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October 14, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-10-14

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Sixty-Sixth Year

S.. He Wasn't There Again Today.
Oh, How I Wish He'd Go Away."

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.

Arms Merger Plan
Unrealistic But Right
F D Marshal Montgomery, suggesting merger of the free world's
air forces under one command, is in the position of being un-
realistic while still being right.
Air forces are so pertinent to a nation's defense and offense that
surrender of direct control would seriously undercut national sov-
ereignty and might endanger security.
This applies not only to tactical air power which may be strictly
defensive, to which Montgomery was not referring, but to strategic
forces which were his principal consideration. For one of the chief


AY, OCTOBER 14, 1955


Practical College Experience
Needs 'Involvement'

THERE ARE more than 20,800 students on
this campus, a fact that is difficult to ac-
cept, because they keep themselves remarkably
inconspicuous except on the Diag, in the Mason
Hall lobby and in crowded housing.
They are also quite adept at avoiding in-
volvment in student activities.
Even those in student activities seem quite
adept at avoiding involvment in student acti-
vities. In fact, speculation now revolves around
whether there is any student activity of any
constructive nature. .
For instance, the matters so far considered
by the new Student Government Council have
been inocous enough to mock the concept
of student government. It's predecessor, Stud-
ent Legislature, may not have been the most
powerful student organization on the campus
nor the most effective, but it certainly did not
sidestep controversial issues nor hesitate to
create controversy when there wasn't any.
By continually confronting the University
administration and student organizations with
its objections, and doing so loudly and often
eiough, SL was able to accomplish many
things. It helped, for instance, to accomplish
SGC, which may turn out to be its most mis-
guided move.
BEFOR$ IT was presented with an announce-
ment that a motion would be made to set
up a committee to study deferred pledging,
SGC did nothing and talked about nothing. And
now, there is still nothing 'dangerous' on its
horizon except deferred pledging.
Among expected SGC functions was to be
representation and manifestation of student
opinion, but just this week no lesser a person
than the president of student government at
Michigan "questioned" the "wisdom" of Council
members to answer questions or make com-
ments concerning issues that had not yet come
formally before the Council. SGC, he said,
should remain a "relatively aloof deliberative
body." He did not say from whom SGC should
remain aloof,. but the only possibility is the
student body.'
Would the president take the timidity of the
Council and impose it on the campus? Isn't
his direct contradiction to SGC's defined re-
'L HAD NO timidity, and many other student
groups, especially political clubs, were ir-

repressibly vocal and active two and three years
ago. This is all gone now.
Something is lacking in the students, or
some intangible appeal has left the activities.
This is what's wrong with SGC. Its timidity has
cost SGC its appeal. ,
Why the timidity?
Every. organization is only as good as its
What SGC needs is a membership with a
sincere interest in student government, sincere
enough to work a little for its success, and with
the imagination and agressiveness to attempt
something more than the mediocre.
Where there's no radicalism, there's not much
What's more, now is the time for SGC to
get some good personnel. Petitioning is now
open for five positions on the Council. If
the intelligent, energetic students who most
assuredly are someplace on campus will only
take an interet in activities, specifically SGC,
let them take out a petition and do their best
to get on the Council, and if they succeed, make
it work for the students.
THERE IS ONE positive incentive to offer
students to take part in student activities.
College experience is a very nebulous thing, a
kind of four-year escape from the world. Class-
es, football games and fraternity parties are
thoroughly unlike the kind of situations and
problems one will face after he graduates. Be-
cause of this, a typical college existence is, in
a real sense, superfluous to practical learning.
Student activities, on the other hand, pre-
sent students with the kind of problems they
will meet later on. Getting an idea of how
to meet them by actually having to do so is an
invaluable education. This is the real worth
of student activities.
Although all students would benefit by the
kind of experience gained in student activities,
not all students have the ability to handle both
that and schoolwork. But among the 20,800
students here, there are certainly more than
have so far shown themselves who can do both
quite adequately.
It is their responsibility to do so, for there
is not as -much tragedy in those who are unable
as there is in those who have the ability but
who don't use it.
Daily City Editor

