FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1953 Sixty-Sixth YearF EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OP THE UMVLD*SANA OP MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OP BOARD IN CONTROL OP STUDENT PUBLICATION: STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. - ANN ARBOR, MICH. - Phone NO 2-3 241 "Oh, Stop It!" JPt r Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. UNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1955 NIGHT EDITOR: DICK SNYDER SGC Given Chance To Show Potential ;TUDENT GOVERNMENT Council has been offered the opportunity to prove to the ampus that it can be an effective force behind tudent issues. The proposal to submit the entire rushing, roblem to special committee finally presents o the young representative body, as a former tudent Legislature member puts it, "a real sue." Of.particular significance is the thorough iseussion of deferred rushing which will result the Council acts on the proposal. A discussion on this vital matter will show hat SGC is capable of giving consideration to objects other than those of trivial importance. f this proposal is acted upon, it will indicate, long with the driving ban study committee nd the University housing study committee, he Council's interest in major campus issues. T IS GRATIFYING to see that this body is finally using jurisdictional powers denied to s recent predecessors. Reports on the success f ticket punching at registration and time pent approving long lists of activities has no lace in a body having the potential which OC does. These matters could be handled apably under the previous student government stup. For several reasons, timing of the proposal s appropriate. Student enthusiasm toward GC has been absent this fall, as the Council as become bogged down with minor transac- ions which should have been referred to com- rittee. This proposal will bolster student upport of the Council. Also since affiliates are now midway in their espective rushing programs and residence halls are experiencing new problems relative to mem- ber rushees, evaluation of the whole situation will be more complete and deliberate now than at a later time. SUCH A PROBLEM as this is of the nature that SGC was designed to cope with.. This issue, which affects the campus as a whole, should not be delegated for study to the various individual housing groups repre- sented on the Council. . The wide importance of the. problem goes far beyond the scope of Inter-House Council, Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic and As- sembly Association. Coordination of ex-officio members from these and other organizations with the elected Council representatives is necessary to gain a full perspective of the problem. Furthermore, such coordination would breach the gap which has been widening between these two groups. It is hoped that any discussion will revolve around concern for the entire student body rather than narrow interests of particular groups. IT IS also hoped that a time limit on com- mittee study, as called for with the an- nouncement of the coming proposal, will be enacted. This proposal presented to the Student Government Council comes at an opportune moment. Failure to accept the plan would be failure to recognize 'opportunity.' -GAIL GOLDSTEIN DICK SNYDER I. v* '_ V.,. -'r LI fairs, Grey, (Donald Sinden) and the town trouble-maker, Honor- able Ted. TED HAS BEEN in and out of most jails in England and the South Seas - he even receives a monthly stipend from his family lawyer just to stay out of England. Martha goes to the island where he is at hard labor to perform an appendectomy on the native chief there. They are returning to the main island in the same boat when the motor breaks down and they are forced to spend the night on a small, uninhabited is- land., Martha is so impressed with Ted's chivalric conduct toward her that she first determines to re- form his and then falls in love with him. FROM THEN on, his use from infamy to nobility is as spectacu- lar as Sky Masterson's in "Guys and Dolls." Newton's Ted is as endearinly wicked as Falstaff. He carouses, fights and philosophizes with equal glee and it is wholly impossible not to like him. Miss Johns is her usual com- petent, delightful self, spoofing Martha's character with obvious relish. The picture's beautiful techni,- color (undimmed by the machina- tions of Cinemascope, Deo Gratias) does full justice to the lush tropi- cal islands. The musical back- ground is equally compelling. The movie's obvious defect is that, toward the end, it groys rapidly less and less believable. It sacrifices comedy for the sake of a moral and loses its reality in the process. "The Beachcomber" is not a great dramatic story, but it is very good theater. -Tammy Morrison AT THE STATE: 'hief' Gets Riled Up For Nothing DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN AT THE MICHIGAN: 'Beachcomber Okay With Grain of Salt ADAPTED FROM Somerset Maugham's tale of the South Seas "The Beachcomber" is best when it doesn't take itself too seriously. In theme it is comparable to "The African Queen" in that it traces the love story of a degenerate roustabout (Robert Newton) and a prudish woman missionary (Glynis Johns). Martha Jones and her brother Owen are missionaries on a South Sea island inhabited by innumerable natives and two other white men, the British director of af -______________ :I WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: -l History of 'Freedom Balloons' -BY DREW PEARSON Spending For Quantity or Quality? THE UNIVERSITY'S colossal expansion pro- gram, estimated at a staggering 111 million dollars, raises one basic question in the