Sixty-Sixth Year
"Something Seems To Have Stunted Them"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily stag
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
-- 11 co 'r
'Artesian' Starts Out
Weakly, Could Prosper
The first issue of a new creative writing magazine, similar in
content and degree of polish to the student art publication, "Genera-
tion," has this month appeared on Ann Arbor newsstands.
The magazine is titled "The Artesian;" and, for the benefit of
those who don't perceive meanings quickly, it is subtitled: "A natural
flowing well of expression in the arts."
The magazine was conceived by a non-student group of Ann
Arbor and Ypsilanti townspeople who had in common an interest in
creative work, an interest which is exercised by them on the level of
a hobby.
s* «
THE INAUGURAL issue contains a variety of material furnished
almost exclusively by the magazine's founders. The fiction pieces
Unfair Use of Power,
Or Fair Use of Initiative?
ACmALLY murmurs were quite low.
Nobody paid much attention but one
criticism of events at last week's SGC meeting
raises an important ethical question-one that
should be hashed immediately or the present
structure of SGC may need alteration.
Announcement of plans to bring deferred
rushing before SGC is controversial and ap-
plause and opposition were both expected. One
facet of criticism, although somewhat expected,
causes the concern and makes immediate dis-
cussion advisable.
The criticism in essence-the Daily Manag-
ing Editor is making unfair use of his position
to promote his side of the deferred rushing
issue. As head of the main medium of com-
munication on campus he can communicate
his views to the students better than other SGC
THE DAILY Managing Editor can criticize, in
print, issues he disagrees with and is free
to push to the hilt such things as deferred
pledging. This is not fair to his oppisition. The
implication seems to be the Dailly Editor
should play the observer role on SGC or keep
his newspaper relatively silent on issues he's
closely involved with.
This problem was obviously inevitable after
SGC was approved by students last March. The
situation is unique on college campuses. Some
schools have the school newspaper editor sit
on the Council without a vote but rarely does
he carry a voice in the student government.
Last summer college newspaper editors dis-
cussed the problem at the National Students
Association Congress and almost unaminously
agreed editors should remain- independent of
student government. They said student gov..
ernment-newspaper consolidation -would result
thereby eliminating the paper as an indepen-
dent voice on campus.
Nobody questions the necessity of newspapers
remaining independent. Their function as
a leader of public opinion and as an accurate,
responsible communicator of all the news is
essential to any community whether it be a
University community or a city,
Infringements on newspapers' independence
retards this function.
When SGC planning was done study com-
mittees wanted the Daily Editor along with
campus organization leaders to have seats on
the Council in order to add their alleged ex-
perience in campus affairs to the Council dis-
With full view to the problem involved the
Daily Managing Editor took a seat on the
Council. To actually benefit SGC, the Daily
editor, as well as other ex-officios, must take
an active part and when necessary take the in-
itiative. At the same time the independence
of The Daily to print the news as it happens
and to comment freely and responsibly on the
news must remain unchanged.
SGC PROPONENTS believe the dual respo s-
ibility can 'be effected. It's an ideal ar-
rangement, if successful, but one without pre-
Willingness to let the editor speak freely at
SGC as a Council member and again freely in
the paper as Daily Managing Editor is the key
to success.
Daily Managing Editor
t , 94-
Pa z'
"r. --
Cotton Bloc Urges DumTping
are competently handled but un-
imaginative exercises on thebasic
and generally coloreless themes of
childhood reminiscence and do-
mestic drama.
There are three personal es-
says, two of which are simple, un-
adorned evaluations of the writ-
ers' past and present lots. The
third piece is one entitled "Ob-
servations from a Broken Pogo
Stick" which is strangely about
a little bit of everything. How-
ever, the author has some writ-
ing ability, and you wish that next
time he'd pick a more positive
means of transportation.
