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October 13, 1955 - Image 1

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VOL. LXVI, No. 16



Poland Vie
For Council
Political Fight
Looms For Seal
P o 1 a n d's Juliusz Katz-Such
warned yesterday the buddin
spirit of international cooperatio:
will be seriously hampered if Po-
land loses its bid for the U.N. Se
curity Council.
United States Chief Delegat
Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. who i
backing the Philippines agains
Poland for the seat held by Tur
key, promptly countered that Po-
land is not fit for the Securit;
Lodge Issues Statement
"Communist Poland is clearly
not a ;nation which has contri-
buted to international peace an
security within the meaning o
the Charter or which is in positio
to do so," Lodge said in a state
ment distributed after Katz-Suchy
held a news conference in the U.N
Katz-Suchy said Poland has al
the necessary qualifications an
represents Eastern Europe fa:
more than the Phillipines. Unde:
questioning, he said failure to
elect Poland would have an effec
on cooperation in general, would
harm the spirit of Geneva, and
would be strongly resented by the
Polish people.
Battle Raging
These statements pointed up the
battle raging between two Geneva
partners, the United States an
the Soviet Union, on behalf o:
their favorite candidates. The Sov-
let Union is the only Communisi
country on the council. The sec-
ret ballot will be held in the Gen-
eral Assembly Friday.
The maneuvering for votes has
taken on all the aspects of old.
time political campaigning. Both
sides claim enough votes to win.
Poland expected the support o
Britain but diplomatic sources
spread the word the British wil
vote first for Yugoslavia and the
line up with the Philippines. Yugo-
slavia is not running for the Se-
curity Council, but is a candidate
for the Economic and Social
Council and seems certain of elec-
London Agreement Sited
Katz-Suchy said the United
States is violating the London
agreement of 1946 by supporting
the Philippines. That agreement
provided that Council seats would
be alloted on a geographical basis,
with one permanent seat to the
Soviet Union and another place,
for a two-year term, to an Eastern
European country.
Lodge said that charge is "not
only regrettable; it is also untrue."
Answering Katz-Suchy on the
point of geographical representa-
tion, Lodge said such representa-
tion ought to be equitable. He said
the exclusion of Asian countries
from a nonpermanent seat is "ob-
viously inequitable" and the elec-
tion of the Philippines would help
to correct this situation."
Union Opera
Choses Mars
As Director
Gordon Mars, '56, was selected
yesterday as student director for
this year's Union Opera, "Film

The Detroit senior is a speech
major, taking special work in
radio and television. He has pre-
viously been a member of the pro-
duction's dancing chorus.
Mars said, "We will be striving
this year to return to the trad-
ition of the Opera as a farce with
those in female roles having un-
shaven legs."
The show, a takeoff on various
Hollywood characters, was written
by Russ Brown, '56, Bill Russell
and Chuck Reynolds, Grad.
Extravagant gimmicks a n d
tricks, visual as well as audible,
will characterize the production
according to Mars.
Rehersals for the Opera are
scheduled to start soon, with
dance choreographer Fred Evans
arriving Oct. 24.
Seven Take SGC
Office Petitions

-Daily-Sam Ching
PHILIPPINE AMBASSADOR -- Gen. Carlos Romulo relaxes
before his lecture at Hill Auditorium.
Ro nulo Says U.S. Stake
In Asia Means Security.-
Philippine diplomat, Gen. Carlos P. Romulo, opened the 101st
Lecture Series last night by telling his audience that America's stake
in Asia involved nothing less than her national security.
Speaking at Hill Auditorium, the United States Ambassador from
the Philippines stood behind a lecturn which dwarfed his person but
did not obscure his voice.
Still World Conquest
Giving his interpretation of the 'new look' in Moscow, the Gen-
eral expressed the belief that "However wide the Russians are smilling

RL Building
fire Hazard
Sunday morning's fire in the
Romance Language building was
caused by an overloading of fuses,
according to Fire Chief Ernest
Heller said the fuses in use
within the antiquated building
were too heavy for safe use. The
fire broke out when wires became
over-heated and burned through
out-dated insulation.
Behind Times Now
"The old metal-covered wires
might have been approved when
put into the building," said Hel-
ler, "but they are behind times
When asked Ir the building was
a fire hazard, the chief replied,
"It definitely is-because of age
and type of construction." He in-
dicated that there was too much
wood in the construction of the
building to make the building a
safe place.
He added "There are lots of
buildings like it here, but we can't
get to all of them right now."
However, he indicated the lan-
guage building was more of a
hazard because of the number of
students and faculty members
using it daily.
The only alleviation to the sit-
uation appears to lie in the Uni-
versity-city debate over the sale
of Ann Arbor High School.

