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October 21, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-10-21

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(see Page 4)

Latest Deadline in the State.

:43 a tty




'Bound' by Yalta
Says MacArthur
General Calls Decisions 'Fantastic';
Would Rather Have Opposed Them
NEW YORK (IP)-Gen. Douglas MacArthur said yesterday he'
was bound by the World War II Yalta concessions, although he would
have opposed them given the opportunity.
The wartime Pacific commander in a statement relating to long
secret Pentagon records on Yalta, commented:
"I repeat, had my views been requested concerning the secret
agreements bearing upon Russia's entrance into the Pacific war I
would have opposed them as fantastic."
Admits Advocation
MacArthur freely admitted he advocated Russia's entry into the
Pacific War at its very outset. But he said he never repeated the

India Urges U.S. Include
Asia In Atom Program


~Satellite May
Yield New
Cosmic Data
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
in a series of four articles on research
at the University related to the devel-.
opment of the space satellite sched-
uled to e launched in 1958.)
Daily City Editor
A more complete knowledge o
cosmic rays and their origin is one
of the promises of a successfu
launching of a space satellite.
A space satellite would solve two
-'serious difficulties now hindering
cosmic ray research such as tha
carried on by Prof. Wayne E. Haz.
en of the physics department fo
the Atomic Energy Commission
and the Office of Naval Research
The first is getting effectively
above the atmosphere to study
Slow-energy primary ,cosmic rays
which get through only one per
cent of the earth's atmosphere
Present methods do not permit
reaching them.
Not Enough Time
Secondly, researchers have beer
unable to keep equipment in th
t air long enough to get good statis-
tics. They can now stay only a
minute or two, and with the rays
being of low energy, not much car
be learned in that time.
The earth's magnetic field ir
the middle latitudes prevents low-
energy primary cosmic rays froir
getting thriugh, in addition tC
whic hthey are only of low energy
Best information on primary
cosmic rays so far has been ob-
tained from balloons and V-2
rockets. An Iowa State group
according to Prof. Hazen, sends
up rockets -with balloons and fires
them from a high altitude and has
obtained the most effective results
e so far.
Satellite Would Help
Development of an efficient
space satellite would solve these
two problems and permit a much
closer study of primary cosmic
At the present, Prof. Hazen and
k his research staff have been stu-
dying secondary cosmic rays from
the second highest mountain in
the Rockies and in the salt mines
under Detroit.
They found that the intensity
See 'EXPECT' Page 8
Studenit Aid
World University Service, an in-
ternational student aid organiza-
tion, discussesd plans for raising
funds and informing the campus
of its activities at its second meet-
ing of the year last night.
Conferring at Lane Hall, the
local WUS committee planned a
February campaign to raise money
for student relief. WUS is a non-
profit organization that works in
conjunction with the United Na-
tions Educational, Scientific, and
Cultural Organization and has
member nations in Europe, Asia,
Africa, and North America.
The Service's purpose is to give
financial aid to students in var-
ious countries who are only par-
tially able to support themselves.
All member nations contribute
to WUS, and must do so in order
for their students to receive aid.
At present, most of the aid is di-
rected to Southeast Asia.

-recommendation prior to Yalta.j
After Yalta, he declared, he was
bound by the decisions made there{
to bring Russia into the war, even
though they were unpalatable to
him. MacArthur went on:
Attempt Unwarranted
"The attempt to interpret any
statements I may have made in
the course of such post-Yalta dis-
cussions as reflecting my pre-Yalta
views and convictions is wholly
Gen. MacArthur's statement
came as the Pentagon records re-
kindled the old controversy over
the Soviet entrance into the Pacific
war just six days before Japan's
Last March, a Republican-Dem-
ocratic debate over Yalta brought
up questions on Gen. MacArthur's
views. At that time, MacArthur
said he had not the slightest
connection with the Yalta con-
Cites Records
The Pentagon records - part of{
an incomplete 35,000-word file -
showed that Gen. MacArthur twice
concurred directly in the opinion
that Russia should move into the
conflict against Japan.
Once was shortly after Pearl
Harbor. The second was in mid-
June 1945, two months before the
war ended and after the Yalta
Conceding these points, Gen.
MacArthur said he firmly believed
Russia should have been brought
into the Pacific war at the very
"Once such decisions had been
taken and communicated to me
following Yalta, they became bind-
ing upon me as -upon any other
theater commander. All future
discussions thereon with War De-
partment representative necessar-
ily became limited to consideration
of their ultimate application to
the conduct of the war."
j atonal

