See 'CORNER', Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Dulles Hopes
Arms Race,
WASHINGTON (A') - Secretary
of State John F. Dulles disclosed
yesterday he has twice told Rus-
sia that Communist arms ship-
ments to Egypt would not "con-
tribute" to lessening of the world's
He said American officials "still
hope it will be possible to avoid"
getting into any arms race in the
Middle East.
At the same time,, Dulles said
"there is every reason to antici-
pate that before long it will be
possible to talk to the President"
about any foreign policy matters
that may become urgent.
Illness Hasn't Interfered
Dulles stressed that President,
Dwight D. Eisenhower's illness has
not interfered with carrying out
the nation's foreign policy because
the National Security Council has
continued to operate along lines
previously approved by the Presi-
Dulles was appearing at his first
news conference i a month.
He said he personally "told Rus-
sia's Foreign Minister Vyacheslav
M. Molotov in New York that
Communist weapons deliveries to
Egypt "would not contribute to
relaxing tensions."
Declines Revealing Reply
Dulles declined to reveal Molo-
tov's reply but said this problem
was discussed on two occasions
during the past two weeks when
he was in New York to attend'
United Nations meetings.
Dulles said his remarks to Molo-
tov were similar to a statement he
issued at his news conference to-'
day in which he said "it is not
easy or pleasant to speculate on
the probable motives of the Soviet'
bloc leaders" in shipping weap-
ons. Egypt plans to buy weapons
from Red Czechoslovakia in ex-
change for cotton.
Dull s left open the possibility
of the 'United States sending arms
to Israel to balance any commun-
ist military shipments to Egypt
and other Arab countries.
He said, in reply to questions, it
was impossible to say whether
American arms shipments were a
"likely prospect," because it would
depend on the amount and type
of Communist arms provided Arab
Roth Revises
Parking Rules
A revision in University parking
regulations has been made in ans-
wer to a petition submitted by
more than 150 tradesmen at the
University Plant Department.
At a stewards' meeting yester-
day, Walter M. Roth, superinten-
dent of the Plant Department, an-
nounced the change.
The petition was in the form
of a letter to Roth from Francis
C. Shiel, chairman of the parking
committee. It provided that "all
permanent full time Plant em-
ployes are granted the parking
permit of their choice on applica-
After a "sit-down" strike Fri-
day afternoon, the employes had
petitioned that two lots which
they had been using free be re-
turned to that status. New park-
ing regulations have transformed
them into "staff lots", where park-
ing was allowed only to' permit
The tradesmen had been told
by University officials that there
was a strong possibility they
would not be able to obtain per-
mits. Because of scarcity of space
no provision had been made to
allow permits to the workmen.
The announcement will be pre-
sented to the tradesmen today, and
a vote will be taken to determine
whether they are satisfied with
the compromise or wish to take
* *
* * *
Five-Year Outlay
P1 lans Announced
Regents Request
$11,043,000 Sum
A five-year University capital outlay program totaling $111,034,000
was announced yesterday by Vice-President Wilbur K. Pierpont.
Sent to the State Legislature for study Monday, the figures for
the 1956-61 program were approved by the Regents at its Friday
Biggest planned allotment is $88,290,000 for new construction
of educational facilities. This is approximately 90 per cent of the
total amount asked for improvements of the educational physical
OFFENSIVE PUNCH-Brooklyn's Roy Campanella (right) and
Gil Hodges (left) formed the winning hitting combination for
the Dodgers yesterday in the seventh and final game of the
World Series. In the fourth inning, with one out, Campanella
blasted a double,- and Hodges drove him in with a single. This
gave Brooklyn their first and what eventually proved the winning
run of the final game of the 1955 Series.
Dodgers Blank Yankees;
Win First World Series
NEW YORK (A')-Brooklyn finally won a World Series on the
eighth try yesterday after long years of bitter frustration, tumbling
the mighty New York Yankees in a tense seventh game, 2-0, on
Johnny Podres' gritty pitching.
