ToW THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1955 Markham Tells of Importance Of Reporter, Editor Relations By CATHARINE RAMBEAU Dr. James W. Markham, ollen- ing this year's series of Univer- sity lectures in Journalism, spoke yesterday on "The Reporter and the Editor." Preceding the talk, he received the 1955 Kappa Tau Alpha Re- search Award- for his book, "Bo- vard of the St. Louis Post-Dis- patch," from Prof. Wesley H. Maurer, chairman of the Depart- Inent of Journalism and national president of KTA, the honorary Journalism society. Markham, head of the Depart- ment of News at Pennsylvania State University, stressed the ne- cessity of absolute confidence be- tween reporters and editors, stat- ing that "no reporter can realize his full potential without the backing of his editor." He cited the late O. K. Bovard as one of the great editors of recent times. "Once a reporter had proven him- self to Bovard," Markham said, "he could rely on the editor's sup- port at all times." Ignores Offers Although charges have been lev- eled at newsmen for surrendering to the offers of press agents and interest groups, Bovard would have nothing to do with them. "His reporters were not even allowed to accept season tickets to con- certs. One of his maxims was that business success would fol- low editorial success." Again referring to Bovard, Markham mentioned the editor's demand for local news coverage as opposed to the growing use of wire services, of his dislike for standardization at the expense of individuality. "Bovard wanted his news first-hand" continued Mark- ham. "If he could, he would have covered the world with his report- ers." Underestimate Reader Markham declared that many editors underestimate the reader's intelligence. "A good editor," he added, "is less interested in the amount of news that gets to the reader tha nin how much news that same reader understands." Concluding, Markham stressed the need for more editors with the foresight and honesty which typi- fied O. K. Bovard. Income Tax Prophesied By Crockett Apparently our national hero, Davy Crockett, had other talents besides pioneering, fighting, hunt- ing, and patching of cracked bells. Seems that our Davy was an oracle as well. A copy of a speech, discovered in the University's Transportation Library, disclosed that in 1830, Davy delivered an address in the House of Representatives which was a startling prognosis of things to come. Several members of the House were' trying to pass a bill propos- ing the construction of a road from Buffalo to New Orleans via Washington. This roused our hero's wrath, for not only had the perpetrators of the bill miscalculated the length of the road, they had overlooked the fact that a part of it would have to be built on swampy ground, thereby raising the cost consider- ably. And as anyone could see, Davy may have said, the road would run parallel to the Mississippi River for five or six hundred miles. Davy told the Committee of the Whole of the House that there was only one reason to justify himself if he voted for the bill as proposed. "I discover a determination to squander th~e public funds in some way and, therefore, I should strive to 'come in. for the snacks.'" He added that "because of the high duties resulting from the ex- penditure, I would not be surpris- ed if we should finally be obliged to resort to a system of direct taxation. This will be a tough morsel for the people in my part of the country to swallow." You needn't have worried about the road, Davy. It was never built. But why, oh why, did you ever have to mention those direct taxes.? Land Dispute To Be Heard Alumni Donate $153,000 In Second Annual Drive *m SIIElf SHARING OUR RELIGIOUS HERITAGE "WH IA T TH UTEANS (N( BEIEVE" WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12th, 4:15 P.M. LANE HALL Sponsored by S.RA* A Discussion Series Open to All 11 s ES By MARY ANN THOMAS University alumni donated near- ly $153,000 to the Michigan Alum- ni Fund during its second annual campaign. Although the idea of "annual giving" is new to University alum- ni, this year's contributions exceed those of last year by 40 per cent and the number of contributors rose from 6,652 to 8,738, a 30 per cent increase. Instituted in 1953, the Alumni Fund is designed to receive annual gifts from alumni "which will de- velop the University's general re- sources and support special ac- tivities," to quote the Fund's Char- ter. Campaigns Are Successes The two campaigns are consid- ered successes, but participation is still much below that