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September 21, 1955 - Image 25

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Michigan Daily, 1955-09-21

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, SEPTEMBER 21,1953




Jursxim, rAvrA




Will Tighten

Don Farout has no quarterback
with experience, losing three
through graduation. The spot
should go to Jerry Hunter, a con-
verted left half. The rest of the
backfield will be playing with only
one year of experience. John Pow-
ell, left half, and Joe Wynn, right
half, and Gene Roll will round
out the quartet. Two All-Confer-
ence linemen, Al Portney and Ter-

7Western Conference Grid Race

ry Roberts, will lead a strong line
into competition.
Purdue might not win the title
but it still rates with the best,
mainly due to the outstanding per-
formance of passer Lenny Dawson.
Supported by Bill Murakowski at
fullback and Jim Whitmer at left
half, only right half Bill Jennings
will be untried. Eleven ends are
available to snare Dawson's passes

and provide the strong spots on
the team.
Caroline Question
If J. C. Caroline can regain
some of his former gridiron magic,
Illinois might be battling. Abe
Woodson and Mickey Bates round
out the experience in the backfield
and the young Illini squad might
get in there with some breaks.
Northwestern and Indiana will

find rough going. Indiana has no
depth and the Wildcats have no
experience. For the Boilermakers,
Milt Campbell brings his Olympic
fame to the gridiron at halfback
behind a line of letterwinners. Joe
Troglio will lead the running at-
tack of the Wildcats.
Wisconsin might also bring
home a title, if Michigan or Ohio
State should fold.

Associate Sports Editor
The football fortunes of the 1955
Michigan gridiron squad lie in the
hands of some of the most pow-
erful teams in the nation.
The nine-game schedule lists
such powers as Army, Ohio State,'
Iowa, Minnesota, and Michigan
State, and possible darkhorses as,
Illinois and Missouri. In the West-'
ern Conference, there should be
an extremely tough battle with the
Wolverines in the thick of the
To give you an idea of what to
expect in the line of competition,
let's run over the prospects for the
coming season.
Toughest Challenge
Probably the toughest chal-
lenge will come from Army and
Ohio State. Army, commonly rat-
ed the top independent team in the
East, will be missing a little of the
drive that ranked them among the
top ten teams in the nation last
year. Quarterback Pete Vann,
whose passing and running bril-
liance sparked the Cadet squad,
will be missing. To fill his place,
Coach Earl (Red) Blaik, will con-
vert All-American end Don Hol-
leder to the quarterback slot.
With 15 returning lettermen,
Blaik will have several regular
starters in the 1955 lineup. Left
half Bob Kyasky, out with in-
juries for most of his gridiron
career, will team with Mike Zeig-
ler in .the backfield. Former half-
back Pat Uebel will switch to full-
back. In the line, Ralph Chesnaus-
kas, who also kicks the extra
points, will move from guard to
tackle, along with.Flay Goodwin.
Art Johnson will remain at the
end slot. The rest of the squad
will be filled in with reserves and
many fine prospects from a team
which has great depth.
Stars Lost
Attempting to repeat last year's
championship performance, the
Buckeyes will have several holes
to fill in the drive for the Roses.
Sports Supplement
Gone are such stars as backs Dave
Leggett, Bobby Watkins, and Hu-
bert Bobo, ends Dean Dugger and
Dik Brubaker, and linemen Dick
Uilinski and Dave Williams.
The quarterback slot will be the
hardest to fill with no experienced
men available. All-American How-
ard Cassaday and Jerry Harkra-
der will team for the halfback
posts with the fullback slot going
to Bobo's understudy, Don Vicic.
Frank Machinsky will lead a pow-
pow erful line into battle, with Dick
Guy filling the other tackle slot,
Ken Vargo, out with injuries most
of last season, will get the starting
nod at center. The rest of the
squad will be filled with inexperi-
enced lettermen and' many re-
serves. However, Coach Woody
Hayes will be pressed for the depth
that last season's undefeated'
team had.

Both Minnesota and Michigan
State will have to use a rash of
newcomers to build strong squads.
Coach Murry Warmath lost 17 Go-
pher lettermen from last season's
team and is having a hard time
filling the gaps. Only four start-
ing regulars are returning.
The toughest loss for Warmath
is Bob McNamara, the offensive
spark of the 1954 team. Without
a letterman available for the quar-
terback post and only three exper-
ienced halfbacks left, the backfield
search for talent is tough. Norm
Anderson, showing lots of speed,
may get the quarterback nod with
Dick McNamara, Darrell Cochran,
and Bill Garner at the halfs. Ken
Yackel and Frank Bachman will
fill the fullback slots.
The Sprtans will have Earl
Morrall back to direct their of-
Strong Line
The Michigan State line is
stronger than the backfield. Cap-
tain Buck Nystrom and Norm
Masters return to the guard post
with Joe Badaczewski at center.
Six tackles are available but the
ends have little strength left from
last year.
The season opener with Missouri
should prove interesting. Coach

.-. Army's strength ... OSU's charging back

All-American Cal Jones will
lead Forest Evashevski's Hawkeyes
into the Big Ten race. With a
strong line and a speedy and ex-
perienced backfield, the Iowans
will be looking for some strong
ends to bolster the squad. Veter-,
an Jerry Reichow will call the
signals with Earl Smith, Eddie
Vincent, and Marion Walker to
round out the backfield.

The Hawkeyes will use both the
single wing and the split "T" for-
mations, with separate teams for
each maneuver. Evashevski will
use the players interchangeably so
that the greatest possible offensive
strength will be maintained. A few
breaks may find the Iowans in the
thick of the Western Conference
Close Call!

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A FEW YARDS-Michigan end, Gerry Williams, gaining a little yardage in the Northwestern game,
which proved to be a close call for the Wolverines. Michigan edged the Wildcats, 7-0.





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