Scorned as 19-5 underdogs after dropping the first two games
at Yankee Stadium, the Dodgers slugged back to become the first
team ever to win a best-of-seven series after losing the first two.}
Five times the Yanks threatened to jar the 23-year-old left-
hander loose from the premises, as they had jolted five other Dodger
series bids. But this blue-eyed blond from Witherbee, N.Y., and Sandy
Amoros, a speedy little senor from"
Cuba who started a sensational'
double play with a dazzling one- Tribal Raiders
handed catch in the sixth, were
equal to each challenge. Battle .French
Amoros Saved Da,
When other details of this series
are covered with dust and all but In Morocco
forgotten, they still will remem-
ber the catch by Amoros that RABAT, Morocco -) +- French
saved the day for the Dodgers. troops battled rebel mountain
The Yanks were making one of tribesmen yesterday in the fourth
their sporadic raids on Podres in straight day of scattered vicious
the sixth. Billy Martin walked and clashes in Eastern and Northern
Gil McDougald, who had three of Morocco.
the eight hits off the lefthander, Mo.
had beaten out a perfectly placed A major battle appeared to be
bund foanglu eryp dbrewing a few miles south of the
bunt for a single. Spanish Moroccan border. There
shaky as Yogi Berra strode to the noumes ofnvoledstiate offii
plate. The Dodger outfield was accounts for the scene said the
pulled around to right, leaving aaconsfrtecneaith
big gap in left. area was in "full boil."
Makes Great Catch The fighting was principally in
the Riff Mountains between Tazal
Berra slashed the ball into a and the Spanish Moroccan border,
high arc toward the left field cor- some 150 miles west of Rabat. But
ner, and Amoros, who was playing there were widespread guerrila-
in left center, raced close to the type attacks in sparsely settled
stands with his gloved right hand areas and the French were hard-
fully outstretched, catching up pressed to stem the violence.
with the ball at the last possible The tribal raids began a few
second. hours after Sultan Mohammed
One step less and the ball would Ben Moulay Arafa, with a strong
have dropped for a probable push from the French, left his
double, scoring both scooting base palace in Rabat and flew to the
runners to tie the score with a international city of Tangier. The
man on second and nobody out. Sultan's removal was part of a
Amoros whirled and threw a French plan for Moroccan re-
perfect peg to Reese who relayed forms.
the throw to Hodges at first, just
nipping McDougald for a double DEAN OF AMERICANI
It was a ball game with $100,000;
riding on every pitch by Podres
and his assorted opponents, start-
er Tommy Byrne and relief ers '
Bob Grim and Bob Turley. For the By MARY LEE DINGLER
difference between the winning
See HODGES, page 3 Folksinger John Jacob Niles, a
I n ith 0onin lnn n th
NSA Report
Student Government Council's
second meeting of the semester
will be held at 7:15 p.m. today in
Rm. 3B of the Union.
Members will hear a full r'eport
of the National Students Associa-
tion Congress held this summer in
'Minneapolis, Minn. from delegates
who represented Michigan.
Delegates will discuss events of
the congress and their opinions of
the conclave.
Hank Berliner, '56, SGC presi-
dent will report on the Regent's
dinner which will be held October
27. He will also discuss the Fac-
ulty Senate Committee dinner and
the Lecture committee that is be-
ing considered -by the Council.
Committee reports will include
a motion by the Campus Affairs
Committee to reconsider the ap-
proval of the second pep rally.
Originally approval was given by
the Council to both rallys, but in
view of the recent occurence at
last Friday's rally this approval
will be reconsidered.
The Public Relations Committee
under BillAdams, '57.will present
elections organization for the com-
ing contest.
A letter from Edward G. Groes-
beck, director of the office of Ad-
ministrations and Records, sug-
gesting that SGC handle all early,
registration passes will be read
to the Council, and discussion on
the topic will be held.
Greek Leader
Dies Suddenly
ATHENS, Greece(AP) -Marshal
Alexander Papagos, Premier of
Greece, died yesterday. He was
The marshal, a hero of Greece's
fight against Mussolini's armies
during World War II, had been
ailing for some time but his death
was unexpected.
Earlier yesterday, the Premier
signed a paper nominating For-
eign Minister Stephan Stephan-
opoulos as a provisional substitute
during his illness. :1
The aged warrior-politician has
been confined since January to
his residence with gastric troubles
that stemmed from his term in a
World War II Nazi prison camp.
setup outside of University Hos-
pital projects.
A sum of $12,475,000 is listed
for new construction, remodeling
and additions, on a five-year
basis, in the University Hospital
The plan indicates the adminis-
tration's desire to centralize; over
a period of time, the various
schools of the University.
Eventually, it is expected that
the main campus, or the area
bounded by State, and North, East
and South University Streets, will
consist mainly of the literary col-
lege and the graduate school.
