Ely~d~4iian BaUg
Sixty-Sixth Year
'e MacArthur Papers
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
Movies Adopt New
'Peace Offensive'
ALMOST EVERY night in the week you can now see a program
presented by one of the major movie studios. These shows such
as "Warner Bros. Presents," "MGM 'Parade," "20th Century Fox
Hour" and "Disneyland" are designed to present their stars in feature
performances and also show the public so-called "previously-guarded
secrets" of the motion picture industry.
It is also very likely that in tuning to the "Ed Sullivan Show,"
"Comedy Hour," "Milton Berle Show" or other regularly scheduled
variety programs there will be a movie star included on the bill. Ap-
pearances by the stars of the Silver Screen on dramatic shows such
as "Studio One," "Climax" and "Video Theater" are now common
Does this imply that the feud between the movie industry and
television is over and that the movie moguls want to help television
JAY, OCTOBER 23,1955
Hope Found In SGCs
willingness To Face Issue
SGC FACED an important controversial issue
last week and results indicate future reli-
ance on SGC to responsibility handle important
campus problems.
Regardless of feeling about the decision, ob-
servers admitted SGC thoroughly and maturely
hashed the problem. When the vote came mem-.
bers accepted the result and determined to fol-
low up the decision with concrete accomplish-
ment. Although there was little ranting and
raving a binding decision was made and those
delegated responsibility by the vote felt obli-
gated to immediately begin investigating.
Although the informal atmosphere of an
SGC meeting helps immeasurably in keeping
meetings to the point, other precedents set dur-
ing rushing discussions should be remembered
when future controversies arise. Primarily re-
sponsible for instituting the precedents was.
SGC President, Hank Berliner, and he deserves
commendation for his action.
Commendation-is appropriate at three differ-
ent stages of rushing discussions. First his sug-
gestion that makers of motions on controversial
issues tell the Council two weeks in advance
of their intentions. Advance notice gives mem-
bers time to become informed long before they
get to the meeting and eliminates useless ques-
tion and answer periods that dominated many
SL, meetings.
Also students were aware the problem was
,coming before GC and Council members had
little trouble sounding out constituents on pros
and cone of the problem.
SECONDLY Berliner's sharp clarification of
SGC's rightful jurisdiction in the .area of
friternity and sorority rushing eliminated a
possible stalemate. The President, as an unbias-
ed part of the Council can nip in the bud in-
terest groups attempts to challenge the Coun-
cil's soveringty.
Lastly Berliner's determination to keep the
meeting informal was undeniably an asset. Dis-
cussion moved rapidly and floor hogging, ef-
forts were absent. Twice there were opportuni-
ties to move into parliamentary procedure.
Once Robert's Rules were used to simplify what
could have been a confusing situation, when
there was chance three motions would have
been on the floor at once.
But when a rather nebulous motion, obvious-
ly not too well prepared, was put before the
Council Berliner refused to rule it our of order
so the Council could hear the new concept be-
ing presented.
Seventy-five students at Wednesday's meet-
ing demonstrates interest in student govern-
ment miserably lacking the last few years. Cer-
tainly there was an important issue before the
council, but the room would have been empty if
students didn't think SGC could act on the
problem. That they did act leaves prospects
good for broadening SGC's area of interest and
Daily Managing Editor
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Plan Push-Button Defense
Censorship Rests With Majority
AN ASSOCIATED PRESS news dispatch re-
cently came out of Detroit with the follow-
ing observation: "Detroiters who go to the
movies and who read paper back books missed
a lot last year."
Prompting for the statement came from In-
spector Melville E. Bullock, head of the Detroit
Police Censor Bureau, who estimated that more
than 400 books were removed from news stands
and more than 425,000 feet of film was cut
from movies during the last year.
The immediate question that arises is what
Detroiters missed. The criteria for removing
the books and cutting the film were not reveal-
ed, but the usual justification for censorship is
protection of the public morality. Supposedly,
then, Detroiters missed nothing worthwhile,
but only that which would have poisoned their
The line between that which is poisonous and
that which is not is indeed delicate to draw.
