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October 04, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-10-04

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Sixty-Sixth Year

"Our Aim Is To Create The Atmosphere of A Small College"
_ _ .. .. .. .. --

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
Is France Replacing USSR
As UN Walkout Leader?

FRANCE'S WALKOUT in the United Nations
over the Algerian issue has brought up the
question of future relations between the
French Empire and the United Nations.
It seems as if there were serious inconsisten-
cies in the French cabinet's policy. France
appealed to the United Nations to help her in
Indo-China. Help came in the form of a
"police force," similar to the one used in the
Korean conflict. But the United Nations is
more than a world-wide police force. It is a
meeting place of world minds for a possible
chance to solve, through discussion, the mem-
bers' internal and external problems.
Along came a series of violent outbreaks,
unrest and guerilla warfare attacks in North
Africa. France's possessions in Morocco, Tu-
nisia and Algeria were scenes of mass blood-
France, who has always had trouble main-
taining peace in her empire, does not want
the Algerian question brought up in the General
Assembly. Why? Because France considers
Algeria to be a part of Metropolitan France,
and it would be a violation of the United
Nations Chatter barring interference in the
internal affairs of a member state. There is
no sovereignty in Algeria, such as exists in
Tunisia and Morocco, where sovereign mon-
archies rule under French protectorate.
STRANGELY, FRANCE is a country of many
moods and temperaments. Her empire com-
bines all types of political, economical and
social beliefs, from those in Indo-China and
Martinique to those in Algeria and Tunisia.
There are political parties for almost all beliefs
in France. There are fluctuating moods that
have their origin 'in individuality of expression
and belief.
France has walked out of the United Nations
believing that the General Assembly had no
right to discuss the North African problems
which France alone must solve. Observers in
Paris and New York saw little likelihood that
France would make her walkout a permanent
thing and even withdraw several members of
her delegation still remaining to attend sessions
of the Disarmament Commission, the Security
Council and its military staff.
PREMIER EDGAR Faure's decision to recall
the "entire French delegation to the United
Nations Assembly" was the first occasion on

which a country had withdrawn its entire
delegation. Minor "walkouts" by other coun-
tries, notably Russia, have been common, but
they.have been over issues which were quickly
Russia, in the last few months since Geneva,
has been carrying on a peaceful, if it can be
,called that, campaign of watching what the
other nations are doing.
Invitations have been extended to and from
the Russians. Even the French received an
inyitation and scheduled a trip for Oct. 14-16.
The proposed visit has been cancelled because
the government considers that in view of
French opinion and the recent events in the
United Nations, the atmosphere is not favor-
able now for such a trip. Part of the cancella-
tion may be due to France's antagonism to-
ward Russia. The latter voted with the major-
ity, in a 28 to 27 vote in the General Assembly
to bring up the Algerian issue for discussion.
HAS FRANCE become the troublemaker of
the United Nations, taking the stage from
Russia? Is her walkout a matter of child's
pride or is there a legitimate case for the
The French position and beliefs must be
understood by the member nations. Causing
this rupture within the inner circle of the Big
Four does not set the French in good light, nor
does it help them to solve their already burden-
some external problems.
The walkout is partially a matter of child's
pride, in that France would not even let
discussion over the issue take place before a
walkout occured. Perhaps discussion without
suggested action would have given France ideas
for the solution of her problem. On the other
hand, a century and a half of French occupa-
tion in Algeria has made Frenchmen think of
the area as an American would think of one
of the States.
Mohamed Ali, Pakistan's ambassador to the
United States Said in the General Assembly
yesterday, "Without the full participation in
all of the organs of the United Nations, this
organization would be greatly handicapped."
The handicap may be greater if Frances does
not draw the focus on her Empire to sharp
distinction and remember that she has a place
in the democratic world to uphold.
Feature Editor

