TH MICNIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2,195S THE MICHIGAN DAILY STJ?4DAY, OGTOBEIL 2.1955. I . I . i I I p1l of se~ 9c Wke' campus arl NICKELS ARCADE 330 S. STATE STREET NEAR 'ENGINE ARCH' 1108 SOUTH UNIVERSITY PACKARD-BROCKMA M 1923 Packard WITH DRIVE-IN AND PARKING FACILITIES BANKING FOR STUDENTS Your banking affiliations are important to you during your University career. For more than two decades students have looked to the canus branches of Ann Arbor Bank as their banking headquarters. We hope you will, too. Men Bowl In League Loud rumbling of bowling balls, the crash of pins and the follow- ing exclamations of fellow team members greet one's ear as he en- ters the Union bowling alley when the all-campus bowling league is playing. The lone bowler may be hesi- tant in the face of audible en- thusiasm which issues from the alley den, but everyone is friendly.- The 30-year-old league for Michigan men meets at 6:45 p.m. and continues with a second shift at 8:45 p.m. every Wednesday. The league is composed of 12 teams of five men who pay a fee for each night of play. Although the group has no for- mal meets with other schools, a few men from the league compete informally with other unions of the Big Ten. Students interested in joining the league may call the bowling alley between 1 and 11 p.m. before Oct. 5. Read and Use Daily Classifieds WUERTH ENDING TODAY Alaska's Violent Days of the Gold Rush ! Detroit section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers will sponsor the Detroit Press Conference on Peacetime Atomict Development at 4 p.m. Tuesday in the Detroit Rackham Building. The meeting will include a panel discussion on radiation chemistry and its application in the Nuclear Energy Program. Dr. Joseph J. Martin, of the Dept. of Chemical and Metallur- gical Engineering, who was tech- nical advisor to the official U. S. Geneva Conference scientific dele- gation; and Prof. Leigh C. Ander- son, head of the chemistry de- partment and active in research work on radiation chemistry will be speakers at the panel discus- sion. They will also be present at the press conference and available for unclassified questions of industrial and general public interest. At a dinner meeting preceding the panel discussion, Harvey Wag- ner, Assistant Manager of En- gineering of the Detroit Edison Company, will give first-hand re- ports on the recent International Atomic Conference at Geneva. He will also report on the Atomic Industrial Forum confer- ence in Washington. Other featured events of the conference will be the opening of the atomic progress exhibit by the Detroit Historical Museum, an ex- act replica of the cobalt 60' radia- tion source used at the Universi- tY, and irradiated Coca-Cola bottles. Organization Notices Deutscher Verein (German Club). First meeting Oct. 4, 7:30 p.m., Room K, Union. Newsreel with Thomas Mann, and film featuring the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. All interested students eligible to join. Officers and candidates for office will meet at 7:00 p.m. before the meeting. Lane Hall Folk Dancers: Schottische, Polka and Waltz steps will be reviewed. Instruction for every dance, and be- ginners are welcome. Oct. 3, 7:30-10:00 p.m., recreation room. Michigan Actuarial Club: Prelimin- ary meeting, Oct. 3, 4:10 p.m., Room 3201, Angell Hall. Any student inter- ested in the actuarial field is invited to attend this 'get acquainted' meet- ing. Sigma Rho Tau: Smoker, William C. Porter, Chrysler Corp. speaker, Oct. 4, 7:30 p.m. Room 3S, Midhigan Union. Unitarian Student Group: Election of officers. Bring your favorite records. Today, 7:30 p.m., Unitarian Church. Transportation from Lane Hall and Stockwell at 7:15 p.m. Ukrainian Student's Club: Oct. 3, 7:00 -p.m., Madelon Pound House, 1024 Hill Street. i r '+. a o Atomic Development To Be Aired Tuesday INEDhgyr 117) / AvER 0/0 r- MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .66 1.47 2.15 3 .77 1.95 3.23 4 .99 2.46 4.30 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily. 11:00 A.M. Saturday Phone NO 2-3241 LOST AND FOUND LOST-New glasses in tan case Sept, 25 near S.U. & E.U. REWARD. 