The drawing is entrusted, in this case, to pub-
lic officials who,' by the very nature of their
jobs, are required to impose their own personal
morality on some 2,000,000 people (the popu-
lation of Detroit).
ALTHOUGH they have recourse to long-
standing moral codes established by society and
religion, the censors necessarily find themselves
interpreting these established codes, in each
particular case, according to their own personal
codes. That their personal codes generally con-
form to those accepted at large is indicated by
the realization that they would not be public
officials if such were not the case.
What is really happening, according to de-
mocratic theory, is that the people, through
their elected representatives, are appointing a
censor to protect themselves against themselves
in the area of poisonous (obscene, immoral, etc.)
ideas and presentations.
One can hardly object, then, to the censor's
doing his job. The way in which he does it
may be open to criticism, but not his doing it.
Criticism should instead be directed toward the
people who allow their representatives to ap-
point a censor.
THE IDEA of censorship is authoritarian and
totalitarian, and certainly not democratic.
Whether a people has the right to impose an
undemocratic restriction upon themselves
through the democratic method is a moot q'ues-
tion. Regardless of whether they have such a
right, to do so is unwise.
The idea embodied in democracy is that ev-
eryone, even if he is a minority of one, has a
right to have himself heard. If his ideas are
repugnant to the majority, they will be re-
jected by the majority by their refusing to
patronize his book or movie.
This is the ideal, which is admittedly diffi-
cult to apply in practice-there are some things
which even the most democratic of us could not
tolerate on the newsstands or the movie screen
even for the short time it takes complete pub-
lic disapproval 4o take effect.
The restraint necessary to keep the worst
from the public should be exercised by pub-
lishing companies and film distributors them-
selves, with final pressure in the hands of the
public. If the public cannot decide its own
morality, then neither can it keep its demo-
Daily City Editor
DESPITE skepticism over push-
button warfare, the Air Force
plans to install a push-button de-.
fense system that will automati-
cally shower Russia with H-bombs
in case of an attack on this coun-
No announcement has been
made because of the new peace
atmosphere, but Air Force gen-
erals believe the Kremlin should
know about the retaliatory defense
system in order to deter them
from war.
The Air Force plan calls
for thousands of intercontinental
guided missiles, armed with H-
bomb warheads, to be poised at
the heart of Russia. They will be
installed in secret launching sites,
carefully cocked and aimed ready
to strike at pre-set Soviet targets.
IN CASE of an enemy attack,
this swarm of deadly missiles
could be fired simultaneously at
a secret signal from the President.
Each missile would seek out a dif-
ferent enemy target and blow it
into oblivion within two hours.
The signal could be flashed from
the White House or the President's
emergency headquarters to the Air
Force command post. , The latter
is already functioning ' deep un-
derground, beneath walls of solid
cement and behind heavy steel
doors that swing shut and seal it
like a vault.
Inside this Air Force "Brain
Center," a bank of telephones plug
into "hot lines" connecting di-
rectly with air units around the
world. These units are ready to
spring into action at the flash of
the right code word-or a push of
the "panic button," as the Air
Force calls it.
THIS SAME centralized system
will be used to fire the H-missiles
simultaneously from their con-
cealed launchers. Missiles have al-
ready been tested that can shoot
all the way to Moscow, hitting
within 10 miles of a pre-set tar-
get. With hydrogen explosives,
this is close enough to wipe out
the target.
The missiles are navigated by
the stars, the starlight working
the pre-set, electronic control me-
chanism much the way old player
pianos played tunes from pre-
stamped piano rolls.
It would appear that the push-
button age of war is not far off.
