Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF 'STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 5 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1955 NIGHT EDITOR: DICK SNYDER Two Views On Converting Tyler, Prescott To Men ~Oce Upon A Time There Was A Beautiful Princess-" mo - 4_ _ 's: V First Concei-n Is Sub-Standard Living SWIFT AND well-conceived action by Resi- dence Halls Board of Governors offers as- surance the University is doing everything possible to avert future housing crises. Tuesday's meeting was significant. The Board approved major decisions which will permit rapid moving-ahead with a much needed wom- en's dormitory. They went firmly on record as favoring coed residence halls and laid ground- work for construction of a coed dorm in the near future. Debate on whether to make the new dorm coed or for women exemplified the committee system at its best. As the vote indicates the Board was fairly evenly divided on the question. The way in which the Board tackled the problem and the three hours of sincere dis- cussion preceeding final vote inspired confi- dence in the decision reached. Every possible consideration was given to the ideal of coed dorms and to students views, particularly con- cerning conversion of Tyler and Prescott. In the end it was with reluctance the Board tem- porarily ended coed living on campus and even then not until committing themselves to con- struction of a coed dorm as soon as possible. PRIMARY CONCERN of the Board was, as it should be, the serious plight of students forced into crowded and sub-standard living conditions. It was largely this concern which led to final decision. As Dean Re, put it, this is an emer- gency and we have to provide housing for as many as possible as promptly as possible. Problems of site and location might have been circumvented. Justifying additional cost Involved in a coed unit-cost which might have jeopardized future construction, was not pos- sible. Strongest objections to the Board's action may be anticipated from East Quadrangle. Once the decision to build the new dorm for * women had been reached, the reconversion of Tyler and Prescott was a foregone conclusion. WITH UNDERGRADUATE ratio of one ard a half men to each girl and a present housing ratio of about one to one it would have been unthinkable to create 1,000 addi- tional spaces for women and none for me. As a matter of fact serious consideration was given to returning all converted men's houses-and the Board is committed to return.- ing Victor Vaugnn and Fletcher if the 'need arises. Outrageous prices, sub-standard living and unsanitary conditions are being endured by many men students this semester-students who were unable to get into residence halls. ALTHOUGH the Board plans to ask the Re- gents for authorization to begin planning of a small men's dorm, it is not certain authori- zation will be granted. Thinking in terms of a small unit for men at the present time is very much 'of a dream-certainly not near enough a reality to help alleviate conditions in the near future, The 266 spaces created by reconversion will alleviate severe hardship and imposition' for that many men-hardship far more deserving of consideration than the inconvenience of reconverting. The Board was fully cognizant of student opinion in East Quad and will do everything possible to ease the transition. But it was just not feasible to retain coed living in East Quad now. -LEE MARKS Editorial Staff Dave Baad .......... ...Managing Editor Jim Dygert ...................... ... City Editor Murry Frymer .. ......... Editorial Director Debra Durchslag .................... Magazine Editor David Kaplan .................... Feature Editor Jane Howard ..... ................. Associate Editor Louise Tyor .................. ... . Associate Editor Phil Douglis ............................ Sports Editor Alan Eisenberg ...... ... .. Associate Sports Editor Jack Horwits................. Associate Sports Editor Mary Hellthaler ..................Women's Editor Elaine Edmonds ............ Associate Women's Editor John Hirtzel .......,.............. Chief Photographer Business Staff Dick Alstrom..........Business Manager Bob Ilgenfritz ............ Associate Business Manager Ken Rogat ...................... Advertising Manager Marty Weisbard ....... ................ Finance Jerry Puscb . ..... . Circulation Manager Action Means Blow To Michigan House Plan TUESDAY NIGHT, the Michigan House Plan was the victim of a new setback, due to the shuttling back and forth of Prescott and Tyler houses. The decision to build the new dorm for wom- en was one born of emergency. There was and still is definitely a desperate need for more housing on campus. But little has been said about the worth of coed housing. Certainly, since so many people, including the Residence Halls governors, are in favor of it in principle, there must be some definite advantages to the arrangement. From a purely superficial standpoint, it has been said that coed living raises the general level of behavior, dress and language. This is true. But coed living has less tangible advantages also.' IT PROVIDES a great opportunity for men and women to meet naturally, as they will after graduation. This means that friend- ships between the sexes can be established without the somewhat superficial atmosphere of a first date. In the past few decades, women have gained a place in a man's world and it becomes in- creasingly more important that the two sexes meet and understand each other. The arrange- ment at East Quad has been a highly success- ful pioneer movement here in this direction. But the desperate housing situation will soon change all that, and Prescott and Tyler will go back to the men.I Votes taken at residence halls around cam- pus showed a variety of opinion on the subject. The girls on the Hill were about evenly divided in opinion, with the exception of Stockwell, which showed a slight majority against coed living. BUT ARE Hill residents qualified judges? They have never lived in a mixed dorm, and cannot possibly know either its advantages or disadvantages. On the other hand, a referendum taken in East Quad last week showed an overwhelming 90% majority in favor of the arrangement. The people who voted have lived in the dorm under the present arrangement, some of them for three years. This certainly indicates that those who have experienced coed living are in favor of it. Those who live in Prescott and Tyler do not seem to agree with Dean of Women Deborah Bacon in the matter of lack of facilities. The pressing and washing arrangements are satis- factory from a resident standpoint. Poor loca- tion of the lounges doesn't seem to deter any- body from using them-they are just as crowd- ed with bridge foursomes (mixed) and conver- sational groups as those belonging to the men. Possibly the aspect of reconversion that is most important is also the most neglected. What happens to house spirit? In .the past, residents of the Quad women's houses have been very active in Quad and campus activities. But why work for the house if you are to be shoved into some other dorm in the middle of your campus career? A house officer in her junior year may find herself a complete nobody in a house full of strangers in her senior year. Too, why should freshmen and transfer women students want to live in East Qad, knowing that their tenure there will be pre- carious, to say the least? THE GIRLS from Chicago House In West Quad are faced with this same problem. They will be moved out as soon as the Couzen Addition is completed. And what about the girls in Victor Vaughn and Fletcher? There is a possibility that, if the need arises, they will be moved out to make room for the men. No one can argue with the fact that men need housing as badly as women, but it is indeed unfortunate that the campus housing problem must be solved at the expense of sev- eral hundred coeds. Soon, the Board of Regents will be asked by the Residence Halls Governors to authorize planning of a small men's unit on this campus. Woulddft it be a good idea to speed up plan- ning and construction of the men's unit so that the reconversion wouldn't be necessary? --TAMMY MORRISON I New Books at the Library Hano, Arnold-A Day in the Bleachers; New York, Thomas Y. Crowell, 1955. Harrow, Benjamin -- Casimir Funk; New York, Dodd, Mead and Company, 1955. Herring, Hubert-A History of Latin Amer- ica; New York, A. Knopf, 1955. Klein, Alexander-The Empire City; New York, Rinehart & Company, 1955. Klibansky, Raymond & Mossner, Ernest- CINEMA GUILD: Judy Per feet In S tar' A FAMOUS movie star, whose career is on the decline from his constant drinking, hears a young girl sing with a band; his formation of her career, her rise to stardom, and their love is the story of "A Star is Born." The actor senses the little some- thing extra in the girl's voice which means greatness. He tricks his studio into hearing her and the girl's own talent carries her to star- dom. Their love is not able to make life whole for the man and he leaves the girl's life so that she can continue it without the great shadow of his own person- ality. The film is an excellent balance of technical and emotional ap- peal. Hollywood is caught by camera angles, blazing color, whirling crowds, and all the trivia that make up the