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September 21, 1955 - Image 20

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Michigan Daily, 1955-09-21

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'IW.''Z vAi'Av tlp 1{lo I4e4--

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x, Lr~'1*Z m zWL , 1955

Flint Campus Opens New University Era

A new era in the history of the
will begin when its first branch
campus opens in Flint, probably
in September, 1956..
Ground was broken for the new
University senior college at the
Flint Junior College June 2.
Combined with the Flint Junior
College, the new branch, the first
of its kind in University history,
will enable students at Flint to
get a University degree without
coming to Ann Arbor.
The University will operate the
senior college in conjunction with
the Flint Junior College, adminis-
tering and staffing the senior col-
lege operations in facilities pro-
vided by the Flint Board of Edu-
Mott Donated Funds
The June 2 groundbreaking was
for a $1,000,000 building, the first
slated for University use. Charles
S. Mott, Flint philanthropist who
donated funds for construction of
the building, celebrated his 80th
birthday by turning the first
spadeful of earth.
The idea of a senior college at
Flint had its inception with for-
mer University president. Alex-
ander G. Ruthven and had re-
ceived support from leading Flint
citizens, especially Mott. Univer-
sity President Harlan H. Hatcher
said- at the groundbreaking cere-
It was approved in principle by
the Regents in January, 1955. An
appropriation of $37,000 to con-
tinue planning and organization
for the Flint campus was subse-
quently granted by the, State
'U' To Use Flint Facilities
Physical facilities now used by
the Flint Junior College, located
a few blocks east of downtown
Plint, will be used by the Univer-
sity for senior college operation.
Flint Junior College is the bene-
ficiary of a $7 million endowment
from the estate of W. S. Ballenger,
which produces approximately
$500,000 a year.
Adjacent to the junior college
Flint is developing a $13 million
cultural center for the community
at large, but also available as a
University adjunct..
During the first year of the
branch, an estimated 500 students
would be enrolled in the senior
college,. After that, enrollment
would rise to a peak estimated at
between 4,000 and 5,000.


Coeds Live
In Converted
Male Houses
Women freshmen who enjoy be-
ing surrounded by men will be
pleased if they find themselves
assigned to residence in one of the
Chicago House in West Quad
and Prescott and Tyler houses in
East Quad are "islands of women
in a sea of men," as it were. Chi-
cago women are outnumbered
seven to one, while the coeds of
East Quad enjoy a less impressive,
but more permanent three to one.
The alumni of Chicago House,
which -was converted to a women's
dorm two years ago, have insisted
that the house be returned to men
as soon as completion of an addi-
tion to Couzens Hall makes it
possible. The reconversion is
scheduled for this spring semester.
Although many girls will be
pleased by the proximity of men,
they have to adjust themselves to
life in a dormitory built with mas-
culine comfort in mind.
Absent are the kitchenettes cov-
eted by the women on the "Hill,"
and the coeds in the quads must
forego the luxury of a bathtub for
the efficiency of a shower.
Washing facilities are not quite
as extensive in the quads as they
are on the Hill, although machines,
dryers and ironing rooms are pro-
Governmental difficulties have
been overcome quite satisfactorily,
and last year the East Quadelected
a woman vice-president. Quad-
rants, an honorary society for quad
residents, has begun to accept wo-
men for membership.
Occasionally a problem in sched-
uling social functions arises: for
example, men's dorms have a rul-
ing against them on Sundays while
the women's dorms do not. How-
ever, the administration will
sometimes make an exception in
the case of one of the converted
The disadvantages of life in a
men's dorm are compensated for
by the assets. For instance, East
Quad boasts a Snack Bar, to which
the coeds can hie themselves when
studying gets the best of them or
when they feel the desire for male
companionship. Often a game of
bridge or pinochle is in full swing
in the Snack Bar and a Newcomer
has only to wait a few minutes to
be dealt in.
The three converted dorms aver-
age about 120 residents, which af-
fords the freshman a better chance
of getting to know the girls and
the government of her dorm more
quickly than in the large dorms on
the Hill, and she finds it easier to
gain a seat on the house council.

