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October 02, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-10-02

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9Ur m:id$ianl kai
Sixty-Sixth Year




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Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
First-Semester Rushing
Not Fair to Freshmen
TWO WEEKS of fraternity rushing starts to- is still difficult they have basis for deciding
day. In two weeks, more than 300 fresh- to go fraternity and secondly which fraternity
men, with less than three weeks contact with to go to.
the University behind them, will become part
of the fraternity system. At present freshmen are free to pledge first
Enlightened leadership should prevent this semester. Many enter rushing determined
mass solicitation of unsuspecting freshmen to just rush and wait on pledging. Smooth
men. . talking fraternity rushers often change their
With' due consideration to fraternity advan- minds. Students wit three weeks background
tages it is extremely difficult to find reason for are too unfamiliar with the whole situation to
first semester freshmen joining the fraternity make decisions free from immediate influences.
system. To avoid this unfair situation serious thought
Despite kidding about the "glad-handshake" should once again be given to deferred pledg-
and the "rah-rah" boys fraternities can be a ihourdtenitieo enthinking-
valuable experience for college students. A 1ng. Fraternities will oppose such thinking, but
majority of fraternity members would never the arguments overwhelmingly favor such a
change their original decision to leave inde- plan-E
pendent life. However even granted a student DAVE BAAD
is completely pre-destined to be a fraternity
man he should wait until second semester to
become affiliated. Attack This Problem,
MAJOR CONSIDERATION in all rushing Please Dr. Salk
questions should be on the individual-
the rushee. The fraternity system has several
arguments favoring first semester rushing but AUTUMN has come to the University of
most revolve around what's best for the frat- Michigan campus.
ernity system. It has been borne on the back of the wind
The old points-no first semester pledging that blusters its way across the Diag, scatter-
will hurt small house memberships or fratern- ing the terrified leaves in front of it.
ities can't rush successfully handling extra men But with autumn have come red noses and
who wouldhave to rush second semester if the runny eyes. (Sniff.) Professors and students
pledging period was concentrated in the second alike snuffle their way through classes, and
semester-are aimed at organizational benefit, Kleenex stocks are skyrocketing.
with Individual secondary.
With few exceptions freshmen are not orient- Medical science has progressed far in past
Withfewexcptins resmenarenotorint-decades. Man's enemies-typhoid, malaria, tu-
ed to the University when they are forced to decdes anee s-tphoid, mia, u-
make a decision on pledging fraternities. They berculosis, cancer-all have been either cured
have been here three weeks, two weeks of or greatly alleviated. (Sniiiiif!)
which they were rushing from fraternity to
fraternity. LAST SPRING, Dr. Sall made a great and
Not only Is this not enough time to become significant contribution to the prevention
adjusted to University life but certainly not of dread polio. (Honk.) So it is only proper
an adequate period in which to pick the frat- that we make a suggestion for further studies
ernity of his choice. . Salk's part
Even the original decision can't be made- Attack this problem wholeheartedly, Dr. Salk.
should I join a fraternity? Freshmen may hear Rout these germs, these viruses, filterable and
residence halls food is terrible and dorms pre- unfilterable, that prey od unwary man and in-
sent inadequate social life but they have had vade hib when he least eggsbects it! Down,
no time to find out for themselves. DOWD, we say, with this idderober, this vo-
ladder of huban rights and decency! Led your
SECOND SEMESTER pledging actually does neggs achievbed id the field of bedical sciedce
not cut into student's association with be a cure for man's greadesd edeby, the cobbod
fraternities. By contract, freshmen are required code! ACHOO!
to stay in residence halls for one year. They TAMMY MORRISON
could not live in fraternity houses until first
semester of their sophomore year and most
fraternity men say real fraternity life can't First Things First,
start until a man has moved into the house.
Many mistakes are made by inadequate We Always Say
knowledge of fraternities. Fraternities say,
when mistakes are made, a man can depledge. Financial note: The University will build
Depledging isn't easy. Many hard feelings re- a new Stadium press box to increase faciliti .
sult and it is sometimes a disadvantage to re- for radio, television and newspaper men.
rush when it is known you depledged. The raised press box will also allow
By second semester, freshmen know if they Stadium seating to be increased to 100,000.
can meet the University's various challenges. Cost of the construction-$500,000.
They have had fifteen weeks to study residence , Can anyone spare a dime for student
hall life and have had a chance to reflect on housing?
Michigan's fraternities. Although the decision .u-MF.g
* Mu rry Frymer -
' Raids Need Solution, Not Lectures