* * *
IT HASN'T been formally an-
nounced, but the White House
bomb shelter is already considered
obsolete. Military experts fear a
direct hit by an A-bomb or H-
bomb would cave in the concrete-
and-steel shelter built right after
Pearl Harbor to withstand the
biggest conceivable explosion of
The shelter will continue to be
held in constant readiness, in case.
of an emergency that wouldn't
give the President time to flee to
his secret command post outside
Washington. Furthermore, any-
thing short of a direct A-bomb
hit probably would leave the
President's bomb shelter safe. It
is equipped with a special venti-
lating system that filters out ra-
dioactive particles.
A complex underground com-
munications room, kept up to date
with the latest secret signal de-
vices, is also 'ready for the Presi-
dent to flash emergency orders to
the nation.
In case Washington were dem-
olished, the Presidential shelter,
is equipped with its own heating
system, power plant, and water
supply so it could go on function-
ing. Only a direct hit would put it
out of action.
It is austerely furnished with
metal cots, straight chairs, and
plain wooden tables. It is also
stocked with enough food, medi-
cine, and office supplies to last
20 people for two weeks.
*r * *
wife of the government official
who buys and sells everything
under the sun for the government
from desks to toothpicks, has just
taken 40 dogs to the West Coast.
She likes the climate better there.
and believes her dogs will be hap-
pier there also.
(Copyright, 1955, Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
by donating their stars and secrets
to the new medium? Not quite. It
simply means that the movie in-
dustry has found a method of ad-
vertising its forthcoming flickers
and at the same time make money
on the deal.
* + *
."DISNEYLAND" is sponsored by
a car manufacturer, a food proces-
sor and a dairy association. But
Walt Disney Productions get more
advertising on this show than all
three sponsors combined.
They tease the public so they
will go out and pay to see the full
feature. Even with all this free
advertising these sponsors still
have to pay Walt Disney Pro-
ductions for producing the show.
Stars appearing on variety and
drama shows always "just seem
to have" a film clip of their next
picture to present on the show.
Thus these stars are getting paid
to publicize their studio's next pic-
ture, but the sponsor of the show
foots the bill, not the movie com-
The worst example of this type
of advertising was presented on
the "Milton Berle Show" a few
weeks back. John Wayne made a
guest appearance on this particu-
lar show and his whole contribu-
tion to the show was to stand in
back of Berle wearing a tuxedo
with the words "Blood Alley"
printed on the back of the jacket,
pull out a handkerchief with these
words embroidered on it, and open
the curtain and show the audience
a blackboard with "Blood Alley"
printed on it.
"Blood Alley", as you probably
have guessed, is the title of
Wayne's next picture.
BEST IN VIEW! Today the Uni-
versity of Michigan TV Hour be-
gins its 30 week series, showing a
movie of an actual birth. This
afternoon Maurice Evans presents
"Alice in Wonderland" starring
Gillian Barber. Miss Barber was
imported from London, where she
is already a TV star at 14, by
Evans for the show. Also in the
cast of "Alice" are Martyn Green,
Bobby Clark and Burr Tilstrom,
creator of Kukla, Fran and Ollie.
To top off this big football
week-end Jack Carson emcees a
salute to college football onkthe
Comedy Hour tonight. Mickey
Rooney, Jack Haley, Mel Allen,
Roger Williams, Rudy Vallee and
StanFreeberg will all be rah-rah
college when making their ap-
pearances on the show.
-Larry Enhorn
Funny Film
'THE Return of Jack Slade" is
one of those movies that is so
awful it's funny. About half way
through the picture one begins to
wonder exactly how serious the
producer was.
Jack Slade, Jr. (John Ericson)
comes roaring out of St. Joseph,
Missouri to take on the Wild Gang.
In doing so, he hopes to clear the
name of Jack Slade, Sr., who was
quite a boy.
The fact that the Wild Gang
is composed of more than 100 as-
sorted cutthroats and several wo-
men whose functions are never
fully explained bothers him not
in the least.
r E PICTURE alternates be-
tween target practice scenes
(Jack Jr. has inherited his father's
handiness with a Colt) and love
scenes with Texas Rose(Marl
Blanchard) who has a heart of
gold and hair to match, both of
which seem highly artificial.