life of an indus- try and a city that has made a. fetish of human beings.. EMOTIONALLY, the perform- ance of Judy Garland as the girl who achieves stardom is as char- ged and moving as that voice of hers which can make an audience respond to its very sincerity and warmth, note by note, at her will. She sings each song in a special way and with its own meaning. From "Swanee" to "The Man Who Got Away" to a wonderful take-off on the motion picture production number, her personality and voice somehow combine to make all the songs satisfying and important to hear. The man who shapes her life, the actor over the hill from 20 years of drinking, if over-played for emotionalism, could have ruin- ed the film. James Mason as the actor is superb. IN CERTAIN SCENES, when he talks to her about her voice as be- ing like seeing a great fighter, when he is pushed from her side at the premier of her first movie, and when he throws back his head in their darkened studio and laughs in deepest joy with her-! Mason is a man truly in love. As the publicity man who has saved Mason's reputation for 10 years while hating him all the while for the actor's success, Jack Carson drives his performance home in a scene where he baits the actor to violence just after Mason has left a sanitarium. He is the bitter, small man taking his vengeance on -one already de- feated to the extent that you actually dislike him. But it is Judy Garland who makes the film a real emotional experience, with her face of a trusting child and her magic voice. --Culver Eisenbeis The absence of heroes or irre- placeable men in either party should force the voters to center their attention on the working of our institutions and the program for our parties. -The Reporter WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Find Geneva Spirit' Dead -BY DREW PEARSON PRESIDENT Eisenhower has not been given the full impact and would be distressed if he knew it, but his Administration has decided that the "Geneva Spirit" is dead. This verdict was reached by the National Security Council. Ex- actly one week ago at a meeting in \the White House with Vice President Nixon presiding. The verdict was based partly on a sober estimate made by Allen Dulles, brother of the Secretary of State and head of Central In- telligence, that the cold war is continuing, that the present Rus- sian leaders cannot be trusted, and that Russia would be able to triple her defense budget with- out any protest from the Russian people. SECRETARY DULLES, who vis- ited the President in Denver, how- ever, did not acquaint him with this grim outlook. Though he spent 25 minutes 'at the hospital, Dulles confined himself to general re- marks about East-West problems. He was fearful of upsetting the President's recovery; also, he him- self has never been as optimistic as Eisenhower about the results of Geneva. Some members of the White House staff do not go along with Dulles and the National Security Council regarding the pessimistic state of the world. Harold Stas- sen, in charge of disarmament, still has genuine hopes for world peace. However, with the Presi- dent away, it's the Pentagon and the Dulles brothers who are call- ing the foreign-policy tunes. * * * ONE COMMITTEE of Congress- men who took a trip to Alaska this fall worked so hard that they could hardly go fishing, according to Rep. Leo O'Brien, New York Democrat. "Jim Utt (R) of California and Rep. Gracie. Pfost (D) of Idaho had to get up at 5:30 one morning to get in some fishing." reported O'Brien. "There was a hearing scheduled for 8:30 a.m. that day. "They came back with one fish,1 about as big as a sardine. Gracie was rather proud of it, though, and when I told her to catch an- other one and make herself a pair of earrings, boy, did she get sore!" * * * REPUBLICAN money - raisers weren't letting their right hand know what their left hand was collecting until this column re- cently published the secret quotas set for each state to raise and the amount collected. As a result, State Finance Committees were able to compare their assessments against other states for the first time. Indiana, for example, discover- ed that its $65,227 quota was up in the same bracket as the big states, such as New York, Cali- fornia, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, New Jersey and Massa- chusetts. - Promptly the Indiana Republi- can Citizens' Finance Committee got out a confidential letter to GOP business and professional men, pleading for $1,000 apiece to meet the quota. S* * * "INDIANA is classed with the 'Big League' states in amount of assessment as it has been high in rank with regard to Republicans elected to office in each