No Answer
To Davy
"WICHITA" IS Allied Artists'
answer to Davy Crockett,
and as such, offers the great
Tennessean and Walt Disney little
It is the saga of the famous
Wyatt Earp, with a bit of Bat
Masterson thrown in for good
measure, although the picture
makes it clear that Masterson was
a hanger-on and Earp's stooge,
rather than an equal**
The moment the movie-goer
sees Earp (Joel McCrea) silhouet-
ted against the purple sunset, it
is obvious that here is a good
man, a righteous and nqble char-
He rides into Wichita, newly
booming because of the coming of
the railroad, and within the space
of 15 minutes breaks up a fight
between Masterson and the town
villain, meets THE girl and dis-
patches with three would-be bank
*.s s

*'WW s96 MCwS.rcrv ops'r g..

Foreign Problems Face U.S.

I -B
TpME and tide, it is said, wait
for no man. And while the
President lies sick in Denver, some
crucial matters speed to a climax
in various parts of the world.
Disunity with West Germany-
John Foster Dulles has been so
irked at the concessions Chancel-
lor Adenauer made in Moscow
that the Chancellor offered to fly
to New York this week to confer
with Dulles and straighten things
out. The offer was not accepted.
Instead, German Foreign Minister
Von Brentano is in New York.
Irritation with Eden - Dulles
and Prime Minister Eden are also
rubbing each other the wrong
way. Dulles suspects him of slid-
ing over toward the Russian view
in regard to Germany. Eden, in
turn, is so sore at Dulles he hardly
communicates with him.
Explosion in Greece - The
trouble between Greece and Tur-
key is even worse than appears in
the headlines. Worst development
is the possibility that the strongly
pro-American government of Pre-
mier Papagos may be overthrown.
Meanwhile American refusal to
support Greece both in regard to
Cyprus and in its quarrel with
Turkey has started a tremendous
wave of anti-American feeling.
These two countries are the
backbone of the anti-Communist
American alliance in the Near
East. Together they lie athwart
the Dardanelles and Russia's en-
trance to the Black Sea. Billions
of American dollars have been in-
vested in the defenses of these
two countries in a daring move by
President Truman to block Rus-
If they continue their quarrel,
these defenses may be neutralized.
Or if Premier Papagos falls, a
neutralist Greek premier will
probably take office and might
turn to Russia for support.
- * * *
THIS IS the most serious, urgent
crisis facing the State Depart-
ment. Secretary Dulles, engrossed
in Germany and the coming For-

eign Ministers Conference,
done little about it.


Russian arms to Egypt - For
weeks U.S. Ambassador Byroade
in Egypt has been, cabling the
State Department, warning that if
the United States didn't sell arms
to Egypt it would buy from Rus-
sia. He Informed Dulles that Mos-
cow had offered Premier Nasser
$100,000,000 worth of tanks, artil-
lery, and infantry equipment any
time he wanted it. That warning
was all too accurate. Russian arms
to Egypt, now officially and pub-
licly offered, will set a precedent
for both Russian arms and Rus-
sian influence in oil-rich Saudi
Arabia and other Arab areas, al-
ready seething with revolt.
For some of the things that
happened inside the Kremlin
when Adenauer conferred with
the Soviet leaders have now been
leaking out. American diplomats
were not present, of course.mBut
through talks with the Germans
they have pieced together some ,of
the things that happened. '
* s "
KRUSHCHEV is reported to
have treated the West German

chancellor at times like a small
boy. At one point he is reported
to have decreed: "You want your
prisoners. All right, send us an
Adenauer got so indignant at
one point that he ordered his
plane prepared to leave Moscow.
But one of his advisers urged that
he would be finished politically if
he came home with no agreement
on the return of German prison-
ers held in Russia. So Adenauer.
threw away his chief bargaining
weapon, the resumption of diplo-
matic relations with Russia, to se-
cure the return of German pris-
oners - how many of them re-
mains to be seen.
In Washington, Undersecretary
of State Hoover had announced
that Adenauer had done a great
job. But the private reaction in-
side the State Department was
just the opposite. Ambassador
Bohlen cabled from Moscow that
Adenauer had been virtual putty
in Russian hands, and warned
that the United States could not
trust the West Germans to stand
up against the Kremlin in the
Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.