Free Vacation For Sen. Malone

N OW that Nevada's gregarious'
Sen. George "Molly" Malone
is back from his European sight-
seeing tour, it can be told how he
pestered our embassies for spend-
ing money, badgered air force gen-
erals for free plane rides and even
telephoned the Senate from Mos-
cow to get Uncle Sam to help pay
his expenses.
Malone's gallivanting was not
official. That was why he had
trouble getting money. He claim-
ed to be surveying European min-
eral resources for a Senate Interior
Subcommittee. This not only was
unauthorized, but the Subcommit-
tee had actually been disbanded
before Malone's departure.
The Nevada Republican was ac-
companied overseas by his wife,
who had even less "official busi-
ness" in Europe. Together they
wandered all over the continent,
from the Balkans to the Baltic.
ALL THIS made interesting, but
expensive sightseeing. Malone de-
manded counterpart funds from
our embassies in Paris, Madrid,
Rome and other European capi-
tals. This counterpart money is
local currency, paid in return for
U.S. supplies. Under law, it is
supposed to be made available to
Congressional committees on of-
ficial business overseas.
But Malone couldn't seem to

prove his trip was "official." He
had no authorization from the
Senate Interior Committee. First
he cabled the Committee for a
letter of authorization signed by
Chairman James Murray, Monta-
na Democrat. But Murray's of-
fice, not anxious to pay for Ma-
lone's vacation, replied that the
chairman couldn't be located.
Malone frantically contacted his
daughter, Mrs. Michael O'Connor,
in his Senate office. She went
around to the Interior Committee,
pleaded that Daddy was stranded
without funds, and begged for a
letter entitling him to counterpart
* * *
ed the Committee, himself, from
Moscow. But all he got was a
big trans-Atlantic phone bill,
which he had to pay out of his
own pocket. He even complained
to Soviet Premier Bulganin and
Communist Party Boss Khrush-
chev, during an interview granted
to five Senators, that he was run-
ning out of money. Obligingly
they hurried up his travel ar-
rangements so he could get out of
expensive Moscow and see the rest
of Russia.
Once out of Russia, Malone pes-
tered our embassies for counter-
part spending money until the
State Department, in desperation,
drew up a proposed letter of au-

thorization and hand-delivered it
to the Senate Interior Committee
in Washington.
Again Murray's office refused to
ask the chairman to sign it, on the
grounds that Malone's trip was not
official. But the committee finally
drafted a compromise letter, which
doesn't strictly say the trip was
official but which satisfied the
State Department. As a result,
Malone, after weeks of clamoring,
finally got some spending money.
* * *
HE WASN'T as lucky, however,
with the Air Force. He pulled his
Senatorial rank in Berlin and de-
manded free air transportation
around Europe. Air Force officers,
impressed by a United States Sena-
tor even though he had no travel
orders, cabled the Pentagon for
instructions. The Pentagon replied
that Malone's trip was not official,
so he was not authorized free
Malone made his own way to
Rome where he found a new batch
of air force officers and asked
them for a free plane ride to
Madrid. They, too, were impressed.
But they, too, cabled the Pentagon
for instructions. Again orders
came back that Malone wasn't
entitled to air force transporta-
So the taxpayers at least didn't
get stuck with the full cost of
Malone's trip.

uses of strategic force is to slow
EVEN THE Commanding nation
w h i c h Montgomery recognized
should be the United States be-
cause of her superior strategic air
strength, would be handicapped onk
defense by its obligations to its al-
lies. If attacked alone, such a na-
tion would have to consider such
obligations along with the need for
immediate retaliation, whereas the
United States is now prepared, on
her own, with constantly alerted
forces, to launch strategic - that
means atomic - attacks without
considering e v e n momentarily
anything except stopping the at-
This point can be emphasized
by reference to the different situa-
tions affecting American strategic
bombers located in England and
those located at home. Those lo-
cated at home could move, would
move, immediately. As for those
in Britain, a decision would have
to be made whether their use would
be worth the attack on that coun-
try which it would bring on. Such
decisions would involve other gov-
ernments as well as any joint mili-
tary command such as the United
States now heads in NATO.
* * *
THE SAME considerations and
the same unreality apply to Mont-
gomery's suggestion for complete
unification of air, naval and land
forces of the free world alliance.
Unified forces, even a unified
strategic air force, would undoubt-
edly be more powerful and a great-
er deterrent to war than what is
available now. But no nation has
been able to work it out even for
its own forces. The United States
tried, but had to compromise with
a joint superstructure of civilian
control through a Joint Chiefs of
Staff organization, without actual
merger of the services through of-
ficers trained, as Montgomery sug-
gests, for joint command.
These are practical drawbacks,
not criticisms of Montgomery for
the suggestions. He was obviously
speaking of something that his
NATO superior, General Gruen-
ther, and the British government,
for which he works, consider an
ideal, else he would not have spok-
to the
Madam President.. ..
To the Editor
P ERHAPS the students will be
so kind and answer the follow-
ing questions for me:
Can we 'expect our first Madam
President of the United States in
this century?
In youryopinion what kind of
President would a woman make?
Please explain?
Are there any coeds at Michigan
with at least a slight desire to
run for president of the United
States about 1980?
This is not a survey but more of
a feeler to find out what chance
a woman stands to run for Pre-
sident of the United States. This
may be a woman's world in 1980.
If a space ship to the moon will
some day be possible, why not a
Madam President?
I would appreciate your help on
Frank Pesek
20451 Yonka, Detroit