in simi- lar, long-established programs of other colleges and universities. Op- timism for greater participation, however, has grown from the marked increase in the second campaign although the psycho- logical inducement of charter membership in the Fund was no longer present. Civic Theater To Present Rand Play "Night of January Sixteenth" is one play with two endings. A mystery written by Ann Rand, author of ".The Fountainhead," the production will open the Ann Ar- bor Civic Theater's seasin at 8 p. m. on Thursday. The action of the play is cen- tered in a courtroom and members of the audience in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theater will be chosen at random to portray the role of jurors. Since the jury is expected to arrive at an honest and unrehears- ed verdict, the actors have been provided with scripts containing two finales. Which of the endings is used depends upon the jury's decision. Whether it is an ominous "Guilty" or an announcement of acquittal the plot and the actors are pre- pared for a smooth conclusion. Directed by Ted Heusel, "Night of January Sixteenth" will run through Saturday, Oct. 15. Tick- ets for the productiin are on sale at the Lydia Mendelsohn boxoffice. Pastor Begins religion Talks A two-semester series of lec- ture-discussions on various re- ligions has begun at Lane Hall. Rev. Henry O. Yoder, pastor of the Lutheran Student Center is directing the series. The meetings are designed to present to the campus basic be- liefs of various religions and de- nominations. Every organized religious group on campus will be represented. Meetings will be held at 4:15 p.m. Every Wednesday in the Lane Hall Library. Indian Economist To Lecture Here India's population problem and policy will be the subject of a so- ciology department lecture today. Prof. S. Chandrasekhar, econo- mist from the University of Baro- da, India, will speak on the sub- ject in the Rackham Amphitthea- ter at 4:15 p.m. About one-third of the undesig- nated contributions to the 1954-55 campaign has been allocated for student aid and scholarships, and slightly less than one-fourth of the money will go toward faculty awards and aid. Allocations are as follows: $22,800 for Michigan Alumni Fund out-of-state freshman tui- tion scholarships, $15,000 for student aid, $15,000 for faculty research equipment, $5,000 for recognition of distinc- tive faculty teaching, $30,000 towards construction of the new University Press Build- ing, and $20,000 for improving and ex- panding Development Council ser- vices to the alumni. Balance Designated The balance of the $153,000 was given for designated purposes. Much of this money was especial- ly allocated by the donor for par- ticular scholarships or medical re- search. Similar to Regents' Scholarships for in-state students, the Alumni Fund scholarships provide four years' tuition of $1,080 apiece for 20 freshmen not Michigan resi- dents. Eighty-three applicants for the first 15 scholarships were spon- sored by alumni groups through- out the world. Applications came from Formosa, Hawaii, India and Puerto Rico, as well as the United States. Selection of award win- ners was handled by the Univer- sity Committee on Scholarships. Faculty to Be Awarded A new allocation this year, the first awards for distinctive fac- ulty teaching will be given in June. Just how many awards will be granted out of the $5,000 alloca- tion, or in what schools or col- leges of the University they will be given has not been decided. Money was donated towards construction of the University Press building as a permanent re- minder of the accimplishment of the Alumni Fund. Last year the Fund provided $35,000 toward the purchase of the Stellfeld Collec- tion of Musicology .from Europe. Emma Finds Props Duds' HOLLYWOOD (P)-The prop jungle plants looked tasty to old Emma, a veteran movie elephant, but when she found they were made of rubber she tossed two actors off her back and crushed her trainer. The big beast was working in television series when the phoney uiet made her trumpeting mad. Trainer William Gamble tried to stop her from eating the rubber plants but Emma wouldn't obey. Then Emma went after Gamble, pinning him against a wall. Producer Frank Perrin com- manded the beast to stop-and she did. LOST AND FOUND LOST Glasses. Finder of glasses call NO 3-1511, Ext. 350. )100A I DREAMT I went to the Northwestern game in my "GO DERBY." )16F LOST--Collegiate Sorosis pin in vicin-- ity of State Street. Reward. Call NO 2-3189. )15A LOST-child's pet, 4 years old male fawn boxer wearing link chain col- lar,Branch county tags. Possibly in- jured. Call NO 3-4423. )14A.. LOST wallet with personal papers on Forest Avenue. NO 5-1121. LOST-Gold Alpha Delta and Delta Sigma Phi pins connected by gold chain in S. Division - Administration Bldg. area. Reward. Call NO 2-8167 evenings. )10A LOST GLASSES. Finder of glasses call NOrmandy 3-1511, Ext. 350. )11A LOST--SAE pin. Sunday on Campus. Call NO 3-1561, 3002 Stockwell. )7A FOR SALE FORD 1954 Customline V-8 Tudor se- . dan, radio and heater, very clean, and in beautiful shape, just simonized. 