Police Hunt
For Killer
Of Youths
CHICAGO (?P)-Fresh informa-
tion yesterday spurred the search
for the savage killer-or killers-
ofthree boys.
Police made progress, both in
point of time and distance, in fill-
ing in the gap in the young vic-
tims' last hours.
A bus driver told of taking them
Sunday night to a point about
four miles from where their naked
bodies were found yesterday in
Robinson woods west of the city.
Traced to Bowling Alley
The boys-Robert Peterson, 14,
John Schuessler, 13, and his broth-
er Anton, 11-had been traced
earlier to two bowling alleys they
had visited Sunday evening. They
left the second alley about 8 p.m.
Bruno Mencarini, a Chicago
Transit Authority driver, reported
today that the trio boarded his
bus at 8:55 p.m. Sunday.
"They were quiet-that's un-
usual for kids," Mencarini re-
called. "They were talking about
going bowling. They had been to
one alley but it was filled up and
they were looking for another."
The youths got off about four
miles east of the wooded area
where their bodies were found in
a ditch.
Clue Announced
Daniel Conway, chief of the for-
est preserve rangers, announced
what was termed "the hottest clue
so far."
E. J. Malone, who lives near the
woods told Conway he saw two old
automobiles of the hot-rod type
parked near the ditch where the
bodies were thrown. Malone said
he saw the cars about 7:20 a.m.
MRA Drops Fight,
Agrees to Horses
LANSING (A) - The Mackinac
Island State Park Commission an-
nounced yesterday Moral Rearma-
ment (MRA) had dropped its fight
to use motor driver trucks on
Mackinac Island, one of the horse's
last refuges.,
James P. Dunnigan of. West
Branch, commission chairman, said
that representatives of MRA had
agreed to haul 1,000 tons of gra-
vel to an auditorium building pro-
ject on the island by horse-drawn
Dunnigan said that in the set-
tlement of the suit MRA agreed
that the commission had author-
ity over island roads. The com-
of the trucks after the city council
mission had refused to permit use
had granted such a permit.
Charlie Sti
MEDICAL CRITIQUE-Francisco Goya's "Of What Illness Will
He Die" is currently on display at the Medical Library. The
anuatint is part of a collection of 85 famous and rare medical
prints by the masters showing the practice of medicine over the
Medical Library Shows
A rs Medica' Collection
To Lecture
A universal system of compul-
sory education in India is the ma-
jor goal sought by Prof. M. S. Sun-
daram, Cultural Counsellor at the
Indian Embassy.
Prof. Sundaram, who is present-
ly counselling Indian students in
the United States, will speak on
the United Nations at 4 p.m. to-
day in the Rackham Ampitheater.
Serious Problem
"Compulsory education is one of
India's more serious problems,"
Prof. Sundaram said. "Although
we have 22 million children, rang-
ing from Q to 14 years of age at-
tending school, there are 25 mil-
lion who have no schools to go to,"
he declared.
Numerous teaching institutions
have been constructed to combat
the teacher shortage and are op-
erating effectively, the Professor
"We have come a long way since
we acquired our independence in
1947," he said. "At that time
only 15 million children were at-
tending school. However, present
expansion plans should enable us
to have the entire child population
in school by 1965."
Few Attend College
Prof. Sundaram pointed out that
one out of every 1,200 Indian stu-
dents attend college while one out
of every 180 American students re-
ceive a college education.
He attributed this low Indian
figure to area shortage and not
to expense. He called the United
States educational system "the
most expensive one in the world."
Educated at Madras and subse-
quently at Oxford, Prof. Sundaram
taught at three Indian universi-
He has travelled extensively in
Europe and in North America, and
recently completed a world tour
where he devoted some time to
the study of current educational
problems. The professor is also
a member of the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cul-
tural Organization.
(Continued from Page 4)
Engineering Seminar: "Opportunities
in Small Organizations," by Mr. Paul
Youngdahl, Director of Research, Me-
chanical Handling Systems, Inc., Mr.
John Cataldo, Director of Research and
Development, Bulldog Electric Products
Co., and M. K. Carr, Chief Product
Engineer,tArgus Cameras, Inc., Thurs.,
Oct. 20 at 4:00 p.m., Room 311, West
Engineering. Meeting open to all engi-
neering students.
Events Today
Carillon Recital, 7:15 p.m. this eve-
ning by Sidney F. Giles, Assistant Uni-
versity Carillonneur.
Placement Notices
Anyone interested in teaching in Buf-
falo for the 1956-57 school year may pick
up application blanks at the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Administration
Building. Applications must be filed
with the Buffalo Board of Education on
or before Oct. 28.
United States Civil Service Commis-
sion announces a Federal Service En-
trance Examination. This examination
will be used tol fill a wide variety of
positions at the entrance or trainee
level, including positions formerly
filled through the Junior Management
Assistant and Junior Agricultural As-
sistant (most of the Natural Sciences).
Is is open to B.A., M.A., and LLB degree
people, and most appointments will be
made to positions on the GS-5 to GS-7
Positions are in such fields as: Gen-
eral Administration, Economics and
Social Studies, Personnel Management,
Business, Communications, Statistics,
Library Science, Investigation, Trans-
portation, Information and Records
Management, Forestry, Agriculture,
Bacteriology, Entomology, Biology, Food
Tech., Genetics, Home Economics, Mar-
keting, Soil Science, Plant Pathology,
Parisitology, and Management Intern-
ship. The positions are throughout the
United States, its territories, and a
few position are overseas.