down and interfere with attacks
The Daily Official Bulletin Is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent In
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
The University of Michigan Blood
Bank Association has arranged to have
a Red Cross Mobile Unit at the Student
Health Service on Oct. 24, 1955, to take
care of staff members who wish to con-
tribute a pint of blood and thus be-
come members of the Blood Bank with
the privilege of drawing upon the bank
for themselves and their immediate
families in the event blood is needed.
The Unit will be at the Health Service
Basement from 1000 a.m. until 12:00
noon, and from 1:00-4:00 p.m. Staff
members who are interested should
contact the Personnel Office, Et. 2619,
Room 3026 Admin. Bldg.
Art Print Loan pictures will be avail-
able to students and staff Thurs., Oct.
13, and Fri. Oct. 14 at Room 510 Admin-
istration Bldg. After this date to obtain
pictures contact Mrs. Hopps, Office of
Student Affairs, Room 1020 Administra-
tion Bldg. or call ext. 346.
It is expected that the Directory for
1955-56 will be ready for distribution
about October 27. The chairmen of the
various departments and directors of
other units will please requisition the
number of copies required for University
campus use. Requisitions should be
sent to the Purchasing Department and
delivery will be made by campus mai.
If individuals wish a copy for home
use the Directory will be available by
payment of 75c at the Cashier's Office,
Main Floor, Administration Building.
Business concerns or individuals not
connected with the University desiring
a Directory may purchase a copy at a
cost of $2.00.
Academic Notices
Astronomical Colloquim. Fri., Oct. 14,
4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Dean B.
McLaughlin will speak on "The Spec-
tra of Slow Novae."
Preliminary Examinations in English:
Applicants for the Ph.D. In English
who expect to take the preliminary
examinations this fall are requested to
leave their names with Dr. Ogden, 1634
Haven Hall. The examinations will be
given as follows: English Literature
from the Beginnings to 1550-Wed.z
Nov. 16; English Literature, 1550-1750,
Sat., Nov: 19; English Literature, 1750-
1950, Wed., Nov. 23; and American
Literature, Sat., Nov. 26. The examina-
tions will be given ieAngel Hall,
Room 3023, from 9 to 12 am.
Doctoral Examination for Hung Han
Yang, Chemical Engineering; thesis: "A
Study on the Continuous Counter-
Current Diffusion of Beet Sugar," Sat.
Oct. 15, 3201 East Engineering Bldg,
at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, J. C. Brier.
Student Gov't.
Summary of action taken at the
meeting of October 12; 1955.
APPROVED: Minutes of the meeting .
of October 5.
Revised budget through June 30,
1956, totalling $10,000.
Payments of the following expendi-
(1) yearly dues for the Michigan
Region, NSA, $49.00.
(2) coverage for SGC in the Michi-
ganensian, $160.
(3) costs for dinners to be held Oct.
18, 27.
Reimbursement to any delegate to
the NSA Congress who incurs extra
expenses while attending meeting con-
cern the National Student Association
prior to or following the regular 10
day meeting period of the annual
Appointment of Joseph R. Moore and
Ma-Lan Lee to the Human Relations
Board (formerly Anti-Discrimination

Name change: from Anti-Iiscrimnina.
tion Board to Human Relations Board,
Gilbert and Sullivan Society, to pre-
sent "Gondoliers" on November 16,
17, 18, 19.
International Student Association and
SQC, programs for October 16 and 21.
Young Democrats, panel discussion,
October 19.
Plan for operation of the Administra-
tive wing to include three new execu-
tive positions, Orientation Director,
Committee Personnel Director, Office
Establishment of Pep Rally Committee
under Wolverine Club to include vice-
president of the Wolverine Club, one
cheerleader, one Band member, the
chairman of the Pep Rally Committee,
the treasurer of Student Government
Council, a member from the "M" Club,
the Vice-President of Student Affairs.
The treasurer of SGC is to serve as
treasurer of this committee.
Funds in the Central Pep Rally Fund
shall be put at the disposal of the



