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October 04, 1955 - Image 1

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VOL. LXVI, No. 8



Russians Su







I. _________________________________________w


ritcan Movement
Broken Engagement Viewed As U.N.
Aftermath; Faure Holds Firm Stand
PARIS ()-Premier Edgar Faure and Foreign Minister Antoine
Pinay canceled yesterday a scheduled "courtesy and friendship visit"
to Moscow.
t The explanation was that the atmosphere is not favorable now
or this type of trip.
The French action reflected the bitterness in Paris' at what was
apparently considered a gratiutous blow. to French prestige in the
United Nations General Assembly's vote to discuss the Algerian situ-
'In Moscow, Commnunist party boss Nikita S. Khruschev, in effect
the spokesman for world communism, announced the Soviet Union

Battle Rages
With French
Air Forces
RABAT, Morocco (P) - French
troops supported by planes struck
),ack hard yesterday at 'an esti-
mated 2,000 Moorish rebel horse-
nien in the North near the Spanish
4/foroccan zone and in the East
along the border with Algeria.
Sketchy reports reaching here
'ave a picture of reinforcements
awarming over the rocky moun-
tain roads to relieve lhard-pressed
garrisons in the Beau Geste type
forts which the French have man-
ned since the Riff Wars of the
The fighting broke out Saturday
yetaken when French reinforce-
sef's successor, Sultan Mohammed
Ben Moulay Arafa, bowed tc
;'rench wishes and withdrew. to
retirement in Morocco's interna-
tional city of Tangier.
Well organized rebel commandc
groups, each 100 men strong, made
*prprise attacks on three small
"French posts along the French-
"panish zonal border in the Riff
The posts were abandoned, then
rttaekn when French reinforce-
Jnents arrived. Seven were re-
ported killed, including two Euro-
peans, and six missing at one
most. Losses inflicted on the rebels
were not known.
The French-Moroccan garrison
Qf Immouzer - des - Marmoucha
fought more than 18 hours to re-
pulse an attack by hundreds of
Marmoucha tribesmen.

<supports the independence move-
ment in North Africa.
'National Liberation'
He called it the "national lib-
eration" movement. The Soviet
Union-and world communism-
for years has sponsored "national
liberation movements" in all areas
of the colonial world, using such
support as a potent cold war
w e a p o n among underdeveloped
The official French announce-
ment said the visit of Premiere

CONCORD, N. H. () - A
former pilot, James R. Walker,
who allegedly had too much to
drink whizzed up and down a
foggy Concord airport runway
in a small plane early yester-
day, eluding police during an
hour chase and preventing a
Northeast Airlines DC3 from
Police dashed up and down
the runway trying to halt the
hedge-hopping plane but were
forced to take cover as the
pilot roared some 50 feet into
the air on several occasions.
Illness May
Change GOP
WASHINGTON ()- Republi-
can National Chairman Leonard
W. Hall yesterday reports that
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
illness might force a change in the
time and place of the GOP's nom-
inating convention next year.
He said the reports, mentioned
in a Chicago news conference
earlier by Democratic National
Chairman Paul M. Butler, contain
"no truth whatsoever."
Butler said he had read of
"speculation among Republican
leaders" that the GOP convention
should be moved from San Fran-
cisco to Chicago.
Some Question Now
Last spring the Republicans,
confident that President Eisen-
hower would be their candidate,
selected San Francisco and the
week of Aug. 20 for their National
Now that there is some question
whether President Eisenhower will
run again, in view of his heart
attack, there has been speculation
the party might try to move up its
nominating convention to an
earlier date so that the standard
bearer, if it should be some one
other than President Eisenhower,
would have more time to cam-
Hall was interviewed for a
transcribed radio broadcast. He
again refused to be drawn into
speculationsover the effects of
President Eisenhower's illness,
"Wholly Inappropriate"
He said it would be "wholly in-
appropriate" for him to discuss in
any way whether President Eisen-
hower will or will not be a can-
didate. The President "himself
will determine" whether his health
will permit him to run, he said.
Hall was asked whether former
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of New
York mightstep back into the
national political picture as a
candidate. Dewey, now a New York
attorney, was twice defeated as
the Republican standard bearer.
He praised Dewey's record but
stopped there. In answer to ques-
tions, however, he did say that
next year's GOP ticket would far
more likely be President Eisen-
hower and Vice-President Richard
Nixon than President Eisenhower
and Dewey.




