R Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVEsTY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1955 NIGHT EDITOR: MARY LEE DINGLER SGC Fumbles Ball On First Pla GC's ACTIONS Wednesday night were both detract from their ability to attract students to laudable and lamentable. them. Likewise they will be anxious to support For one thing, the Student Government took any scheme which will improve their drawing a big step toward facing a controversial cam- abilities. To say this is no reflection on the pus issue. It has now indicated unanimously it officers of the organizations. The more realis- will consider the rushing situation next semest- tic among them do not deny it. er. The argument that the four-group commit- After Council President Berliner outlined 50 tee will consider the problems of fraternity and years of precedent to establish SGC's jurisdic- sorority rushing separate, was irrelevant. The tion over rushing questions, all 17 members proposed seven-member committee was equal- indicated their approval of a study of the ly well qualified to handle the two problems in campus rushing program. The controversial ay w ai o hawdftr question became one of procedure, and on that any way it or SGC saw fit. the Council fumbled the ball seriously. Concern now, however, must be with the It rejected a motion that the problem be future. Often the best way is kill a proposal refered to a seven-member committee to in- is to send it to a committee. But SGC seemed clude representatives of the four housing sincere in its desire to tackle the problem di- groups and SGC. Instead, the study commit- rectly, and proponents of the deferred rushing tee will solely represent Assembly, Pan-Hel- or pledging scheme will not let the Council lenic, IHC and IFC, the four groups directly ignore the committee's report when it is made concerned. next March or earlier. This was unfortunate and, in fact, incon- sistent. By its decision to consider the prob- HOWEVER, it is to be expected its report lem at all, SGC recognized rushing as an all- HOWEd es campus issue. And surely the interests of the ment, two against. But the votes will be far high-school students who will come to Michi- m enlteneag an theyvould befarh gan in future years to face the rushing dilemma more enlightened than they would be if the are separate from the interests of either pre- four were asked to decide today, and they will 8ent affiliates or present independents. be able to present the council with facts and arguments intelligently supporting their views. YET IN establishing the four-group study Then the decision will be the; Council's. The committee, SGC seemed to be denying this only chance for direct student expression of very principle. While SGC will ultimately de- opinion on the rushing issue will come in mid- side the issue of deferred rushing or pledging, November with the SGC elections. Five seats mindful of all three interests-indepen- on the Council will be contested, and only dents, affiliates and future students--only two one present member is seeking re-election. will be represented on the study committee. Candidates might well be selected with an It was argued in the meeting that the four eyeon the coming rushing decision, as it will groups are made up of Michigan men and wo- be the first and hence the most important test men, that they will always try to keep the of SGC's potency on campus. general interest above that of their own or- If SGC is to do more than approve the con- ganization's. This is quite a bit to expect. stitutions of jazz clubs, it must have convic- The officers of the affiliate and independent tions on the rushing and other questions and organization's have spent three years living in be willing to carry them through. Only then and representing their particular systems, can it gain essential popular support and en- They naturally feel that they have chosen thusiasm. well, that their system is best. Quite naturally, Otherwise, Student Legislature had better and with the best of motives and intentions, move over and make room in the graveyard of they and the groups they represent will be unsuccessful student governments. repelled by a scheme which might in any way -PETE ECKSTEIN Murry Frymer - IN THIs COR NER '' " 'U' Can't Help Growing "Look What I Found Again" I ... w , , l :. Z1 Q4 Gi G} ; ' A . ,.: EUY : . ! Gp . , , ° .. Kn, ~y, t1MP 1 Y M = '" . . . :, " j . _ M f. (. . _ ' . 1r''1 l M 1. 4 yl,. ' . ,'" . i" 3 <. 4t yyC 1 err 4 h i 49 4 r S Su I U :G t a' Y ' F MAO QSrs . -,. J. ,. -Erg , Loc W-. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Readers Query: Taste or Politics? Enjoyed It... To the Editor: T1HIS LETTER is written in crit- icisc of Mr. Baad's analysis en- titled "Pre-Game Band Show Leaves Sour Political Taste." Al- though I can see the point of Mr. Baad's article, I don't think that many people would have agreed with him at the time of the per- formance. I have often seen members of the Democratic Party honored by spectacles such as the one we witnessed at the pregame show. After all, such shows, I have never heard a person "cry" as Mr. Baad did. I, as did all the other students sitting near me, enjoyed the pre- game show immensely. Not one of last Saturday maes me think that the editor has a sour taste in his mouth naturally. The President of the United States holds his office by a vote of the people, and a tribute to him at any time, especially by such a neutral organization should in no way be interpreted as a pol- itically inspired "deification." Such thought never entered the minds of the members of the band. I