I- Sixty-Sixth Year EDTED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNERSrr' OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. - Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in a reprints. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1955 NIGHT EDITOR: GAIL GOLDSTEIN Sororities Can Find Long-Run Gains In 'FBA Plan SORORITY house directors and alumni finan- years is perhaps understandable but certainly cialadvisors have strongly indicated they poor business practice, are not interested in joining Fraternity Buying Housemothers pride themselves on being Association now. efficient buyers. First concern goes to students Objections were voiced to almost every as- involved. If money can be saved by changing pect of the plan as outlined by FBA Purchasing food sources, sentiment should not stand in the Agent Mike Barber, '57, at a recent meeting. way. A large part of sorority antagonism to the Although sororities use far less canned goods plan may be attributed to faulty orientation of than fraternities (FBA deals only in canned housemothers and financial advisors. goods) they can still profit on whatever canned items they need. The fact that they will need FBA and Pan Hellenic Association attempted FBA services less than fraternities is hardly an to explain the plan and discuss it at a meeting argument to abandon FBA. with housemothers. Although the principles underlying the plan are simple, the details of House directors had several valid reasons for operation are complex. To attempt to thor- being cautious about entering FBA. They oughly explain the plan in a five minute sum- don't seem, hotever, to be giving the organi- mary followed by a hectic question and answer zation much of a chance. Many of the objec- Speriod was a mistakeltions need only patience and a little work to be ironed out. WAlso, possibilities for expansion are limit- AWISER policy might have been to send out ls. xpninwlbepeddcsdray a comprehensive brochure so that sororityExpansion will be speededconsiderably representatives would have been acquainted by the increased buying power sororities will with the plan before the meeting, give FBA. Several cogent arguments were brought up. plans at Oregon State, Penn State Most widely voiced objection to FBA is that and Ohio State have proven the idea is it won't save money for sororities. In the ab- sound. Progress here has far exceeded rate of sence of concrete statistics this is hard to refute expansion at other schools. but it is equally hard to believe. Even if sororities gain very little immediately Mass buying should command far greater from joining FBA it is to their advantage, in savings than individual buying. Although there the long run, to join now. In the long run is little doubt sororities won't benefit as much they will save - even if they get food discounts as fraternities (their buying is now more ef- now similar to FBA, they cannot hope to get ficient), they should still stand to gain by the discounts on the many products FBA will joining FBA. eventually handle. It is to be hoped FBA will soon compile com- Why join now then, sororities say? Why parison statistics on specific items and dispel not wait until we can get discounts on the other the argument. items? The answer is simple - increased buying LOYALTY to merchants plagued FBA last power means greater expansion quicker and Spring. Reluctance to stop dealing with more savings for everyone sooner. merchants who have provided goods for many -LEE MARKS Should Everyone Go to ollegee (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is a reprint in part do not say that "everyone" should go to college from the New York Times article by Benjamin Fine. but rather, everyone who has talent, who is It concerns the recent conference of the American Council of Education which debated the issue of gifted, who possibly can make a contribution limited or unlimited college enrollments.) to society because of his education. HE question of who should go to college is The many questions raised here this week no longer academic. It is beginning to by the country's top-ranking school men will trouble a great many top-level educators and not be answered over night. It will take long, schoolmenhard thinking on the part of educators and in- formed laymen alike to reach the final conclu- This is no ordinary crisis, the educators sions. But it was apparent, through the dis- agreed. It simply will not be made to disappear cussions here, that the educators did feel that by shrugging shoulders and doing nothing. The the American system of higher education had delegates were warned that something must be. won its place in our society. done, and done at once. But what? They agreed with Dr. Cornelius W. deKiewiet, Two avenues are open. First, the colleges president of the University of Rochester, that can limit their enrollments, to keep the num- the true greatness of higher education in this ber of entering students at its present level. And country was found in both quality and quantity. second, the colleges can plan for the future, increase their facilities, and prepare to accept TT IS possible, the educators agreed, for a the tremendous number of men and women, democratic system of education to have large numbers on the one hand, and high standards HERE we have a paradox: The colleges are on the other. That won't be an easy task to deeply concerned with overcrowded condi- accomplish. But it will