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October 13, 1955 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1955-10-13

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-Daily-Betsy Smith
Dean Walter Sees Vast
Changes in 40 Years

Probably few University admin-
istrators have been better witness-
es of the change in college
atmosphere here than Erich A.
Commencing his association with
Michigan in 1915 when he first
attended classes in the literary
college, the present assistant to
the president has seen "the un-
folding of a vast panorama of
things I never before dreamed
Though Walter has watched the
enrollment grow seven-fold, the
opening of an entirely new campus
and a procession of countless addi-
tions to the University's faculty
and curriculums, he sees the great-
est chapter in Michigan history
during the past 40 years as the
exit and return of students in the
World War II period.-
Bids Reservists Farewell
"I remember particularly saying
goodbye to some 600 Reservists in
the spring of 1942," he remarked.
The University carried on a vol-
uminous correspondence with its
students who had interupted their
studies to go overseas, and record-
ed more than a few changed atti-
tudes toward further education.
t "When they returned they pull-
ed themselves and the institution
up by their combined bootstraps.
The veterans who were fortunate
enough to return had gone through
the sobering experiences that
somehow make people grow up.
"These people knew what they
wanted, - they came back to get
it," he summed up.
Contrasts Expansion Periods
Comparing the increased enroll-
ment after the War to the expan-
sion in student body the University
is currently experiencing, Walter
says that today the administration
is faced with- a permanent gradu-
ally increasing attendance in con-
trast to the temporary boom in
the 1945-49 period.
He also finds a difference be-
tween the two periods in quality
of students. "Most of the students
today have not been able to build
up a perspective through a com-
bination of experiences such as the
returning veterans underwent.
"As a result," Walter noted,
"they don't value their education
as highly."
Takes Time for Students
Walter seems to have an un-
compromising goal to know the
student as a personal friend and
a determination to take time
during his many University duties
to chat with him.
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds

More than a few students have
echoed the comment of one junior
that "he's the first person I talk
to when I have any kind of a
problem. He seems to have a per-
sonal interest in my whole college
If the big-hearted 58-year-old
administrator were to be singled
out for his most outstanding
characteristic, it would undoubt-
edly be his geniality.
Walter's chief hobby evolved
very naturally from the essay
course on 17th and 18 century
literature which he taught while
a member of the faculty.
Collects Characters
His large collection of characters
and books from this period in his-
tory has been admired for years
by his many colleagues and friends.
He has an extensive assortment
of the works of three present day
caricaturists. "Right now," he
says, "I am striving for a com-
plete collection of Max Berbohm."
He also posesses prints of William
Steig and David Low.
Walter worked in the general
library while he was attending the
University as an undergraduate,
gaining "a fairly extensive over-
all view of literary works. The easy
accesibility of books was probably
a big factor in my decision to teach
Graduates in 1919
After obtaining his bachelor's
degree from the University in 1919,
he received his master's two years
later and soon became an assistant
professor of English. He became
associate professor in 1936.
He has held many administra-
tive positions here, including
chairman of academic counsellors
and assistant dean of the literary
college, and the old post of Dean
of Students prior to his selection
in 1953 as assistant to the presi-
Leaving For British Isles
Walter and his wife leave Nov.
16 for a trip to the British Isles,
where he will study administra-
tive procedures of universities and
The trip will be a return for'
-the Walters. He studied at the
British Museum during his sab-
batical in 1930.
This time, he explains, he will
be looking at the British educa-
tion system with a different per-
spective. He is especially inter-
ested in their system of scholar-
ships and development of educa-
tional television.
And the amiable University ad-
ministrator is also going on a
special mission for the University
-one for which his good nature is
particularly suited.
He will be the University's offi-
cial representative at the installa-
tion of England's Queen Mother
Elizabeth as chancellor of the
University of London.