philos- ophy of education: will the community and the students benefit more by giving education to' more people, or by giving the finest education to fewer students. The fact is simply that professors are the key to education. An outstanding faculty as- sures good students of an outstanding educa- tion. In the present climate of the educational world, the cold fact is that money will sooner or later lure the best professors to the greatest opportunity. T E UNIVERSITY has the money, but has chosen to spend for construction, to better equip itself to handle an expected 30,000 stu- dents before 1960. Granted, it is necessary,- if the enrollment is to rise so sharply, to prepare for it through an expansion in the housing, and building realms. This will give more students a "higher education." Such mass education, especially in a "democ- racy" is not an evil monster, as some academic authorities envision it. However, in the specific case of Michigan, already riding the crest of a wave pf popular. acknowledgement of aca- demic superiority, we have 20,000 students re- ceiving a fine education. In appropriating the ill million for con- struction to house and educate 30,000 or more, we may be sacrificing an opportunity toliterally "buy" the finest education, for the 20,000 on hand with the best professors to be found. MICHIGAN'S LAW school, for example, is outstanding because it has a top-notch faculty. This may be directly related to the fact that law school salaries are matched by the Cook Foundation. Possibly it might not be a bad idea for us to take time out here to re-examine our educational outlook, and determine just how fine an education may be afforded to just how many students. -LEW HAMBURGER NEWS of the Far East has been off the front pages since the President's illness, but the fact remains that the Joint Chiefs of Staff are definitely expecting ser- ious trouble around Formosa this fall. It's also no secret that they intend to meet any serious trouble with atomic weapons. This was cleared with Eisen- hower before he became ill, so the military do not expect to clear any further, question of using atomic weapons with Denver. This of course may cause serious reper- cussions with our allies. * * * IN PREPARATION for trouble, the. Joint Chiefs are quietly pull- ing American manpower out of the Far East and concentrating U.S. military strategy on air and sea power. These air and sea units are prepared to hit back with nuclear weapons. Currently, three Army and one Marine division are stationed in the Far East. First to be with- drawn will be the First Cavalry Division in Japan, though it has not been announced yet. The Joint Chiefsnare also considering pulling the Army's 7th or 24th Division out of Korea. This would leave South Korea with practically no American Support, but the Joint Chiefs are counting on Syngman Rhee's ar- my to stop any minor Red attack and on atomic weapons to turn back a major attack. * * * SIMILARLY, American atomic- air power is poised around Formo- sa in case the United States should become embroiled in an outbreak between Communist and National- ist China. The public doesn't rea- lize it, but 10,000 American troops are stationed, on Formosa. Of these, 1,500 are attached to the U.S. military mission. The re- mainder are Air Force personnel. With such an American stake in Formosa, any Red attack on the Nationalist-held stronghold will certainly involve the United States. The likelihood of such an attack, in the Pentagon view, is far more imminent than the peace news out of Moscow would indi- cate. Pentagon strategists are con- vinced that the Chinese Commun- ists are, simply biding their time, that they will attack first Que- moy and Matsu, later Formosa. They expect the latter attack be- fore the end of 1956. These strategists point signifi- cantly to big Chinese Communist withdrawals from Korea, and they believe these troops are being mov- ed to South China, right opposite Formosa. Despite sunnier rela- tions in Europe, these military prognosticators see war clouds ga- thering in the Far East. * * * Washington Whirl IN SECRET political huddles, GOP National Chairman Leonard Hall has seriously mentioned the possibility of running another Eis enhower in case Ike pulls outc the race--the President's brothe Milt Eisenhower. Hall pointed o that Ike, himself, has often re marked that Milt has-the brain of the family. Probably no or else has exercised greater infli ence on the President's decision Milt even moved into the Whi House for a while so he could t handy with his advice. Friends of Chief Justice Ea Warren say he will accept th GOP nomination if it becom necessary to stop Vice Presider Nixon. Warren is generally con sidered the strongest GOP cand date with Ike out of the pictur The Chief Justice has no desil to leave the Supreme Court, h friends say, but he would do rather than see Nixon in the Whi House. Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, In s- of 'r ut e- ns ae a le. tte be 6rl he es nt a- ii- e. re is it te C, milli III INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Saving Lives Not Socialistic To The Editor LL-- " - By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst I F THERE is any comfort at all to be ex- tracted from the President's illness it lies in the vast amount of information about the symptoms, causes and results of heart disease which has been spread among the people. Possibly excepting the spate following the announcement of the Salk polio vaccine, no single scientific problem has received such con- centrated attention from all media of informa- tion since announcement of the atom bomb in 1954. It is possible that the President's illness will have an even greater impact on the campaign against heart disease than did that of Presi- dent Roosevelt on polio, because Eisenhower was stricken while in office and Roosevelt was not. IN THAT light, it is hard to understand why the President's aides should be embarrassed by any efforts to utilize the widespread public interest in raising money to fight the nation's No. 1 killer. The presidential office is one, of course, Editorial Staff Dave Baad .......................... Managing Editor Jim Dygert....... .. . ....,. City Editor Murry Frymer. .................. Editorial Director Debra Durchslag .....