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October 25, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-10-25

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(See Page 4)


Latest Deadline in the State



VOL. LXVI, No.28
Benson Requests,
Increased Buying
Expects to Encourage Consumption
With Big Purchases of Pork, Lard
WASHINGTON (P)-Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson
announced yesterday the governments expects to buy approximately
85 million dollars worth of pork and lard in an effort to encourage
consumption and assist farmers in adjusting their production to
market demands.
He said the purchase program will go into effect "as soon as
practicable" and probably would involve tle buying of about 170
million pounds of =pork and 30 million pounds of lard' to a total expen-
diture of approximately 85 million




. -

Special Trip
Not Planned
By Senators
Pentagon Plans
Private Flights






of Elections

... speaks on colonialism

Aides Report
To Hospital
U.S. Economy, U.N.
Reviewed By Ike
DENVER (A')-President Dwight
D. Eisenhower got reports yester-
day on the "excellent" status of
the nation's economy and approv-
ed a program for attacking spotty
unemployment in some industrial
The President also received word
that chances are -looking up for
ultimate Soviet acceptance of his
plan to trade military blueprints
and Permit mutual air inspection
of military installations.
Successive Conferences
In successive conferences-one
of them begun on the sundeck at
Fitzsimons Army Hospital-Pres.
Eisenhower consulted with Dr.
Gabriel Hauge, his personal eco-
nomic advisor, and Dr. Arthur F.
Burns, chairman of the Council
of Economic Advisors. They said
they reported to him on the ex-
cellent state of the national econo-
my, outlined a three-point pro-
gram to assist local depressed
areas that aren't sharing fully in
good times and got his okay for
going ahead with it.
Lodge Advises'
Reviewing United Nations af-
fairs, UN Ambassador Henry Cabot
Lodge Jr. advised Pres. Eisenhow-
er there may be "real action" on
the blueprint and inspection plan
--before the UN General Assembly
session ends Dec. 10.
Possibly, Lodge told a news con-
ference, some Russian ideas may
be combined with Eisenhower's.
Encouraging Reports
All three visitors came away
with encouraging reports on Eis-
enhower's appearance and condi-
tion. They relayed them to re-
porters in separate news confer-
"In all the years I've known
him," Lodge said, "I've never seen
him looking better and acting bet-
At the same time, Presidential
Press Secretary James C. Hager-
ty announced that Secretary of
Agriculture Benson will be here
Saturday to see the chief execu-
Machines Fail
To Increase
WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary
of Labor Mitchell came up with
data Monday showing, he said,
that productivity of American in-
dustry has not increased material-
ly despite the trend toward labor-
saving machines.
The data suggested that mach-
ines have had no appreciable over-
all effect of displacing workers
from jobs.
Michell told the Senate-House
Committee studying the impact of
automation--or growing une of
pushbotton factory and office ma-
chinery-that the average produc-
tivity gain since World War II
"does nct appear to be extraordin-
arily high."
He said Labor Department sta-
tistics show a three per cent an-
nual increase between the two

world wars in productivity, or the
measure of output related to man-
nnra.'ar 4ra.,..ntc 'fnran'.Ifl A7

School Lunches
The pork and lard, Benson told
a news conference, will be acquired
for current consumption through
the school lunch program, charit-
able institutions and by needy
persons. He stressed that no more
would be bought than could be
disposed of through these outlets
and that it would not be bought
for government storage.
Some farm and congressional
leaders have been insisting that
the government begin a pork buy-
ing program to help the hog mar-
ket. Hog prices are now about 30
per lower than a year ago.
Sec. Benson said the program is
being undertaken in accordance
with recommendations made by
the hog and pork industry advisory
committee, which met with him
and other department officials
Oct. 7.
Limited Program
The committee recommended
that the department undertake a
limited purchase program if such
action became necessary because of
the marketing situation. Sec. Ben-
son said the increasing volume of
deliveries to markets and sagging
prices indicate this was the prop-
er time for the government to get
into the market as a buyer.
Sec. Benson said pork products
to be bought under the program
will be from animals of, the- light-
weight variety averaging about
185-210 pounds. He said the pro-
gram is aimed at encouraging the
marketing of lighter weight hogs
and giving farmers time to start
adjusting their future production.
Sec. Benson said pork products
being considered for purchase are
pork' luncheon meat processed from
shoulders, hams, or loins; canned
pork and gravy, from loins and
hams; and lard. He said consider-
ation also is being given to the
purchase.of hams.
Benson Talks
Against Rigid
Farm Support
WASHINGTON, Secretary of
Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson said
yesterday that despite recent
statements by Democratic leaders
supporting high, fixed price sup-
ports for farm products "there is
more and more evidence of a need
for greater flexibility."
He told a news conference he
felt it would be "a serious mis-
take to move backward to a rigid
system of price supports."
"It is my best judgement," Sec.
Benson said, "that Congress will
not enact legislation to go back
to it."
He said some farmers had ex-
pressed to him a willingness to
take price cuts if they could op-
erate without controls.
"I don't know how widespread
this feeling is," Sec. Benson added.