2005 Highland Drive, off Pacarkd, NO 2-6832. )42B VENICH. AM-FM radio $25. Hamilton 6-9494. )41B i954 FORD CONVERTIBLE, Goldenrod yellow, Fordomatic, radio, heater, whitewalls. Motor and top in perfect condition. Not a scratch on finish. Any reasonable offer considered. NO 3-4145. Ask for N-34. )40B REMINGTON PORTABLE - Four bank keyboard, $35. NO 2-9020. )37B 34-FT. VAGABOND trailer home com- pletely furnished. Ideal location to campus and stores. Call NO 2-9221. )38B FOOD FREEZER. Upright Frigidaire. Used three months. Very reasonable. Phone NO 2-3267 or YPSI 4564-J. )25B GLEE CLUB MEMBERS; one tail jack- et (38-40), white vest, white tie, Brooks Brothers full dress shirt, three wing tip collars, all for $25. Call ' Jerry at NO 3-5341. )33B MOUTON FUR coat, excellent condi- tion. NO 3-3267. )18B STUDENT ROOM RUG SPECIAL 9x12 cottons, all colors, priced on sale now at $29.95 SMITH'S CARPET STORE 207 E. Washington NO 3-5536 )5B ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$6.88; Sox, 39c; Shorts, 69c; military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )4B COOKED and cleaned select cocktail shrimp for the party, get-togethers at Washington Fish Market, 208 E. Wash- ington, NO 2-2589. Free delivery. ')3B WANTED TO BUY GIRL'S BIKE. Any make. Phone NO 8- 8547 after 5:30 P.M. )2K WANTED TO BUY-Boy's used light- weight bike. Call 29682 between 6 & 8 P.M. )1K USED CARS $60-1946 Nash-good motor, tires and radio . Call NO 3-2581. )24N 1950 CHEVROLET-Power glide, radio, heater. Excellent condition. For sale by original owner. Phone NO 2- 7773. )36N USED CARS 1947 FORD 2 door, radio, heater, good rubber. The big lot across from the downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )34N 1950 CHEVROLET Belair Sport Coupe, 2 tone gray, radio, heater. One own- er, very nice. The big lot across from thesdowntown carport Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )33N 1946 OLDSMOBILE. 4 door, radio, heat- er, hydramatic. Good transportation. The big lot across from the down- town carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington. NO 2-4588. )32N A FORD CAR--Ideal low-cost trans- portation .Excellent mechanical con- dition. For sale cheap. Bud Twin- ing's Gas Station, Hill at Packard. )22N '51 STUDEBAKER Land Cruiser V-8 Hydramatic. All Deluxe equipment. Low mileage. Very clean. $395. Phone NO 8-7264. )21N 1949 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 sedan, ra- dio, heater, hydramatic, $350; 1950 Ford Convertible, new tires, new top, beautiful condition, priced right. "You get a better deal" at Fitzgerald Jordan, Inc., 607 Detroit Street. NO 8-8141, )2N '49 OLDS, Super 88, cream convertible. Red leather seats, hydramatic, ra- dio, heater, new top, white walls. $350. Call after 6:30, NO 3-1279. )19N '47 DODGE $175. Radio and heater, oth- er accessories. Phone NO 2-7252. Ask for Tom. )23N 1949 FORD Tudor, six-cylinder, good condition, 90 W. Joy Rd. Call NO 2-2664. )25N FORD '49 V-8 for $165. Phone NO 3- 4534. )631 1950 PLYMOUTH COUPE. R. and H. Tires and motor in good condition. $275.00. Phone NO 2-7157, 928 S. For- est. )30N 1947 BUICK 2-door, clean, reliable transportation, priced right. Phone NO 3-8282 after 6:30 P.M. )28N BUICK 1946-4 door., Good condition. Radio, new battery. Owner leaving for Europe. NO 3-8862. )27N FOR RENT 5-ROOM APARTMENT Nearly new. Unfurnished except for stove and refrigerator. Ceramic tile bath. Carport. $100. Phone NO 2C- 7257. )9-C BUSINESS SERVICES RE-WEAVING-Burns, tears, moth holes rewoven. Let us save your clothes. Weave-Bac Shop, 224 Nickels Arcade. )4J BUS. AD. STUDENTS - Improve your speaking ability. Individual and class training. Phone NO 3-1531, Ext. 298. PLAY GOLF. Scenic Municipal Golf Course Now Open. Special rates for U. of M. students. 18 Scenic holes, snackbar, complete pro-shop. Bar- gains in golf equipment. 1519 Fuller Rd. near North Campus. )12J SERVICE SHOP, 1217 S.A. Studio. 