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October 16, 1955 - Image 1

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VOL. LXVI, No. 19







Internal Revenue
Head Will Retire
Andrews to Leave Administration;
Will Return to Private Business
RICHMOND, Va. ()')-T. Coleman Andrews, the Virginian Demo-
crat who took over as Commissioner of Internal Revenue in 1953,
said yesterday he is leaving the Eisenhower administration at the end
of the month.
The 56-year-old Richmonder thus confirmed the widespread
rumors that his resignation was in the works.
Andrews went to Washington when the Internal Revenue Service
was under charges of favoritism and laxness.
In announcing his retirement from government service he said
he had accomplished what he set out to do-restore the prestige
of the Internal Revenue Service.
He disclosed he will return to private business as chairman of
the board and chief executive officer of American Fidelity and
Casualty Co., the nation's largest

insurer of trucks and buses, with a
home office in Richmond.
"I would have preferred to wait
for the President's announcement,"
said Andrews, "but the report has
become so widesprad that I am
harassed and embarrassed at every
turn. I have been pulled off
planes, my phone keeps ringing-
and with some reluctance I must
confirm the reports."
Operated Accounting Firm
Andrews, former Virginia state
auditor, has operated his own ac-
counting firm here for many years.
He served with the Marines and
the State Department during
World War II. ,
He later did some reorganization
work for the United States General
Accounting Office and the first
Hoover Commission.
President Eisenhower picked
him for the top tax collector job
in February 1953.
Ike Improves;
Meets With
Sec. Humphrey
DENVER (M)-President Dwight
D. Eisenhower was well enough
yesterday-starting a fourth week
in the hospital-for his physicians
to stop the daily cardiograms and
release one of the specialists on his
heart case.
Definitely encouraging develop-
ments in President Eisenhower's
condition showed up in the bedside
bulletins from the doctors for the
second consecutive day.
They sparked talk that contin-
ued progress toward recovery at
the present rate may enable the
President to check out of the,
hospital in another three weeks
rather than four.
J No Signs of Fatigue
Showing "no signs of fatigue
from his birthday, activities of
yesterday," the chief executive had
another outing on a sun-splashed
terrace outside his eighth-floor
hospital room, then had lunch
and a 15-or-20-minute business
conference with Secretary of the
Treasury George Humphrey.
Humphrey, who disclaimed any
interest in the Republican presi-
dential nomination in the event
Eisenhower does not run again,
told a news conference that he:'
1. Repeated to the chief execu-
tive that he is "still very hopeful
we're going to balance the budget
this year"-the fiscal year ending
next June 30.
'J2. He didnot discuss with the
President "either today or any
other day" the question of a second
term for President Eisenhower.'
3. He has "just one candidate
for President of the United States
and that man is the President of
the United States."
4. He assured the President-
and President Eisenhower seemed
pleased-that if all Americans "go
ahead with confidence tempered
with prudence, there is every rea-
son why this nation will continue
to enjoy new peaks of prosperity."
Find Russian Shot

Storm Toll
High; Moves
Into, Canada
NEW YORK (A) -- The East
Coast's near-hurricane moved off
into Canada yesterday. Its legacy
was 18 dead, wide flood and wind
damage and nervous fear of re-
newed havoc in devastated Con-
The storm's influence cast a
gray pall over the entire north-
west. High winds and rain swept
parts of New England through the
The rain again sent rivers to-
ward overflowing. In town after
town of Connecticut, so terribly
mauled by Hurricane Diane's flood
Waters less than two months ago,
anxious residents watched and
State of Emergency
Winsted, one of the worst hit
last Aug. 19, declared a state of
emergency today as the Mad River
again put some parts of town
under water.
The Naugatuck River threat-
ened towns all along its course.
rorrington, at the head of the
Naugatuck Valley, reported 5.33
inches of rain up to 8 a.m. It had
14.25 inches during the August
At Waterbury the river wiped
out two bridges, one opened only
three days ago and threatened a
Waters Rise
Far to the north, waters of Lake
Sadawga rose to within a foot of
the top of a dike and inhabitants
of tiny Whitingham, Vt. prepared
for an emergency.
The Nashua River spilled over
at Fitchburg, Mass., at a point
where a million dollars worth of
frozen food is stored in a ware-
From all over New England
there were repopts of flooded
roads, ruined bridges, washouts
and disrupted railroad operations.
Storm Toll
The storm took lives from New
Jersey into Canada, mostly in
highway accidents. Electrocutions
from falling wires and drownings
accounted for others.