Applicationsrmust be in by Nov. 18,
and the examination will be given on
Sat., Dec. 10. Application blanks and
information leaflets are available at the
Bureau of Appointments,
Engineers, physicists, chemists and
certain other technical personnel will
be recruited through another examina-
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Wed., Oct. 26--P.M. only
National Security Agency, Washing-
ton, D. C. -- men and women, any
degree, Language Majors, Math. Majors
and Physics Majors; and B.A. level in
General Liberal Arts Majors with minor
in Language, Math., Statistics, Physics,
or the Physical Sciences.
Thurs., Oct. 27
N.S.A.-interviewing men and women
with the qualifications listed above.
Swift & Co., Hdq. Chicago, I1.-men
in Bus. Ad. or LSA for Sales, Purchas-
ing, Administration, Accounting &
Clerical, Research and General Trainees.
Morning only.
For appointments with any of the
above contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 371.
College ,Formals,
more $n an
ti a
a ,
, ,
. 2yz l
,F IZ.
i .;
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straight time*
d lt
An unusual collection of medi-
cal art by Rembrandt, Hogarth,
Daumier, Toulouse-Lautrec, and
other famous masters is being
shown this week at the Medical
Entitled "Ars Medica," the col-
lection will be on display from 8
a.m. to 10 p.m. today and tomor-
row and from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat-
Owned by and assembled at the
Philadelphia Museum of Art, the
exhibit is composed of 85 famous
and rare pieces of graphic art.
General Appeal
The collection was chosen to ap-
peal to the general public, although
special interest is expected from
those connected with the medical
Except for a Greek coin and an
original drawing by Eakins, all
the works may be classified as
prints. They illustrate the three
principal techniques of illustration.
The first and oldest method is
the "relief' principle employing
wooden blocks. Others are the
"intaglio" method, with the lines
and dots of the drawing incised
in a copper plate; and the "chemi-
cal" method using greasy crayon
and water.
All methods are employed to-
day bw many artists doing creative
First exhibited at the Philadel-
phia art museum in 1952, the ex-
hibit is now on a cross-country
Included in the exhibit are the
Vesalius "Ninth Plate of Muscles,"
Rembrandt's "Portrait of Dr. Eph-
raim Bonus," Bellini's "Visit to the
Plague Patient," "Eaking's origi-
nal engraving of "The Gross Clin-
ic," Bosse's engraving of "The
Confinement," Winslow Homer's
Civil War portrayal of the "Sur-
geon at Work During an Engage-
ment," Hogarth's "The Company
of Undertakers," and Toulouse-
Lautrec's lithograph of the sick
French premier Carnot.
A $10.95 Typewriter Table for $1.00
with each NEW portable Typewriter
314 State Street
- a a a s a a a a a a a ~~~- - - - - - - - w W - - w W W
Moaps Oft
P. 040s
Cent Ve*
All-Campus Sale
2 Washington Fish Market
First payment $17.50
Balance in 2 monthly payments
Coats and Trousers, all sizes, $47.50
4$toto Atreot on the Carmovs
It is not necessary to rent
Just show your 1.D.
ckels asks:
Take the right step toward a
Src ti fOture
See the representative on October 21st
Du Pont hire
graduates who
are draft
CHARLES A. STICKELS is currently working toward his B.S.E.
degrees in chemical and metallurgical engineering at the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Mr. Stickels is past Editor-in-Chief of the Michi-
gan Technic, vice-president of his student chapter of A.I.Ch.E.,
and a member of several honorary engineering fraternities. His
editorial work has made him especially aware of contemporary
employment questions facing engineering graduates.
John Oliver answers:
JOHN OLIVER, also a University of Michigan
man, received his B.S. in Mech. Eng. in 1938.
Right after graduation, he began working for
Du Pont in the Engineering Section of its Belle,
W. Va., plant. Following this came an assign-
ment as Departmental Engineer in the Wilming-
ton offices, and today John -Oliver is again at
Belle-this time as Assistant Plant Manager,
WANT TO KNOW MORE about working with
Du Pont? Send for a free copy of "Chemical
Engineers at Du Pont," a booklet that tells
The answer to that is definitely "Yes!", Charlie. We've
employed quite a number of college graduates with
definite military commitments, sometimes knowing that
they could work only a few weeks before reporting for
active duty.
The reason is that Du Pont is primarily interested
in men on a "long range" basis. The fact that they're
temporarily unavailable-for a good reason like mili-
tary service-isn't any bar to being considered for
employment. After working only one day, an employee
is guaranteed full re-employment rights-that's the
law. But if a man works for Du Pont at least a full
Working here at International Harvester's Melrose Park works near Chicago
are graduate engineers conducting research on an experimental diesel
engine to obtain basic combustion data.
When the representatives
from Il are on your cam-
pus, contact your Placement
Director for personal inter-
Or, if unable to meet with I
representative at that time,
write to F. D. MacDonald,
Education and Personnel
The engineer who joins International Harvester joins a sound, long-estab-
lished but progressive company-that represents opportunity for advance-
ment. Harvester has long been associated with leadership in new and improved
products that increase agricultural productivity, result in better transporta-
tion, and assist in construction and the handling of heavy materials.
IH needs mechanical, industrial, metallurgical, chemical, agricultural, and