The poetry, contributed by five
individuals, is pretty much un-
distinguished material. The most
effective poem is one entitled
"Dark and Bloody Ground," by
Richard McCracken, a University
* * *
THE BOOK and movie reviews
were interesting reading, and the
editor could wisely expand this
department. A theatre section in
the "Artesian' promises to be one
of the magazine's best features.
Providing a much-needed clearing-
house for comments on and an-
nouncements of the area's thea-
trical activities would alone make
the magazine worth the price.
The virtues of the art and pho-
tography sections will continue to
be those of their contributors.
George Hess has shown several
interesting photos in this first
- * * *
THE MOST important feature
about the "Artesian" is that it is
completely open-in every depart-
ment-to submissions from the
public in general. Material is re-
quested in the fields of literature,
theatre, music, art and photogra-
It is quite evident that fiom
this tie between magazine and
audience hangs the fate of "Ar-
tesian.' With a large amount of
competent material to choose
from, the magazine should improve
and probably prosper.
-Donald A. Yates
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
AdministrationBuilding before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
University Lecture in Journalism.
James W. Markham, School of Journal-
ism, Pennsylvania State University,
will deliver the annual Kappa Tau
Alpha Research Award Lecture at 4
p.m. In the Rackham Amphitheatre,
"Bovard of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch."
Open to the public.
General Library on all Sundays dur-
ing the current academic year, begin-
ning Oct. 8, the General Library will be
open from 2 p.m.-6 p.m. As in the past.
service will be given in the Mai
Reading Rom, Periodical Reading Room
and at the Circulation Desk. In addi-
tion, the First Floor Study Hall, in
which smoking is permitted, will be
open, and reserved books regularly
shelved there will be available.
Other Reading Rooms and Study Halls
in the building will be closed, but books
needed for Sunday use may be re-
served by students on Saturday.
Holders of stack permits will have
access to the stacks and may withdraw
books. Other users of the Library may
return and renew books at the Circu-
lation Desk.
'U' Not Alone In Troubles
WE'RE not the only ones having trouble with
pep rallies. Here's examples of other
complaints, although as the University of Il-
linois 'Daily Illini' puts it, the U of M is still
in the lead.
From the 'Daily Illini,' University of Illi-
nois, Friday, October 7:
"It could have been worse.
"Some overly enthusiastic students at last
week's pep rally tore up signs, engaged, in a
fraternity scramble and burned signs in a side-
walk bonfire. Cheerleaders had more trouble
quieting the rally-goers for the speeches than
getting them to yell. Police picked up several
ID cards, although no arrests were made.
"Since then, pep rally officials have been
mulling over the problem of controlling, rather
than encouraging, enthusiasm. Interfraternity
Council discussed Monday the need for re-
striating pledge classes' displays of enthusiasm
at the rallies.
"But at the University of Michigan that
same night, about 1,000 students broke from
their pep rally and overran three girls' dormi-
tories. After the panty raid, the students head-
ed for the campus business district, tearing
down theater marquees and pushing cars onto,
"Compared to the Michigan display,
the University's pep rally problem seems mild.
But recognizing the potential danger involved
in allowing rallies to get out of hand is the
best way to avoid such riots.
"IF's concern over the conduct of pledge
classes at pep rallies is commendable. So are
the efforts of the rally committee to confine
sign bearers to a roped-off area. Both organi-
zations are capable of limiting pep rally vio-
lence and controlling enthusiasm. Their com-
bined efforts should be sufficient to avoid any
display like the raid Friday in Ann Arbor."
AND a letter to the editor in the 'Stanford
Daily,' Stanford University, complains of
another situation:
"To the Editor:
We as freshmen wish to express our feel-
ings concerning the Ohio State rally which we
attended Friday night. We were completely
disgusted by the crude and vulgar jokes which
were offered as entertainment. We feel that
these jokes were absolutely unnecessary and
contributed nothing toward the purpose of the
rally. We were disappointed to think that a
University such as this should have only vul-
garity to offer as humor. It seems to us that
with a little more thought and planning an
excellent rally could be held, and it would not
be necessary to resort to obscenity to keep the
crowd interested."