Ro1rulo Offers Red Alert

CARLOS P.-ROMULO had a message for the
American people.
"Russia's basic philosophy is world conquest.
No matter what smiles they may wear today,
whether they be from ear to ear, world con-
quest is what Soviet Russia wants."
Romulo also pointed out in his address here
Wednesday night that Russia is well aware of
the fact that the road to world conquest is
through Asia, not Europe. Indeed, democracy
is in great danger in most of Asia if not al-
together lost.
Today's America in all its prosperity, glory
and happy-go-lucky atmosphere needs such an
orator as Carlos P. Romulo to place the cards
on the table,
SIt most certainly is Romulo's task on his
current lecture tour to once again awaken the
American people to reality as he did in 1942.
Then he told American the story of Bataan in
words which eloquently expressed the desperate
fight to hold onto the last straw of freedom in
Asia. Now Romulo returns to plead for Amer-
ican unity and determination to preserve free-
dom in Asia.
T UST BE realized by all Americans that
no amount of Russian apparent good-will can
hide the fact that Communism's basic threat
is world conquest. Romulo's message must be

repeated frequently to American audiences for
the future peace rests solely in our continued
"America cannot win this fight alone. She
will need allies in Asia," he asserts. But how
do we gain these- friends in a war-torn, nation-
alistic Asia?
Romulo has his answer ready. "East meets
West in the Philippines because you followed
the golden rule. Therein lies your strength, your
might." Romulo believes that Russia has no
match for this power for it is far stronger
than any bomb made by man's hands.
He adds further, "All we ask of you is to
exert your leadership and influence to set the
pattern in Asia as you started it in the Philip-
pines." The pattern of which Romulo speaks
is the American Constitutional doctrine "All
men are created equal."
This doctrine has worked in the Philippines
and is now working in Japan. It should be the
weapon to use in Asia instead of guns and false
Romulo is providing a valuable service to
Americans in not only presenting a possible
solution for the Asian problem, but also in
keeping America alert against the basic evil of
Communism-world conquest.

One-Man Democracy In Germany?


Practice Befo re Preaching

THE AMERICAN Legion is having trouble
in the ranks. Southern Negro Legionnaires
are protesting their lack of voice in policy de-
'Seems in southern states Negro legionnaires
are excluded from participating in state con-
ventions. They hold conventions of their own
but are bound by policies adopted by "white"
The issue was raised at a national convention
recently. It was a convention devoted to form-
ulating Legion policies and continuing the
never-ending fight to save the "American way
of life" from would-be antagonists.

THE LEGION spends a lot of time trying to
save America, promote "Americanism" and
It's a shame they have such a foggy notion
of what these things are-such a shallow con-
ception of how to protect them.
Before the Legion gets too excited about
books on library shelves, it might clean up it's
own back yard. 'Judging from the Negro in-
cident, they can do a lot to promote the demo-
cracy they claim to love, without leaving their
You Have To Put
r L tf. .. , 1177,'~

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
second in a series of first-hand ob-
servations on today's political condi-
tions inside Germany . Mr. Koenig is
the Free University of Berlin exchange
student here.)
THE NEWS of the illness of
Chancellor Adenauer has stir-
red up the minds of the people not
only in Germany, but also in all
other Western countries.
Many students asked me recent-
ly: who will be the successor of
Adenauer if his illness forces h im
to resign from his office, and whe-
ther democracy in Germany is
strong enough to continue after
Adenauer's withdrawel from pub-
lic life?
It is only a supposition that
Chancellor Adenauer is the sole
safeguard of democracy in Ger-
many. He himself helped to draw
this picture, especially in his
speeches against the opposition
party in the Federal Parliament.
There he implied several times
that the Social Democratic Party
(SPD) was not a democratic par-
ty. Such words were picked up
and published eagerly by the fore-
ign press. This might be the way
that many people outside of Ger-
many got the wrong idea that
Adenauer made Germany a demo-

party, supporting the present form
of government. They have played
this part since 1919 in spite of all
defamations spoken against them.
* * *
ADENAUER has not built up
democracy in Germany. He help-
ed establish it, as many others did,
and today he is a symbol of the
new Germany.
But Adenauer and the demo-
cratic Germany are not synonyms!
One should not forget that it was
the Allies who laid the founda-
tions for the new system of gov-
ernment in post-war Germany.
Democracy now is popular in
Germany. The participation of
over 80% of the people in both
municipal and federal elections
proves German democracy's pop-
IT CANNOT and shall not be
denied that a resignation of Chan-
cellor Adenauer would be a very
bad loss for all Western powers
as well as for Germany. But there
is no reason for fear that either
democracy in Germany would be
weakened or that the German
position among the Western pow-
as his successor. This was because
of Ehlers' personal talents and his
popularity. Unfortunately he died
last year.


by Dick Bibler'

9__ ___ ___ -1_




Democracy, now instituted and
very popular among the people,
cannot fall with the loss of one
man. And besides this, knowledge
about the form of government in
the east zone of Germany pre-
vents people from dropping demo-
cracy easily.


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