be in keeping with tions on their campuses on the one hand. And the American way of life. on the other, they are seeking means to get still The unlimited opportunities open to all more students to enter. But the paradox is American boys and girls, from elementary readily explained. school through college and university, have The college officials want to seek out the made this country the great land that it is. On brilliant, the gifted, the talented students. They this score, few will take issue. Murry Frymer IN TH IS CORIDNERu.i "Come On-Let's See Some Action" DEM- R FR EE-FOR-ALL )FREE-FOR-ALL .. AT THE MICHIGAN: io Catch A Thief' Clever Nonsense LIKE MOST of the work of mystery-master Alfred Hitchcock, "To Catch A Thief" is dedicated to providing entertainment for its audience, a task which it performs with the greatest of ease. Hitchcock has never been one to worry about the philosophical or intellectual elements of picture production, and his major talent is that he can frighten and amuse viewers with marksmenlike precision. In "To Catch A Thief" he has taken a story of jewel robberies among rich French Riviera tourists, and with trick-angle photography, sophisticated lines and a handful of top-notch performers, directed one of the year's more delightful bits of nonsense. CARY GRANT is a retired jewel thief who is being falsely accused of a string of robberies that bear marked resemblance to his work in the days when he was known professionally as "The Cat." Grace Kelly and her wealthy mother (Jesse Joyce Lanois) are among the victims of the thief. Miss Kelly accuses Grant of the misdemeanor, breaking 41K, ; "4 up their blossoming romance, but it out well for the young couple. Few are likely to be concerned over the outcome of the story or over who is the real robber. But in the meantime there are a great many shots of gorgeous French Riviera scenery; pages of witty double - entendre dialogue, and Grace Kelly in a closetful of Edith Head creations. is obvious that things will work DAILY OFFICIAL B ULLE TIN I 74 ' u s~.' d .: o. a "ys rc .v .. ... ." w f F N ot-j ots fds ,L-~o c7 S * WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: -BY DREW PEARSON SOME TIME ago Frank Lloyd Wright, the noted architect, made headline - catching wise- cracks about the new Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, Simultaneously, Congress started an investigation. The public did not then know, and still does not know, that be- hind this criticism was the brick and stone lobby which didn't like the use of so much Air Force Academy glass. The lobby had hired one of the bright young lawyer-lobbyists close to Eisenhower, Douglas Whitlock, who in turn hired an astute Washington public rela- tions firm, Henry J. Kaufman and associates, Whitlock has now be- come one of the most successful Washington influence operators. IN THE BATTLE of Colorado Springs, Whitlock represented the Clay Products Institute, and he really produced. First, he recruited a powerful friend in the Senate for the Brick interests-Indiana's GOP Sen. Homer Capehart. Mean- while, the Kaufman firm, hired by the Allied Masonry Council, act- ually set up a House investigation at which the brick and cement boys began hurling bricks at the Academy's glass design. They had two motives. They wanted the big construction plum for themselves. Second, they fear- ed it might become an architec- tural pacesetter and lead the na- tion toward glass-and-steel con- struction. * * * THE BRICK interests' chief, friend on the House Appropria- tions Committee was Congress- man John Fogarty, Rhode Island Democrat, who before coming to Congress was President of the Rhode Island Bricklayers Union. It was not difficult for the Henry J. Kaufman firm to persuade Fog- arty to have anti-glass witnesses testify at the House hearing. The advertising agency's star witness was Mr. Architect him- self, 86-year-old Frank Lloyd Wright, who denounced the pro- posed Air Force Academy as an "architectural monstrosity." What wasn't mentioned at the hearing was that Wright's own architec- tural firm, Kitty Hawk Associates, was left on the sidelines in nego- tiating for the Air Force contract. * ,* * KNOWING this background, the Kaufman firm contacted Wright and persuaded him to testify against the glass-and-steel design if properly invited. The adver- tising agency then arranged for Congressman Fogarty to send Wright a formal invitation. After Wright accepted, Fogarty set up the hearing. Incidentally, Wright was met at. the airport and shepherded to the hearing by a Kaufman employee, alert, astute Robert Denny, who also arranged for other witnesses and wrote several letters to in- fluential groups stirring up oppo- sition to the glass-and-steel arch- itecture. Result of the hearing was holding up of funds for the new Academy until the Air Force agreed to replace a large percent- age of the glass construction with brick. * * * BILL O'DWYER, the ex-Mayor of New York who's having tax troubles with the Treasury, ought to take a tip from the American Distilling Company. O'Dwyer has a civil tax argu- ment with collector T. Coleman Andrews over various deductions he claimed while Ambassador to Mexico. He deducted $10,000 for the cost of running the American Embassy, which he claimed he had to pay out of his own pocket be- cause the State Department en- tertainment allotment wasn't en- ough. Almost all ambassadors, in- cidentally, have to dig into their own