+these days-be it from ear to ear
-their ultimate aim is still world
"You are presently engaged in a
struggle for power over mens'
minds," Gen. Romulo continued
"and the stakes are high." He
added that success in such a
struggle would depend upon
"friends in Asia."
Addressing an attentive aud-
ience, Gen. Romulo said modern
science had "annihilated the
Pacific Ocean" and asserted the
United States must look toward
her Pacific line of defense.
Praising the policy of President
Dwight D. Eisenhower toward For-
mosa, the Philippine statesmen
said the President's speedy and
complete recovery would benefit
the peace-loving citizens of the
Gen. Romulo expressed the con-
viction that America's c h i e f
strengthblies not in her material
wealth, but in her regard for the
rights and dignity of man. In
order to win the "friendship of
Asia," America need only make
her actions coincide with her
ideals," the General added.
In. a brief interview before his
talk, the energetic General joked
about his height, revealed that the
contents of his leather briefcase
included a pair of "P Js" and term-
ed The Michigan Daily, "one of
the finest student papers I have
The leader of the Philippine
delegation to the United Nations,
Gen. Romulo offered no comment
on France's recent exit from the
U.N. General Assembly.
The General, who will be back
at his United Nation's job by ten
this morning, sees hope for re-
visions in the UN charter by 1957.

Ike Renews
Bid to Check
Suggests Combining
U.S., Russian Plans
..DENVER (P)-President Dwight
D. Eisenhower formally renewed
yesterday a bid to Russia to help
dispel "fear and suspicion" by
combining both his own and a
Soviet plan for mutual checking
on military installations and move-
Pres. Eisenhower made the of-
fer in a letter to Soviet Premier
Nikolai A. Bulganin, signed Tues-
day, and delivered in Moscow yes-
Partial Reply
Eisenhower's letter to Bulganin
was in partial reply to one from
the Russian Premier on 19ept. 19
that used conciliatory terms bait
still dashed cold water on the
Chief Executive's proposal that
Russia and the United States trade
military blueprints and permit mu-
tual aerial inspection of military
Bulganin plugged for his own
idea of creating "control posts" q
large ports and railway junctions
and on highways and air fields
to "prevent dngerous concentra-
tions of troops and combat equip-
ment" and "remove the possibili-
ty of sudden attack."
'Summit' Talks
The proposal of both chiefs of
state were set forth at the Big
Four "Summit" conference in Ge-
And Pres. Eisenhower told a
news conference in Washington
Aug. 4 that speaking informally at
Geneva, he had said that if the
Russians trusted the Bulganin
kind of inspection system, "it was
all right with us: we would adopt
both. And I proposed, I said,
let's take them both."
Formal Note
The President put this idea into
a formal diplomatic note yester-
He said he was encouraged Bul-
ganin was giving full consideration
to his proposal.
"I hope that we can agree on
it," he said, "not as a cure all,
but, as I said at Geneva, to show
a spirit of non-aggressiveness on
both sides and so to create a fresh
atmosphere which would dispel
much of the present fear of sus-
This, Pres. Eisenhower said he
believed, would lead to progress
with comprehensive plans for in-
spection, controls and reductions
of armaments "which will satisfy
the high hopes of our peoples, and
indeed of all the world."
Mill Starts
With Guard
NEW CASTLE, Ind. to)-Piston
ring production was started again
yesterday in the Perfect Circle
Corp. Foundry with National
Guard protection, just a week after
a strike riot that wounded eight
The CIO United Auto Workers
pickets at the gate said they
counted less than 40 production
workers checking in, less than one-
sixth the normal production force
of 26.

Chesley Juday, plant manager.
said 32 production and 93 office
workers reported as the doors
were opened "to anyone who wants
to work."
The union held the number of
pickets at the gate to five, the
limit set by a court injunction
Aug. 1, just a week after the strike
Union officials said there would
be no more flareups like last
week's demonstration by an esti-
mated 5,000 sympathizers so long
as almost 1,000 troops patrol New
Castle, Hagerstown and a part of
Richmond. Martial law is being
enforced around P.C. plants in all
three cities.
"The UAW backs the strike all
the way," said William F. Cald-
well, UAW international represen-
He said Walter Reuther, CIO
and UAW president, is in daily
contact with the little strike here.
Caldwell said the New Castle