31b Betsy Barbour. LOST-Male Golden Retriever. Reddish brown in color. No good for hunting. Answers to name of Sandy. Reward. Call NO 3-5246. )4A LOST-Kappa Gamma Key. Reward. Phone No 8-6922. )3A FIVE ALLEYCATS (Ann Arbor) can be had by phoning NO 2-6382 after 4 p.m. FOR RENT WANTED-1 man to share modern 2 bedroom apt. with 3 others. Trans- portation necessary. Call NO 8-9672. )5 FOR SALE, BABY CARRIAGE-Baby scales. Prac- tically new. Phone NO. 3-8809. BENDIX AUTOMATIC WASHER for sale. Excellent condition, can be seen in operation at 1721 Shadford. )19B MOUTON FUR coat, excellent condi- tion. NO 3-2367. )18B STUDENT ROOM RUG SPECIAL 9x12 cottons, all colors, priced on sale now at $2995 SMITH'S CARPET STORE 207 E. Washington NO 3-5536 ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-6.88: Sox, 39c; Shorts, 69c; military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )4B COOKED and cleaned select cocktail shrimp for the party, get-togethers at Washington Fish Market, 208 E. Wash- ington, NO 2-2589. Free delivery. )3B ROOMS FOR RENT WOMEN - Excellent double in good house, Campus location. NO 8-7486. ROOM AND BOARD BOARDERS WANTED at Medical Fra- ernity. Apply Steward, 1315 Hill or NO 2-2252. REGULAR BOARDERS wanter for fall semester at Alpha Chi Sigma. If Interested call NO 2-8312 any evening. )iE PHOTOGRAPHERS Interested in add. tional commercial work contact AO Party Service, for vital information at NO 2-9793. )1F HELP WANTED YOUNG LADY for part time work at soda fountain. Hours 11-1 or 12-2. Swifts Drug store, 340 S. State. Phone 2-0534. )8H WE WANT registered nurses full or part time.. Community Nursing Bureau, 401 Thompson, Apt. 9, Telephone 8-6515. )9H SALES CLERK Part time or full time for men's fur- nishing store. Experience preferred. References. Sam's Store, 122 E. Wash- ington Street. )7H WANTED--cab drivers. Full or part time. Apply 113 S. Ashley, Ann Arbor Yellow and Checker Cab Company, phone NO 8-9382. )6H TRANSPORTATION WANTED TO SHARE driving from Pauline and stadium area, NO 3- 3052 after 4:30 P.M. )20 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY-Boy's used light- weight bike. Call 2-9682 between 6 and 8 P.M. )1K BUSINESS SERVICES "PURCHASE FROM PURCHASE" Rolleicord IV like new with case $90 Purchase Camera Shop 1116 S. University Phone NO 8-6972 )7J HAND KNITS by Lucie Marie - suits, dresses, sweaters, stoles, sport sweat- ers for men or women. Let me com- plete your skirt or sweater in time for fall wearing. Call NO 2-2745 for appointment. )8J ATTENTION PARENTS-There are still a few openings for three and four year olds in full sessions of the Ann Arbor Nursery School. Parents inter- ested in entering children in Ann Ar- bor's oldest co-operative nursery school may call Mrs. Kenneth Stone, 4025 Wagerly Rd., NO 8-7252. RE-WEAVING-Burns, tears, moth holes rewoven. Let us save your clothes. Weave-Bac Shop, 224 Nickels Arcade. )4J LAWYERS - Improve your speaking ability. Individual and class training. Phone NO 3-1531, Ext. 296. )3J HI-FI Components and Service Audio- phile, net prices. Telefunken Hi-F, AM-FM shortwave radios. Service on all makes of radios and phonographs. Ann Arbor Radio and TV, 1217 S. University. Phone NO 8-7942. 1% blocks east of East Eng. )iJ RICHARD MADDY-VIOINMAKER Fine, old certified instruments & bows. 310 8. State. NO 2-5962. )2J WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY-Boy's used light- weight bike. Call NO 2-9682 between 6-8 P.M. USED CARS, PROFESSOR'S CAR-2-tone Chevrolet (1951), Deluxe club coupe. Very well cared for. This car has 45,000 miles. The front tires are one month old, the back tires have little wear. Seat covers. Very superior condition. Price is $675. If interested please phone NO 2-1539. 1951 STUDEBAKER - 4-door, radio. heater and hydramatic. - Light blue finish In, A-1 shape at only $495. Doug Gregory, Ford Dealer in Saline. 1948 BUICK Special 2-door, radio, heat- er and Dynaflow at $195. Doug Gre- gory, Ford Dealer in Saline. 1950 PLYMOUTH Convertible Club Coupe. Radio, heater, new top and new tires. Perfect at $395. Doug Gre- gory, Ford Dealer in Saline. THUNDERBIRD 3 months old, low mileage, jet black hard top, Fordomaitc, poersteering & seat; radio and heater, private own- er, $2795. NO 3-0219. 