Lunn Calls
Lost Cause
"There is no question but that
colonialism is on the way out, and
it seems to me the UN is having
force in this whether it likes it or
not," Harry Lunn, '54, said yester-
Speaking on "The United Na-
tions and the Colonial Question"
the former Daily Managing Editor
and former president of the Na-
tional Student Association describ-
ed the UN as "not entirely a
failure" in dealing with problems
of self-determination.
Lunn's talk was part of a five-
man discussion sponsored by Stu-
dent Government Council and the
International Students Associa-
He praised the international
which the colonial people may vo
organization as a "channel
through which the colonial peoples
may voice their demands," and
for a "host of voluntary organiza-
tions in social and economic fielIs
which train colonial peoples for
Lunn said American students
are working through the United
States NSA and the International
Student Conference in "supply-
ing technical assistance and lead-
ership training for young leaders
in the underveloped and colonial
He observed that American stu-
dents in international conventions
are freer to sympathize with the
cause of colonial peoples than the
State Department, which must
concern itself with the "practical
ramifications" of American air
bases in colonies and the friend-
ship of the colonial powers.
Hollis Peter, associate director
of the Foundation for Research on
Human Behavior and former chief]
of American technical assistance
to Lebanon, spoke of a "need to
channel nationalism or anti-col-
onialism toward constructive
goals" through economic develop-
Peter suggested the UN get the
colonial powers to agree to a
scheduling of "regular steps" to-
ward political sovereignty and eco-
nomic development. He expressed
the hope that such a UN role
would prevent renigging on prom-
ises of independence.
Anwar Shaudhry, a law student
from Pakistan remarked that "the
white man's burden is breaking
the back of the bearer"
"Independence," he observed,
"surely means more than economic
well-being," but the "UN has not
lived up to its expectations" in
ending colonialism.

fense department yesterday absolv-
ed two Democratic senators of any
blame in the decision to fly them
home from Europe in a special
The department also expressed
formal regrets over any embar-
rassment that might have been
caused the legislators.
Special Mission
A statement issued by the Pen-
tagaon said that a review of the
incident had established that
neither Sen. John L. McClellan
D-Ark. nor Sen. John C. Stennis
D-Miss. requested "nor where
they made aware" that the Air
Force planned to fly special mis-
sion aircraft to Madrid to pick
them up and fly them home with
members of their families and
staff representatives of the Sen-
ate Appropriations Committee. l
"Sen. McClellan and Sen. Sten-
nis are in no way responsible for
the Air Force's decision" to dis-
patch the big aircraft to Spain, the
statement said, and "it is regret-
ted that the incident caused em-
barrassment to the senators," j
The Pentagon said also that at
the request of Sen. Dennis Chavez
D-NM, another touring senator
who plans to fly home Nov. 8, the
special aircraft scheduled to return
him and the remainder of the
party has been canceled.
No Request
Sen. Chavez said last week he
had "requested nothing" in the
matter of any special flight.
The cost of two special flights
had been estimated at $20,000.
The Pentagon statement was is-
sued after Sen. McClellan and
Sen. Stennis returned earlier yest-
erday, both bridling at reports
that they had demanded special
The two senators had made
their way from Madrid to Ger-
many and flew back on a regular-
ly scheduled plane operated by the
Military Air Transport Service.
Demand Explanation
Upon their arrival they de-
manded en explanation from the
Defense Department of published
reports that the department was
dispatching two airliners to Eur-
ope because the legislators said
they had to be back yesterday and
there was no other regular MATS
plane available for them.I
Sen. McClellan told reportersc
that "if there was any intent toX
embarrass me, I positively refuse
to be embarrassed by it."


-Daily-Hal Leeds
NEED A DATE?--The new student directory, on sale again today, provides names, addresses, and
phone numbers of all University students, and University buildings. Here Directory editors Bob
Wells, Grad., left, Ken Rogat, '56LSA, and Dick Harrison, '56LSA, unload books on campus. The
directories will be sold on campus, and in bookstores again today.