Soviet Bloc
May Offer
Israel Arms
Officials Call Move
Tension Heightener'
Department reported yesterday
the Soviet bloc may be preparing
to offer weapons to Israel as a
follow-up to a Communist arms
deal with Egypt.
Top officials said any such So-
viet bid would be a deliberate at-
tempt to heighten the, already
dangerous tensions between Arabs
and Jews in the Middle East.
Expose Russian Campaign
However, they said, it would ex-
pose Russia's campaign to con-
vince the Arabs that Moscow is
their staunch friend and support-
A State Department spokesman,
press officer Henry Suydam, told
a news conference there were in-
dications of a Communist arms-
to-Israel offer, but refused to pro-
vide any details.
Israeli Spokesman Comments
A spokesman for the Israeli Em-
bassy confirmed that Russia had
passed on a "roundabout indica-
tion" that it might be willing to
sell some of its store of surplus
weapons to Israel,
Milton Seen
As Possible
GOP Nominee
DENVER (/P)-President Dwight
D. Eisenhower lunched yesterday,
with his brother, Milton, whose
name has been swirling around in
a hatful of Republican presiden-
tial possibilities.
However there were no indica-
tions that political considerationsj
figured in Milton's trip to Denver
-his first since President Eisen-
hower's Sept. 24 heart attack.
Around the Denver White House
there is an undiminished expecta-i
tion that the President himself,1
who reportedly feels strongly that
the country should have only a1
completely healthy man in the4
White House, will refuse to seek
a second term.
Milton, of course, has had littlet
experience in hard politics,.
But he does know his way
around Washington. There haver
been rumors, moreover, that in
this period of the President's ill-c
ness, Eisenhower might tap hiss
brother for liaison work with thec



--- --

Berliner Issues Memo
On Comments to Press
Student Government Council President Hank Berliner, '56, last
night questioned the wisdom of SGC members releasing personal
opinion to the press before issues reach the Council Floor.
"To voice opinion or speculate before the issue has reached the
Council floor may damage SGC's reputation as an impartial, ob-
jective body and an equitable arbitrator of student interests," Berliner
This information was given in a memorandum to SGC members.
Berliner said it was passed out as a personal observation,
not in his role as SGC presi-*

Beginning Remark
Beginning remarks of the mem-
orandum stated "No one questions
the right of reporters to cover sub-
jects as full as possible, nor the
right of SGC members to answer
questions or release whatever
statements they care to. I would
question the wisdom of such ac-
tions on the part of Council mem-
Commenting on the memoran-
dum, Joel Tauber, '57 said. "It
should be made clear the com-
ments made by Berliner are his
opinions and don't necessarily
represent the views of the Coun-
Any SGC member can express
his personal opinion on any topic,
according to Bob Leacock, '57. He
added that members should make
clear when making statements to
the press that this is personal
opinion, and not onenecessarly to
be used or expressed in SGC.
Tom Sawyer, '58 added: "Before
I'd make a statement to anyone
on anything, I would look into
the problem thoroughly. If I felt
a certain way on a problem, I'd
talk about it. If I had no defi-
nite stand I would comment ob-
jectively, not subjectively"
Also at the meeting last night
Tauber proposed that the Pep
Rally Committee be placed under
the auspices of the Wolverine Club
as a self-supporting committee.
The committee would consist of
the vice-president of the Wolver-
ine Club, a cheerleader, band
member, chairman of Pep Rally
Committee, treasurer of SGC, Vice
President for Student Affairs, and
a member of the 'M' Club.
Daily Managing Editor Dave
Baad, '56, proposed a new struc-
ture for the Administrative Wing.
Under the new organization, which
was accepted by the Council, wing
members will have an opportun-
ity to work I their way up from
committee members to chairmen-
ships on the Wing, thereby offering
competition and chance of ad-
vancement to tryouts.