1947 CHRYSLER, dark blue, good tires and seat covers. Radio and heater, $100. Call A. Bauman at 2-3941. )13N '49 FORD V-8, radio, heater, overdrive, good rubber, excellent condition, ac- tual mileage 42,000. $325. NO 2-2460. tual mileage 42,000. NO 2-2460. )12N 1951 STUDEBAKER, club coupe, heater and automatic transmission, excep- tionally clean. The big lot across from the downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, N02-4588. )8N 1951 MERCURY STATION WAGON - new tires, radio and heater, overdrive, wonderful condition. The big lot, across from the downtown' carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washing- ton, NO 2-5688. )6N 1949 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 sedan, ra- dio, heater, hydramatic, $350; 1950 Ford Convertible, new tires, new top, beautiful condition, priced right. "You get a better deal" at Fitsgerald Jordan, Inc., 607 Detroit Street. NO 8-8141. )2N USED CARS 1951 FORD-V-8 2 door black, radio, heater, overdrive, new tires, in A-1 shape. The big lot across from the downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )9N 1950 CHEVROLET-4 door, gray, heater, new tires. The big lot across from the downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )10N OLD MODEL FORD with recent motor. Excellent mechanical shape. See at Bud Twining's Gas Station, corner Packard-Hill. )16N 1950 Mark V Jaguar 5 passenger sedan. R & H sunbeam roof, 42,000 miles, never raced. No 2-4134 after 6. )14N 1954 PORSCHE Convt. with many ac- cessories, 14,000 miles. EXCELLENT CONDITION. Very reasonable. NO 2- 9751. )1N 1952 CHEVROLET-2 door, green, radio and heater. 22,000 actual miles, spare tire never been on the ground.;SharpI The big lot across from the downtown carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. )2N PERSONAL "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUZI" We're all wishing you happiness ways. al- HIGHWAY ZOO 1 2 I I I 1 v ATh tiadem DEL UXE in new 7vqiONE colors The GOOSE This, of course, is the honker.To him, expert driving is steering straight ahead with one hand and giving 'em the horn with the other, Saves on brakes-and brainsi Take the horn away from this tooter and he'd be like a politician with a sore throat! NATIONAL SAFETY COUMM Subscribe to CC Te Michigan Daily Match them to your school ... your team... your club colors! Smart in school-and so good-looking too ! They're color-cued to that multi-million.) dollar new car look! And for slicker, quicker writing, for neater homework, stain-free hands, choose a Paper-Mate every time! ~ -.. .. ....r.r.,. .. . ~~ ~ zi GOTHIC FILM SOCIETY ANNOUNCES Two Hundred Memberships Open For Its 1955-56 Series rW0 1111 Look for these two hearts. They meen Paper-Mate quality' October 24 November 7 November 28 December 5 January 9 January 23 February 13 DIARY OF Special DISTANT JOURNEY (Ghetto Terezin) and PICNIC produced by Curtis Harrington BEAU GESTE (the 1926 silent version) with Ronald Colman and LE CHIEN ANDALOU by Luis Bunel and Salvador Dali (closed showing) A COUNTRY PRIEST Award 1951) ,. '(Venice Film Festival GOD NEEDS MEN tival) and MR.' (Grand Prize Winner Venice Film Fes- TRULL FINDS OUT ' moa 1 BYROI. ' 3AMI Widco* ink ends stop-and-go writ. ing. Never blots, leaks, stains. Silvered Tip starts faster, writes' smoother...fine or medium point. New "hold fast" clip holds fast to I SALT OF THE EARTH (Produced by the Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers) International 1111 THE BAKER'S WIFE by Marcel Pagnol with Raimu, written and directed Silvered Tip Refills pocket or purse. 494 blue, black, red or green inks .1935 Paper-Matq CDC Ic., Culver titi+, Cali. , OT. THE LONG VOYAGE HOME (Based on, Eugene O'Neill) directed by John Ford 11 the plays of March 5 March 26 April 23 RAZUMOV (Based on Joseph Conrad's Under Eyes) and MARTIN AND GASTON Western THE CAT AND THE CANARY (The original German version) and BALLET MECANIQUE by Fernand Leger (closed showing) MORRILL'S OFFICE SUPPLY THE LAST LAUGH and Al-YE with. Emil Jannings (closed showing); 'I II nCb r e RTT 1?YCnhhnrlvc ,..INlIlii II 11'1 OZWT'.- AWAIM E 1111 . , V . ,. .. I