Honor Court
To Review
Peron's Past
BUENOS AIRES ()-A military
court of honor was appointed
yesterday to try Juan D. Peron in
The court will review his con-
duct as a three-star general dur-
ing his dictatorial regime as Ar-
gentina's president.
The new government already
has uncovered evidence of lux-
urious living, great wealth and ro-
mances with young girls.
Charges o Corruption
The court may hear some of
this evidence and charges of cor-
ruption in the armed forces.
Army Minister Gen. Leon Ben-
goa, one of the leaders of the re-
volt which toppled the strongman
and sent him into\exile in Para-
guay, saidthe five-man court will
judge Peron on grounds of mili-
taryhonor, without prejudice to
another tribunal judging him for
civil offenses or crimes.
Under terms of the asylum
granted Peron as a political refu-
gee, it appeared unlikely any ef-
fort would be made to return him
here for trial.
Evidence Used as Club
But any evidence developed at
the military court proceedings
could be used as a club to keep
him out of Argentina for a long
Provisional President Eduardo
Lonardi's press secretariat said
yesterday investigators have un-
earthed evidence of "barbarous"
police torture during Perons re-
Victims who survived told in-
vestigators one of the most wide-
ly used torture instruments was
an electric needle pressed to the
skin. Another method was beat-
ings with a rubber hose.
Authorities Investigate
The press statement added that
authorities are pursuing the in-
vestigation to identify the tortur-
ers and bring them to trial.
Those tortured, the statemient
said, included men and women,
students and workers, priests and
members of the armed forces.
"Criticism of the Peron regime
was judged a crime and punished
atrociously," it said.
Police Raid
Police raided a party yester-
day at Phi Sigma Delta fol-
lowing a complaint by an Ann
Arbor resident.
Two stolen signs, one from
Ohio State were found in the
Complainant said he would
report the incident Monday to
University administrators.
Creating a disturbance was
the charge. Phi Sigma Delta
was having an "African party"
and had advertised the affair
Thursday with a demonstration
on the diag.

-Daily-Dick Gaskill
WILDCATS SCORING THREAT THWARTED-Dale Pienta in Michigan's last ditch goal line stand
during the third quarter. Tony Branoff (17) and Mike Rotunno (at far right) and an unidentified
Michigan player combine to stop Northwestern's Chuck Brooks (on the ground at left) were also in
on the play. Northwestern failed to pose another serious threat for the rugged Michigan defense.
Band Show Adds Pep to Game

Michigan Line
Bogs Down 'Cats
Wolverine Forward Wall Sparks
Team to Second Conference Win
Daily Sports Editor
Michigan proved conclusively yesterday that a great defense
the best offense as it turned back the challenge of an inspired bun
of Northwestern Wildcats, 14-2, before 76,703 in the Michig
Offensively at their lowest ebb of the season, the Wolverin
capitalized on breaks and stemmed a hard driving Wildcat backfie
with a rock-like defense to gain their second Big Ten conference w
Wildcat Defense Bewildering
Lou Saban's fired-up cats presented Michigan with a bewilderir
defensive alignment of their own-a slanting, veering, stunning set-

