(See Page 4)
aM i43it
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LXVI, No. 22
Red Role Asked
By MacArthur
Pentagon Publishes Documents
Giving S CAP's Pacific War Views
WASHINGTON (JP)--The Pentagon made public yesterday long-
6 secret documents reporting that Gen. Douglas MacArthur favored
Russia's entry into the war with Japan as late as June, 1945-less
tnan three months before the war ended.
MacArthur has said he was "most emphatically" against bringing
the Soviet Union into the conflict at the time of the Yalta conference
In February, 1945, and would have said so if his advice had been asked.
The newly released documents, part of a Defense Department
study of Russia's eleventh hour entry into the war, contain nothing
Housing Groups
Undertake Job
Council Passes Substitute Motion;
Replaces Original Move By Baad
Student Government Council unanimously voted last night to
assign the four housing groups to consider rushing procedure and
report back to the Council the first week in March.
The accepted proposal made by League President Hazel Frank
'56, to have Interfraternity Council, Inter House Council, Assembly
and Panhellenic study the problems substituted by an 11-6 vote at
original motion by Daily Managing Editor Dave Baad, '56.
either to confirm or refute the
"Solar Study
To Be Aided
By Satellite
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third
in a series of four articles on research
at the University related to the de-
velopment of the space satellite sched-
uled to be launched in 1958.)
Daily City Editor
Although astronomical research
at the University has not been
involved in preparation for the
launching of the space satellite in
1958, it stands to gain much if the
venture is successful.
"We could gain a much better
knowledge of the sun if we could
point a telescope at it from a
space satellite 250 miles up," Prof.
Leo Goldberg, chairman of the
astronomy department and direc-
tor of the University Observatory,
Solar research is limited because
the earth's atmosphere is partially
apaque, absrbag many of the
sun's light rays -efcre they get
close enough tothe earth to be
viewed and studied.
Short Wave-Lengths Stopped
The earth's atmosphere, for in-
stance, cuts off optical radiation
shorter tha. 3,000 angstroms in
wave length (red light is 6,000
By sending rockets as high as
120 miles above the earth, solar
astronomers have succeeded, how-
ever, in photographing ultra-violet
rays between 1,000 and 3,000 ang-
But photographing ultra-violet
rays shorter than 1,000 angstroms
is not now possible, although they
have been studied with photo-
electric cells.
X-rays Studied
Wave-lengths between 200 and
1,000 angstroms are absorbed in
the atmosphere before reaching a
level of 120 miles. X-rays between
five and ten angstroms can be
reached, however, below the 120-
mile mark.
Absorption is done by molecules
and atoms in the atmosphere
which absorb rays of different
waV-lengths, depending on what
kind of molecules and atoms they
There is also the turbulent na-
ture of the earth's atmosphere re-
stricting radiation. Light is bent
by the atmosphere, and bent at a
constant angle when temperature
See "PLAN," page 2
School Heads
To Tour V
A tour of the University is in
store today for members of the
Assoiation of Governing Boards
of State Universities and Allied
Top administrators of state
schools in the national organiza-
tion are currently meeting at
Michigan State University's Kel-
logg Center for their 33rd annual
Today will be taken up by tours
to Wayne University and Eastern
Michigan College at Ypsilanti as
well as a visit to the University's
North Campus and dinner at the
Representing the University at
the conference is Regent Alfred
Connabie, a regional director of
the Association.
Fall Union-League
former Far Eastern commander's
" statement last March that his
views were not solicited for the
Yalta conference.
The Pentagon account says Mac-
Arthur was told of the Yalta deci-
sions - that Russia would enter
the war after V-E day in exchange
for territorial concessions - by a
War Department representative.
And it quotes MacArthur as telling
two official visitors shortly after
1. The United States should
make every effort to get Russia
into the war before launching an
attack on the Japanese mainland.
2. He felt it was inevitable that
Russia would take over all of Man-
churia, Korea and possibly part of
North China, but believed Russia
should "pay her way" by invading
Japanese-held Manchuria as soon
as possible after the defeat of Ger-
MacArthur himself is quoted as
saying in a message to Gen. George
C. Marshall, then Army chief of
staff, in mid-June, 1945, that
"sooner or later a decisive ground
attack must be made" against
Japan and that:
"The hazard and loss will be
greatly lessened if an attack is
launched from Siberia sufficiently
ahead of our target date to com-
mit the enemy to major combat."