-Daly-.Hai Leeds
THE VILLAINS-Jay Lavin (left), and John Bardach are ready
to portray fortune-hunting villains in "Thieves Carnival," the
Dramatic Art Center's production opening tonight.
Reconversion Opposed
By East Quad ResidentsyLEMAK
East Quad residents voiced strong objections yesterday to the
Residence Hall's Board of Governors decision to reconvert Tyler and
Prescott houses.
Inter-House Council President Tom Bleha, '56, said "To say I
am unhappy about the results is an understatement.
"Eleven sincere people voted. I hope they were right. I, think
Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis did an excellent
job handling the meeting."
'Quite Upset'
President of Prescott House Brenda Wehbring, '56, claimed she was
"quite upset about it." Miss Wehbring said Assembly Association
President Jeanette Grimn, '56, had

Nobel Prize
To Theorell
STOCKHOLM, Sweden (P)-Dr.
Hugo Theorell, crippled in both
legs by polio, won the 1955 Nobel
Prize in medicine yesterday for
discoveries on the nature and ac-
tion of oxidation enzymes.
Celebrating the award, the 52-
year-old scientist drank cham-
pagne and told friends he would
use the record cash prize-equiva-
lent to $36,720-to carry. on' his
experimental research and rent a
larger apartment. He is married
and the father of three sons.
Enzymes Essential
Oxidation enzymes, also called
breathing enzymes, are essential
to living matter in helping the
cells to burn oxygen-that is, to
breathe. Enzymes do their work
roughly by passing on substances
in a chemical chain reaction.
Theorell was stricken by polio
when a young man and was forced
to abandon his career as a medical
practioneer. He now heads the
biochemistry department of the
Nobel Medical Institute.
Designed Puzzles
The scientist spent his time con-
valescing from polio by designing
intricate puzzle games. Wlfen he
was able, he gave his full time to
the intriguing molecular puzzles
that go into the mechanisms of
the living cell.
A modest and reticent man,
whose main hobby is playing the
violin-he has played solo parts
in concerts-Theorell said he was
deeply indebted to many foreign

"definitely promised" she would
vote for coed housing at a Pres-
cott House Council meeting last
"She may have had valid reas-
ons but she still commited herself
to us," Miss Wehbring said, adding
she learned of Miss Grimn's vote
(againstcoed housing) from an
IHC officer.
Miss Grimn admitted "giving
them the impression" she would
vote for coed housing and said she
would present her rationale at an
Assembly Dormitory Conference
on Monday.
"Students are very much disap-
pointed in the vote," East Quad
President Bob Warrick, '56, com-
mented. "The Board evidently
had good reasons but we're not
happy," he continued.
Nothing Definite
Miss Wehbring said there had
been "some talk" of asking the
Board to reconsider but nothing
definite had been decided yet.
Virginia Lang, '58, of Prescott
house, told the Daily, "A lot of the
girls are pretty sore about it be-
cause they liked coed living so
Miss Lang said she felt sorry
for incoming residents of the two
houses slated for return to the,
Grand Hotel
Catherine Lewis, a gay and gra-
cious lady of 77, there's only
one way to lead the full life: be
a hotelkeeper.
"It has glamor, it has excite-
ment, and it's wonderful if you
love people," she said yesterday.
"I always say, 'If you're not
friendly, get out of the hotel-

U' Housing
'Groups Plan
Rush StudyE
Members of the four housing
groups to whom the study of rush-
ing procedures was delegated by
Student Government Council are
ing procdures was delegatd by
already making plans for the
A luncheon meeting of the
group leaders was held yesterday
in the League. Jeanette Grimm,
57, said although no long-range
plans were made at this meeting,
iwas decided the studies would
be carried out separately by the
men's and women's groups.
She added the two committees
would meet regularly to talk over
general problams and review what
had been accomplished in the sep-
arate committees. "This will give
us a chance to make suggestions
to each other," Miss Grimn said.
Committee Already Working
President of Panhellenic Debor-
ah Townsend, '56, said that the
rushing study committee set up
by Panhel and Assembly last spring
met Saturday to decide upon a
general course of action. This'
committee has been working with
the problem since its formation
and has solved problems concern-
ed with this semester's rushing.
Interfraternity Council Presi-,
dent Bob Weinbaum, '56, believes
that a small committee will be
named by IFC and IHC to study
the rushing situation. 'Not only
will this enable the groups to ac-
complish more, but the meetings!
will be informal,"he said.
Held Informal Meeting
"We have had informal meet-t
ings with Inter House Council last
semester to solidify residence halll
and fraternity relations."'t
Tom Bleha, '56, Inter House
Council president, said the com-
position of the study committee;
would be considered early next
week. "We will also work out a
timetable to comply with the
March deadline for reporting back
to the Council," he said.
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Leslie, assist-
ant Dean of Women, spoke highly
of the SGC meeting Wednesday.
"Not only was the meeting well
conducted, but every word offeredf
was of a constructive nature," shet
Rea Commentsr
Also commenting on the meet-8
ing Walter B. Rea, Dean of Men,I
approved the manner in which
the Council deliberated and ap-r
proached the issue.
"This is encouraging and re-
news confidence that the CouncilS
can handle important questions of.
the campus in general," he said.
Dean Rea expressed the wishr
that more people, both students,r
faculty and administration hadj
the opportunity to attend and see
the council in action.'
"I believe that this committeel
will conduct a careful and ex-
haustive study of rushing proced-t
ures on own own campus. I amI
confident the four groups chargedj
with the responsibility will takeN
advantage of all resources in1
reaching. a summary of opinion.,