Good Afternoon
All Around
IT'S no longer news, but just for the record,
Michigan finally downed the Army. Five
straight previous losses are swept from mem-
ory as Michigan romped to a 26-2 victory.
. All in all it was a good afternoon, both
weather-wise and performance-wise. Michi-
gan beat the Army and ended "a decade of
football frustration."
Special appreciation should be noted for
the Cadets' pregame formations and "sere-
nade" by the Point Band. A-my never got a
chance to fire its cannon but a formation of
four jet planes over the stadium evened things
As for the Michigan Marching Band, only
a single incident marred an excellent precision
performance and most enjoyable pregame and
halftime program. The halftime collision with
the Army officials was an unfortunate incident.
But everyone apologized to everyone else and
the band played on, splendidly.
A POTENT undercover drive is
building up to dump America's
huge cotton surplus on the foreign
market whether the State Depart-
ment likes it or not.
And since the State Department
is now arguing with Egypt over
the latter's plan to buy arms from
Communist Czechoslovakia, the
State Department this time may
side with the cotton bloc in Con-
Selling surplus cotton abroad
caused one of the important de-
bates inside the Cabinet before
Ike got sick. Secretary of State
Dulles argued at Cabinet meet-
ings that the United States could
not afford to hurt its friends,
Egypt, Pakistan, Mexico, Brazil
and Turkey, by selling our cotton
surplus abroad at a cheap price.
* * *
SECRETARY of Agriculture
Benson opposed him. He wanted
to sell. But Secretary of the
Treasury Humphrey and Secretary
of Commerce Sinclair Weeks sided
with Dulles and Dulles won.
Today several factors have-
changed. One is the Egyptian deal
to swap cotton for Czechoslovak
arms. Actually, Israel purchased
part of its arms from the same
Communist Czechoslovakia, though
using dollars contributed by Amer-
ican friends to pay for them.
Egypt proposed swapping cotton
for arms, the same type of barter
deal or low-price sale that Dulles
frowned on when Southern Con-
gressmen urged that we get rid of
our cotton surplus.
* *. *
IN ADDITION, Congressman
Jamie Whitten of Mississippi,
Chairman of a subcommittee in-
vestigating surpluses, has un-
earthed some damaging facts re-
garding the Benson Surplus Com-
modity Program. Here are some
of thene.
L Benson did not even bother
to hire a sales manager to sell his
huge crop surpluses until forced
by Congress to hire one. Though
Benson had accumulated the
greatest stock of farm products
in the world, he hadn't even set
up a sales organization to try to
get rid of it, until Whitten's sub-
committee put a hooker in Ben-
son's appropriation bill requiring
him by law to do so. Ironically,
Benson then announced that he
was "proud of having set up a
sales organization." He omitted
any reference to the law which
forced him to act.
2. In the closing days of Con-
gress, Benson asked for $2,000,000,-
000 more to buy farm commodities.
Had cottpn been sold on the for-
eign market, he would have had
the necessary cash to carry on.
3. The U.S. cotton crop curtail-
ment program has simply per-
mitted big American cotton grow-
ers, such as Anderson-Clayton, to
go to Mexico, Brazil, and Egypt
and raise cotton in competition
with the U.S. In brief, every time
the United States cuts down 1,-
000,000 acres of cotton, Anderson-
Clayton, plus other big growers,
are able to expand another 1,000,-
000 acres in Brazil, Mexico, and
* * *
THUS THE high price of cotton
in this country guarantees that
Anderson-Clayton et al can raise
more cotton at the expense of the
United States.
Anderson-Clayton has now in-
vested $12,655,316 in cotton acre-
age in Mexico, $15,354,158 in Bra-
zil, $965,094 in Egypt, plus other
investments in Argentina, Peru,
and Paraguay. W. R. Grace now
has cotton mills in Peru, Colom-
bia, and Chile, and the Bank of
America has invested $10,000,000
in Mexican cotton growing. All
this hits the American cotton far-
mer and the American textile
Therefore, the powerful cotton
bloc in Congress demands that the
cotton surplus must be sold abroad.