myself wonder if the edit- or would have cried "foul" if a Democrat had been the object of the tribute. --John Hitchcock, '58 Lack of Responsibility.. To the Editor: T SEEMS to me that the reason for the sour taste of the Man- aging Editor of The Daily toward the pre-game show of the Univer- sity Band is the fact that the presidential office is not now oc- cupied by the Democrat The Daily supported in 1952 and has contin- ued to support notwithstanding the American voters. There seems to be a lack of civic responsibility on the part of The Daily editorial board, sup- posedly representing the views of the entire campus, when they can publicly take to task the Univers- ity Band for honoring the man who is President on his birthday and who is recovering from a near fatal heart attack. Why cannot The Daily for once forget its polit- THERE'LL probably be more than 40,000 stu- dents at the University by 1970, and like it or not, there's not much that can be done about it. The point is that the people of the state of Michigan have a vested interest in the school, and as Clyde Vroman, 'U' Director of Admis- sions puts it: "Who is to decide which of their sons and daughters will or will not be edu- cated?" Director Vroman, whose had the job since freshman admissions to the University were centralized under one office in 1949, finds him- self in the center of a much-debated subject these days. Should the University be selective, can it be selective, and if it isn't, is there any danger to academic standards? THE UNIVERSITY is selective, and, accord- ing to Director Vroman, one of the two or three most selective state universities in the na- tion. The average student attending school here today was roughly in the top 25 per cent of his high school class. Non-residents of the state, Prof. Vroman estimates, were even high- er, about the top fifth. The fact that the University can be this selective often draws raised eyebrows, since the school does receive most of its funds from public supdport. Editorial Staff Dave Baad ........................ Managing Editor Jim Dygert ............................City Editor Murry Frymer .......,..............Editorial Director Debra Durchslag .................... Magazine Editor David Kaplan .................. .. Feature Editor Jane Howard ........................ Associate Editor Louise Tyor ........................ Associate Editor Phil Douglis . ....................... . Sports Editor Alan Eisenberg ,............... Associate Sports Editor Jack Horwitz ,.............,.. Associate Sports Editor Mary Hellthaler ...................... Women's Editor Elaine Edmonds ........... Associate Women's Editor John Hirtzei ..................... Chief Photographer Business Staff "Actually," says Prof. Vroman, "there is no state regulation requiring us to admit every high school graduate, as you find in some other states (e.g. Ohio). We feel when we admit a student he should be able to succeed on our educational level. This we find usually to be about the top fourth of the high school class." Still, there are schools in Michigan which can handle almost any Michigan high school graduate. Junior and community colleges, and small state supported colleges take up a huge bulk. Michigan State University, according to Di- rector Vroman, will accept most students in the top 75 per cent of their class. OF COURSE, how these percentages will stand up in another twenty years is the chief problem. Right now, educators are aware that present elementary school enrollment is enough to double the college enrollments by 1970. This is, of course, based on present economic conditions, and wars, depressions, and such can make an entirely new story. This is one of the reasons educators will give for "not being sure" what to do about the crisis -maybe it won't come. But if it does come as expected, the University has one choice - to accept more and more. If there is to be any cutting, it will probably be the out-of-state students. In this Septem- ber's freshman class, the non-residents com- prised 900 out of 2900, roughly one-third. Again, this may raise eyebrows in the state. Should we educate "non-citizens" before our own? DIRECTOR VROMAN looks at this in a reci- procal manner. If we don't accept out- of-staters, what about the Michigan boy' or girl who would like to go elsewhere? So we get right down to the crux of the matter. Students pay only about 15 per cent of the administration's annual cost. The big slice comes from the legislators and, in turn from the public. If they want 40,000 or 60,000j students in attendance here, there'll be that many. Actually, there shouldn't be much difference in the standards, unless size weighs them down. The double enrollment will simply typify twice as many people wanting to attend. Of course, it's somebody else's problem where to put them -all, and how to educate them to some extent. Scraping the Barrel... Io the Editor: IS THE Daily Managing Editor scraping the barrel on suitable topics to write about? Or could it be beeause of the low state of the contents of the barrel, the editor has regressed to making the so- called "mountain out of an ant- hill?" ... Sour political taste, indeed. I felt no "sour taste permeating through the colorful half-time scene." In fact I was pleasantly surprised by the beautiful colors of the bands and the splendor of the whole show. The pre-game ceremonies gave me no particular impression of the band or the school having a biased view to- wards politics. In fact, to the contrary, reading your editorial has me wondering whether the editor himself is biased. ... Isn't it right that we should spend time honoring the President at that hour of his misfortune? I think so. Not only that, but if the President should have been of any other party, I doubt very much if it would have made a difference. --Marvin Resnikoff, '59 Hard-Hearted... To the Editor: IN REFERENCE to Baad's edit- orial of Oct. 18, I ask, "Must The Daily be so hard-hearted as to inject a political note into the pre-game show for Ike? Our na- tional leader, not a common poli- tician, was being honored." --Carl Werner, '58 How About It?... To the Editor: ONCE again the Student Gov- ernment of the University is holding elections. An all campus election calls for all campus par- ticipation! In years bygone it seemed that the candidates running have been from a rather select group-the undergraduate student in L.S.