MacArthur said in a statement
issued last March 23 that, at the
time of Yalta, he regarded the
Japanese as about to collapse and
"I would most emphatically have
recommended against bringing
the Soviet into the Pacific war at
that late date."
He said, too, it would have
seemed "fantastic" to him to make
"vital concessions" such as those
made at Yalta to induce the Rus-
sians to carry out their promise to
join the fighting.
MacArthur cited two instances
-dispatches or reports he said
he made Sept. 21 and Oct. 20, 1944
- in which he voiced belief
Japan's defeat was imminent. The
Pentagon survey does not contain
a reference to either instance.
The Defense Department last
spring said MacArthur appeared
to be referring in his March state-
ment to news releases issued from
his headquarters rather than offi-
cial reports through military chan-
Band Leaves
For Game*
A special seven- car train, part-
/ies and a dance is on the agenda
for the Marching Band when they
follow the football team to Min-
nesota over the weekend. °
The 170-member band will leave
early tomorrow morning aboard a
special train, scheduled for arrival
in St. Paul at 8:15 p.m.
The band members will be
guests of the Minnesota band at
a luncheon and a Saturday night
dance. They. will return to Ann
Arbor Sunday evening.
Their pre-game show will con-
sist of a salute to Minnesota and
a dance step to "Steam Heat"
from "Pajama Game." At the half
the band will perform last week's
"Salute to Ike" and a military
ToBe Razed
An era will end and another be-
gin Nov. 1, when razing of the 78
year-old county courthouse is sch-
eduled to begin.
The massive old structure, now
in the shadow of the gleaming
Baad had moved the problem be referred to
committee composed of members of the four
a seven-membe
housing group
-Daily-John Hirtzel
BEFORE THE VOTE-SGC members discuss the three rushing Cleveland, '58, IFO President Bob Weinbaum, '56, and League
study proposals mode at last night's meeting. Left-Daily Man- President Hazel Frank, '56, whose substitute motion was accepted.
aging Editor Dave Baad, '56, who made the original motion, IHC Right-Bleha, Assembly President Jeanette Grin, '56, and Pan-
President Tom Bleha, '56, who presented a third proposal, Tom hellenic President Deborah Townsend, '56.
UN Debate
Dead locked
On SC Seat
The Philippines, firmly backed by
the United States, fought to a
draw yesterday with Communist
Yugoslavia in the second round of
voting for a United Nations Secur-
ity Council seat.
Faced with a deadlock for the
second time, the UN Assembly
wrangled heatedly for two hours
and then approved, 29-eight, an
American proposal to vote for seats
on the Economic and Social Coun-
cil. The date for the next ballot-
ing on the Security Council was
not set.
Lodge Victorious
This represented a victory for
Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., chief
United States delegate. Yugoslavia
long has been a candidate for the
Economic and Social Council. The
Yugoslavs, supported by the British
Commonwealth, and the Soviet
Union, formally announced their
candidacy for the council yester-
Lodge, who has made this con-
test a matter of prestige for the
United States, and the Philippine
delegate, Carlos P. Romulo, were
jubilant at the Assembly decision
to pass on to other voting. The
Yugoslav delegation, which actu-
ally would like to hold places on
both councils, was glum.
Slavs Get 46 Votes
Yugoslavia was elected to the
Economic and Social Council on
the second ballot, receiving 46
votes. Three countries were elected
on the first ballot. They were the
United States, 50 votes, Canada,
48, and Indonesia, 44.
4 Backers of the Philippines con-
tend that Yugoslavia's election to
the Economic and Social Council
weakens Belgrade's chances for the
Security Council.
Two More Fraternities
Join Food Buying Plan
Two new fraternities w e r e
granted membership in the Frat-
ernity Buying Association by the
board of directors at their meet-
ing last night in the Union.
Also included in the meeting's
agenda was the election of Hank
GOP Discuss
LOS ANGELES (A')-California
Republican politicians overwhelm-
ingly favor Vice President Nixon
over Gov. Goodwin Knight as a
possible presidential candidate, a
poll by the Mirror-News indicated
The paper asked 600 members
of the Republican State Central
Committee to give their personal
choice for president in 1956 if
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
does not run. In a copyrighted
story it gave these results:
Nixon 50.5 per cent; Sen. Wil-
liam Knowland of California, 19.6;
Earl Warren, former governor and
now Chief Justice, 16; Knight 6.
Scattered votes went for others.