cam- paign," the letter explained. "How- ever, the opportunity which our ranking gives us to be heard at the council table in Washington has always been forfeited because of our financial record. The pat- ronage accorded to Indiana has been insignificant. The informa- tion set forth above comes from Drew Pearson's column, a copy of which we enclose." The letter goes on to warn that "winning the election this year is much more important than is gen- erally conceded. This is particu- larly so in light of the merger of the CIO with the AFL, and the possibility that a Labor candidate for President may run on the De- mocratic ticket in 1956. It is our obligation to do all we can to cre- ate and consolidate Republican strongholds in Indiana in prepara- tion for next year's battle." To avoid any violations of the corrupt practices act, another warning was printed in big type across the bottom: "All checks should be drawn on individual, not corporate, accounts." POSTMASTER GENERAL Ar- thur Summerfield is quietly lining up his postmasters across the country to back him in a bid for the Vice Presidency. While other GOP hopefuls have their eye on the Presidential nomination, Sum- merfield is shooting for the No. 2 spot. At a meeting of the na- tion's postmasters in Detroit, Sum- merfield pressured key postmas- ters to politick for him in their home districts. Since he's their boss, they could hardly refuse. Summerfield may. find himself on the Congressional carpet for us- ing the Postal System to further his own political ambitions. Con- gressmen, sore at the way he high- pressured them to vote for higher postal rates, mdy jump at a chance to crack back at him. (Copyright, 1955, Bell Syndicate, Inc.) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1955 VOL. LXVII, NO. 22 General Notices The University of Michigan Blood Bank Association has arranged to have a Red Cross Mobile Unit at the Student Health Service on Oct. 24, 1955, to take care of staff members who wish to con- tribute a pint of blood and thus be- come members of the Blood Bank with Ithe privilege of drawing upon the bank for themselves and their immediate families in the event blood is needed. The Unit will be at the Health Service Basement from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon, and from 1:00-4:00 p.m, Staff members who are interested should contact the Personnel Office, Ext. 2619 Room 3026 Admin. Bldg, Blue Cross Group Hospitalization, Medical and Surgical Service Programs for staff members will be open from Oct. 10 to Oct. 21 for new applications and changes in contracts now in effect. Staff members who wish to enroll, or change their coverage to include surgi- cal and medical services, should make such changes at the Personnel office, Room 3012, Administration Building. New applications and changes will be effective Dec. 5, with the first payroll deduction on Nov. 30. The Scandinavian Seminar for Cul- tural studies is designed for mature students interested in living and study- ing in Northern Europe for a year. Through individual study projects in adult education, physical education, teaching, agriculture, the cooperatives, government, music, arts and crafts, and social sciences, each member of the seminar gains specialized knowledge of one or more aspects of Scandinavian life within the general cultural frame- work. For further information and scholarship applications, write to The American-Scandinavian Council for Adult Education, 127 East 73 St., New York 21, N. Y. Tickets are now on sale at the offices of the University Musial Society, in Burton Tower, for the performances of the "Messiah," Dec. 3 and 4, and for the Chamber Music Festival, Feb. 17, 18, and 19. The following student sponsored social events are approved for the coming week-end: October 20: Delta Sigma Delta. October 1: Alpha Omicron P, Co- zens Hall, Michigan Christian Fellow- ship, Palmer and Angell, Stockwell Hall, Winchell House w. Q. October 22: Allen-Rumsey, Alpha Delta, Phi, Delta Chi, Delta Tu Delta, Delta Theta Phi, Gomberg House, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Alpha Delta. Phi Delta Phi, Phi Rho Eigma, Sigma Nu, Theta Xi, Winchell House W. Q. October 23: Phi Delta Phi. Lectures Dr. Laurie Campbell, Supervisor in Physical Education in the Department of Physical Education, will speak to the Women's Physical Education Club today at 9:00 in W.A.B. Her topic wil be "Elementary Education in England." Psychology Colloquium & University Lecture: Dr. Donald Hebb discusses, "Alice in Wonderland; Psychology Among the Biological Sciences." Fri., Oct. 21, 4:15 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hal Open to the