&A., MYSTERIES: Criminals' Lineup In Books THE CELLAR AT NO. 5, by Shelly Smith, Harpers. Two old ladies with the unlikely names of Mr. Rampage and Mrs. Roach uneasily inhabit the old home at No. 5. As petty annoy- ances grow into festering griev- ances it gradually becomes clear what Is going to happen In the cellar. A neatly written history of this peculiar, perilous menage, the book carrys the promise of an evening of absorbing reading. ** * HAPPY RETURNS, by Manning Coles, Doubleday. Charles and James Latimer, heroes of the earlier Coles novel, "Brief Candles," have returned, but things don't seem quite so happy. The two men, ghosts out of the last century, materialize here and there over Europe as they traipse through a plot whose- humor doesn't have the same suc- cess. Manning Coles, one of mystery fiction's top cloak-and-dagger writers, disappoints in this current excursion into the spirit world. We will welcome his happy return to more mundane "pursuits." THE LITTLE WALLS, by Win- ston Graham, Doubleday. Mysterious circumstances sur- rounding his brother's death in a Dutch canal bring Californian Philip Turner to Amsterdam. There a search begins to uncover the hidden truth in the matter. The Amsterdam background is extremely interesting. But an un- convincing and unsympathetic treatment of the hero detracts from what otherwise amounts to a colorful adventure. THE MAN WITH TWO WIVES, by Patrick Quentin, Simon & Schuster. The clever plotting characteris- tic of the Quentin books is present in this top-drawer thriller about a man with a nightmarish problem involving his two wives. Bill Hard- ing's ex-wife is charged with mur- der and he can provide her with an alibi. But confessing thus to having been with her, he will alienate his second mate. Toward the end the plot nearly twists out of the author's hands, but everything is expertly resolved in a satisfactory solution. This is one of the season's best. * * * POISON IN PARADISE, by Anne Hocking, Doubleday. The poisoning of jolly barmaid Flo Collins in her Paradise pub pleases as many folks as it puzzles. Because, Flo, it seems, was making the most out of slips of the lip and overheard conversations among her patrons. The solution to the mystery of who put the lady blackmailer out of the way emerges only after a rather tedious and tardy explora- tion in to the supect's alibis. But on the other side, colorful dialogue and a final surprise save for the' story a passing grade. THE COUNTRY HOUSE BUR- GLAR, by Michael Gilbert, Harper. Choir director Liz Artside (of whom we'd like to see more) runs into a series of burglaries and a big explosion that rocks the peace- ful English countryside. Son Tim, wartime Secret Service agent, is soon in the thick of things, too. Their collaboration just manages to thwart the scheming culprit. Paced a little faster than the average British whodunit, author Gilbert's seventh and top-rank mystery turns into a subtle cliff- hanger at the end. A tight plot and some imaginative writing make it highly recommendable. * * * THE FATAL PICNIC, by Bernice Carey, Doubleday. Almost all the relatives at the reunion picnic had substantial motives for killing overbearing, abusive Uncle Maurice. So the question of who put the '22' bullet in his head is a real puzzler. Quiet, efficient Deputy Sheriff Wilson, however, wades into the compli- cations and nails his man. A very readable book, but the plot is old potatoes and the solu- tion - of the same vintage - hardly makes it all worthwhile. 4. * * BEAST IN VIEW, by Margaret Millar, Random House. With an unmatched record of "experimental" psychological mys- teries to her credit, Miss Millar turns to examine still another de- ranged female mentality. The ac- tion of the story is swift, borne on the frantically beating wings of the heroine's mental chaos, a con- dition deftly depicted by the au- thor. A jarring revelation at the novel's climax labels this off-beat work as a genuine "tour de force." . * DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorfal responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1955 VOL. LXVII, NO. 23 , General Notices The University of Michigan Blood Bank Association has arranged to have a Red Cross Mobile Unit at the Student Health Service on Oct. 24, 1955, to take care of staff members who wish to con- tribute a pint of blood and thus be- come members of the Blood Bank with the privilege of drawing upon the ban for themselves and their immediate families in the event blood is needed. The Unit will be at the Health Service Basement from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon, and from 1:00-4:00 p.m. Staff members who are interested should contact the Personnel Office, Ext. 2619, Room 3026 Admin. Bldg. -.It is expected that the Directory for 1955-56 will be ready for