-Daily--Dick Gaskill
John Moore, left, and Chuck Weir, co-chairmen of Interfraternity
Council public relations committee, work on annual National
Interfraternity Council report. Report summarizes IFC activities
and is used as basis for NIO awards.
Dulles Wins Bipartisan
Backing on Geneva Plans


Mennon Tries
To Increase
Seven Countries
Give Resolution
V. K. Krishna Menon of India
yesterday urged the United States
to include countries from Asia,
Africa and Latin Ameria in talks
on an agency to supervise Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's
atoms-for-peace program.
Diplomats reported Krishna
wanted to add India, Brazil and
possibly Egypt to the eight original
negotiators who have been drawing
up a statute for an international
atomic energy agency.
The eight originals are the
United States, Britain, France,
Canada, Australia, Belgium, Por-
tugal and South Africa. They were
selected by the United States on
the basis of being countries with
atomic materials or atomic know-
Trying to Agree
Delegates of India, the United
States and the Soviet Union are
trying to agree on a resolution to
obtain a unanimous vote in the
United Nations Assembly's Politi-
cal Committee.
Krishna Menon met with James
J. Wedsworth, United States dep-
uty delefate, and other western
spokesmen to explain India's views.
The Russians have held talks with
the Americans and have more con-
versations in prospect. Diplomats
are predicting a unanimous plan
will be worked out before the com-
mittee votes.
The Americans are trying ,to
complete action on the statute by
early next year and hope to have
the agency operating before the
end of 1956.
The United States, Australia,
Belgium, Brazil, Canada, South
Africa and Britain are sponsoring
a resolution.
This recommends that a second
internatonal conference on atomic
energy be held in about three
years, continues the advisory com-
mittee set up to advise Secretary
General Dag Hammarskjold on the
conference, notes with "satisfac-
tion that substantial progress" has
been made toward working out the
statute of the atomic agency and
approves a conference of all mem-
bers of the UN and its specialized
agencies on the final text of the

WASHINGTON (W) -Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles won
bipartisan backing in his plans
for the Geneva Big Four foreign
ministers conference yesterday at
a meeting with congressional lead-
Sec. Dulles is leaving today for!
the conference with the foreign
ministers of Russia, Britain and
France opening Oct. 27, at which
ways will be sought to ease East-
West tensions in line with princi-
ples laid down at the Geneva
summit conference last July.
Planes Sent{
For Senators
fense Department said yesterday
two large passenger planes are be-
ing sent on special flights to Eu-
rope to bring home three senators
and their wives who declined to
wait for scheduled flights.
Robert Tripp Ross, assistant sec-
retary of defense for legislative
and public affairs, said in reply to
questions that the planes are being
sent to bring home certain mem-
bers of the Senate Appropriations
The senators, all Democrats, are
Sen. John L. McClellan (Ark.)
and John C. Stennis (Miss.), who
will board one plane in Madrid-
and Dennis M. Chavez (NM) who
will be picked up in another at
Ross said that when the Sena-
tors told Defense Department
representatives abroad that a pro-
posal to use a later scheduled plane
was unacceptable, the Pentagon
had "no alternative" except the
special flights.

Chairman Walter F. George (D-
Ga.) of the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee told reporters
after a two-hour meeting with Sec.
Dulles at the State Department
that none of the Republicans and
Democrats present had expressed
any disagreement with the secre-
tary's plans.
Others agreed with Sen. George
and. said the program laid down
was such that the entire Congress
could support it.
Sen. George told a news confer-
ence that Sec. Dulles had assured
the congressional leaders he would
keep in touch with them on any
news developments that arise at
the conference.
The Georgia senator said Sec.
Dulles told the leaders that Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower is
"vitally concerned and keenly
alert to the whole situation."
For himself, Sen. George said
he was very hopeful the Geneva
conference would produce some
good results.