Needless to say, everything ends
happily. Jack and Texas ride off
into the purple sunset, which is
quite a trick, since the picture was
filmed in glorious black and white.
Also Superscope, whatever that is.
w Ericson is highly successful as
Slade, mainly because he has the
physiognomy to go with the part.
His hollow eyes, his dedicated
cheekbones proclaim his mission.
Miss Blanchard's physical at-
tributes are adequate also, since
all she is called upon to do is
slither around Jack and look dedi-
cated too. La Monroe need have
no fear.
- :
IN PLACES, dialogue smacks of
to the
Then He Said...
To the Editor:
WAS involved in a conversation
this week which I think is just
too incredible not to share. As a
transfer student (from UCLA) I
find it impossible to avoid com-
paring students. Most of the U-M
students seems to be superior in
personality and intellect, but this
conversation reveals the exception.
In the League Wednesday after-
noon, I sat at the corner table un-
der the blaring loud speaker of the
juke box. All the other table were
filled so a strange young man join-
ed me at mine. The jazz coming
out of the speaker was extremely
loud, so I commented to the boy,
"I hope you can stand the noise."
He answered, "Oh, I like this-re-
cord." I smiled congenially and
said, "Well, I'm not much of a
jazz enthusiast." He said, "What.
Are you a classical?" I answered,
Then he asked, "What. Areyou
married or something?" How come
you wear a ring?" He was refer-
ring to a small pearl ring which I
wear. I said, "This ring is on my
right hand." He looked puzzled
and then asked, "Does it matter
what hand it's on?" I answered,
"Usually one wears a ring on the
third finger of the left hand to
indicate' marriage." s a i d he,
"you can learn something every
day if you just talk to the right
In order to prevent further con-
versation, I opened a lab manual
and directed all MY attention to
the page. He looked at it for a
minute and said, "What's that
for?" I looked up answered, "I
have a lab at three o'clock." "Oh,
-he, said," "do you play the
'pie-ano'?" "I beg your pardon."
I said. "The 'pie-ano', some music
students were in here the other
day and when they have a lab
they play the 'pie-ano', he said
helpfully. I shook my head and
said, "Oh no, this is botany." He
got a knowing look on his face and
brightly said, "Oooohhh. You're a
bug collector!"
Well, the boy finally left after
I'd explained that botany was the
study of plants and that he could
learn two things if he tried hard
enough. He was completely sin-
cere in his comments. An appro-
priate title to this conversation
might be, "What Are YOU Do-
ing in College?"
A. G. Kerkmann '57
The Daily official Bulletin i tan
official publication of the University
of Michigan for Which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
SUNDAY, OcTOBER 23, 1955
Academic Notices
Graduate ,Students in Linguistics:
Preliminary examinations for the doc-
torate will be given Nov. 11 and.12.
Students intending to take the exam-
inations at that time should leave
their names with Prof. Marckwardt no
later than Mon., Oct. 24.
Mathematics Colloquium: Tues., Oct.
25, at 4:10 p.m. in Room 3011 A.H. Dr.
M. Auslander will speak on "Homo-
logical Dimension in Noetherian Rings."
How They Love The Halls of Ivy
Murry Frymer -
zt Ilse Hero of 'Fabulous Fifties'
IT WON'T be long before historians attempt
to find the appropriate adjective to describe
the present decade. And don't be surprised to
hear something like the "Fabulous Fifties"
given -'all the romantic reminiscence of the
"Roaring. Twenties" and "Gay Nineties."
Little by little the times are assuming a
philosophy of thirty years ago. Only the tre-
mendous threat of Soviet Russia is providing a
The Red scare of the early Fifties is in many
ways similar to fears of Communist infiltration
of the twenties with our own Sacco-Venzetti
trials and Red baiting.