-Daily-Tony Martin

id Bl Cut in House

to the
Hero of America...
To the Editor:
J AM still somewhat amazed over
Mr. Akers' editorial in the Oc-
tober 1 edition. Apparently he
believes Mr. Ruether to be the
protagonist of American patriot-
I wonder and somehow doubt if
Mr. Akers has ever done any re-
search of Mr. Ruether's political
theories. But, however rational
Mr. Ruether's ideals may be found
to be, the actual practice of such
theories will prove an entirely dif-
ferent matter.
It has always been difficult for
me to see where Mr. Ruether has
ever held the best interests of the
American people at heart. Rath-
er, I find him extremely narrow-
minded and truly anxious for
popularity among those who pay
his adequate salary. If such a
person would not be a radical, I
wonder what term might be used;
hero of America perhaips?
Is it possible that Mr. Akers is
one of those chosen elite few who,
in a narrow-minded way, is only
willing to accept one interpreta-
tion of a word which he can mold
to fit his own, already formed,
political thoughts. I think such
is so.
Certainly, no one, including the
honorable Mr. Hall, would dare
call Walter Ruether a radical,
(meaning, of course, Red) when
Mr. Ruether has clearly shown
himself to be a man who is will-
ing to put labor first, last, and
-Charles A. Krohn, '59
A Plea To Study.. ..
To the Editor:
THE University of Michigan has
one of the largest student bod-
ies in the country; therefore, to
meet the requirements of the
many Michigan students, the fa-
cilities of the University must nec-
essarily be put to the fullest pos-
sible use.
I have been enrolled in Michi-
gan for only slightly more than a
week, but it is already glaringly
apparent to me that the library
is not put to its maximum usage.
The hours are far too short. The
present schedule places unwonted
pressure upon the students, such
as myself, who must carry out the
major portion of their work in
the library. Daytime schedules
throughout the week are fine, but
evening hours should be extended.
And the weekend hours are all
but nonexistent. Any reasonably
serious student must plan to do
a certain amount of studying be-
tween football games and dances.
My indignation was further
aroused this Sunday when I came
to the library between the sched-
uled hours of two p.m. and six
p.m. only to find the building as
securely locked as a bank. Should
not such irregularities be an-
In many parts of the world the
University of Michigan has the
reputation of possessing a library
with an outstanding collection of
books. However, when the library
is closed, this valuable collection
is nothing more than a gigantic
pile of good quality scrap paper.
--Ted Hamann, '59
Why Not Us? ...
To The Editor:

WE JUST finished reading the
editorial on girl cheerleaders
at the footballgames.
Almost every other school in the
Big Ten has male and female
cheerleaders and we feel that the
spirit at the games would be
greatly improved if a girl cheer-
leading squad were installed.
The women on campus offer
moral support in many ways, so
why not on the football field?
--Diane Glass, '57
Barbara Rosen, '57

Murry Frymer -

J UST four months before Dr. Paul
D. White, the Boston heart
specialist, flew to the bedside of
President Eisenhower in Denver,
he flew to Washington on another
mission to the Eisenhower admin-
On that trip he was pleading
for money for research into the
cause and cure of the disease
which later was to threaterl the
life of thehPresident. Ironically,
he got nowhere.
Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby, then
Secretary of Health, Education,,
and Welfare, did not want more
money appropriated by Congress
for research on heart disease.
This was not entirely her fault,
however, because she was follow-
ing White House orders on the
DR. WHITE made an eloquent
plea before a Senate Labor Sub-
committee headed by Sen. Lister
Hill of Alabama, a crusader for
more medical research.
"The United States is one of
the most unhealthy countries in
the world today in large part be-
cause of this serious threat of
coronary heart disease," testified
Dr. White, naming the exact dis-
ease which was to strike the Pres-
"The health of the professional
and business leaders is constantly
threatened and apparently more
and more so every year," Dr.
White told the Senators-by coro-
nary disease and also by related
circulatory ailments like high
blood pressure and brain hem-