(Copyright, 1955, Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
To The Editor
A Place To Park. .
To the Editor:
BEFORE THE furor attendant on
the new parking regulations
fades into temporary oblivion, I
should like to speak for one mem-
ber of the clerical staff. I hope
and believe that many of my fel-
low-workers share these convic-
Granted that parking in 1955
Ann Arbor poses a tremendous
problem. Also granted that this
problem did not spring full-pano-
plied overnight. But these are
administrative concerns. What
troubles me is the lack of concern
about two-thirds of the University
staff: clerical and maintenance.
Obviously, no educational institu-
Reds Try U.S.-Canada Split
by Dick Bibler
tion can even begin to exist with-
out teachers and administrators.
Equally obviously, it could not con-
tinue to function for so long as a
week without its clerical and main-
tenance people. "Mark Hopkins
on one end of a log and a student
on the other" may have been an
ideal formula for the college of a
century ago, but alas! logs and
Hopkin's are in short supply to-
We, the clerical staff, are given
various admonitions on how best
to represent the University to the
public in our jobs: mellifluous
tones on the telephone for one.
We are also adjured to be proud
of working for the University, and
to make the University at least not
ashamed of us. However, esprit de.
corps can be the result only of
mutual good relationship. We shall
be pleased to work here only if
we feel that the University is not
simply "big business in education,"
but has a certain interest in and
concern for us as people. When
we are prohibited from buying
parking permits-even if we have
both the wish and the $20 to do so
-it does look as though we belong
to the submerged.
The clerical staff, being com-
posed largely of women, has pro-
tested and compained to one an-
other, but did nothing about the
parking injustice. Plant service
men, on the other hand, did some-
thing, and as a result, we benefit.
"For this relief, much thanks!"
Many clerical workers choose
jobs at the University with their
lower salaries not only because of
a certain degree of kudos reflected
by working here in whatever ca-
pacity, but also for other- much
more real and cogent reasons. It
is a constant pleasure for many
of us to work daily with congenial
'Left Hand'
"THE LEFT Hand of God," ad-
vertised as the "most chal-
lenging story of faith ever told,"
is a confused adventure of 1947
At the beginning of the film,
to a tumultuous and swelling
oriental musical score by Com-
poser Victor Young, Humphrey
Bogart stumbles out of the jungle,
dressed in a Catholic priest's rai-
ment and clutching a gun in his
Bogart convinces the workers at
a small' Chinese mission that he
is a missionary and has come to
cure souls. It isn't long before
Gene Tierney, a widowed nurse,
falls in love with him. For about
an hour, the minor characters
argue whether a priest can pos-
sibly have sex appeal, and just
how sacreligious Miss Tierney's
emotional feelings really are.
* * * .
BEFORE "Left Hand" has run
its 87-minute course, it unearths
a great many sociological, relig-
ious, and philosophical problems,
each of which it merely presents,
failing to offer comment.
The villagers are ignorant and
superstituous. They live in filth
and corruption, their Catholic
faith re-enforced by the bizarre
miracles they believe Bogart has
achieved. There is the old prob-
lem of just what role a priest must
perform and what personality he
must present to the public, and
the necessary difficulty of forcing
backward peoples to adjust to the
imposed ideas and attitudes of a
more civilized society.
Like its painted backdrops, "Left
Hand" presents a rather unreal-
istic portrait of life. And its ma-
jor difficulty is that it leaves the
viewer rather confused as to what
it is actually trying to say. By
approaching its problems superfic-
ially, and then ignoring them en-
tirely, it achieves only a jumbled
TTV TTM rirc vi *r *rli
M a r y L. Hinsdale Scholarship,
amounting to $117.94 (interest on the
endowment fund) is available to un-
dergraduate women who are wholly or
partially self-supporting and' who do
not live in University residence halls or
sorority houses. Girls with better than
average scholarship and need will be
considered. Application blanks, obtain-
able at the Alumnae Council Office,
Michigan League, should be filed by
Oct. 20.