pockets. O'DWYER also deducted $625 for the cost of flying to New York to testify in the Kefauver hear- ings. The Treasury claims this is not deductible since it wasn't part of O'Dwyer's diplomatic busi- ness and since he wasn't subpoen- aed. So O'Dwyer is now taking the whole tax dispute to the US Tax Court where civil tax matters are litigated. No criminal action is involved. Meanwhile, ae American Dist- illing Company which was nicked by the Treasury for $13,000,000 in taxes, has settled its dispute for 10 cents on the dollar. It hired the tax accounting firm of T. Coleman Andrews. * * * THE POLITICOS see a lot more than meets the eye behind the recent choice of Lt. Gov. Ben Ramsey of Texas to be Democratic National Committeeman f r o m Texas. Primarily they see Ram- sey as the Lyndon Johnson-Her- man Brown candidate for gover- nor of Texas and the increasing probability that Governor Allan Shivers won't run again. Ben Ramsey's campaign for lieutenant governor has always received generous support from Herman Brown of the famed Brown and Root firm, one of the few favored contractors picked to build US bases in Spain. George Clark, sometimes called the king- pin of Texas lobbyists, has master- minded Ben's campaigns from the the Driscoll Hotel in Austin. Herman Brown, as hard-headed as he is able, knows exactly what he wants and usually gets it. He has wanted to see Ben Ramsey pushed up to the governorship for some time, and when Herman wants anything within reason, Lyndon Johnson likes to give it to him. (Copyright, 1955, Bell Syndicate, Inc.) TO REALLY appreciate Hitch- cock's work, it is necessary that the viewer simply relax and not worry about the little unfolding on the screen before him. It is not content that is important in "To Catch A Thief," but the neat little patterns in which the director ar- ranges the little he has. Grace Kelly is back in the kindf of role which suits her talents best, an aloof, sophisticated so- ciety heiress; Grant returns to the screen as her clever male partner, and he essays his lines with his usual relish for comedy. "To Catch A Thief" is an hour and forty five minutes of French pastry-delicious but not very sub- stantial. . -Ernest Theodossin LETTERS to the EDITOR Student Maturity.. . To the Editor: JIM Dygert's sour editorial on the new Student Government Coun- cil reflects what might have been expected from the same element that opposed SGC in the old Stu- dent Legislature. It would not be expected from an informed analyst of student affairs. As I understand it, the new SGC was not created to be the vocal but ixneffective group that SL was. Rather, the concept of SGC is that to best serve Michi- gan it should cooperate with oth- er student organizations ana the University administration, facul- ty, and Board of Regents. In his criticism of SGC, appar- ently unnoticed by Mr. Dygert were: the establishment of stu- dent-faculty-administration com- mittees to study student conduct, driving and housing; the SGC letter to the Attorney General of the U.S. in regard to the cancel- lation of the Soviet student edi- tors' trip; the forthcoming meet- ing with the Board of regents (something no student government at Michigan has ever accomplish- ed); the creation of a working organization which hat banded to- gether over 100 interested stu- dents; the remarkable coordinat- ing effort of SGC in bringing to- gether campus organizations to de- velop the student speakers bureau, all-campus activity booklet, re- sponsible pep rallies, and all-Uni- versity conferences on current problems; and in addition, the SGC has undertaken all the old functions of the now defunct SL and Student Affairs Committees. Fortunately, Student Govern- ment Council is not the sensation- alism desired by the Daily. Rather, it is University student maturity. -John Wrona, '57 The Daily Official Bulietin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the .Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1955 VOL. LXVII, NO. 19 General Notices Meeting of the University Staff. General staff meeting at 4:i5 p.m.. Mon., Oct. 31, in Rackham Lecture Hall, President Hatcher and the Vice- P'residents will discuss the state of the University. All members of the Uni- versity staff, academic and non-aca- demic, are invited. W.A.A. Swimming Meet at the Wo- men's Swimming Pool on Tues., Oct, 8 at 8:00 p.m. No recreational swim- ming at that time. Academic Notices German Make-Up Examinations. Make-up final examinations in German. Wed., Oct. 19, 7:30 p.m. In Room 109, Tappan Hall. All students concerned must register with the Departmental Secretary, German Department Office, 108 Tappan Hall, by Wed. noon, Oct. 19. Events Today Free Films, Museums Bldg., 4th floor exhibit hall. "Reptiles" and "Sea Shell" Animals," Oct. 11-17. Daily at 3:00 and 4:00 p.m., including Sat. and Sun., with extra showing Wednesday at 12:30. Coming Events Obernkirchen Children's Choir, Edith Moller, conductor, consisting of 30 little girls known as "angels in pigtails" and six boys, will appear for the first time In Ann Arbor Mon., Oct. 17 at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. Tickets on sale at the Hill Auditorium box office be- ginning at 7:00 p.m. the night of the performance Placement Notices SENIORS AND GRADUATES: Registration material for both. the Teaching and the Business Divisions may be obtained at the Bureau of Appointments, between the hours 9-12 and 2-4. each week day (not