distribution about Oct. 27. The chairman of the various departments and directors of other units will please requisition the number of copies required for Univer- sity campus use. Requisitions should be sent to the Purchasing Department and delivery will be made by campus mail. If individuals wish a copy for home use the Directory will be avail- able by payment of 75c at the Cashier's Office, Main Floor, Administration Building. Business concerns or individuals not connected with the University desiring a Directory may purchase a copy at a cot of $2.00. Student Government Council: Sum- mary of action taken at the meeting of October 19, 1955._ Calendar: Plans for Olympic Dance November 19 dropped by co-sponsors, Sigma Alpha Mu and the Michigan Union. Reported: Big Ten Student Presi- dents' Conference, Nov. 11, 12, 13, Michi- gan State University; West Point 7th Annual Student Conference on U. Affairs, Nov. 30-Dec. 3, to be attended by Tom Bleha and Deborah Town- send. Resignations: From Student Govern- ment Council: Ed Velden; Administra- tive Wing Coordinator: Sandy Hoffman. Appointments: Speakers' Bureau Co- ordination Committee - Bill Adams; Administrative Wing Coordinator, Frank Vick; Office Manager, Al Williams; Orientation Director, Robert Trost; To University Committee on Student Hous- ing and Environmental Health-Donna Netzer; To University Conduct Study Committee, Edith McClusky, John Ser- bis - with Bill Adams as an alternate. Named to this Committee by the Vice- President of Student Affairs: Taufiq Khoury, Chris Reifel, William Jentes. Approved: Expenditures under $15 on authorization of sub-committee chairmn or committee chairman; over $15 on authorization of committee chairman. Reactivation of Hot Record Society to be known as Old Time Jazz Society; constitution accepted. Adopted Unanimously a motion pro- viding that the study of any problems that may arise in connection with the acquisition of new sorority and frater- nity members be assigned to the Pan- hellenic Association and the Assembly Association, and the Interfraternity and Inter House Councils respectively that these groups would report back to the Student Government Council with recommendations on mutual and campus wide difficulties in this realm for the latter's consideration no later than the first week in March. Lectures Psychology Colloquium & University Lecture: Dr. Donald Hebb discusses, "Alice in Wonderland; Psychology Among the Biological Sciences." Fri., Oct. 21, 4:15 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall. Open to the public. Norman Cousins, Editor of Saturday Review, will speak, to the Michigan Association of Junior Colleges on "The Information Crisis in America." Uni- versity faculty invited. Fri., Oct. 21, 10:00 a.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. Academic Notices Economics 51, 52, 53, 54: Students who have incomplete records because of absence from final examinations see Mr. Peterson, 206 Economics Bldg. Fri., Oct. 21. Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Freshman five-week progress reports due Fri., Oct. 28, in the Faculty Counselors Office for Freshmen and Sophomores, 1210 Angell Hall. Graduate Students in Linguistics: Preliminary examinations for the doc- torate will be given Nov. 11 and 12. Students intending to take the exami- nations at that time should leave their names with Professor Marckwardt no later than Mon., Oct. 24. Doctoral Examination for Sidney Ep- stein, Psychology: thesis: "An Experi- mental Study of Some of the Effects of variations in the Clarity and Extent of a Supervisor's Area of Freedom Upon His Supervisory Behavior," Fri., Oct. 21, 7611 Haven Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, N.R.F. Maler. N 4 us, and we were bipartisan, even thought that the show had a sour political taste. -John Nott, '59. Outrageous .. . To the Editor: IT IS amazing to see how people react when the shoe is on the tther foot. It seems as if I can remember a few years back when two other gentlemen occupied the White House. In each case, people claimed that they were beyond the pale so to speak. Some even went so far as to condone those cute little poison pen letters that one of those gentlemen used towrite. I believe that each of those gentlemen received numerous hon- ors, were made honorary fratern- ity brothers, and the like. In fact, I understand that the name of one of those men is to be spoken with reverence and awe. To con- sider him as a mere mortal, sub- ject to human errors, is supposed to be sinful. Do not speak to us about the diefication of the man! As to the band's show last Sat- urday, I believe that those, who planned the show, had no desire to make a god out of a sick man. Rather it was their intention to pay tribute to the man, who holds the office of President of the United States, and to express the hope, of most of us, that he re- cover from his affliction quickly. 4 I ical bias and join with the rest of the nation in wishing the Presi- dent a "Happy - Birthday" and hoping that he will get well soon? --Gerald A. Fix '57L Crucifixion... To the Editor: I AVING READ your editorial of October 18 and vehemently disagreeing with it, I feel in- clined to express my criticisms of it. The Managing Editor's objec- tion to the skit put on by our Marching Band saluting the Presi- derk on his birthday is ridiculous. The President of the United gfnt qha % T Pmnr53- _nah Dick Aistrom .........................Business Bob flgenfritz ............ Associate Business Ken Rozat ...................--AdvAtisin Manager Manager Maer, J . . .._ _.T')Rily t;a.rtnnnc by Artiirv Ms TCiAT ,4'