then, but Nov. 6 Is a Sunday and it would likely be in recess. To Arrive at Pula The Yugoslav government said Dulles will arrive by air at Pula, in the northwest part of the coun- try, Nov. 6 and travel immediately to Brioni Island for lunch with Tito. He then will fly back to Geneva. Tito has been courted deter- m~ndy by teSvtUnion ever since the post-Stalin new look came into being Soviet Commu mirNikolai Bulganin viited Tito lastrMay. They sought forgiveness for his expulsion from the Mos-. cow-led cominform In 1948, when he was denounced as a Fascist for resisting Russion domination. Tito's position since the new So- viet approach has been a source of concern to the United States, Only recently he was involved In an argument with Washington over the might of an American mil- itary mission to observe the use he made of United States arms shipments. Dulles Wants Assurance Thus it seems likely Sec. Dub- les wants assurance personally from Tito on Yugoslavia's status in world affairs. Yugoslavia is a member of the Balkan pact linking it with Greece and Turkey. In time of war, Yugolai w ould be inthe psi- tio ofa poential bridge betwen the NATO countries of Eastern and Western Europe. Tito has received around a half billion dollars in American mili- tary and economic aid since the 1948 cominform break. SRC Plans New Agenda Student Relations Committee of coming year at its meeting yest- erday. Following discussion of its aims, the Committee agreed upon start- ing projects which would increase knowledge of its operdtions and create an interest in student par- ticipation in almni activities fol- lowing graduation. Programs hoped to forward attheh meting include radi badcasts ove WCBalte survyo Almn Clbslaspak emsueau deopent of Ser bion fr a broueto studvent