FOR HIS daring and handiness
with a gun, the town business men
offer him the job of marshall,
which he refuses twice because he
naturally disapproves of violence.
He changes his mind-when the
men of the "Big W" start shooting
up the town and kill a little boy.
He faces about twenty of them
and skidaddles them off to the
calaboose without firing a shot.
* * *
THEN HIS two brothers drift
into town, and with Masterson
along, they are a formidable four-
some indeed. Doc Black, the
villain, is told to get out of town
and does so, but comes back with
some badmen from the "Big W."
In trying to kill Earp, they kill
THE girl's mother. Earp and co-
horts kill them, but Black gets
away and rounds up the rest of
the "Big W" crew..
They come a roaring for re-
venge, but go meekly off when
they learn they are in the wrong.
Earp and his new bride ride off
to clean up Dodge City, which, in
the words of one character is
"twice as bad as Wichita." Noth-
ing could be twice as bad.
The cast turns in as good a
performance as could be expected
under the circumstances, but
nothing much can be done with
lines like "Howdy, m'am" and "Be
out of town before sundown."
* *- *
THERE IS also a theme song,
called, surprisingly enough, "Wich-
ita." It is destined for everlasting
oblivion except among the youn-
ger set.
"Wichita" is neither as bad as
Hopalong Cassidy and Gene
Autry nor as good as psychologi-
cal thrillers like "High Noon"
and "Bad Day at Black Rock." It
emerges in every respect as an
average and completely undistin-
guished Western.
-Tammy Morrison
TV 'Heidi'
Rief reshig
THE QUIETLY pleasing tale of
the Swiss orphan girl Heidi
was presented Saturday evening
as Max Liebman's latest spectacu-
lar production.
The familiar tale of the simple
girl who refuses to allow the hy-
pocrises and angers of worldly
living to spoil her alp-like purity
of mind and life was a strangely
refreshing television experience.
Capably acted and directed, "Hei-
di" stands with "Peter Pan" as
the best of the Television Specta-
culars, for, like "Peter Pan," it
was the opposite of "spectacular."
*4. * -
limited to participation in only
three episodes, and each compli-
mented and developed the action
of the play, a unique television at-
titude which would be a wonder-
ful habit to adopt.
Heidi's charm and meaning lie
in her simplicity and innocence,
her love for the world and every-
thing in it. 'Jeannie Carson's
Heidi was the reality of clean and
intelligent appreciation of the
mighty rocks and bright greenesses
which made her montain life
beautiful, and which she refused
to desert.
Richard Eastham as the magni-
ficent old grandfather who re-
fuses to allow the world to de-
stroy his individuality, combined
powerful acting and voice to de-
liver the outstanding performance
of the production. *
* *«*
very special type of humor was not

used in the production. His pof-
trayal of Peter the shepherd was
'disappointingly un-Coxian; his
was a role any fairly capable
juvenile could have handled. The

