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October 06, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-10-06

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VOL. LXVI, No. 10




Eight Men Shot
SIn Indiana Strike
Police Officer Struck; Guardsmen
Called to UAW Demonstration
NEW CASTLE, Ind. ( )-Eight persons were wounded yesterday
in a march on the Perfect Circle Corp. foundry by 5,000 strike sym-
pathizers, and 600 National Guardsmen mobilized last night to pre-
vent further disorder's.
Mayor Paul McCormack proclaimed a state of limited emer-
gency and asked for a guard unit to enforce it.
Gov. George N. Craig, vacationing in Miami, Fla., sent an order
through his office in Indianapolis for the Guard to move.
The Guard unit, the 3rd Battalion, 151st Infantry Regiment,
assembled at its armory at Municie. The troops had orders to stop


C To

red Rushing


Bleha Sees
Coed Dorm


Y P'
Reporter Hits
In Till Case
JACKSON, Miss. ()-The Jack-
son Daily News yesterday accused
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
of holding three Negro witnesses
in the Till kidnap-murder case
captive in Chicago.
The accusation came in a copy-
righted story by staffer Bill Spell,
who went to Chicago to question
the three Negro witnesses.
The three Negroes, the story
said "are now being held 'captive'
in the deepest part of Chicago's
South Side Negro section by the
National Assn. for the Advance-
ment of Colored People."
Spell named the three as Mrs.
Mandy Bradley, Mose Wright and
Willie Reed, and said the NAACP
refused to permit them to talk to
a reporter unless an NAACP repre-
sentative was present.
Took Till
Mrs. Bradley and Reed testified
they saw Emmett Louis Till, 14, of
Chicago, In the hands of kidnap-
ers near a barn in Mississippi's
agricultural delta. Wright, the
boy's uncle, testified two white
men took Till from his home near
Gives OK
To Charter
The Student Relations Com-
mittee of the University's Develop-
ment Council approved a Charter
of Organization yesterday.
A revision of a proposal sub-
mitted to the committee last week,
the adopted charter was approved
unanimously after a few minor
changes in organization and
Inaugurated in 1953, the Student
Relations Committee was estab-
lished, according to its new char-.
ter, "to coordinate activities de-
signed to arouse student interest
and later participation in the
University's development program
and to carry out appropriate De-
velopment Council programs on
the student level.
The charter lists membership
to the committee but allows for
future growth. At present mem-
bership shall consist of the board
of directors of the Development
Council, one permanent represen-
tative and an alternate from : s-
sembly Association, Interfraternity
Council, Inter-House Council and
Panhellenic Association.
Other members are three per-
manent representatives designated
by the Senior Board and sti ,ts
having an expressed interest in
the development program selected
by the committee from the cam-
pus at large.
Two members of the board of
directors of the Development
Council, appointed by its chair-
man upon recommendation of the
Student Relations Committee,
shall be invited to serve in an
advisory capacity.
The new charter provides that
the senior student member of the
board of directors of the De-
velopment Council will be the
committee's chairman and the
junior student member will be
the vice-chairman.
Donna Netzer, '56, is chairman,
and Dick Snyder, '57, is vice-
chairman of the group. Last year's

members were Eugene Hartwig,
'58L, and Ruth Rossner. '56.