1317 S. Univ. )1J $5 REWARD for safe return of glasses lost at football game Saturday. D. McCarthy, 621 South Division after 5. )A12 PRE SCHOOL CH ILDREN Earn Extra' Money Working on An Interesting Two-Month .Assignment Work from 4-8 hours a day in our Ann Arbor Office from December First to February First Evening Work from 5:30 to Midnight Also Available Earn Up to $56.00 Per Week, Plus Bonus Tell us when you are available. We will arrange a convenient working schedule for you. Our Interviewer Will Be in Room 3N Michigan Union, on BUSINESS SERVICES "PURCHASE FROM PURCHASE" Rolleicord IV like new with case $90 Purchase Camera Shop 1116 S. University Phone NO 8-6972 HI-FI Components and Service Audio- phile, net prices. Telefunken Hi-Fi, AM-FM shortwave radios. Service on all makes of radios and phonographs. Ann Arbor Radio and TV, 1217 8. University. Phone NO 8-7942. 1% blocks east of East Eng. )1J RICHARD MADDY-VIOLINMAKER Fine, old certified instruments & bows. 310 S. State. NO 2-5962. )2J PERSONAL NORTHWESTERN students cannot get special discount rates to Time, Life, New Yorker, Sports Ill., Newsweek and hordes more. You can-by phon- ing Student Periodical, NOrmandy 2-3061. )F15 SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY the different way. Send friendly greetings to friends by advertising in the MICH- IGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED Section. HELP WANTED A TYPIST Christmas JOIN THOUSANDS WHO CYCLE DAILY TO MICHIGAN'S RAMBLING CAMPUS Open Evenings 'til 9 P.M. Campus Bike & Hobby 514-16 E. William Call NO 2-0035 OPENS TOMORROW NITE AT 8 P.M. Playing thru Saturday evening Condemnation proceedings will be held Monday, Oct. 24 in the Ann Arbor Circuit Court for Washtenaw County against two landowners who refuse to sell their land to the University for the new Student Activities Building. Both owners deny the necessity for the sale and also deny that the University offered a sufficient amount for their land. Ground-breaking is scheduled for the $1,750,000 activities center in November. The building will be located on the corner of Maynard and Jefferson, just south of the Student Publications Bldg. According to University officials the condemnation proceedings will not hold up start of construction. Thurs., Oct. 9 A.M. to and Fri., Oct. 14 from 9A.M. to 9 P.M. RUSSELL KELLY OFFICE SERVICZ 640 FREE PRESS BLDG., DETROIT 26, MICHIGAN WANTED-cab drivers. Full or part time. Apply 113 S. Ashley, Ann Arbor Yellow and Checker Cab Company, phone NO 8-9382. )6H SALES CLERK Part time or full time for men's fur- nishing store. Experience preferred. References. Sam's Store, 122 E. Wash-, ington Street. )7H Read and Use .Dail y Classif ied s 13 from 6 P.M. i I I I Organization Notices Congregational-Disciples Guild: Mid- week Meditation, today, 5:00-5:30 p.m., Douglas Chapel of the Congregational Church. Congregational-Disciples Guild: Bible Study group, today, 7:00 p.m., Guild House, 524 Thompson. Kappa Phi: Informal Punch Party,. Oct. 13, 7:30 p.m., wesley Foundation, First Methodist Church. * * * La P'tite Causette: Meeting, October 13, 3:30-5:00 p.m., Club 600, South Quad. Le Cercle Francais: Today, 8:00 p.m., Professor Koella speaker, League. "What Lutherans (NLC) Believe." First in a series on Sharing Our Religious Heritage. Lecture and dis- cussion led by Pastor Henry O. Yoder. Sponsored by SRA. Lane Hall Library, today, 4:15 p.m. Modern Dance Club: Oct. 13, 7:30 p.m., Barbour Gym. Everyone welcome. U-M Young Republican Club: Mr. John Roxborough of the NAACP speak- er, Oct. 13, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union, Room 3B. * * * Westminister Student /Fellowship: Morning Devotions followed by break- fast, Oct. 13, 7:00 a.m., Presbyterian Student Center. 1949 PONTIAC-Radio and heater, hy- dramatic. 2 door green, very nice. The big lot across from the down- town carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington. NO 2-4588. )35N' 1950 HUDSON. Take highest offer. Phone NO 2-1691 evenings. )27N outsells ' beca1use it's, Budweiser State License. Will nick up and de- liver. 5 day, full day, week. Call NO 5-3713 or NO 2-8062. )11J WASHINGS--Altso ironings privately. Specializing in cotton dresses. Free pick up and delivery. Phone NO 2- 9020. )9J .and they always order Budweiser!" Known so well for its pleasing ways, Budweiser is the favorite companion of fine foods. You'll taste the reason why! Dial NO 2-3136 I 4 &/;;d16k9/lot?/ WORLD'S \klLARGEST SELLING I1~iEILIIBEER V - - ~ - - - w w - - - w -w w - 11 M V M IMW M '4 NNW AV 'IL M I 'MW low m a m ff 11 wr a 4w mv I I I I I IF . - '!= I 1 I 1 I