* .. Magazine Editor David Kaplan .........,.......... Feature Editor Jane Howard .. .................... Associate Editor Louise Tyor .......................... Associate Editor Phil Douglis......... ........ Sports Editor Alan Eisenberg ..............Associate Sports Editor Jack Horwitz ................. Associate Sports Editor Mary Helthaler ......Women's Editor Elaine Edmonds.............Associate Women's Editor John Hirtzel ..................... Chief Photographer Business Staff which must be protected from use for most promotional purposes and the aides are prob- ably right in wanting to wait for his own re- action on the point. But Eisenhower has so often expressed realization of the humanitarian aspects of the presidency that his later ap- proval seems likely. In this connection, also, one cannot help but wonder whether it is time for the government itself to start financing the research and pro- motion needed in the battles against all major diseases, such as heart trouble and cancer. WOULD AMPLY financed "crash" programs . do far more quickly what the voluntary programs have done for polio and tuberculosis? Experts disagree. One of the possibilities is that there may not be enough trained men to take advantage of suddenly increased research facilities.' Another possibility is that basic information is not yet sufficient on which to base such programs. Any suggestion for government support of such projects always raises the fear that they would advance the cause of socialism. This need not be true unless the authors and administrators of such projects wish it to be true .Inherently, the mass saving of life is not more socialistic than arrangements for its mass destruction. New Books at the Library Archiniegas, German-Amerigo and the New World; New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1955. Campbell-Johnson, Alan-Eden: The Making of a Statesman; New York, Ives-Washburn, 1955. Deane, Herbert E.-The Political Ideas of Har- old J. Laski; New York, Columbia U. Press. Dingle, John-International Chief; New York, 1E P _Dutton&C a, n 1Q5 'Second-Class Citizens' To the Editor: EVERY so often, and unfortun- ately not too infrequently, an event occurs which shocks us out of our complacent worlds and re- minds us of the fact that millions of Americans today are second- class citizens. Emmett Till, a 14-year old Ne- gro youth, paid for this fact with his life. Emmett, from Chicago, was spending his vacation in Money, Mississippi, with his granduncle, the Rev. Mose Wright. At 2 a.m. Sunday morning of August 28, two white men, Roy Bryant-age 24-ani J. Milam, his half brother, aged 35, admit- tedly came to the home of Rev. Wright and kidnapped the boy in full view of his relatives- and two others who also identified them. They claimed that he, in a general store in August 24, had whistled and made a pass at a white woman. On Wednesday, August 31, Em- mett Till's body was found in the Tallahatchie River, a 125-pound cotton gin tied to his neck with barbed wire. The eoroner report- ed that he had been shot in the temple at close range and that "a maniacal beating with a heavy rock" had caused "a gaping hole in the back of the head." Bryant and Milam were brought, to trial before an all white jury on September 19. (The Negro population is more than double that of the white.) On Septem- ber 23, after deliberating only 67, minutes, the jury found the men "not guilty." They agreed that the body was so mutilated as to be unidentifiable! Yet, Mrs. Bradley, Till's moth- er, recognized his body and also identified a ring which the coron- et had removed from it. The ring, engraved "L.T.," - ironically was worn by Emmett's father when he died in Europe fighting for Democracy. The atmosphere In Mississippi was tense. NBC-TV cameras were run out of Charleston by a white mob. In Greenwood, the NAACP chairman, Edward V. Cochran, was threatened and must have bodyguards around him at all times. To be eligible for jury duty one must be registered to vote. In this county where Negroes con- stitute the majority, not one is registered. Those that have tried it were beaten or killed. Bryant and Milam are soon to WHEN Douglas Fairbanks leaped over his first castle wall he created a breed of Frankensteins. The latest monster to carry on the tradition is a swashbuckler affec- tiohately known as "The King's Thief." It stars Edmond Purdom, a leading exponent of the Tony Curtis school of acting, as a dash- ing highwayman who is really a good Joe. The other persons involved are Ann Blythe as a simpering, whim- pering chaild again,David Niven as an evil duke, and George San- ders as a svelte Charles II of Eng- land. They all run around a lot. T SEEMS that David Niven, the scheming and trusted aid of the king, goes around getting innocent nobles hanged as traitors so that he can usurp their riches and power. Where he makes his big mistake is in knocking off Ann Blyth's father, because she gets riled up., She gets so riled up that she enlists the aid of Edmond Pur- dom in exposing the plot, and together they have