Lecture, auspices of the Dept. of
Bacteriology. "Effects of Acrenal
Steroids on Mechanisms of . Resistance
to Infection." Edward S. Kass, M.D.,
PhD, Thorndike Memorial Laboratory,
Boston City Hospital, Boston, Mass.
4:15 p.m., Mon., Oct. 10, Rackhanm
Academic Notices
The Extension Service announces the
following ,classes to be held in Ana
The Bible Within The Bible, 7:30 p.m.
Mon., Oct. 10, 131 School of Business
Understanding Your Older Folks. 7:30
p.m. Thurs., Oct. 13, 165 School of
Business Administration.
Registration for these classes may be
made in Room 4501 of the Administra-
tion Building on South State Street
during University office hours, or dur-
ing the half hour preceding the class
in the class room.
Admission test for graduate study in
business: Students planning to take
this test on Sat., Nov. 12, should leave
their names at the Information Desk,
School of Business Administration, no
later than Oct. 17.
Mathematics Colloquium: Tues., Oct.
11, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 3011 A.H.
Prof. C. J. Titus, "A Projection Operator
Associated with Systems of Partial Dif-
ference equations." (No meeting of
the Math Club, Oct: 11.)
Events Today
Free films, Museums Bldg., 4th floor
exhibit hall. "Seal Island," Oct. 4-10.
Daily at 3:00 and 4:00 p.m., including
Sat. and Sun., with extra showing Wed.
at 12:30.
Placement Notices
The annual placement meeting of the
Bureau of Appointments will be held at
4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 12, in
the Rackham Auditorium. All seniors
~and graduate students who are inter-
ested in registering with the Bureau
for employment either after graduation,
after military service, or for further
promotions in the fields of education,
business, industry, government, or In
the technical fields are invited to
attend. Registration material will be
given out at the meeting.
This registration is for February,
June, and August graduates, Many calls
and interviews come in in the fall for
all groups. Men who expect to go into
military service, as well as veterans,
are interviewed by most employers, and
they are urged to make use of this
service. Employment interviews are
scheduled to begin October 17.
Foreign Service Examination Notice:
The Departmentof State Foreign Serv-
ice examination will be given on Dec.
9, 1955. This examination will be open
to candidates who file their applica-
tions not later than October 21, and
who meet the following requirements:
between .20 and 31 years of age, U.S.
Associated Press News Analyst
A TORRENT of Soviet advice greeted Cana-
da's foreign secretary, Lester B. Pearson,
on his arrival Tuesday in Moscow. The solici-
tous words of Pravda and Izvestia brought into
bold relief the aims of the many-pronged Sovi-
et diplomatic offensive.
Izvestia, the Soviet government newspaper,
advised Pearson that Canada should break out
of her "deficit trade" with the United States
and start taking advantage of the markets of-
fered by the USSR, Red China and the rest of
the Communist bloc.
Pravda told the visitor Canada was really a
neighbor of the Soviet Union and should start
thinking about cutting down, arms expenses
and ending the cold war against Moscow.
THE Moscow press casually admitted that the
tions. It then told Canada that she could sell
surplus wheat to Communist countries and that
she has an unfavorable trade balance with the
United States.
The Canadian visitor is not the first to
undergo this sort of treatment in Moscow since
the smile offensive began. The Communists
have decided it is high time for them to take
advantage of the basic weaknesses of capital-
ism on the economic front to win more vic-
tories on the political front.
Canadians have been treated to a taste
of what the new look might amount to. The
Canadian government this summer executed a
couple of deals with European Communist
countries to take shipments of Canada's sur-
plus butter. and wheat. Canadian business has
been given to understand that this was only
the beginning-that an almost limitless market
awaits them.
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