Iran A

Board OK's
$24 Milon
MSU Budget
BATTLE CREEK, Mich., Oct. 12
(N) -- Faced with growing enroll-
ment pressure, Michigan State
University's government body to-
day approved a proposed increase
of 4,180,960 in next year's operat-
ing budget.
The State Agriculture Board,
meeting at MSU's Kellogg Biolo-
gical §tation, said some $3,600,000
of the increase would be sought
in a higher appropriation from the
A registrar's report indicated en-
rollment will hit 18,500 next year.
In the current term 17,662 students
are enrolled at the East Lansing
Stadium Addition Authorized
The Board's Finance Commit-
tee was authorized to prepare ten-
tative plans and cost estimates for
a 25,000-seat addition to the
50,745-seat Macklin Stadium. That
would make it the third largest
stadium in the Big 10, behind Mi-
chigan and Ohio State.
Similar authorization was given
to prepare plans for new intra-
mural gymnasiums for men and
women on the campus.
In a breakdown of n e x t
year's proposed budget total of
$24,362,986 the board said it will
ask the Legislature to appropriate
$19,166,926. University Regents are
requesting $27,730,720 from the
Legislature for next year. This
year's $20,182,026 budget includes
$15,518,266 from the state.
Station Budget Proposed
An experimental station budget
of $2,176,893 was proposed, in-
cluding a state appropriation re-
quest for $1,993,116. This com-
pares with last year's legislativea
grant of $1,306,075.

Reds Imply
Middle East
U.S., Iran Reject
USSR Warning
MOSCOW (MP)-The Soviet Union
warned Iran yesterday her action
in joining the pro-Western Bagh-
dad defense act endangers peac.
in the Middle East.
In a statement handed to the
Iranian charge d'affaires here by
Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov,
the Russian government declared
it "attaches serious significance"
to the move.
The United States and Iran both
rejected the Soviet view.
Molotov called in the Iranian
representative immediately after
news reports here. said Iran was
joinging Iraq, Turkey, Pakistan
and Britain in the Middle East
defense grouping.
Risking Kremlin Enmity
Molotov told the Iranian diplo-
mat that by joining the pact Iran
was risking the Kremlin's enmity,
Molotov also reminded Iran that
the Soviet Union claims the right
to move troops into the country
if Iran violates the 1921 Iran-
Soviet treaty. He said the Iranian
line-up with the Baghdad Pact
would "contradict" the 1921 treaty.
Relations Friendly?
In Tehran, Premier Hussein Ala
asserted the pact isr not directed
against the Soviet Union or any
other country, and that Iran's re-
lations with the Soviet Union "are
of the friendliest nature." Ala
described the pact as "purely de-
Iran's Parliament has' yet. to
ratify joining the treaty. Molotov's
action, as reported by Moscow
radio, appeared aimed at trying
to influence the parliamentary
outcome. Ala, however, has already
dispatched official word to Bagh-
dad of Iran's intentions.
Stresses Russian. Role
Molotov stressed Russia's newly
adopted role in the Middle East as
a friend of the so-called "anti-
colonial" powers. He told the
Iranian representative the aim of
thea Baghdad Pact is the "preserv-
ing and re-establishing of the
colonial dependence of countries"
in that region.
Molotov told the Iranian diplo-
mat the Baghdad Pact "meant the
formation of a military grouping
in the Near and Middle East which
is an instrument of certain aggres-
sive circles which are not inter-
ested in the consolidation of peace
and international security."
There has been alarm in the
West over new signs of growing
Soviet influence in the Middle East,.
The Egyptian arms deal with
Czechoslovakia, a member of the
Soviet bloc, was viewed with
special concern.
Iran's entry would extend the
defenses of the Atlantic Allies in
an unbroken line across the
northern tier of the Middle East
from Turkey to Pakistan.
SGC Group
Interviews will be held from 1-4
p.m. in Quonset Hut A for students
interested in membership on the

Academic Freedom Committee.
This group is a subcommittee of
of Student Government Council's
Human and International Welfare
Organized to promote student
awareness of issues involving
academic freedom on the campus,
the committee will sponsor dis-
cussion groups and seminars and
also plans to bring speakers to the



Board Meets to Establish
Policies on Discrimination


Human Relations Board (form-
erly known as Anti-Discrimination
Board) met last week to discuss
policies on discrimination, Sue
Levy, '56, chairman, disclosed
Miss Levy said the Board will
continue to try and eliminate dis-
crimination by "taking positive
action through education."
Sponsored by Student Govern-
ment Council's Interviewing and
Nominating Committee, the Board
depends on student cooperation,
Miss Levy said.

pearance before the Board, signed
letters or telephone calls.
Upon receiving a report of dis-
criminatory practices, the Board
reviews the case and evaluates it.
Then, according to Miss Levy, a
test case is set up which tries to
copy the original circumstances
as closely as possible.
Further Verification
"Purpose of test cases," Miss
Levy noted, "is to further verify
the charges."
Ifdthe Board finds the charges
valid, it approaches the individ-
uals involved. "No coercive action,
such as adverse publicity, is used

sm :. -11

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