Undergrad Library Slated
Major projects slated for the
main campus area consist of a
$3,680,000 undergraduate library
and a $3,836,000 social science and
language building. Money for both
has already been authorized by
the Legislature and planning is!
under way.
The latter structure will prob-
ably be remodeled out of the old
Ann Arbor High School. The Uni-
versity has stated to city officials
that its ,purchase of the building
is contingent upon the closing of
Thayer Street which bounds the
Dental Addition Planned
An addition to the present den-
tal building is also planned, cost;
including planning set as $8,500,-l
000. Construction on this addition;
would start in 1957-1958.1
Under the long-range program.
the School of Education will be
in line for a building of its own,
total cost with planning to be'
$3,950,000. $686,000 is asked this
year for planning and site fundsf
for the structure.
The school's program is now
being carried on in the University
High and Elementary Schools.
Medical Science Building Planned !
A dgtwo-unitmmedical science
building is planned for the area
west of University Hospital. It
is hoped that the first unit, to be'
built at a total cost not to exceed
$8,500,000 will be started this
year. s
The second unit, totaling $7,-
000,000 would be started in 1959-
1960 after planning.
Of the $12,475,000 total for Uni-
versity Hospital.projects, $6,300,0001
is slated for the pediatrics unit of1
Children's Hospital. Planning1
funds for the new unit which has
first priority on the hospital pro-
gram are requested from the 1956-'
1957 appropriations.-
Most of the remainder of Uni-t
versity Hospital requests is set i
for improvements in the Hospital
See FIVE-YEAR, page 6 !
-Daily-Glenn Kopp
GARGOYLE-humor magazine staffers gather around their
touring car before driving it around campus selling Gargoyles,
which come out for the first time today.
The issue features a detective story contest, a student's guide
to Ann Arbor, How to Read Fast and a fantasy section.
Students have been urged by Gargoyle editors to take note of
the Gargoyle tryout meeting to be held at 4 p.m. tomorrow in
the Student Publications Building. Because several staff mem-
bers passed away during the summer, many openings exist for
eager, talented undergraduates and limited numbers of unsalted
graduate students, according to the editors.
US, .British Effort Fails;
E To Buy Red Arms
LONDON (AP)-The United States and Britain have failed to
shake Egyptian determination to buy arms from the Soviet bloc,
British government sources said yesterday.
As a result, Washington and London are discussing new diplo-
matic moves-including another approach to Russia-in the hope of
avoiding an East-West arms race in the Middle East.
Egypt's decision to buy arms from Czechoslovakia has prompted
the Western Allies to study these possibilities:
Ban Supply of Arms?
Should they ban further supply of arms to Middle East countries
which accept military aid from the Communist bloc?
> Should thel ask Russia to sub-
Late Spring
Or Summer
Building Set
Location Still
Not Decided
The University is definitely,
planning to build a new dormitory
for student housing, Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis disclosed yesterday.
Construction will begin late this
spring or in early summer, the
Vice-President said.
Authorization for the new dorm
was given by the Board of Regents
To House 1,000
Expected to house 1,000 stu-
dents, estimated cost will be $4,-
000,000. Vice-President Lewis said.
It is "probable" the dorm will
house women students.
Exact site has not yet been de-
cided but Vice-President Lewis
said all locations under consider-
hation are in the vicinity of'"dorm
Plans for appointment of an
architect are going ahead immed-
Estimated Cost
Estimated cost-per-room of the
new dorm compares favorably
with construction costs of recently
completed South Quadrangle and
Alice Lloyd Hall.
Construction will be financed
by self-liquidating bonds, the
same method used to finance other
University housing projects.
At a meeting of the Residence
Halls Board of Governors yester-
day possible sites were discussed.
The Board would not disclose ex-
act locations being considered.
Site Consideration
The Board asked the offices of
the Dean of Men, Dean of Women,
Vice-President Lewis and Manager
of Service Enterprises Francis B.
Shiel to give "further considera-
tion to the site problem" and re.
port back to a special meeting in
two weeks.
Before taking definite action on
whether the new dorm will be for
men or women the Board -wants
information on present housing
ratio, Vice-President Lewis cdm-
"We want to know exactly
where we stand now as far as the
relation between men's and
women's housing goes," the Vice-
President noted.