Oall work and all picketing at the
plant and to close all taverns and
places where people might as-
The demonstrators hit State Po-
lice Capt. Robert Dillon, officer in
charge, on the head with a rock
and heckled Handley's speech from
a car rooftop.
The governor moved into the
situation after Lt. Gov. Harold W.
Handley had met with company
and CIO United Auto Workers of-
ficials and had arranged for them
to meet again tomorrow.
- The lieutenant governor left
state police in charge after the
disorders ended.
Official Conflict
There appeared to be a conflict
between the two officials on the
best way to handle the situation.
Craig and Handley, both Republi-
cais, are long-time factional op-
The CIO United Auto Workers
last night sent similar 600 word
telegrams to James P. Mitchell,
United States Secretary of Labor,
and Gov. George Craig of Indiana
protesting what it called, the "mer-
ciless shooting of UAW-CIO mem-
bers in New Castle, Ind."
The unit was ordered in after
100 state police brought out an
estimated 100 nonstrikers from the
plant and confiscated a small ar-
senal of weapons.
State police reported 29 rifles,
9 pistols, 30 clubs and 700 rounds
of ammunition seized both inside
the plant and outside.
Will Not Reopen
Lt. Gov. Harold W. Handley, who
came here from Indianapolis in
Gov. Craig's absence, had per-
suaded the company not to try to
reopen the piston ring plant pend-
ing a second company-union con-
ference in Mayor Paul McCor-
mack's office today.
The governor's office said Hand-
ley was displeased with the guard
callup. He had said before leav-
ing here last night that he would
order the guard out only as a last
. Craig's order said he was order-
ing the guard here "to prevent any
attempt to reopen the strikebound
plant and to disperse all picket-
ing or other congregations of
strikers or sympathizers of either
workers or management."
Teetor to be' Fired
The furore of the big demonstra-
tion echoed all the way to Wash-
ington, where an informed source
said the Eisenhower administra-
tion plans to fire Lothair Teetor,
a Perfect Circle director, now serv-
ing as an assistant U.S. secretary
of commerce. Teetor was former-
ly board chairman of the firm.
Panhel Action
On .FBA Seen
In Two Weeks
Panhellenic President Debbie
Townsend, '56, said yesterday
Panhel will take definite action
on Fraternity Buying Association
"within two weeks."
Sorority housemothers and al-
umni financial advisors will be
oriented in the mechanics of FBA
at a meeting next Thursday.
At the regular Panhel meeting
the following week sororities will
decide whether or not they want
to join the organization.
Miss Townsend told sorority
presidents "There's no sense put-
ting off action longer than nec-
Following yesterday's Panhel
meeting FBA Purchasing Agent
Mike Barber, '57, expressed sat-
isfaction with the way sororities
are proceeding.
Barber and Fred Sheldon, '58,
secretary of the Stewards Coun-

cil, attended the Panhel meeting.
Mara Gein ller5t repnnrtedt n

-Daily-Sam Ching
WEEK -- At a banquet laist night sponsored by the Ameri-
can Federation of Physically Handicapped, a panel discussion ex-
amined the benefits and feasibility of a local rehabilitation center
to train the disabled for jobs. Left to right: Deane Rinck, Prof.
Paul Kauper-of the Law School, John Freysinger, Dr. James Rae,
Jr., Rex Nottingham and Richard Caley.
Ike Spends Restful Night;
Opens Gifts in Morning
DENVER (W)-President Dwight D. Eisenhqwer put in an "excel-
lent night" on the recovery road Tuesday night and a happy morning
digging into a gift package from his grandchildren - a package
heavy on bubble-gum.-
The doctors said the chief executive, still in the 14-day danger
period of his heart attack, awakened "refreshed and cheerful" after
91/2 hours of almost solid sleep.-
He didn't need a sedative to help him get to sleep Tuesday

night, although a small dose of s
African Rift
Splits Faure
PARIS (MP - Premier Edgar
Faure's government wobbled un-
certainly last night over French
North African policies. The un-
certainty came as one of Faure's
big group of supporters threatened
to pull.its five ministers out of
the Cabinet.
The Social Republican party,
followers of Gen. Charles de
Gaulle, decided to ask the minis-
ters to resign unless President
Rene Coty gives his assent to a
plan for a national union govern-
A national union government
presumably would include all par-
ties except the Communists. Not
all parties might be willing to join.
Since the Faure government is
still functioning, observers said
there seemed to be no way for
Coty to agree, even if he favored
the principle of such a govern-
The Social Republican ministers
are Pierre Koenig, defense; Gas-
ton Palewski, special functions as-
signed by the premier; Raymond
Troublet, veterans affairs; Edward
Corniglion-Molinier, public works;
and Maurice Bayrou, secretary of
state in the Ministry for Overseas
The Cabinet is scheduled to meet
Thursday for another round of
talk about how to put its Mor-
occan reform policy'into effect.

econal was administered when he
awakened for a couple of minutes
around 2 a.m.
But probably the best tonic he
has had yet was going through
that box from the three grand-
children. The chief executive saw
it momentarily when it arrived
last week.
'Yesterday his doctors decided he
was well enough to take a good
The youngsters, children of Maj.
aid Mrs. John Eisenhower of Ft.
Belvoir, Va., personally picked out'
the gifts. And along with them
they included greeting and get
well cards and drawings in crayon
that! offer no evidence, at this
stage'that the kids have inherited
any of Eisenhower's amateur talent
with brush and canvas.
Set Date For,