In Oklahoma City a campaign
to boost Will Rogers Jr. as a 1956
Democratic candidate for presi-
dent was announced Tuesday.
Three Sayre, Okla., businessmen
are heading the campaign for the
son of the late Oklahoma humor-
ist. They are Bill Bacon, publish-
er of the Sayre Headlight-Jour-
nal, state Rep. Frank Carmichael
and M. E. Fariss, electrical con-
W. Aughey, '55, to the combined
position of FBA chairman and
president of the Steward's Coun-
cil, and the naming of Lee Egrin,
'56, as assistant chairman of the
board of directors.
New Members Join
In receiving the membership of
Alpha Tau Omega and Alpha
Kappa Kappa, it was stressed by
the board that co-operation is ex-
pected of each participating frat-
ernity and is of the utmost im-
portance for the success of FBA.
Recent reports have been re-
ceived by the board that some
members, whether mistakenly or
not, have been buying goods out-
side the Association. The board
will look into the individual situ-
ations if it is determined that the
violation is of a deliberate nature.
Another fraternity, Zeta Beta
Tau, applying for membership was
not accepted since no representa-
tive of the organization was pre-
sent at the meeting. However, it
is expected that ZBT's application
will be approved in the near fut-
FBA Rapidly Expanding
In the realization that FBA is a
rapidly expanding organization,
several members of the board ex-
pressed a desire to initiate a train-
ing program so as to insure con-
tinued and effective operation.
The board especially indicated
its hope that young fraternity men
will become interested in FBA's
work since there will be several
important positions open in the
FBA Purchasing Agent, Mike
Barber, '57, in discussing possible
sorority participation in the As-
sociation, expressed the board's
desire to cooperate in every way
possible in educating and inform-
ing the sororities as to the distinct
advantages of the plan.
World News
The Soviet Union has proposed to
the United States that the Big
Five - United States, Britain,
France, China and Russia - be
designated permanent members
of the board of governors of an
international atomic energy agen-
The Russians also want India,
Indonesia, Egypt and Communist-
dominated Romania to be named
to the first board of governors.
Canada, which has played a lead-
ing atomic role from the start, was
not mentioned.
* * *
POINT CLEAR, Ala. (P)-South-
ern governors disagreed yesterday
on what the Democrats might do
in 1956, but all concurred the Re-
publicans will have a far tougher
time should President Dwight D.
Eisenhower not be a candidate.
Gov. Allan Shivers of Texas
again predicted that Adlai Steven-
son, the 1952 candidate, would not
be renominated. He said he felt
a man acceptable to Southern
conservatives would be chosen.
* * *
LONDON (oP)-Princess Marga-
ret, looking her loveliest amid the
nationwide clamor over her ro-
mance, dined last night with the'
Archbishop of Canterbury. The
Church of England primate speaks
for all Anglican churchmen who
frown on her romance with Peter
* * *
Florida Supreme Court ruled yes-
terday that Negroes could not be
admitted to the all-white Univer-
sity of Florida until a determina-
tion had been made whether there
would be harmful effects.
The 5-2 decision had the effect
of delaying integration of the
races in the university, and pos-
sibly the public schools, for a
period of several months to a year
or more.
and three SGC members. A sur-
prisingly large audience of 75
people witnessed proceedings.
Aimed at "impartiality," a third
motion by Inter House Council
President Tom Bleha, '56, provid-
ing for a committee of seven stu-
dents, preferably transfer students,
two faculty members, either from
Michigan or another campus, two
alumni members, and two admin-
istration members from another
campus was defeated.
'Apathy Possible'
Questioning the feasibility of
the Bleha motion, Miss Frank
along with Deborah Townsend,
'57 said that this type of com-
mittee might be apathetic to the
An expected debate was elimi-
nated when SGC President Hank
Berliner, '56, cited precedents for
the Council's jurisdiction in the
matter. Since 1903, Berliner said,
Student Affairs Committee, SGC's
predecessor, had concerned itself
with rushing issues.
Speaking in favor of substitut-
ing her motion for Baad's, Miss
Frankrsaid the problem directly
involved the four housing groups
and could be best. studied by
"The differences between sor-
ority and fraternity systems of
rushing should be handled by the
separate groups," she said.
Separate Studies Asked
Miss Frank's motion calls for
Assembly and Pan-Hel to study
Roll Call
The vote last night to substi-
tute Miss Frank's motion for
Baad's was 11 to 6.