The Daily Orrlla! bunemn is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices shouldl be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Meeting of all those interested In
the Rhodes Scholarships on wed., Oct.
5, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 2013 Angell
Hall. Application blanks for Rhodes
Scholarships may be obtained from
Prof. Clark Hopkins, 2011 Angell Hall,
and must be returned to 2026 Angell
Hall on or before Fri., Oct 14.
Freshman Testing Program: Make-up
sessions for Freshmen who missed any
of the Aptitude tests given Mon., Tues.,
wed. or Fri. of Orientation week will
be held on Tues., Oct. 4 and Thurs.,
Oct. 6. Please report to Aud. B, Angell
Hall promptly at 7:00 p.m. For further
information call Ext. 2297.
The following persons will please
pick up their Choral Union and Extra
Series usher tickets at Hill Auditorium
box office on Monday and Tuesday,
October 3rd and 4th between 5 and
6 P.m."
Paul E. Andrews, Robert B. Andrew,
Reed Andrew, Hugh B. Anderson, Ann
Andrews, Stanley Aizinas, Solveiga
Aizinas, Mary Munira Ackall, Mrs. Hugh
B. Anderson, Judith Lee Arnold, Bob
Ashton, Susan B. Armstrong, Janice
Anspach, Judy Anderson, Alfred J.
Brothers,- Lois J. Brown, Alice Burton,
Priscilla Bickford, Nancy Jane Brun-
eau, Evangeline Broderick, Harriet
Beach, OdileaBenoit, Marjorie Ann
Black, Jean Bahr;
Ann Becker. Astrid Beige, Mary Jane
Briggs, Joan M. Barber, Nancy S..Bar-
nette, Glynn D. Barnette Elizabeth Jo
Beebe, Grace A. Bodenstein. Lois Ann
Blum, Marjorie Brooks, Yolanda Boach,
Nancy E. Bodley, Celia Brown, Carolyj
Berlowiltz, Doris Bauer, Marjorie Bouws,
Elaine Burr, Beatrice Berger, Barbara
Brothers, Christiene Baker, Mary Ann
Robert L. Carr, Fred Coulter, Charles
H. Croninger, Shirley Croog, Tse We
Chu, David F. Carpenter, Marcia Cus-
ter, Joan Case, Judith Deh Crump,
Symon Coleman, Donna Cha, Betty
virginia Carlson, Jane Ceser, Mary
Alice Claggett, Cynthia Conway, viola
Chang, Constance Castle;
Ronald De Bouver, John E. Dudd,
Joan M. Dudd, Kathleen Dannemiller,
Sonya Douglas, Ivy Ruth Dickstein,
Chloe Dandison, Geraldine Day, Cyn-
thia Diamond, Andree' De Jong, Caro-
line Dieterle, Alice Dutcher, Martin
David, Mrs. Fred Dawe, Jean Davis;
James Edmonds, nona Engle, Ruth J.
Ezekiel, Mary Elmore, Emerson Foster,
Stephen Fox, W. Flenniken, John C.
Fisher, Douglas Finney Dr. L. Feenstra.
June Feenstra, Cyril Freedman, Bernie
Fogarty, Joy Faily, Jean Fraser, Evelyn
Fink, Joseph Faris, Shirley Forrest, Jane
Jerry M. 3ray, David winnell, Kath-
erine Gemuenden, Zina Gefter, Mrs.
Jerry Gray, Margaret Goldonyl, Gerrie
Gross, Shirley Ann Gosling, Harry
Gaines, Cindy Gibbs, Eleanor Ganger,
Anna Gonda, Marilyn Guillaume, Tona
Tilberry, Nancy Hoyt, Ellen Hlberry,
Mary' Hackney, Dorothy Hoektra, Geo.
J. Hoekstra, Lee Irish, Agnes Inus,
Marilyn Jackson, Kay Jordan, Barbara
Jens, Carl D. Johnson, Betty Jackson;
Sydney C. Keinan, Constance
Kamii, Nina Katz, Sally Kornwise,
Martin L. Klein, Joan Kinsey, Lois
Krawitz, Joan Kadri, Sandra Keckonen,
Bernard Kendler, Alice Kretschmar,
Thelma Kavanau;
Kirke Lewis, Marilyn K. Larkin Kath-
ryn C. Lucas, Paul E. Lewly, Kathy
Lindsay, Marilyn Lindsay, wesley S.
'Loos, Phyllis Levitt, Leila Love, Elaine
McLaughlin Joan Levin, James L.
Lewis, Tara Lewis, Carolyn J. Little,
Susan Levy, Virginia Large;
Arthur C. Markendorf, Sherwin Mal.
kin, Vangie Mack, Winnie Martin, Ruth
Martin, Janet Bliss Mason, Jane Marks,
David Marks, Judy Monzis, Joy Meyers,
Isabel Martin, Keith A. Moore, Hermine
Meeter, Annette Movitz, Mary E. More-
land, Murray Melvin,-Mary A. McPher-
son, Fred McCluskey;
erick M. Phelps 3rd, Gail Oliver, Joan

S. Olson, George Papich, Mary J. Pal-
mer, Marol Pearson, Judith Panush,
Ilona Planken, Stephen Paraskevopou-
los, Pandora Paraskevopoulos, Elizabeth
Patterson, Elissa Panush;
william Ookland, Marilyn Oakland,
Donald Ridley, Roger Reynolds, Patricia
J. Ray, Phyllis F. Rhodes, Wiliam
Roberts, Gertrude Reams, Betty Jo
Richter, Ann Rowlson, Larry Robinson,
Charlotte Rolnick, Bernie Rozran, .J.
R. Sinek;
Fred Sansone, Labron K. Shuman,
Carol Seltzer, Priscilla Stockwell, Alex-
ander M. Sarko, John B. Sikorski,
Thomas R. Stengle, Arthur Schwartz,
Emy Schlageter, Karen Stokstad, Mari-
lyn Stokstad, Patrick D. Smith, Law-
rence Steiner, Ruth Selby, Elaine
Schwartz, Mary K. Sloan, Mary Sauer,
Joan Steiner, Donald Seltz, Nancy
Ruth Taylor, Katherine Tirpak, San-
dra Tase, Jeannette Tobic, John C. Van
der Velde, Marilyn Van der Velde
der Velde, Marilyn Van der Velde,
Edwin von Boeventer, Charles van
Atta, David Van Fleet, Emily Vinstra,
Cynthia Vary, Stanley weiss, Arthur
Wrench, Mrs. Arthur Wrench, Robert
wilcox, Ronald west;
Thomas wilson, Jane Wilson, Marlies
D. West, Patricia Wright, Sarah Jane
Weston, Janet Wormley, Shirley P.
Wolfe, Arthur C. Wolfe, Hans Wagner,
Eugene ,Zaitzeff, Louis R. Zako, Nor-
man Zilber, Richard Zusi, Luvia Zusi.
The following persons will please
pick up their Lecture Series usher
tickets at Hill Auditorium box office
on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 3rd and
4th between 5 and 8 p.m.
Paulw . Andrews, Mary Munira Ack-
al, Ann Andrews, Janet Anspach, Al-
fred' G. Brothers, George E. Benko,
Evangeline Broderick, Marjorie Ann
Black, Ann Becker, Astrid'Beigel, Lois
Ann Blum, Nancy E. Bodley, Carolyn
Berlowitz, Joan M. Barber, Marjorie