Service Designed
As Preparation
The Registrar Emeritus of the
University, Ira M. Smith, not con-
tent with retirement after 45 years
experience as a college adminis-
trator, inaugurated an unusual
counselling service last summer.
Located in the Ann Arbor Fed-
eral Building, Dr. Smith's consul-
tation service is designed primar-
ily to help prepare high school
students for college and thus
insure' that they intelligently
and carefully plan their studies
throughout four years of higher
Writing in an attractive bro-
chure, "Making the Most of Col-
lege," Dr. Smith states that a
large number of freshmen come
to college not realizing the "sus-
tained intellectual effort" neces-
sary from the beginning to per-
form satisfactorily. With the lack
of close supervision usually exer-
cized in high school and the in-
crease in freedom in college, the
first-year student is lulled into a
false sense of security only to
awaken half way through the se-
mester to find himself hopelessly
behind in his work.
Nor do many beginning stu-
dents recognize the value of the
liberal arts elements in his higher
education. Many have the miscon-
ception that future doctors study
only science and future business-
men accounting and corporate law.
Training in the social sciences,
the humanities, and the arts ap-
pears to foster a feeling of being
sidetracked with unessentials.
Outline for Freshmen
The former Registrar's brochure
outlines several cogent points for
freshmen to keep in mind. The
new student must develop the
abliity to study on his own, ac-
cept the responsibility for and
properly utilize the greater amount
of free time he has, and partici-
pate, in a properly balanced pro-
gram of extra-curricular activi-
The spiritual aspect of college
life ought not to be neglected and
contacts with home and church
should be kept strong. College is
the place where one comes to
mingle with others and learn from
them, Dr. Smith writes, but cau-
tions "don't be swept away from
your own proven and worthy be-
liefs unless you can assure your-
self that the others are better.
Have an open mind, but be con-
vinced before changing it."
String Quartet
To Initiate
1955 Series
The University's Stanley Quar-
tet. will open their 1955 season
with a chamber music program at
8:30 p.m. Monday at the Engineer-
ing Society Auditorium, Rackham
Building, Detroit.
Members of the Quartet are
Profs. Gilbert Ross and Emil Raab,
violinists, Prof. Robert J. Courte,
viola and Prof. Oliver A. Edel,
cello. All are on the faculty of the
music school.
The concert will include selec-
tions by Mozart, Debussy and
Prof. Ross Lee Finney, composer

in residence at the University.
The rest of the concert season
will consist of performances, at
Ohio University at Athens, Oct.
23; Ann Arbor, Nov. 1; Flint, Nov.
3; Cornell University at Ithaca,
N.Y., Nov. 6; Smith College at
South Hadley, Mass., Nov. 8;
Goucher College at Baltimore,
Nov. 10; Detroit, Nov. 21 and Dec.
5; and Ann Arbor, Dec. 6,
The Ann Arbor appearance De-
cember 6 will see the performance
of a quintet with double bass by
Leslie R. Bassett, instructor in

Chase Baromeo is living proof
that Shaw was wrong when he said
"Those who can, do; those who
can't, teach."
The smiling, bespectacled voice
professor had an enviable career
in opera before he settled down
to his present profession. He has
sung at important opera houses
and with major symphonic groups
on the continent and in the west-
ern hemisphere.
Prof. Baromeo considers teach-
ing a profession where those with
experience help young people get
their start. "I get a great kick
out of it," he says, "and I have a
fine bunch of students with a lot
of talent."
Opera Interest Increasing
"You can tell that American in-
terest in opera is increasing," he
added. "It shows up in college.
When I was in school, the big ef-
fort was the Union Opera, but
students are attempting more
Prof. Baromeo, born in Augusta,
Ga. in 1892, received his Bachelor's
degree from the University in 1917,
just after the United States enter-
ed World War I. He enlisted in
the army before he graduated.
His greatest support came from
his father, who encouraged his
career and urged him to go to
New York to study at the end of
the war.
So New York it was. He studied
there for a year and a half under
Campanari; then the two of them
went to Italy.
Debut in Malta
The Teatro Reale in Malta was
the scene of his official start.
From there he went to other Ital-
ian opera companies, culminating
in appearances at the opera sing-
er's goal, La Scala.
He explains that, in Italy dur-
ing the Twenties, every town of
any size had its own opera house.
"But they tell me all that is
changed now, because of movies,"
he said.
From his performance at La
Scala on, his success was swift
and sure. He was a member of
the brilliant Chicago Opera Com-
pany from 1925 until it was forced