And instead of swallowing goldfish, we raid
women's dormitories for various undergarments.
WE EVEN have gotten into the swing of hero
worship, from the fad created by Walt
Disney's Davy Crockett, to the recent spurt of
love and devotion given to the President of the
United States.
For example, the hurt feelings and shocked
protests which resulted from a Daily editorial
implying that the recent band tribute to Eis-
enhower was political propaganda.
No longer is it correct to say that the Presi-
dent is a politician, or that his Administration
has anything on its mind but "peace on earth,
goodwill towards men."
President Eisenhower's birthday was cele-
brated coast-to-coast with spirit similar to a
national holiday. And the Michigan band has
said, in their tribute, that the future welfare of
this nation depends on this one man, and no
doubt they actually mean it in a nonpolitical
ALL OF WHICH is very reminiscent of the
worshipping at the throne of Charles Lind-
bergh in the Twenties. Only in- this case, a
group of people, a political party, finds it nec-
Daily Associate Editor
R YEARS the mystical aura
of the American East has in-
trigued and confused many of
Ann Arbor's four-year residents.
Mingling during holidays and
summer months with friends who
do their learning within tradition-
soaked walls east of the Alleg-
henies, the Michigan student is at
something of a loss. He might have
gone to Amherst or Princeton, she
to Wellesley or Holyoke, but
neither did.
For a variety of reasons (often
including the lack of an addition-
al $1,000 per annum), we've ex-
osed ourselves to the offerings,
however meager, of a sprawling
state institution.
ALL OF which is highlighted
in what Holiday magazine smug-
ly terms "1955's Most Infuriating
Magazine Feature"-a three-part
November issue treatment of the
"Natural Superiority of the Ivy
We learn, from the articles, that
despite boastful contrary claims by
those hopelessly condemned to a
limbo of "Outer Mediocrity" (e.g.,
a state university), "when a young
man wants a superlative educa-
tion, he usually comes East to get
Henry Morton Robinson (Col-
state universities, which must
weed out 40 per cent or so of
every freshman class. By contrast,
Robinson takes the fortunate.
Eastern student who, having pas-
sed rigorous entrance require
ments, is pretty well assured of
We are informed that his intel-
lectual facilities get every possible
attention-intimate seminars of
eight or ten students are a matter
of course. Rare, even at Columbia
or Harvard, are the vast and im-
personal lectures.
The Eastern student learns in
an inbred atmosphere, meeting,
people who have much, if not
everything, in common with him.
He studies hard, drinks hard, plays
hard, all on the time-honored
glory of our most hallowed cam-
puses. He speakes in a specialized
idiom often incomprehensible to
his provincial Midwest contem-
poraries, and usually regards them
with an air of muted pity.
Robinson makes a few valid
points, but they're obvious ones.
Naturally, academic freedom can
flourish easily without the threat
of state legislative inquiries. And,
any institution with nearly 200
years of endowments at its finger-
tips is bound to possess a decent
library, with some impressive
names on its faculty roster.
Snobbery and aristocracy are
frankly condoned in the article..
Nothing, we gather, would be more
abhorrent to Robinson than a real
intellectual democracy: in his op-
inion this end has already been
approached too closely.
He's right in asserting that the,
4800-year-old degree of Baccal-
aureus in Artibus" ought to mean
something--and he's not wholly
unjustified in complaining that
it often doesn't. This campus is
not immune from such a failing;
it isn't hard for a student here,
with an eye out for the proper
array of courses, to get his degree
almost effortlessly.
* * *
IT'S HARD to believe, though,
that Ivy League schools alone,
by virtue of their location, in-
dependence and vintage, can
mould their graduates into well-
educated people. Too much living
proof to the contrary surrounds
all of us.
There remain advantages to be
gained from four years in an at-
mosphere much more closely ap-
proximating that of the outside
world's reality - from rubbing
shoulders with people of mediocre
as well as soaring IQ's; from
making contacts in different
levels of society.