NEW YORK ("P)-Adlai Steven-
son made it virtually clear yester-
I day he will be a candidate for the
Democratic presidential nomina-
1 'I'm not counting on the New
York delegation at all," he told
newsmen. They took this as a
1plain indication he would be in
the race.
While this implied he expected
Gov. Averell Harriman to be a ri-
val candidate, at least in a favor-
ite son capacity, Sen. Herbert H.
Lehman (D-NY) came out a few
hours later with a pledge of sup-
port to Stevenson.
* * *
LA PORTE, Ind. (41P) - Gov.
George N. Craig's use of National
Guard troops in the Perfect Circle
strike was called "a shame and a
crime" by Carl Mullen, state pres-
ident of the American Federation
of Labir.
Mullen also renewed his plea
that Republicans nominate Lt.
Gov. Harold W. Handley for gov-
ernor next year. Mullen came out
for Handley in a speech at the
recent state AFL convention in
"If the advice and counsel of
Handley had been listened to, it
would not have been, necessary to
send in troops there," Mullen said
at the annual dinner of the La-
Porte Central Labor Union Coun-
To Be Held
Discussion of community and

Washtenaw To Resume
Salk. Polio Inoculations
Washtenaw county will probably resume its fight against polio
in early November, when Salk vaccine inoculations will begin for
priority groups.
Due to a pressing scarcity of the vaccine, and constant changes
in administration from Washington, a satisfactory program has not
been formulated as yet, according to Dr. Otto K. Engelke, county
health department director.
Trying for Fair Scheme
"We are trying to work out a fair scheme," Engelke said, "and
we don't want people to think they're being discriminated against
merely because they don't get the
Tvaccine in the first week."


Detroit Municipal Structure Impresses Italians

"The municipal organization of
the city of Detroit impressed us
the most during our stay in Michi-
gan," Dr. Ettore Cerulli, leader
of a group of visiting Italian gov-
ernment officials, said yesterday
The enthusiastic ftai~an noted
that the Detroit City Council
meets every day, giving it an ex-
cellent opportunity to hear and
closely follow public opinion.
Arrived Sunday
The nine man team has been inI

sponsibilities are handled in Italy
by the federal government.
Need Decentralization
The new Italian Constitution
recognized the need for decentral-
izing governmental functions and
the principal interest of the visit-
ors is to analyze intergovernmental
relations in the United States.
When the team returns to Italy it
will be charged with recommending
a decentralizing grogram for the
Italian government.
While in Ann Arbor the team
has received background material

ernors office at Lansing, and a
session of the Detroit City Coun-
cil. A visit to Ypsilanti yesterday
was made to observe the various
governmental activities of the
small and medium sized city.
Dr. Cerulli said that the insti-
tution used in American local gov-
ernment most adaptable to Italian
political structure would be the
city manager. Employing such
administrators in larger munici-
palities would do much to ease
the load of the central government
and make for better handling of

level in America, Dr. Cerulli, who
is vice-prefect of Modena, said
regional problems differ as muich
in Italy as they do between the
various states here. Methods for
solving these problems must of
necessity also vary.
When asked to criticize some of
the things the team had seen while
studying American government,
Dr. Cerulli expressed surprise at
the nonexistence of a system of
registering the population. In
Italy, every village has a register
in which are recorded the iames

they have been making their study
with tremendous energy and en-
Visitors Complimented
The team supervisor, Charles F.
LeeDecker, Assistant Director of
the Institute of Local Government
at Pennsylvania State University,
complimented the visitors on the
alertness and interest they, have
shown during the tour.
Starting in Washington, D. C.,
the team went to Columbus and
then to Ann Arbor. From here
they will go to Chicago, Madison,

"It has been a little difficult to
keep up with changing signals in
Washington," the health adminis-
trator said, "and last week they
changed the priority group from
ages five to nine, to ages four
through fourteen. This will include
some 300,000 more eligible."
Expecting Shipment
The county is expecting another
shipment next week, which will be
enough to go ahead with inocula-
tion of a small bloc. Engelke said
the state recommended retaining
the five-nine age group priority.
He added that a bright+ spot in
the picture was the asurance on
the part of doctors in this com-
munity that "no child will go with-
out inoculations simply because of
financial disability."
Engelke also said time was on

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