Snow, Wind Bring
Sign o inter
Wintry winds swirled light snow across Ann Arbor yesterday af-'
ternoon in a chilly reminder that the cold season is on its way.
A momentary gust of wind whistled across the diag at two,
o'clock and turned the normal change of classes into a race from
the elements.
Caught Unprepared
Students caught unprepared in light raincoats emerged later
from their dorms the wiser for wear with heavy winter coats.
Thermometers chilled to a low of 35 degrees late last night,
with the high for the day around 44 degrees.
The winds which whipped across campus in the afternoon were
around 28 miles per hour, with gusts of 36 mph sending autumn
leaves scattered through the air.

Boys' Killer
Still at Large;
Reward Rises
CHICAGO-Rewards for cap-
ture and conviction of the sad-
istic killers of three schoolboys
mounted to nearly $27,000 Mon-
Mayor Richard Daley announc-
ed the city will pay $10,000 for in-
formation leading to a solution of
the ghastly crime. Another $10,000
reward offer was approved by the
finance committee of the Cook
County Board of Commissioners.
Rewards Posted
Rewards totaling $6,700 already
had been posted.
Beaten and strangled, the naked
bodies of Robert Peterson, 14, and
two brothers, John 13, and Anton
Schuessler Jr., 11, were found Oct.
'18 piled in a ditch in Robinson
woods forest preserve about three
miles from their homes on the
Northwest side.
Hottest lead in the investiga-
tion appeared to be a blue DeSoto
sedan. Two witnesses told police
they saw the boys climb into such
a car at a Northwest Side inter-
section a few hours before they
were killed.
Stubborn Moms
Urge Stop Light
Urging erection of. a traffic
light on treacherous Telegraph
Road, Taylor Township mothers
stood in sleet and rain yesterday
in an attempt to blockade the!


Secret Of Life
LONDON, Ont. (;P) -- Mrs.
Annie Jones, celebrating her
100th birthday, said her secret
of longevity is two-fold: "Have
ancestors who lived a long time,
and just wait until the Lord
sends for you."
World News
Roundu .
" By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- The United
States Monday formally recognized
Premier Ngo Dinh Diem as chief
of state of South Viet Nam, re-
placing ex-Emperor Bao Dai.
A State Department spokesman
announced the move less than 24
hours after Vietnamese voters ov-
erwhelmingly chose Diem in place
of the absent, ex-monarch in na-
tionwide balloting.
* * *
LANSBERG, Germany -- The
United States has freed SS Col.
Gen. Sepp Dietrich, whose Nazi
Elite Guard troopers killed 142
unarmed American prisoners in
the 1944 Malmedy massacre.
Dietrich was paroled form a life
war crimes sentence after a joint
Allied-German board unanimous-
ly recommended mercy. He was
released from Lansberg.Prison Sat-
German newsmen uncovered the
story Monday. Four hours later,
the U. S. Army officially confirmed
* * *
WASHINGTON - Thieves broke
into a small safe at the offices of
the World Bank here over the
weekend and took upward of'
$30,000 in American and British
currency and travelers checks.
The robbery was from a suite of
offices the 57-nation, multibillion
dollar bank maintains near bank
LONDON - Princess Margaret
and Peter Townsend met again at
tea time and went partying Mon-
day night.
The romance of the princess, 25,
and the divorced commoner, 40,
sparked a sharp discussion here on
church-state ties. Two London
newspapers suggested the Church
>f England should bow out of its
centuries-old alliance with the
state if it cannot swallow its op-
position to the match.

Supreme Court Deals
Movie Censors 1low
WASHINGTON RI)-The Supreme Court dealt movie censors
another setback yesterday.,
Without a dissenting voice, the court struck down a ruling by
the Kansas Supreme Court which upheld the banning of a motion
picture, "The Moon is Blue," as obscene.
The film, widely shown several year ago, is a romantic comedy
concerning a young girl's wide-eyed attitude toward sex. She has
in on t ad eurefi with n

an n1ei e t4.Lv MVltr IPML
older man who is an avowed
In a brief, unsigned order the
court said "judgment reversed"
and cited a decision by it in 1952.
The 1952 ruling involved "The
Miracle." The court said then New
York could not ban the film on the
ground that it is sacreligious. But
the court added it wa4 necessary
for it to decide whether a state
should censor pictures "under a
clearly drawn statute designed and
applied to prevent the showing of
obscene films."
"The Miracle" Case.
By citing its ruling in "The
Miracle" case, the court indicated
that the Kansas censorship regu-
lations failed to meet the stand-
ards laid down in the 1952 deci-
In another action, the court de-
clined to pass on whether local
police may require motorists ac-
cused of drunken driving to take
blood tests.
With Justices Stanley Reed and
William O. Douglas dissenting and
Chief Justice Earl Warren taking
no part, the court said "The re-
cord in this case fails to establish
that a federal question is pre-
sented." The vote was 6-2.