A dazzling' halftime s h o w
spliced in between two rather un-
colorful halves of football, and the
appearance of Ron Kramer on the
side-lines, were the order of the
day at the Michigan Stadium,
Kramer's appearance was defi-
nitely an encouraging sight, for
although he was not dressed for
action, he was out of bed. After
the rumors that have flown around
the campus, this fact alone was
worth noting.
The seventh annual Band Day
at Michigan managed to pep up
the most lethargic crowd seen at
Michigan this year for the second
half of the game. After the sight
of 183 high school bands converg-.
ing on the playing field in one
great brilliant array of color and
near-perfect precision, the fans
seemed to pick up enough enthus-
iasm to cheer a little for their
struggling team.
Play Picks UpI
Perhaps this change in the crowd
was passed on to the players as
the tone of play picked up and
actually became exciting in the
final quarter, sparked by the
broken field running of fleet Jim
Pace and Terry Barr.
Except for this late show of
brilliance, the whole of the after-
noon's entertainment was squeezed
into the twenty-odd minutes be-
tween halves.
As the first half came to a close
one could see the tension rising
in the lower half of the end-zone
stands. Movement began-places
were taken with much crowding
and changing.
At last the half-time gun
sounded, and the Michigan Band,

who had been up to its usual
standard in the pre-game show,
took the field with the familiar
quick-stepping style.
And then it began.
The-great motly mass of color
moved out upon the field, com-
pletely dwarfing the 160-piece
Michigan group, and after only a
few minutes hardly a white yard-
line marker could be seen. There
wasn't even room for all of the
bandsmen on the field. A few
unfortunate ones had to remain
in the stands.
From All Over State
There were bands assembled
from all over the state, even from
far away Negaunee and Calumet
high schools located in the upper
"One hundred and eighty-three
bands," the loudspeaker blared,
"with over 400 drums and a million
dollars worth of uniforms." And it

looked like it. The sight was so
large and so spectacular that sev-
eral planes were attracted and
circled overhead, enjoying the
Then they began to play. One
head bandmaster and 183 sub-
bandmasters were laying down the
beat, and thousands of instruments
were playing the same son'g. To the
pagent of color was added great
volume of sound.
Motion Begins
And there was motion.
Many schools had brought along
their drum majorettes and to them
was left the sidelines. In the small
space there was not much chance
for originality, but some girls can
achieve it anywhere.
The bands wound up their show,
marched off in orderly fashion,
and Michigan and Northwestern
went back to the business of the
day, and as we mentioned, pepped
it up a little.

Gore Urges
Action On
Road Bill
WASHINGTON (P)-Sen. Albert
Gore (D-Tenn.) said yesterday he
had urged top House Democratic
leaders to take up and pass the
Senate's highway construction bill
early in the 1956 session.
Sen. Gore, who sponsored the
measure which passed the Senate
earlier this year, told reporters he
had written Speaker Sam Ray-
burn (D-Tex.) and talked to Ma-
jority Leader John McCormack
(D-Mass.) about quick action.
"I can report that I received
no particular discouragement from
either," the senator said.
View on Highway Program
Gore said he had advanced the
view that it was "a political neces-
sity" for the Democrats, as the
controlling party in Congress, to
provide legislation for a vast pro-
gram of highways improvement.
On the question of financing the
program, Gore said he thought
that should be taken up in separ-
ate legislation. He said a tax bill
is bound to come up in the 1956
session and will involve funds de-
rived from highway use.
The present- federal excise tax
on gasoline, as well as the levies
on automobiles and trucks, will
drop automatically on April 1 un-
less extended. They have been
extended twice at the request of
President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Half-way Through Congress
Gore pointed out that his meas-
ure has the advantage of already
being half way through Congress.
It provides for a federal-state
program calling for 18 billion dol-
lars in highway spending over a
five-year period. This contrasts
with an administration bill which
provides for about 38 billion dol-
lars in federal-state outlays in a
10-year span.
The administration plan was de-
feated in both the Senate and
House. It was attacked heavily
on the ground that it involved a
21-billion-dollar bond issue out-
side the debt limit.
The Gore measure does not car-
ry any financing provisions.
Faure's Plan
For Morocco
PARIS (A') --- Premier Edgar
Faure's government advanced his
Moroccan home rule program yes-
terday by appointing a four-man
regency council for the restive
A communique announced the
completion of this second step in
Faure's program for Morocco
even as the National Assembly
threatened in this coming week
to topple his Cabinet in a fit of
uncertainty over another phase of
North African policy, what to do