TO The EduceA

That Certain Something
To the Editor:
I AM completely in favor of girl
cheerleaders. Many freshmen,
like myself, graduated from a high
school having girl cheerleaders. It
seems strange to see male cheer-
leaders, although it is the custom
here at Michigan.
I agree with you 100 per cent.
Girl cheerleaders are more "in-
teresting" and have that "some-
thing plus" to get the attention of
the students for cheers.
However, I'm not in favor of
getting rid of the present male
cheerleaders, but instead add four


IFJNIVERSITY STUDENTS are in for a great
deal of lecturing on the immaturity of
panty raids. Deservedly so, but its really un-
The thrill-seekers who participated in the
march to the dorms realize this isn't their
greatest achievement in college. And they
realize that the publicity does very little to
boost the name of their chosen university.
Yet they did it. It happened before in 1952,
and it might happen again. And don't be sur-
prised if, like in 1952, universities from coast
to coast also undergo a repeat epidemic.
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad ................. Managing Editor
Jim Dygert .............,.........City Editor
Murry Frymer ..................... Editorial Director
Debra Durchslag ..................... Magazine Editor
David Kaplan ..... ...........,.. Feature Editor
Jane Howard ........ ......Associate Editor
Louise Tyor ................,....... Associate Editor
Phil Douglis ............................ sports Editor
Alan Eisenberg ................ Associate-sports Editor
Jack Horwitz .................. Associate Sports Editor
Mary Helithialer ..........Women's Editor
Elaine Edmnonds .............Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel ..................... Chief Photographer

Rarely do they occur at small colleges. Not
that the mind of the small-college student is
any more mature.
But quite often the average one-in-twenty-
thousand student is struck by a lost or left-out
feeling. A chance to assert himself in any
way, foolish as the act may be, is often inviting.
It might make an interesting study on the
part of social psychologists to investigate
the reasons for such mob outbursts. Probably
they would find a connection between the size
of the institutions and the incidents.
And there's the temptation, also occuring
mostly in big schools, to break the cold, formal
social relationships set up for guys and girls.
It's a chance to smash all the rules, and let
your protest be heard.
BUT ASK any participator and he'll give you
a more obvious, and even better reason.
"Why not? What else can you do around
here to let off a little steam."
We all have to let off a little steam once in
a while - adults, children, college students.
And even in an ideal social climate like a
campus, pressures tend to build.
This reason might point some way to a
solution. Certainly, panty raids aren't for-
givable - and they're expensive. But better
"organized" pep rallies, as has been suggested,
is no solution either.
That's exactly what the students are pro-
+ ani n c-i' n. - nr4ni , .nn ra + a 'no m , .


bDk~k SIbIt





girl cheerleaders, and make it a
total of eight cheerleaders. This,
I think, would add a lot more
spirit to the football games.
-Larry Fried, '59
'Height of Snobbishness'
To the Editor:
ON BEHALF of the Dramatic
Arts Center we wish to ex-
press our great distress on read-
ing the article by Milton Levin on
"University Theater" in Friday's
Daily. This appears to us the
height of snobbishness and to be
the kind of criticism which sad-
istically erodes a culture, instead
of lending a helping hand where
it is needed.
That most of the virulent state-
ments therein are far from true
needs no special comment. Elmer
Rice has been quoted as saying
that the student production of
"Dream Girl" was as fine as any
professional production he had
seen, and that the students gave
of their best to make a top per-
formance solely for art's sake,
with no box-office to worry about.
To object to the Civic Theatre
and Dramatic Arts Center produc-
ing plays which have appeared on
Broadway seems to us a most
ridiculous criticism. If we were
to follow this to its logical con-
clusion, we would have to set up
a censorship board to prevent good
plays from being produced on
Let all of us who are struggling
to build a finer life in Ann Arbor
not be disheartened by such a



CCI1 In/

Business Staff


Dick Aistrom .............Business Manager

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