Voting "No" were: Adams,
Cleveland, Diamond, Miss
Frank, Good, Miss Grimm, Lief,
Sawyer, Miss Townsend, Velden
and Weinbaum.
Voting "Yes" were: Baad,
Bleha, Leacock, Miss Neary,
Miss Netzer and Tauber. '
sorority rushing and IFC and IHC
to handle fraternity rushing.
The four groups can meet to-
gether to discuss problems similar
to both sororities and fraternities,
she said.
Miss Townsend said Assembly
and Panhellenic already have a
study committee established to
consider rushing issues and agreed
with Bill Diamond, '56E, that such
a group could handle the problem
Speaking for Baad's motion,
Janet Neary, '58, said since SGC
would eventually consider the
problem anyway, the Council
should merge with the housing
groups to be able to inject the
SGC's point of view from the be-
Baad Disappointed
Baad, the maker of the original
defeated motion last night, com-
mented that although somewhat
disappointed with the outcome he
thought the Council had taken a
step forward by recognizing the
rushing problem within its juris-
"This is certainly an advance
over the situation two weeks ago
when the problem wasn't before
either the student body or SGC,"
Baad said.
"I only hope the four housing
groups attack the problem and
report to SGC with acceptable
recommendations. Then SGC will
have to have the courage to act
on the problem," Baad
Dulles Wary.
of Big Four
'Op timism'
DENVER P()-Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles said yesterday
that President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower shares with him a "measur-
ed. hope" for concrete progress at
the Big Four foreign ministers
conference in Geneva on issues
dividing East and West.
Dulles got President Eisenhow-
er's final "counsel and advice" on
the conference opening Oct. 27 in
a 25-minute meeting with the
chief executive at Fitzsimons Army
At a news conference at the
Denver White House, the Secre-
tary said that while he doesn't
expect "spectacular results," fe
does think that he and the Brit-
ish, French and Soviet foreign
ministers will make "concrete pro-!
gress toward unification of Ger-
many with a framework of Euro-
pean security."
Sees Definite Progress
He said he also looks for defin-
ite progress on increased contacts
between East and West and on
clearing away some of the mis-
understandings that seem to have
arisen over the disarmament issue.
In touching thus on the Geneva
mneeting, Sec. Dulles shied away
from using the word "optisism."
"But any results at all," he said,
"would mark an advance on most,
if not all, of our prior conferences
with the Soviet Union."
Sec. Dulles leaves for Europe
tomorrow, after briefing congres-
sional leaders of both parties on
the Geneva parley in Washington
President Gives Mandate
"I go to Geneva," he said,
"with the assurance that I have
behind me a President who fully
knows the issues and who has
given me a full and comprehen-
sive mandate to speak for our
nation at that conference."
With the doctors continuing to
report that President Eisenhower
is making satisfactory headway
without complications, Sec. Dulles
said that he found "very distinct
evidence of more vigor-more vig-
orous health." He said the Presi-
dent's mind was as vigorous as it
could be at their last meeting and
"this time there was more evi-
dence of physical robustness."
Actor Hodiak
Suffers Fatal
Heart Attack
TARZANA, Calif. (A)-A c t o r
John Hodiak, 41, died unexpectedly
yesterday of a heart attack.
The handsome, resonant-voiced
star collapsed in the bathroom of
the home where he lived with his
parents, sister and brother. He
had been up an hour, complaining
of gas, with his sister and mother.
Dr. Sidney N. Spies, who was
called, said Hodiak died instantly
about 6:50 a.m. of a coronary
Hodiak sad no prior history of
DAC To Present
'Thieves' Carnival'
Dramatic Arts Center will open its second Ann Arbor season by
presenting Jean Anouilh's "Thieves' Carnival" at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow
in the Masonic Temple Auditorium.
The most eminent of the contemporary French dramatists,
Anouilh has never written a play that "flopped" in France. However,
with the exception of "Thieves' Carnival," an immediate hit in this
country, all of the French playwright's works have been unsuccess-
ful when presented on the American Stage.
A mixture of the fantastic, the comic and the intellectual, the play
concerns itself with the misadventures of an incompetent robber trio
who pose as gentlemen in order to gain acceptance from an aristo-
cratic family.
Robbery Plans Failed
Once inside their house, they plan a robbery only to discover
that the elderly lady of the house has been aware of their true
identity from the beginning. The plot also includes a romance
between two of the thieves and the young nieces of the household.
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