Ike Attends To Minor
Business Matters Now
DENVER (P) - President Dwight Eisenhower-cheerful again
after a worrisome period of fatigue-yesterday sent a letter to Vice
President Richard Nixon and handled another small batch of official
The chief'executive's physicians reported his condition "satisfac-
tory" and without complication yesterday, whereas he didn't feel
"as well as usual" Sunday night.
Yesterday, however, in a 10-minute business conference with his
top lieutenant, Sherman Adams, President Eisenhower:
1. Signed a letter to Vice-President Nixon saying he hoped the

W-;orld News
By The Associated Press
Setback ...
The colonial powers suffered an-
other setback in the United
Nations yesterday.
The General Assembly overrode
objections by the Netherlands and
voted to take up the controversial
issue of West New Guinea.
This came on the heels of an
Assembly wdecision to debate the
Algerian home rule question-an
action which caused the French
delegation to quit the present
Assembly session.
Private Life ...
ASUNCION, Paraguay- Juan
D. Peron implied yesterday he
M~ans to return some day to his
Argentine homeland.
Until then, he said, he is through
With politics.
"I will not move a finger in
political affairs, but will live a
'purely private life as Juan Peron,"
the deposed dictator said in a
handwritten statement to a group
of newsmen who asked an inter-
Victory.. .
' JAKARTA, Indonseia -- The
Nationalist "Proletarian Front"
yesterday appeared headed for a
;mashing victory in Indonesia's
first parliamentary elections.
Its vote, mostly in Java alone,
Anowballed near the six million
mark, with margins over three
other major parties ranging up to
two million.
The Nationalists, whose basic
policies dovetail with those of the

.. French Premier
Faure and Pinay to Moscow, plan-
ned for Oct. 14 to 16, was put off to
to a future date. But there was
no discussion of any later date,
and some thought it extremely
ation in Algeria. Russia voted with
the majority in the 28-27 vote.
Still Integral Part
France maintains Algeria is an
integral part of metropolitan
France and that the subect is
purely an internal matter, falling
outside the competence of the
U.N. In protest, France began a
boycott of the Assembly.
As a further development, the
Foreign Ministry last night an-
nounced that French ambassa-
dors in most countries which voted
for the Algerian discussion in the
Assembly have been instructed to
call the attention of these nations
to the effect the vote might have
on future relations with France.
No Decision
On Petition
No decision has been reached
regarding the petitionesubmitted
by tradesmen at the University
Plant Department.
A committee of three workers
Imet yesterday with Walter M.
Roth, superintendent of the Plant
Department, and several members
of the parking committee.
The petition was handed in to
Roth Friday after more than 150
men had refused to work that
afternoon in protest to new park-
ing regulations. These regulations
will cause the workers to pay for
parking space they have previously
occupied free.
The petition askS that the lots
be re-opened as free space.
The men returned to work to-
day, to await University decision.
Starr Lolmaugh, carpenter and
spokesman for the employes' com-
mittee, said yesterday's meeting
was "am amicable one, although
no action was taken."
A stewards' meeting is sched-
uled for today, at which Lolmaugh
expects a settlement of the prob-



Better U.S.,
Egypt Ties
f Sen:Allen.
CAIRO, Egypt (R) -George V.
Allen emerged from a 90-minute
meeting with Premier Gamal Ab-
del Nasser yesterday and told re-
porters, "I now hope for good
relations between the United
States and Egypt."
The assistant U. S. secretary of
state said he has now a clear
understanding of Egyptian policy
regarding Egypt's agreement to
buy arms from Communist Czech-
oslovakia with rice and cotton.-
"This does not mean 100 per
cent agreement, but at least we
can conduct our policy toward
Egypt more wisely," Allen said.
Nasser announced the Czecho-
slovak arms deal last- Tuesday.
Allen flew to Cairo Friday. Ob-
servers at the time speculated he
would try to : dissuade Egypt from
forging any ties with the Soviet
Allen told reporters Nasser,
showed him two alleged British
and French intelligence reports
which the Egyptian Premier cited
in a speech yesterday as proof the
Western powers were arming Is-
Journalist Adler
Of 'Times' Dies
NEW YORK (R) - Maj. Gen.
Julius Ochs Adler, 62 year old
general manager first vice presi-
dent of the New York Times and{
publisher-president of the Chat-
tanooga, Tenn., Times died yes-
terday of cancer.