Dr. White then described a re-'
search project begun two years
ago, aimed at discovering why
coronary heart disease is common
in the United States, yet rela-
tively rare in poor areas like
southern Italy, Sardinia, and
southern Africa.
"THESE STUDIES are likely to
be even more important for the
citizens of the United States than
for anybody else in the world,"
Dr. White declared, "but very few
funds are available. In' fact, I
myself had to draw on a small
private coronary heart research
fund and on my own pocketbook."
Dr. White literally begged the
Senators to approve the stepped-
up 1956 budget of $24,318,000 for
the National Heart Institute that
had been recommended by a group
of distinguished citizens.
Senator Hill listened to Dr.
White's plea and acted. He in-
creased the money for heart re-
search almost to the figure urged
by the Boston specialist-namely,
to $23,800,000. Then the appro-
priation went to the House of
Representatives where Congress-
man John Taber, New York Re-
publican, is proud of the meat ax
he wields over appropriation bills.
* * *
ax. Assisting him in the axing
was a Democrat who normally has
been a good friend of medical re-
search, John Fogarty of Rhode
Island. When they got through
chopping the Senate Medical Bill,
the heart fund was down to with-
in a million and a half of the

figure originally set by Mrs. Hob-
Dr. White couldn't help but re-
member this as he flew in a spe-
cial White House plane to Den-
P~olitical Pipeline
All summer, White House aides
have been discouraging visitors
from calling on the President. Ev-
en prominent Senators, who want-
ed to stop by Denver, have been
given a polite brush-off. Now
word has gone out that the Presi-
dent will see absolutely no one
except on urgent government busi-
ness at least until next January.
* * *
in charge of racial relations for
the Republicans, is trying to fire
10 Negro holdovers from the De-
mocratic Administration and re-
place them with loyal Republi-
can Negroes. All 10 are working
as consultants to the Federal
Housing Administration on racial
problems. Washington has ac-
tually written to the Civil Ser-
vice Commission, asking how he
can legally get' rid of them. -
GOP National Chairman Len Hall
has been badgering the White
House to fire General Services boss
Ed Mansure. (He hasn't cleaned
out enough Democrats.) - Postal
inspectors are investigating a rash
of anonymous smear letters at-
tacking the Red Cross. They be-
lieve the culprit is a prominent
public-relations man in Washing-
(Copyright, 1955, Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

The Daily Omfelal bulein is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which, the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: Friday, Oct. 28.
Communications for consideration at
this meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than October 20.
University Directory. All additions
and corrections for listings already
sent in must be reported by Friday
Oct. 7. For further information, call
Florence Boyd, 1523 Administration
Bldg., Ext. 2152.
Freshman Testing Program: Make-up
sessions for Freshmen who missed any
of the Aptitude tests given Mon., Tues.,
Wed, or Fri. of Orientation Week will
be held on Tues., Oct. 4 and Thurs.,
Oct. 6. Please report to Aud. B, Angell
Hall promptly at 7:00 p.m. For further
information call Ext. 2297.
Agenda: Student Government Coun-
cil Meeting. Oct. 5, 1955 7:15 p.m.
Room 3-B Michigan Union.
Minutes for the meeting of Septem-
ber 28.
Officer's Report: President-Regents
dinner, Faculty Senate Committee din-
ner, Lecture Committee; Vice President:
Interviewing and Nominating; Treas-
urer: Finance.
NSA Congress report: National Exec-
utive Committee, Commission reports,
summary delegation report.
Administrative wing:
Committee Reports: Calendaring,
Constitutions, Public Relations-Ele-
tions, Organizational set up, Plans for
fall, Faculty Newsletter; International
and Human Relations; Campus Affairs
-Registration passes, Prospectus.
Notice-University Parking Permits
on Cars Bearing Out-state Licenses.
The Ann Arbor Police Department
has called to the attention of the
University the Provision of Michigan
law requiring all residents of Michi-
gan to have an operator's license to
operate a motor vehicle and to have
Mi-higan license plates on their ears.
The provision of the Michigan stat-
ute permitting nonresident owners of
pleasure vehicles to operate a motor
vehicle in this state for a period not
exceeding 90 days without securing
cable to Michigan residents.
The Ann Arbor Police Department has
issued a warning that all full-time
staff members of the University are
presumed to be Michigan residents and
that motor vehicles bearing a Univer-
sity parking permit and out-state licen-
se plates will be presumed to be
operated in violation of law.
Academic Notices
The Extension Service announces that
there are still openings in the following
classes to be held in Ann Arbor:
Modern Economic Society (Economics
153), 7:00 p.m., Wed., Oct. 5, 165 School
of Business Administration.
Practical Public Speaking (Speech 31)
7:30 p.m., Wed., Oct. 5, 1429 Mason Hall.
Registration for these classes may be
made in Room 4501 of the Admini-
tration Build ig c South State Street
during University office hours, or in
Room 164 of the School of Business
Administration on Monroe Street, 6:30
to 9:30 p.m. Mon. through Thurs. of
this week.
Preliminary Ph. D. Examination in
Economics: Theory examinations will
be given Thurs. and Fri., Oct. 27 and
28, 1955. The examinations in other
subjects will be given beginning Mon.,
Oct. 31. Each student planning to take
these examinations should leave with
the Secretary of the Department not
later than Oct. 13, his name, the three
fields in which he desires to be exam-
ined, and his field of specializations.
Make-up Examinations In History--