To Discuss Housing Problem
Plans for meeting the housing
problem anticipated next fall will
be discussed by the Board shortly,
Hatcher Talks'
At Ceremony
scribe to the 1950 declaration in
which Britain, France and the
United States pledged to respect
the existing frontiers of the region
and to preserve a military balance
between the Arab states and Is-
WASHINGTON (P) - The Li- rael? Completion of Couzens Hall ad-
brary of Congress yesterday open- Britain's War Office, meantime dition by next semester, will pro-
ed an exhibition marking the 150th began investigating how Egypt vide housing for an additional 140
anniversary of the establishment came upon a secret British intel- coeds and 140 men students.
of the territory of Michigan. ligence report on the military sit- The addition will house 280
Sen. P. V. McNamara (D-Mich.) uation in the Middle East. coeds but the Board has already
red at te ceremony in te Will Avoid War promised to return West Quad-
Dr. Harlan Hatcher, president of Appraising the Gaza border sit- rangle's Chicago House, now con.
the University of Michigan, was uation where rival Israeli and verted for coed use, to the men.
the principal speaker. i Egyptian forces have long faced Return East Quad to Males
The exhibit is one of a series in each other, the report expressed Traditionally it has been assum-
which the library is commemora- the opinion that Egypt, because of ed that the construction of a new
ting significant dates in the his- her military limitations, would try coed dorm will mean returning
tory of various states. to avoid war with Israel. It ex- East Quadrangle's Tyler and Pres-
The exhibition will continue un- pressed doubts about the peaceful cott Houses, also converted, to
til Jan. 6. intentions of the Jewish state. male students.
The study was issued in May, a But Vice-President Lewis said
little more than a month after an the Board was not committing it-
especially deadly Israeli reprisal self definitely to the return of
raid. these two houses until after it
A Egyptian Premier Gamel Abdul studies the present balance be-
fet m e ofTA r t Nasser quoted from it over the tween coed and male housing.
weekend to bolster his government Contracts have already been let
audience. You can sing your head decision to buy arms from Czecho- for the construction of 300 apart-
off at their fancy clothes and nsmovakia. ments on North Campus for mar-
jewels, IBritish informants said those 1 red student. Shiel said 100 units
yuhenbut if you miss theheart views were formed in the light of have already been completed and
you haven' t gotten anywhere conditions then existing - condi- the total building job is "about
Niles blue-grey eyes twinkled tions which have since changed. 75 per cent complete."
as he kidded about his profession. The British government now is Enrollment Increase Expected
"A person who's crazy and knows said to feel neither Egypt nor Is- An expected enrollment increase
it isn't nearly so daft-I guess rael appears to be contemplating of 7.500 in the next five years has
that covers most musicians."' any fullscale aggression. led to the consideration of lon
le totheconideatin o log
Niles Philosophizes on Lii
Menon Seeks
man n w a genuine ove 'orl tle
scenes of his Kentucky childhood,
possesses more than a trace of the
southern gentlemen in his bearing.
An American trubador, Niles
the backwoods of Kentucky. One
of these rustic concert tours was
the result of a political campaign
being waged by Niles' father. The
boy's part in the politicking was
to attract listeners to the plat-
form by singing.
Niles recalled the early years
out that such tunes were not a'
part of 'folklore'.
Niles expressed belief that in-
terest in native folklore was per-
enial and that at the present time
such interest had reached a new
peak. "The nation seems to be
becoming aware of the ballad as
an art device," Niles said,
"The ballad is the underlying
basis of poetry," Niles continued.
"It is true that people are buying
comic books and newspapers but
they are also buying more and
M-0 rnna ,, 1
Axtom ic reace will present a program of folk- of the century when he had sung
songs sponsored by the Dramatic for pure pleasure. "There was
UIEDN.Y.A Arts Center at 8:30 p.m. today in little profit in it," he noted with
India's V. K. Krishna Menon call- the Masonic Temple Auditorium. a wry smile, "I performed. for
ed on the world yesterday to re- During an interview at the womens' clubs which no doubt ex-
nounce war and throw away its League, Niles, whose tanned com- pected me to be quaint and cute.
atomic weanons in a two hour plexion and vigorous mannerisms I was seldom quaint and never
Works on Symphony
A talented composer, Niles told.
of his work entitled "Black Sym-
phony No. 1." Niles allowed the
manscript of the work to be plac-
ed in a music store display window
IFC To Study
H~ousing Space
range housing problems.
The problem is being studied by
the " President's Committee on
Housing and E n v i r o n m e n t a 1
Health, headed by Assistant Dean