public. Norman Cousins, Editor of Saturday Review, will speak to the Michigan Association of Junior Colleges on "The Information Crisis in America." Uni- versity faculty invited. Academic Notices Preliminary Examinations in English: Applicants for the Ph.D. in English who expect to take the preliminary examniations this fall are requested to leave their names with Dr. Ogden, 1634 Haven Hall. The examinations will be given as follows: English Literature from the Beginnings to 1550-Wed., Nov. 16; English Literature, 1550-1750, Sat., Nov. 19; English Literature, 1750- 1950, Wed., Nov. 23; and American Literature, Sat., Nov. 26. The examina- tions will be given in Angell Hall, Room 3023, from 9 to 12 a.m. All Graduate Students in the Depart- ment of* Botany who have not taken or have not yet passed the Qualifying Examination will have the opportunity to take it during the Fall Semester, Tues., Oct. 25, 1955 at 7:00 p.m. in room 2033 Natural Science. Economics 51, 52, 53, 54: Students who have incomplete records because of absence from final examinations see Mr. Peterson 206 Economics Bldg. Fri., Oct. 21. Doctoral Examination for William Peter Allen, Bacteriology; thesis: "An Investigation of the Anticryptococcal Properties of Normal Serums," Thurs., Oct. 20, 1564 East Medical Building, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, W. J. Nungester. Doctoral Examination for Byron Lou Groesbeck, Psychology; thesis: "Per- sonality Correlates of the Achievement and Affiliation Motives in Clinical Psy- chology Trainees," Thurs., Oct. 20, 7611 Haven Hall, at 3:30 p.m. Chairman, E. L. Kelly. 401 Interdisciplinary Seminar in the Application of Mathematics to the: Social Sciences Thurs., Oct. 20, at 4:00- 5:30 p.m. in 3401 Mason Hall. W. Tan- ner will speak on "Optimum Behavior in a Communications Situation." Se,,,i a nAned ,M ,thm cwl I x J/ To The Editor-- "i Clarification .. L I.TTLE MAN ON CAINP S by Dick Sibler S.- EMSs CYNID I H5TOpy. Il ,.. n. F s l '\ fix' 1 . P 1 To the Editor: 37 HIS letter is written in refer- ence to an account in Sunday's Daily entitled "Police Raid." I would like to at this time clarify the situation. Contrary to the implication which was brought forth in Sun- day's Daily, no charges were pre- ferred against the fraternity or any of its members. However, the erroneous contents of the article are not the main point of my con- cern. The most disturbing ele- ment, to my mind, is the deroga- tory .implication that Phi Sigma Delta was engaging in any illegal or illicit conduct. Realizing that we are in a strictly residential neighborhood, we are at all times cognizant that any party or gathering which we might have will affect our neigh- bors' interests to the utmost. We therefore contacted each neighbor in our immediate vicinity to in- form them of our party plans. We, at this time, sincerely informed them that if even one of our neighbors should object to our party plans, that we would elimi- nate certain plans which might cause them disturbance. No neigh- bor objected. The implication in any article entitled "Police Raid" which con- cerns a fraternity party is that some form of illegal or immoral. activity was taking place. Ann Arbor and University officials both agreed, without question, that such was not the case. There was, too, no question as to our might be located in a heavy resi- dential area and which was hold- ing a party on Saturday night. University and city officials were asked to come to our house and after they arrived found nothing to indicate or imply any illegal ac- tivity on the part of Phi Sigma Delta. -Herb Schneider, '56 President Smacks of Racism.. To the Editor: T HE Daily cannot be held re- sponsible for the fact that a group of fraternity men choose to flaunt their ignorance and 'their arrogance in publicizing what they call a "Meet Me in Africa Party." But The Daily is responsible for the caption on Friday's front page - a caption which repeats and makes light of an insult to the di- verse peoples of Africa, an offense to every African student; a pretty low sort of insult, however unin- tended. Would it be overstating the case, to say that the statement, "The ferocious pair grimaced and grunt- ed in true African style" (quoted from the caption), smacks of racism? Such a phrase would be more at home in the fulminations of a Gerald L. K. Smith than in the pages of a liberal college daily. The peoples of Africa have a tough enough struggle ahead, to guarantee the independence and development of their countries. Let us not allow ignorance, racist stereotypes, and the smug arro- gance which a too-comfortable living breeds, set up further ob- I . t l A ci