Sat., Oct. 15, 9:00-12:00 a.m., 229 AngelI
Hali See your instructor for permis-
sion and then sign list in History
Seminar in Chemical Physics. 4:10
p.m. Tues,, Oct. 4 in Room 2308, Chem-
istry Building. "Theory of the Effects
of Ionizing Particles on Superheated
Liquids" presented by Prof. I}. A.
Doctoral Examination for Frank Wes-
ley Lanham, Education; thesis: "A
Field Investigation of the Co-operative
Business Occupations Program in the
Midland (Michigan) High School,"
Wed., Oct. 5, 4015 University High
School, at 9:30 a.m. Chairman, J. M.
Mathematics Colloquim: Tues., Oct.
4, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 3011 Angell
Bal. Prof. E. H. Rothe will speak on
"A new approach to calculus of varia-
tions problems."
Tea and coffee at 3:45 in 3212 An.
gell Hall.
Placement Notices
U.S. Civil Service Commission an-
nounces examinations for the follow-
'ing: Traixing Officer (Military Scien-
ces) GS-9, 11, 12, requires education or
experience in education and industrial
arts, vocation training, physics, aero.e.,
elect.e., mech.e., or military science;
Wage-Hour Investigator G5-7, requires
3 years experience in government, busi-
ness or industry using knowledge of
finance, economics, accounting, statis-
tics, law or business administration
(education on the college level may be
substituted for these years), and 1
year experience at the GS-5 level; Ac-
countant and Auditor Trainees GS-5;




Is There Democracy With Exceptions?

------ -------

EVERY once in a while we get engrossed in
talking about our "freedoms," and the
threat. of outside forces bent on destroying
them. All logical, -and important matters.
Then, we pick up a newspaper and read
about these same freedoms, and the way some
"internal" forces are "protecting" them.
For example, Mississippi. We've read a
great deal about this state, ruled like all 47
others by the Constitution, the Bill of Rights,
the Emancipation proclamation.
THE National Association of Colored People
provides a little guide to judgment. One-
sided perhaps, but factual.
May 7: The Rev. George W. Lee, a clergy-
man of Belzoni, Miss., was shot and killed in
his car after having refused under pressure to
take his name off the voter registration list.
The murderers have not been apprehended.
August 13: Lamar Smith, of Brookhaven,
an election campaign worker was shot and
killed in front of the courthouse in the after-
noon. He had made efforts to bring out the
Negro vote in the coming campaign.
Three suspects were rounded up, but sno
indictments were returned.
AUGUST 28: Two men kidnapped young Em-
mett Till from his uncle's home in Le
Flore County, Miss. After his body was turned
up in a nearby river, two men confessed to his
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad .............Managing Editor
Jim Dygert ............................. City Editor
Murry Frymer ......................Editorial Director
Debra Durchslag ................. Magazine Editor
David Kaplan...................... Feature Editor
Jane Howard ......................... Associate Editor
Louise Tyor ....................... Associate Editor
Phil Douglis........................ Sports Editor
Alan Eisenberg ................Associate Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz................ Associate Sports Editor
Mary Helthaler.....................Women's Editor
Elaine Edmonds.............Associate Women's Editor
John Hirzzel ..................... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Dick Alstrom ...................... Business Manager