A Possibility
Dean of Men Cites
East Quad Success
Inter-House Council President
Tom Bleha, '56, yesterday expres-
sed hopes the new.dorm would be
for coeducational living.
Although it has been assumed
recently the dorm would be for
women only, no definite action has
been taken yet by the Residence
Halls Board of Governors.
Study Needed
Bleha said, "My own personal
feeling is that new dorms should
be coed." He stressed, however,
that a lot of study is needed before
final decision is made.
Main reason for wanting coed
dorms, according to Bleha, has
been the tremendous success of
coed living in East Quadrangle.
"Any expression of student opin-
ion I've ever heard has indicated
thorough satisfaction with coed
living quarters," Bleha comment-
East Quad Cited
Dean of Men Walter B. ReaI
said the East Quad arrangement
has been a success "from both the
administration and student point
of view."
A possible objection to making
the new dorm coed, according to
Dean Rea, is its anticipated lo-
cation. (Although no site has been
chosen, all locations under con-
sideration are in the vicinity of
dorm hill.)
Realize Value
However, Dean Rea commented
"We all realize the value of a coed
system," and said he thought the
trend would be in the direction of
coed living.
The Dean of Men said he
thought North Campus construc-
tion might lead to coed dorms.
Both Bleha and Dean Rea gave,
as a prime reason for favoring
coed living, the more normal soc-
ial relations that result. "It helps
remove artificiality," Bleha com-
Hold Status Quo
East Quad President Bob War-
rick, '56, said he was "very much
in favor of having East Quad re-.
main coed." He said he thought
the general consensus of opinion
favored holding the status quo.
President of Prescott House
Brenda Wehbring, '56, also came
out strongly in favor of keeping
the present arrangement.
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis said that al-
though it has always been assum-
ed Prescott and Tyler Houses
would be returned to the men if
a new dorm were built, final dis-
position of the houses is still up
to the Residence Halls Board.



-Daily-Sam Ching
PHOTOGRAPHERS SHOOTING-Michiganensian photographers
are now taking senior pictures for the 1956 'Ensian. The yearbook
editors have urged seniors to sign up for their pictures as soon as
possible. They may sign up from 9 a.m. to 3 a.m. tomorrow on
the Diag or from 3 to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday at the
Student Publications Building. Seniors who have missed their
appointments have been asked to call NO 2-3241 between 3 and
5 p.m. to reschedule their pictures.
'U'Professor Asserts
Peron's Return Unlikely
Argentina's former dictator Juan Peron is not expected to-stage a
comeback, according to Prof. Philip Taylor of the political science de-
"Peron stayed as long as the military was willing to have him,"
Prof. Taylor said yesterday. His many attempts to weed out opponents
in the military apparently did not succeed, he commented.
Has Only CGT
"The only group Peron has is the CGT," the General Confedera-
tion of Labor, and President Eduardo Lonardi would be "awfully
"stupid if he doesn't clamp down
on the CGT," Prof. Taylor re-
The Latin-American specialist
A s Aee predicted "the fight for survival
s r ene is going to come to a head. If the
military government of Lonardi
can purge the leaders of the CGT,"
PB Peron's only chance to return to
power will have ended.
BUENOS AIRES (?)--Sudden Such a purge is likely, despite a
BUENOesymeata ersplud recent settlement between the gov-
strikes by meat packers plagued ernment and the labor group, "be-
rgentna' snew provisional gov- cause in the last analysis the mil-
Armyytrsau uitary has all the guns," Prof. Tay-
Army troops surrounded four for noted. During the revolution
big plants to prevent disorders
flaring from conflict within the the military leaders "demonstrat-
giant Confederation of Labor. ed they are prepared to be utterly
The strikes followed complaints ruthless.'
Discussing the new govern-
to the government by top CGT ment, the political scientist des-
leaders that former union chiefs, mnrie oliiascenjing es
opponnts o dethoneddictator scribed Lonardi 'as enjoyinga
opponents of dethroned dittrreputation of being "fairly mod-
Juan D. Peron, were moving torepati." Hfwein, "far"yemor-
take over CGT-affiliated unions.* erate.' However, he has "never
Thke CGTcG-aimingamebed rsnipbeen in a politic.al position before,
The CGT, claiming a membership .andthis may be another situation
of six million, formed the back where 'absolute power corrupts
bone of Peron's power. absolutely'."
The troops did not occupy the "Made Hay While . ..
plants. Lonardi has promised elections
for Argentina, but "the whole pol-
itical climate militates against a
return to democratic practices,"
Prof. Taylor said. "A lot of people
emade hay while Peron was in.
tainted bureaucratic machinery at
r FINNEY The professor held "sone hope
Philippine delegates to the recent for a republican form of govern-
ss only optimism and enthusiasm ment," providing the pro-Peron
labor leadership can be purged.",
Lonardi's behavior toward the'