4that had Michigan's backs run-
ning into trouble constantly. They
turned the Wolverine air attack
into a mere shadow of its potential
with their hard charging line.
Scoring one in the opening stan
za, and once in the final period,,
Michigan was good when it had to
be. It broke the Wildcats' backs
with a fearsome goal-line stand
late in the third period-a stand
that by all measure was the turn-
Sing point of the game.
It was obvious that Ben Ooster-
baan's charges were far less effec-
tive this week than last. Without
Al Sigman, Terry Barr, and the
quick thinking of Tony Branoff,
there is no telling how badly
Michigan would have been beaten.
Three Men-And A Victory
Sigman's recovery of a fumble
led to the first Michigan tally,
Barr was half the Michigan of-
fense and scored the final Wolver-
ine touchdown - and Branoff's
running punt turned a disaster to
an advantage.
Sigman was the individual star
of the game. It was he, who early
in the opening stanza, raced into
the Northwestern backfield to
pounce on Jim Troglio's fumble-
recovering it for Michigan on the
Northwestern 14.
From there, it was only a matter
of moments before Terry Barr
'sliced the Wildcat line for eight
yards in two tries, and then big
Earl Johnson lumbered over right
guard from two yards out for
Michigan's first touchdown. Jim-
my Maddock converted, and the
crowd settled back to watch a
Michigan rout.
The Rout Never Came
But the rout never came. The
tenacious cats clawed their way
back into contention - punching
away at the Wolverine line-until
Michigan had been driven back
in the shadow of its own goal
posts. Finally Michigan stopped
the Cats on the 10, and it was
then that Branoff bobbled the
ball in the end zone-fell on his
fumble -- and the Cats had a
It was evident to the crowd at
halftime that Michigan was cer-
tainly not the Nation's best team
yesterday. Its attack had been
stalled - and a 7-2 advantage
looked none too secure.
The second half turned into a
spectacular display of offensive
fireworks and defensive savvy. It
was not long in coming. Tom
Maentz got off a booming kick
of 70 yaras into the Wildcat end
zone to set the stage for tie ex-
citement that was yet to coie.
'M' Stands Firm
The Cats then drove from their
own 20 to the Michigan 5 yard
line in just 13 plays. They had a
third down and just three to go
for a first down.
This looked like the game. It
appeared that the Wildcats were a
cinch to score-and take a 9-7
lead as the fourth quarter opened.,
But the Wolverine forward wall
had other ideas. With a savage
fury the Big Blue line overwhel-
med Jerry Weber as he hit the left
tackle spot . . . and stopped him
The big play-the play of .the
day-was coming up. It was 4th
and 3-and again Weber slammed
forward-this time at left end.
Once again the Michigan line
swept forward, and led by Sigman,

Concert Series To Present Children'

Met Manager To Speak
On Workings of Opera
Rudolph Bing is credited with "infusing new life into the old
Scheduled as the second speaker in the University's Lecture
Series, Bing will speak on "What Makes Opera Tick," at 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday in Hill Auditorium.
As General Manager of the Metropolitan Opera Association, Bing
has given that large and complex musical organization a "face-
Since assuming his managerial duties in 1950, Bing has intro-
duced many "revolutionary" policies and shattered many tra4itions.
" Combining the talents of the busi-
nessman and the artist he has suc-
ceeded in overcoming financial
problems without lowering the
C hoirstandard of performance.
oChoir A nthe tactics which Bing
has employed have been the pro-
The Tenth Annual Extra Con- duction of two operas never be-
fore presented in this country,
cert Series, sponsored by the Un Stravinsky's "The Rake's Pro-,
iversity Musical Society, will open gress," and "Arabella" by Richard
with the Obernkirchen Children's Strauss.
Choir at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Presented Translated Operas
Auditorium. He has also introduced four op-
The 30 girls and six boys, who eras which were formerly sung in
introduced "The Happy Wander- foreign languages, in English.
er," are currently on their second Last season, for the first time
American tour. The "Angels in Pig- in many years, the Metropoli-
tails", as the late poet Dylan tan Opera staged a ballet as a
Thomas called them, are con- separate production.
ducted by Edith Moeller. Bing has also taken advantage
Profits For Orphanage of the mass audience appeal of
The youngsters are contribut- television and has encouraged the


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