many a chase, a battle and a smooch. s a LAND SAKES, folks, this Pur- dom does about everything! He fences, he swings from a bell- towerf he slides down a roof, he wrestles a giant and he spends considerable footage walking around without a shirt. It is the audience who has the worst time, but even they get a few laughs out of it. At the end of the film, Purdom steals the crown jewels and that is more fun than a barrel of oatmeal. "The King's Thief" is pretty much out of it. -David Newman Weekend Movie Guide Quotes are 'from week's Daily reviews: THE BEACHCOMBER, Somer- set Maugham comedy with Glynis Johns, Robert Newton (Michigan) -"less believable" than necessary, but "awfully good theater." DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE with Dirk Bogarde, Keneth Moore, Kay Kendall (Orpheum)-a "very fun- ny" British comedy, "satire hand- led with delicacy." KING RICHARD AND THE /"11 SG 41 ,Z1_ --_, ,, W _wic The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be, dent in TYPEWRITTEN form to R&om 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1955 Vol. LXVII, No. 11 General Notices Regent's Rules Governing Operation of Motor Vehicles by students: "No student in attendance at the University of Michigan shall operate any motor vehicle. Any student violat- ing this rule shall be liable to disciplin- ary action by the proper University authorities. In exceptional and extra- ordinary cases in the discretion of the Dean of Men, this rule may be relaxed." (Bylaws, 1948, See. 8.05) The regulation governs the use of a car as well as the operation of one; consequently, it is not permissible for a student to use his car or his family's car for social, personal, or other pur- poses. Any act of driving or of gaining the use of an automobile without first securing permission from the Office of Audent Affairs, will constitute grounds for disciplinary action. Permission to have, or to operate, a motor vehicle while in attendance at the University of Michigan is granted only upon formal request and applica- tion. Such permission to operate, or to keep, an automobile in the Ann Arbor area is granted to the applicant on the basis of a legitimate need, properly verified. Students within the following groups may apply for an "exempt driving per- mit" by calling at the Office of Stu- dent Affairs, 1020 Administration Building, and by supplying that office with complete information about their vehicles: (a) Those who are twenty-six years of age or older. (b) Those who have a rating of teaching fellow or higher. (c) Junior, and Senior Medical stu- dents. It is emphasized that exemption is not granted automatically, but is given only upon personal request. Any other student who has absolute need (such as for reasons of health, commuting, etc.) for the use of an au- tomobile while in attendance at the University may petition for a "special permit" at the Office of Student A- fairs. Any student whose home is beyond a radius of 175 miles, and who now has his car in Ann Arbor, may register that car for "Storage," Allinformation re- lated to the automobile, the fact of its presence in the Ann Arbor area, to- gether with the address of the place of storage (or parking area) must be filed with the Office of Student Af- fairs. Thereafter, the automobile may be driven legitimately only duiring those periods when driving restrictions are lifted, as announced in the "Daily Official Bulletin." Before permission to drive is grant- ed, each student, including those who are in an "exempt" category, must furnish the following information: 1. State License plate number, 2. Driver's License number, 3. Evidence of Publi Liability and Property Damage Insur- ance on his automobile: (a) Name of the Insurance Company, (b) Policy number, (c) Expiration date of policy. Students under 21 years of age must have written permission from parent or guardian to operate an automobile while attending the University. All students who have permits to drive, or have automobiles in the Ann Arbor area, are responsible for prompt- ly reporting any change in license plate number, drivers license number, the sale of an automobile, or the acquisi- tion of another vehicle. Failure to comply with all regula- tions governing the use of automobiles by University students will invite pen- alties in the form of monetary fines, and/or withdrawal of the driving per- mit itself. Astronomy Department Visitors' Night. (Only high school age and older are admitted.) Fri., Oct. 7, 8 p.m., The Ob- servatory (across from University Hos- pital). Tour of the Observatory and observation with telescopes of the Her- cules Cluster and a double star. NOTE; Individual children accompanied by adults will be admitted. Special chil- dren's nights have been scheduled for Oct. 24 and Nov. 25 at the Angell Hall Observatory. M a r y L. Hinsdale Scholarship, amounting to $117.94 (interest on the endowment fund) is available to un- dergraduate women who are wholly or partially self-supporting and who do not live in University residence hals or sorority houses. Girls with better than average scholarship and need will be considered. Application blanks, obtain- able at the Alumnae Council Office, Michigan League, should be filed by Oct. 20. IV I -1 LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick iber 1 , I Blue Cross Group Hospitalization, Medical and Surgical Service Programs for staff members will be open from Oct.=10 to Oct. 21 for new applications and changes in contracts now in ef- feet. Staff members who wish to en- roll, or change their coverage to in- clude surgical and medical services, should make such changes at the Per- sonnel office, Room 3012, Administra- I I T1