Joint Policy
Issued By
Big Three
PARIS (A) - The Western Big
Three hammered out details yes-
terday of a joint program to ease
world tension. They will submit it
to the Soviet Union later this week
at Geneva.
A joint communique issued after
two meetings said in part: "The.
ministers, after having taken note
of the work of their experts, have
defined in general lines joint posi-
tions which, they hope to adopt at
Geneva and on which they expect
to exchange view tomorrow with
their NATO colleagues."
U.S. Secretary of State Dulles,
British Foreign Secretary Harold
Macmillan and French Foreign
Minister Antoine Pinay conferred
twice yesterday on the text of a
three-power memorandum which
they will present to Soviet Foreign
Minister V. M. Molotov when the
Big Four, power conference opens

To Oversee
New Ballot
Germany, France
Open New Talks
Victorious German parties in the
Saar last night called on the
Western European Union to super-
vise a new goverenmental election
in this little border territory to
replace Premier Johannes Hoff-
West German Vice Chancellor
Franz Bluecher-describing the
Saarlanders' plebiscite against Eu-
ropeanization as "a victory of
reason"-led the Bonn Cabinef,
in proposing new French-German
negotiations on the fate of the
long-disputed border coal basin.
Threat to French
France sat tight, its 10-year
economic control of the Saar ob-
viously threatened by the upsurge
of German national feeling, but
there were indications from Paris
that some kind of calm compro-
mise would be sought.
Premier Edgar Faure and Chan-
cellor Konrad Adenauer exchang-
ed telegrams,'expressing their con-
viction that German-French re-
lations must not be upset by the
results of the Saar election,
In other capitals of Europe, tied
to both France and West Germany
by the NATO alliance, anxiety and
suspicion were manifest over the
the Saar's home-tothe-fatherlazd
trend. Inevitably, it conjured up
memories of the plebiscite for un-
ion with Nazi Germany 20 years
Former Nai
In their first official move snc
smashing .the Saar Europeaniza-
tion plan Sunday, pro-German
leaders including former Nazi
storm trooper Heinrich Schneider
sent telegrams to WSU's Council
of Ministers asking:
1. That it extend the authority
of its supervisory commission in
the Saar to include new electons,-.;
now expected in January.
2. Give the commission control
of the Saar's 2,000-man police
force until a new government is
Repudiated by the voters in his
campaign to make this the first
europeanized state, Premier Hoff-
mann prepared to turn over his
office to a caretaker premier. He
resigned early yesterday after
Saarlanders voted 67.7 per cent
against Europeanizing the terri-
Begun By U
Ann Arbor will come to life this
week with preparations for the
annual homecoming football game.
In fraternity and sorority houses
over the campus students are bus-
ily preparing Homecoming displays
which will lend a one-day festival
atmosphere to sedate Ann Arbor
Some 75,000 to 80,000 fans are
expected in Ann Arbor to watch
the weekend's highlight as Michi-
gan takes on Iowa in its quest of
the Big Ten football champion-
In addition to the game, week-
end events will include the annual
"Varsity night" variety show Fri-
day evening in Hill auditorium,

judging of displays Saturday
morning, and the Homecoming
dance Saturday night at the In-
tramural sports building.
Winners in the display judging
will be announced during half-
time of the football game.
In addition to the usual special
class reunions, alumni will be
able to meet after the game, by

Soviet Union Publishes
New Official Slogans

MOSCOW (P) - The Soviet
Union's new approach to foreign
affairs was reflected strongly in
the 73 official slogans published
yesterday to keynote the 38th
anniversary Nov. 7 of the Russian
They also serve as a political
yardstick for Communists the
world over.
New and noticably high on the
list were slogans mentioning West
Germany, with which the Soviet
Unin i Rc~ahichnrrri,_na.n

There are seven more slogans for
this year's celebration than there
were last year. But those devoted
to foreign policy total 17, the same
as the previous list.
Communist Poland, Czechoslo-
vakia, Hungary, Romania, Bul-
garia, Albania, and Mongolia were
lumped into one slogan which
offered them "fraternal greet-
ings." The Soviet Union continued
paying special attention to the
East, with individual bows to Com-
munistf-ruled North Korea and

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