2. Signed a memorandum to
Secretary of Treasury George his magical powers over the Brooklyn Dodgers. Yanks won
Humhprey which, in e f f e c t, yesterday's contest, 5-1, to extend the World Series to seven
makes Japan a member of the: games.
General Agreement on Tariff and
Trade. NewV York Evens
3. Put his name on another S
routine memorandum authorizing
John B. Holland, director of the,
International Cooperation Admin- B H ltig odgers 5-1
istration, to send to six congres-.
sional committees a report which NEW YORK (P-Chunky Whitey Ford threw a brilliant' four-
will say that no additional deci- hitter- at Brooklyn yesterday after the New York Yankees clobbered
30 o hbntinuing foreign aid for rookie Karl Spooner for five runs in the first inning to square the
various nations. World Series with a 5-1 "must" victory in the sixth game at Yankee
4. Approved an extension of The money-playing Yanks, backed against the walls of their own,
time, from Oct. 1, to Oct. 21, for a sp u a y r e t
presidential em ergency board to -rooklynu s chuk y t edfasure
report on a labor dispute between is Brooklyn's chummy field, assured
the Pennsylvania Railroad and ''oli0 Have this series of a seventh game be-
35,000 non-operatingdemployesafore it was started.
Yanks Pound Spooner
President Cheerfuleaa eld sTwo walks, two singles and a
These actions were announced sliced three-run homer, about 350
by Presidential Press Secretary feet into the lower right-field
James C. Hagerty, who told re- A n n Arbor's under - manned stands, left the Dodgers five runs
porters that "of course" President 11police department had one of its behind before Manager Walter Al-
Eisenhower is cheerful. I most turbulent weekend as officers ston got his 24-year-old lefthand-

<vice president would continue to
hold and preside at meetings of
the Cabinet and National Security
Council as he has done in the past
during presidential absences from

MIRACLE MAN?-In a iatter of hours, baseball fans will know
whether Yankee Mana -r Ca sa St~nw- txh ( b a eill rih

Won't Await
First Blows
From Arabs
Harmony Urged
By Delegate Eban
Israel protested vigorously yester-
day against the sale of arms by
any country to her hostile Arab
She warned she might not wait
passively for a decisive blow from
the Arabs.
Ambassador Abba Eban, Israeli
chief delegate, told the United Na-
tions Assembly that Egypt, which
has concluded a deal for arms with
Czechoslovakia, is c o n d u c t i n g
"macabre bargains in weapons of
"In the name of our region's
threatened security we are moved
to appeal to all peace loving states
to avoid rewarding Arabs belliger-
ency with arms; to abstain from
disturbing the military balance on
which the peace of our region has
precariously rested for seven
years," Eban said in the closing
round of 'general debate in the
Eban Comments
"It is indeed hard to compre-
hend how any government which
values its moral position can give
or sell arms to governments whose
primary international objective is
to harass, besiege, intimidate, and
if possible destroy a neighboring
state with which they refuse to
establish peace.
"It certainly cannot be right-
eous for any power to do that
which is wrong for another power
to do. Can it be assumed that Is-
rael. or indeed any state in like
circumstances, would be content
to wait passively while a hostile
neighbor, asserting or practicing
a state of war, strengthened him-
self for the decisive blow?"
Urges Arabs to Join
Eban said Israel stands at the
heart of the Middle East and is
there to stay. He urged the Arabs
to join Israel in regional harmony
and cooperation.
ThedArab answer was given by
Ahmad El-Shukairy, Syria, who
assailed Israel as a "spring-board
of imperialism."
Shukairy proposed the Security
Council set up a commission made
up' of the United States, Soviet
Union and Iran to settle the prob-
lem of one million refugees up-
rooted from Palestine.
Will Not Run
NEW YORK MP)-A 'clse friend
of President Eisenhower said yes-
terday he is sure President Dwight
D. Eisenhower will not run for a
second term and added that Indi-
ana's Gov. George N. Craig is "not
to be dismissed as a potential
The predictions were made in
an article in Look Magazine by
Leonard V. Finder, who received
President Eisenhower's famous
letter in January, 1948, which said,
"I could not accept nomination."
Finder, also one of the first of
President Eisenhower's supporters
in 1952, was formerly publisher
of the Manchester, N. H. Evening
Finder described Craig as "a

lawyer by profession, who has
shown his political maturity by his
quiet control on Indiana politics,
despite the challenges of the
state's entrenched Republican