They were tried for his murder and
White Citizen Councils have been organ-
ized to preserve strict segregation between the
white and Negro races.
In November, 1954, Mississippi enacted a
constitutional amendment requiring voters to
be able to read and write and "interpret the
State Constitution."
WELL, where does this all lead. Over and
over, we have heard that the northerner
cannot appreciate the special problems of the
South. The Negro population in Mississippi is
larger than that of the white-there is tradi-
tion, there is fear.
Butcan we ignore that there is also in-
justice? Is a slap in the face to decisions made
by the Supreme Court by the state of Missis-
sippi, not a slap in the face to all Americans?
It is now 92 years since the Negro was
supposedly granted equality under the Con-
stitution with his previous white masters. In
the years since America has grown, and has
flaunted that Constitution as a symbol of
BUT is there such a thing as "democracy
with exceptions?
Surely, the South was never expected to
accept their former slaves as equals immedi-
ately. There was a great deal of wisdom in
the philosophy of waiting-letting the South
iron out its own solution.
But today, when our freedoms are in
constant attack by outside forces, is it wise
to continue to wait-perhaps an eternity--
while these flaws in our guarantees of liberty
and equality can be exploited by those who
would destroy them?
Mississippi has ignored, and is refusing
these liberties to a majority of its people.
In recent days public opinion has risen
against this injustice. It may have effect, it
may not.
BUT the national government has found it
wise to investigate certain questions of
other illegalities-crime, under the direction
of Sen. Kefauver, and communism, by a host of
committees. Why not here?
Of course, here it has political implica-
tions. Everyone is against crime, but not every-

I 1

U.S. Football Through British Eyes

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Each year, a new
large group of foreign students study-
ing at the University are introduced
to American football, via Michigan
Stadium. Among those getting a first
taste this year was J. 0. Wilkes,
graduate student from England. He
here records his impressions for The
FIRSTLY, let me introduce my-
self-I am a graduate of Cam-
bridge University, where the high-
light in sporting events is not the
Rose Bowl match, but the Boat
Race, an annual contest with Ox-
ford, involving months of hard
training but lasting a mere twenty
minutes or so (plus the time it
takes to row another sixteen
lengths if you happen to be the
1955 Oxford crew).
Although soccer and rugby foot-
ball are first in the national in-
terest, they are relegated to second
place in the intervarsity sports.
DURING MY three weeks at
Ann Arbor, the doctrine has re-
peatedly been impressed upon me
that Michigan University leads the
nation: it has the most modern
this and the largest that, and of
course it goes without saying that
whenever the Wolverines are men-
tinned_, w m nst hn ,nu rhcn.d in

troduction to the game; I tried to
see how much it was possible to
understand without any previous
explanation-the result was dis-
appointing in the extreme, and by
the end of the first quarter I had
begun wondering how much my
remaining tickets would be worth
if I sold them.
Couldn't no. 87 kick the ball!
straight? What was all the delay
about? Why only the occasional
And above all, what had hap-
pened to Michigan-apparently,
judging by the crowd's reaction
and the scoreboard, Missouri had
already scored. Where was all the
action that had been promised?
AS IF IN answer to my ques-
tions, the game become much more
lively in the second quarter, and
after Michigan had raced to a
21-7 lead I suddenly felt quite
excited, but I was still in the dark
about the rules and tactics of the
The group of co-eds surround-
ing me kindly obliged with some
of the details I had been lacking
and also a pair of binoculars, and
the match gradually held my in-
terest all the more and more and
by the timpt +h e nrP hoa rtnuia

of strategy and tactics, and shall
be awaiting future games with
great enthusiasm and interest-I
shall not be selling my tickets
after all.-
Oh, and by the way, the band
was simply magnificent.




by Dick Libler


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