Saturday). through Tuesday, November 1. No forms may be taken out during November. February, June, and August gradu- ates are urged to register at this time. Interview dates with employers are beginning immediately for both men and women, and most employers wish to see credentials. Men who have not had their military training yet, as well as veterans, are interviewedby most employers, and they are urged to make use of this service. Those students who have registered with the Bureau before, and are still on campus, are requested to contact the Bureau as soon as possible in order to bring their records up to date. This action is necessary for effective serv- ice. FOREIGN SERVICE: The application blanks for the Foreign Service examination, given by the De- partment of State, are now available at the Bureau of Appointments. These applications must be in by October 21. This is the only foreign service exami- nation that will be given this year. For information on either of the above announcements, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admini. Bldg., Ext. 371. Office house are 9-12 and 2-4, Monday through Friday. I 4 { An Individual in the Group IT WAS a tremendous display of color on the Michikan Stadium field. Twelve thousand bandsmen and majorettes were playing and singing together. It made you wonder, though. If you turned back the date Tour weeks and went to some of these high schools you'd probably see the bands hard at work to get yesterday's per- fection. Where to stand, when to play, when not to play.- The uniforms were out for that once-in-a- great-while cleaning, maybe some additions to them were planned. And no doubt you'd prob- ably hear the high school band leader telling his group how important it was that they, out of the 180 bands, do the job perfectly. Editorial Staff Dave Baad ..............Managing Editor Jim Dygert .. ..................... City Editor Murry Fryrer..................... Editorial Director Debra Duwchslag .................... Magazine Editor David Kaplan ........................ Feature Editor Jane Howard........................... Associate Editor Louise Tyor ....................... Associate Editor Phil Douglis ............... Sports Editor Alan Eisenberg............... Associate Sports Editor Jack Horwitz ............ Associate Sports Editor Mary Heilthaler ....................,.. Women's Editor And to the individual bandsman? Well, it was going to be a thrill, that's for sure. Su'd- denly, the few years of practicing a horn, or the drums, would get you on the field in Michi- gan Stadium-and the reports were 75,000 people would be watching. SO THE entire family wired for tickets and everyone was on hand. Probably it wasn't until the last minute that it became evident. You were only one of 12,000 in a mass of color and although it looked pretty from the stands, no one could see the one drummer, or the one clarinetist, and the one instrument didn't make much noise. It's all rather inconsequential, wondering about the individual in the mass. In fact most people wouldn't even think about it except- just as the bands were clearing the field, one young miss lost her hat and ran into the middle of the abandoned field to get it. ® So for thirty seconds she had the attention of most of the 75,000. And then, probably blushing, she ran back into the mass of color. walking down Main Street to the stadium is becoming more and more reminiscent of carnival atmosphere. The hundreds of huck- sters are trying out new signs: "It's not gum- my, it's not gooey, it's creamy" for a caramel stand. and a little nn-mnre-than-7-vener-old QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Twins Are Happier, Study Finds LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Biblb' By ETHEL KOVITZ Daily Staff Writer By experimenting with 164 iden- tical and fraternal twins, Ste- ven G. Vanderberg, psychologist in Ann Arbor, hopes to discover which human traits are inherited and which are. caused by environ- ment. Q: Thus far, what have your experiments proved? A: All our data has not been analyzed yet. Generally speaking though, identical twins are most similar in physical makeup, intel- ligence and aptitudes, least simi- lar in interests and personality. However, the influence of hered- ity on personality seems quite marked, too. Vocational inter- ests aisn psem limiter sAmewhat Q: Do twins seem glad they are twins? A: Almost without exception both the identical and fraternal twins I studied preferred to be twins. They also wish to have twins, which seems good evidence that they are happy. * * * Q: Why do you 'think they are so glad to be twins? A: Twins have the security of someone around who understands them. I would venture a guess that adolescence, particularly, is not quite as hard on twins as it is on the normal child. Twins are probably even a little happier than most people. * * * A: We couldn't say that because we're not even sure that twin births are an inherited trait. Q: How do you account for the "super-human" knowledge of one another some twins develop? A: There is nothing unusual about the relationship between twins. Married couples, room- mates and other people who spend a great deal of time together often predict one another's thoughts. ** * Q: Is it true that baby twins develop a language all their own? A: According to the mothers of the twins I studied, this is not the case. * * * 1 _. __ r , , . . E I J x . . }, t i ,, ; r 1 '" . , i r% _I