To Be Asked
To Review
Date For ieport
Not Yet Definite
Student Government Council
will open discussions in two weeks
which may eliminate sorority and
fraternity pledging for first s.
mester freshmen.
Speaking during member's time
at last night's SGC meeting Daily
Managing Editor Dave Baad, '56,
told the Council he will ask for
a committee to study the whole
rushing problem at the Oct. 19
Expressing hope the committee
would recommend alteration of the
present rushing procedure, Baad
specifically called for only second
semester pledging of both fresh-
men men and women.
Gives Two-Week Notice
"SGC was given two weeks no-
tice of my planned proposal so in-
terested parties can gather data
to submit to the committee if it
si formed," Baad said.
Baad gave no indication last
night when the committee would
be required to report back to SC
if the Council passes his proposal
at the meeting two weeks hence.
Exact date of the committee's
report back to the Council will be
contained in Baad's final propo-
Finally Has Issue
Phil Berry, former Student Leg-
islature cabinet member, com-
mended Baad following the meet-
irig, remarking SGC finally had a
real issue before it. "I didn't
think this was ever going to hap-
pen," he continued.
Present rushing procedure calls
for the rushing period to begin
during the first weeks of the fall
semester. Fraternities rush both
fall and spring semester while
sororities use the fall semester with
bid day in the spring.
Controversy on this subject has
led to study on the system 'pre-
vious to the latest proposal, but a
satisfactory system has still not
been reached according to many
Deferred Rushing Unsuccessful
Deferred rushing was last tried
here in the fraternity system In
the 1930's according to Baad. He
said it was unsuccessful "due
largely to the effects of the de-
pression which had left the fra
ternities in many financial diffi-
Hank Berliner, '56, SGC presi-
dent, announced to the Council
the acceptance by the Board of
Regents for a dinner meeting
with SGC members on Oct. 27. He
remarked that this is the first
time that the Regents have ever
met with any student organiza-
tion in this way.
Petitioning for the November
SGC elections will open Wednes-
day, Oct. 12 and continue until
Wednesday, Oct. 26 according to
Tom Sawyer, '58.
Five Positions Open
Five positions are open on the
Passing the motion that present
incumbents who are running for
re-election to SGC will not be re-
quired to obtain the 350 signatures
necessary for a candidate, several
members of the Council expressed
the feeling that the former method

WASHINGTON (P) - Republi-
cans yesterday nailed down their
original plans to hold their 1956
national convention Aug. 20 in San
The clincher came with the
signing of a contract with San
Francisco's Cow Palace by Nation-
al Chairman Leonard W. Hall.
Hall called a news conference to
make the announcement and toj
squelch formally reports that Pres-
ident Eisenhower's illness might
force a change in the date and
place for the presidential nomi-
nating convention.
"The national committee's selec-
tion of the site and date was unan-
imous," Hall said in a statement
which he read to reporters.

Maranon Calls Atom Talks S

Joaquin Maranon, one of three
conferences at Geneva, can expre
for the atomic future.

Maranon, whose particular work at Geneva concerned the appl-
cation of radioactive isotopes in biological research and industry,
described the-conference as "very successful." Particularly encourag-
ing, Maranon said, was "that meeting of the minds whereby the close
cooperation of nations was evident."
Maranon emphasized that there was no friction among any of
the delegates at the conference. "There was no opportunity to meet
the Russian delegates," Maranon continued. "Only at times did they
speak with certain reservations."
Notes U.S.-Philippine Friendship
He noted the good feelings between U.S. and Philippine dele-
gates. "We look upon the United States as close to our hearts," he
p +lm fn the far f ,nht .I nos ed natinn hostile In world

CGT will be an index as to his took valuable time from present
determination to return Argen- service to the body by the persons
tina to responsible representative involved.
government. All candidates will also have to
Prof. Taylor said the military give sufficient evidence that they
revolution which overthrew Peron will be able to fulfill the entire
was partly caused by the dictator's length of their term before they
hostility to the Catholic Church. are qualified to run in the election.
"The Church issue had a polariz- The Council alsp approved the
ing effect," he commented, addini motion by Sawyer that no active
that many of the military leaders campaigning may be started by
are devout Catholics. y any candidate until November 1.
"Things had gotten so rotten in Joel Tauber, '57, proposed that
Argentina there had to be some the Campus Affairs Committee
Argentinai there had to be of me

' ~


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