-Daily-Ester Goudsmit
CHASE BAROMEO - Shaw was wrong.
Music Prof. Gives Up
Opera Career to Teach

to close in 1931 because of the
"When I sang in Chicago," Prof.
Baromeo said, "there were only
five or six Americans in the Com-
"But there's more interest now,"
he continued, "because of radio
and television. Competition is
keener than ever before. It's far
more difficult for a student to get
a start, since there are fewer
small opera companies abroad."
Back to New York
In 1934, Prof. Baromeo went
back to New York, this time not
to study, but to sing at the Met..
He stayed there until 1938, when
he left to head the voice depart-
ment at the newly-established
College of Fine Arts at the Uni-
versity of Texas.
He returned to his alma mata
as a visiting professor in 1953,
then accepted a permanent posi-
tion here.
He numbers among his favorite
singers Leonard Warren, Kirsten
Flagstad, Richard Tucker and
Eleanor Steber. He has no fav-
orite opera, but likes to sing Verdi
Prof. Baromeo is married and
has two children pwho attend Ann
Arbor High School.
His hobby is fishing. "I have a
camp in northern Ontario that I
try to get to every summer." But
he has no "fish stories" about the
summer just past. "I didn't catch
much," he said ruefully.
Council Chosen
Appointments to the Education
School Council were announced
yesterday, according to Jeanette
Hickey, Council Publicity Chair-
Bicycles and
Bicycle Repairs

(Continued from Page 4)
Detroit Civil Service, Detroit, Mich
B.S. & M.S. in Aero., Ind'1., Metal.,
Naval & Marine, Nuclear, and Mechan-
ics all levels in Civil, Construction,
Elect., Mech., Sanitary, Municipal,
Chem. E., Physics, Math., Instrumenta-
tion for Research, Design, Construction,
Maintenance, Inspection, and Super-
vision. Must be U.S. citizen.
Danly Machines Specialties, Chicago,
11.-all levels in Elect., Ind'l, Mech.,
and Metal. for Research Deve., Design,
and Production. U.S. citizens.
DOB, Galley 2 .... .... .... Wayne MI
Colgate-Palmolive Co., Jersey City,
N. J.-B.S. all programs for Research,
Devel., & Production. U.S. citizen.
American Bosch Ams. Corp., Ams
Div., Garden City, N. J.-all levels in
Elect., Instrumentation, Mech., Math.,
and Physicsf or Research, Devel., and
Design. U.S. citizens.
Thursday, October 20:
Bendix Aviation Corp., all major divi-
sions, Ind., Md., Iowa, Calif., and Mich.
-B.S., M.S. & PhD. in Elect., Mech.,
Math. and Physics; B.S. & M.S. in Aero.,
Civil, Metal. for Testing, Deve., Design,
and Research.
Sylvania Elect. Products, Inc., Elec-
tronics Div., N. Y., N. Y.-B.S. & MS.
in Ind' and Mech. E. all levels of
E;lect., Metal., Chem. E., Physics, Nu-
clear, and Science for Research, Devel-
opment, Design, Production, and Sales.
Thurs. and Fri., Oct. 20 and 21:
Standard Oil Co. of Calif., Research
Corp., San Francisco, Calif.-B.S. and
M.S. in Mech. E. and B.S., M.., PhD
in Chem. E. for Research, Devel., and
Design. U.S citiezznen Interested in
men 1 year away from degree for
For appointments contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, 347 W. Engrg., Ext.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Wednesday, October 19:
Lehigh Portland Cement Co., Allen-
town, Pa.-men in any field for Sales
and Administrative Sales.
Thursday, October 20:
Boy Scouts of America, representa-
tivesfrom national office-men with
any background for Professional Train-
ing Program for Scouting Executives.
Electro-Metallurgical Co., Div. of
Union Carbide and Carbon, Niagara
Falls, N. Y.-Afternoon only-men in
LS&A for Sale, Development, Manufac-
turing Office, Industrial Relations, Pro-
duction, and Purchasing.
Friday, October 21:
International Harvester, Gen'l Office,
Chicago., Ill.-LS&A, BusAd & Tech.
men for General Sales including Motor
Truck Sales & Industrial Power Sales,
including refrigerator.
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.,
Ext. 371.
Capt. Townsend
Now in London
LONDON (P)-Group Capt. Pet-
er Townsend, handsome friend of
Princess Margaret, arrived in Lon-
don from Brussels last night "ust
for a holiday."
Townsend, unshaven and tired
from his drive across Europe to
catch the air ferry across the
Channel, angrily brushed aside the
big question: "Will you meet the

Daily Classifieds
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