A period of concern had set in
Sunday night when his doctors
found the chief executive tired
and feeling under par. The physi-
cians, trying to determine the
cause, took an X-ray of his dam-
aged heart yesterday to see wheth-
er there had been any enlarge-
ment. They found none.
Still further evidence of presi-
dential improvement was the half,
hour, Hagerty said, the chief exe-
cutive spent this morning playing
apicture quiz game with the help
o a nurse.
And in Boston. the internation-I
ally-famed heart specialist. Dr.
Paul Dudley White, said that "I

were overwhelmed by traffic prob-
lems, street fights, burglaries, acci-
dents, and a brawl at an Ann Ar-
bor beer hall.

er out of action. After that it was
up to Ford, whose lefthanded
pitches had won the series opener,
Ford was up to the job, turning


Six custormers and three waitersI
were involved in a fight at the(
tavein, with the resulting loss of
three torn waiters' shirts and an
investigation of serving to minors
on the part of the tavern.
Several persons were arrested
Saturday afternoon at the foot-
ball game on disorderly charges
and too liberal use of intoxicants.
Two Michigan State students:
were jailed for stealing trophies1
and whiskey from a Michigan fra-
ternity house.
The biggest larceny was a
"smash-grab" at a local jewelryr
store. The thief battered the front
glass, grabbed six watches valued
at $750, and ran.

n a steady effort that surpassed

NEW YORKOP)--Jackie Rob-
inson, veteran Brooklyn Dodger
third baseman, disclosed late
last night he might not be able
to play in the final game of the
World Series against the New
York Yankees today because of
an injured foot.
Robinson, who failed to
get a hit in four times at bat
and made one error in Monday's
5-1 Yankee victory, said the
Achilles tendon in his left heel
became sore late Sunday.

In a lifetime of military heroismf
and journalistic achievement, Ad- He had been suspicious earlier
ler never was able to decide that President Eisenhower's weari,
whether he was a soldier first or ness last night meant something
a journalist first. might be wrong.


Thaer uesionNot Answered
Ann Arbor's city council took no action last night in the stalled
question of police pay and the closing of Thayer St.
The police department, already understaffed, and underpaid ac-
cording to department officials, will receive no pay boost for at least
a month while traffic and budget committees study the situation.
"It will probably take a month for the study to be made and prob-
lems of budget to be thrashed out," council president Prof. A. D.
Moore of the engineering school commented.
>::> At an open public hearing no objections were voiced on the clos-

his earlier start when he had to
be relieved in the ninth.
Dodger. hopes received a cruel
blow in the third inning when
Duke Snider, the home run hero
of the sei'ies with four in the first
five games, had to leave the line-
up. because his left knee "popped"
as he chased an outfield fly by
Bill Skowron.
64,002 on Hand
Snider's injury wasn't known to
the 64,002 fans or reporters until
Don Zimmer came up to bat for
the center fielder in the fourth.
See BYRNE, page 3
Illegal Drivers

ing of Thayer St., a key manuever in the University's proposed pur-
chase of the Ann Arbor High School for $1,400,000.
Study Committee
Hoveotdy vity e-Student drivers who are not
However, both Moore and Uiversity Vice-President ,Wilbur B. displaying their car permits- are
Pierpont voiced opinions that "Ann Arbor traffic problems in general flirting with a $10 to $15 fine.
will be referred to an independent study committee sponsored jointly This stern warning came yes-
by tThisisterndwtrningicameiyes-
by the city and the University." terday from Assistant to the Dean
Vice-President Pierpont and Director of University Relations Arthur of Men Karl Streiff.
L. Brandon were careful to noint out that no objections were raised to It4 + ..h


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