Charges for parking in Univer-
sity parking lots were approved by
the Board of Regents at its June
Previously, no dharge was made
for the limited number of parking
permits for the lots issued by the
University to faculty members And
staff personnel. Increasing space
problems brought about the
change, which was favored by the
faculty by a slight margin.
A flexible program of parking
charges was adopted to meet di-
vergent needs. Eligible persons
may either obtain a year's per-
mit for $25 or make use of meters
that will be installed on all Uni-
versity lots in the campus area not
requiring permits.
Rates of five cents for each two
hours or 25 cents for all day have
been set for the meters.
Pierpont To Work Out Details
University Vice-President Wil-
bur K. Pierpone was granted au-
thority to work out additional de-
tails in the program and make
minoradjustments as conditions
Regulations on the use of the
metered lots were developed this
summer. They will be open to non-
permit holders, visitors, students
with driving permits and others.
A vote of the faculty taken at
the May 23 Faculty Senate meet-
ing showed 155 voting for a charge

Regents Approve Parking
Charges for Campus Lots

for a parking permit, 146 in favor
of meters and five who voted for
Adoption of the plan was the
first step in a program for im-
proving parking facilities in the
main campus area, long a per-
plexing problem here and on oth-
er campuses.
To Plan Parking Structure
The second step will be the plan-
ning of a parking structure, with
construction tentatively schedul-
ed for 1956. Revenue from the per-
mits and the meters will be suffi-
cient, it is believed, to allow a
start of construction during 1956.
The action followed a long study
on the parking problem. A contin-
uation of the program is hoped to
allow a gradual enlargement of
parking facilities on the campus.
The charge for parking permits
and the use of parking meters will
be limited to areas of the main
campus. No study has been given
to the use of permits, meters or
attendants in the University Hos-
pital area, though such a study is
to be the next step in the program,
It was reported to the Regents
that there are 1,500 parking spaces
in the campus area. The city of
Ann Arbor has 1,100 spaces either
metered or in carports.
A possible location suggested for
a University parking structure is
the Union parking lot.


Joint Judiciary Council Hears
U' Regulations Violations Cases


FLINT CAMPUS-A panoramic view of the campus of Flint Junior College shows the site of the University's planned Flint branch,
the first such University extension. With a new building now under construction and several of the structures in the above photo-
graph available for University operations, the Flint branch is expected to begin classes in September, 1956,

Student Book Exchange To Sell Used Books'

For a brief, hectic period of six
days, the Student Book Exchange
will again set up shot at the be-
ginning of the fall semester.
This time, the base of operations
will be in the basement of Angell
With used textbooks for sale,
the Student Government Council
sponsored Exchange will be open
during registration and the first
two days of classes.
Operating as a non-profit stu-
dent service, the Book Exchange is
actually a scrupulous middleman
between student buyers and sell-

ers. Students turn their books into
the Exchange, setting their own
prices on them.
When a book is sold, the Ex-
change deducts ten per cent for
operating expenses and the stu-
dent gets a check for the rest.
Books that are not sold by the Ex-
change may be retrieved by their
owners during the second week of
Although many of the books
that will be on the shelves were
collected last spring, students may
also turn in their books for sale

while the Exchange is open for
The Exchange was formerly op-
erated by the Student Legisla-
ture, which took it over from the
Interfraternity Council a few
years ago. When SGC replaced
SL as the campus' student gov-
ernment, it also assumed the op-
eration of the Exchange.
The Exchange's most success-
ful session to date was last Feb-
ruary when it grossed more than
$9,000 at the beginning of the
spring semester.

Spring Brings
Drama Stars
One of the highlights of the
spring season at Ann Arbor is the
University Drama Season.
The drama season generally
opens the middle of May and runs
until the middle of June, present-
ing five plays. with Broadway
The' plays to be presented and
stars to appear in them are usual-
ly announced in April and tickets
go on sale about the first of May.

Two years of effort culminated
in the permanent recognition of
the ten-member Joint Judiciary
Council at the June, 1953, meeting
of the Board of Regents when the
student group's Constitution was
incorporated into the by-laws of
the University.
As a result of this Regent action,
students now officially preside
over cases concerning the violation
of University regulations.
Joint Judiciary Council, com-
posed of five men and five women,
has jurisdiction over all cases re-
ferred to it by the Offices of the
Dean of Men and the Dean of
Recommends Action
Joint Judie recommends action
to the University Subcommittee
on Discipline, composed of facul-
ty, which has final authority over
decisions made by the Council.
In addition to conducting hear-

ings on alleged violations, Joint
Judic has been granted other func-
tions by its constitution. It has
jurisdiction over the all-campus
elections as well as being the ap-
pellate body over residence halls
cases, and handling campus hon-
orary groups.
If disputes arise between stu-
dent organizations, these too are
decided by Joint Judic.
New Policy
Last year, Joint Judic adopted
a new policy regarding the re-
lease of information -on its deci-
sions to The Daily. The present
procedure is to list decisions on
violations by individuals and
groups without mentioning names
every two or three weeks in the
Daily Official Bulletin.
Previously, Joint Judic had re-
leased such information only once
a semester.

a semester.




wishes to announce



* Whether you are

a freshman or

a senior, you are eligible to

* Register for Rushing in Room 1020 Administration Building
through October 5.

* NO FEE-just sign the I.F.C Rushing List.

. ;

CEDT~kARCD 4O kAifrLI fA I II^6JID A I ID!^ ^kA Y12%D 1A


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