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October 12, 1955 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1955-10-12

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Daily-Chuck Kelsey
IFC-Mike Lynch, secretary; Fred Lyons, rushing chairman, and
Bob Weinbaum, president, scan rushing lists and past records and
discuss the expected number of pledges. This year over 1,000
men have participated in rushing. Pledging for fraternities will
officially begin today.
}Record090 Rushees
SeeFraternity Houses

First Meeting
Of Michifish
Coeds Should Practice
Swimming, Diving
To Join Junior Club
Members of last year's Michi-
fish will hold their organizational
meeting at 7:15 p.m. today at
the women's pool.
Club officers will be elected and
plans for the year's activities will
be discussed.
Students who are not members
of Michifish and are interested in
joining may attend the organiza-
tional meeting of the Junior Michi-
fish to be held at 8:15 p.m. Tues-
day at the pool.
I Qualifications
New members for the senior club
will be drawn from this group. All
Women interested should practice
up on the skills and strokes neces-
sary to qualify for the Senior
The tests include swimming the
front crawl, back stroke, side
stroke on both sides andbreast
Skills such as the back dol-
phin and front surface dive should
also be practiced. However, co-
eds who have never had any ex-
perience with synchronized swim-
minghbefore will be counted only
on their stroke performance.
Strokes Important
There is no limit to the number
that will be chosen. Entrance is
based on the form of the strokes
and not on speed.
The junior Michifish group was
organized to give women interested
in synchronized swimming an op-
portunity for instruction and
practice in their strokes and
Michifish annually presents a
show at the Union open house and
a spring concert. Last year, the
theme of the spring concert was
of an aquatic wedding
Kappa Phi Club
The Kappa Phi Club of the
Methodist Church will have an
informal punch party at 7:30
p.m. tomorrow in the Wesley
Lounge of the church. All
women on campus who are Me-
thodist or of Methodist prefer-
ence are cordially invited.

ADC Discusses I-Hop,
Dormitory Problems
At the Assembly Dormitory
Council meeting Monday, mem- meeting were plans for Fortnite,
bers discussed women's residence which will be held Thursday, Nov.
situations and also the I-Hop. 17, in the League Ballroom.
A sub-committee of approxi- The theme of this year's pro-
mately twenty coeds, represent- gram is "Shakespeare Goes Mod-
ing the various dormitories, will ern." Skits, presented by all in-
attend the meeting of the Dormi- dependent women's houses will be
tory Planning Committee. The given as if in a theater-in-the-
meeting will take place Thursday, round. Scholarship awards will
Oct. 27, to discuss the housing be made, and following this, house
problems. presidents will receive their pins.
Couzens Hall housing committee Houses presenting skits which
will meet to discuss the govern- place first, second and third in
wment of the hall the competition will be awarded
I-Hop Committee trophies.
It was mentioned in the meet- Judging of Skits
ing that coeds are needed to work The judging, which will high-
on the I-Hop Committee. Any light the evening, will be done on
interested women may sign up at the basis of originality, effective-
the Undergraduate Office of the ness of presentation, clarity and
League. audience response.
ADC's Newsletter will be dis- Fortnite, as the name implies,
tributed in the form of a mimeo- originally took place over a twc
graphed sheet. It will be placed week period.
in the women's mailboxes. It included three separate pro-
It was announced that there will grams, recognition night, installa-
be a joint meeting of the ADC- tion of house presidents and the
League House Council on Monday. skits. Now, all three events have
On the agenda for this meeting been compacted into one evening
are questions concerning the bud- Included in the scholarshir
get, deferred rushing, the coming awards will be the presentation of
Student Government Council elec- a cup to the house which attained
tions and dormitory planning. the highest average during the
Also discussed at the Assembly previous year.
Events Around Campus
TENNIS CLUB -- The Tennis The Square Dance Group of the
Club is planning an inter-club Faculty Women's Club will have a
meeting at 4:10 p.m. today on the desert party before their first
twomen's tennis court. The tourna- dance of the 1955-56 series at 7:45
ment will begin at this meeting. p.m. on Saturday in Tappan Jun-
Anyone who is interested is wel- ior High School Cafeteria. The
come. dance will follow at 8:30 in Tap-
* * * pan Gym with Dave Palmer of
ATHLETIC MANAGERS - All Ypsilanti calling.
house athletic managers will meet * * *
at 5:10 p.m. today in the Women's AMERICAN FRIENDS - The
Atpletic Building. League now has the names, ad-
* * * dresses and phone numbers of the
PLEDGE TRAINERS - There students from abroad. For this
will be a meeting for all pledge information call Mary Slawson at
trainers at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in NO 3-3381.
the Alpha Phi house.
Club will not hold the hayride
scheduled for tomorrow. Members
will receive notice of the new time
at a later date.
* * *
FACULTY WOMEN'S CLUB -- and Sundstrand


A record number of 1090 men
are taking advantage of the op-
portunity to visit fraternity houses
and meet members during the two
weeks of rushing.
"This is the greatest year
for interest in fraternities," said
Charles Weir, IFC fraternity rela-
tions chairman. "At the present
time there are 43 fraternities as
compared to 42 at this time last
Membership has also steadily
increased with a record number
of 900 pledges last year."
2,000 in Fraternities
At the present time there are
approximately 6850 undergraduate
men with 2000 of these members
of fraternities.
The first Sunday and Monday
of rushing were set aside for open
houses. At this time men could
visit any of the houses on campus.
They were shown through the
houses and met the members on
an informal basis.
Smokers and luncheons were
held last Tuesday through Satur-
day. At these affairs rushees had
an opportunity to become ac-
quainted with the financial mat-
ters and living accommodations
offered by the various houses.
Men rushing also learned of
various house activities such as
I-M sports and scholarship stand-,

ing. Refreshments were also serv-
ed at the smokers.
Rushing will take on more ser-
ious aspects this week as the
smokers and luncheons continue.
Prospective pledges began receiv-
ing formal bids this week. Today
is the first day that men can of-
ficially pledge.
Most fraternities will hold their,
formal initiation ceremonies on
either Sunday or Monday.
Rushing Rules
Rushing rules are enforced by
a committee made up of the house
presidents. "We have very few
infractions of the rules and none
have occurred this year," Weir
Each fraternity appoints a rush-
ing chairman. During and before
rushing this man completely dis-
affiliates from his house when he
is advising rushees.
Each counselor has 'office hours'
at the IFC office at the Union at
which time he is available to an-
swer rushees questions.
All pledges automatically be-
come members of junior IFC.
Each pledge class elects a repre-
sentative, usually the president,
to act as its representative on this'
The president of junior IFC has
chairmanship status on the IFC
executive board.

... 1


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