Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Anions Are Free. Will Prevail" orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Y. FEBRUARY 24, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: MARY LEE DINGLER D MUCH OPTIMISM: Long, Uphill Fight Needed To Overcome Sorority Bias "Just Let Me Catch Some Soldiers Movring In Here" l r A CA G ' ' t 7~ w a~ 1 ZA. AT THE STATE : Golden Arm a Real Cinema A chievement THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN ARM" is a very important motion picture. It should be seen for a number of reasons and the most important of them is that it is an excellent film. The problem of narcotics addiction is attacked honestly in the picture. Unfortunately, this is a violation of the Motion Picture Producers Code, an out of date and tightly binding set of rules 'that prohibit such things as narcotics problems, sex life and the like from appearing on the American screen-the lily white and generafly insipid American screen. PRODUCER-DIRECTOR Otto Preminger decided to run the risk of a great deal of trouble by dropping from the Code and producing this film independently without the shiny seal of approval stamped on it. Possibly he considered the publicity such a move would bring, but the point is that Preminger broke a backward code that needed to be broken. Such an upstart move was necessary to take the censorship code off its plaster pedestal where it has done more harm to motion pictures than good. It would have been unfortunate, then, if Preminger had made this test case in defense of a sensationalistic and poorly done film. Happily, "The Man With the Golden Arm" is a real achievement which, in addi- tion to the popular appeal it will surely have, attains artistic merit. It is a picture of immense power, dealing with strong material intelligently, shot in a handsome style that, does credit to American 1j MUCH TOO optimistic outlook on the sorority bias question came out of Wednes- y's Student Government, Council meeting. Reporting to SGC, on the heels of a similar port about fraternity discrimination, the Pan- llenic Association president made two major ints. First, and superficially most encour- ing, was that of the 19 campus sororities 17 ve stated, via their national organizations, at there are no bias clauses in their consti- ions. From the other two, the Panhel head said, ere has been "word of mouth" proof of free- m from discrimination. This proof can be ken only at face value. Secondly came the assertion: "alumnae can-' t definitely keep a particular girl out of a rority." Of this Panhellenic admittedly has proof. There's no proof to be had: sor- ities are secret organizations, legally en- led to their secrecy. 'HE TWO 'statements point up to an area of long-veiled turbulent controversy. In re- nt years much attention has been focused on scrimination in fraternities (and with most luable results), but the spotlight hasn't shone t the feminine side of the Greek-letter world. For understandable reasons, national sor- ties regard examination and criticism of eir policies from outside (and even from in-. le) with extreme distaste. Tendency for the :ups, united in the National Panhellenic' uncil, has been to hide behind precepts of crecy and to avoid any change of the status o. If discriminatory clauses exist in even two rority constitutions, as is apparently the se, there's urgent cause for a change in Na- nal Panhel policy. Because all the consti- tions are kept sealed ("possibly," it was ggested at SGC, "with Scotch tape"), no- dy at the University is authorized to make blic their contents. The action, therefore, must come from internal ranks-from within the sororities themselves. Panhel's campus president spoke well for the affiliates she represents with the statement that biased attitudes are found only among sor- ority alumnae-and not in the undergraduate ranks. If this is true the discrimination prob- lem might be expected to solve itself when today's active chapter members inherit their roles as active alumnae. That, however, will be a process of some twenty years. And in the meantime there are many women active in sorority circles who have not been raised in the "every week is Broth- erhood Week" atmosphere familiar to today's undergraduates. These are the women who, bias clauses or no, are responsible for restrict- ing sorority memberships to the usual cate- gories. ONE FUNDAMENTAL truth must be remem- bered. Whether ox not a sorority has a bias clause, it will not stop discriminating. The very definition of the word "discrimination" has, become warped through recent years, and it might be recalled that every organization's pre- rogative is to select its own members. To force anybody on a sorority on basis of race or re- ligion alone would violate basic democratic principles. But to open sorority doors to any prospective member approved by undergraduate chapters, without chance of written or "understood" op- position, would be a vital step-possibly the most vital in Panhellenic history. It's the re- sponsibility of today's campus affiliates to fight any evidence of bias in their elders with reason and understanding, and with determination. This must be dcfne on two levels: constitutional and alumnae pressure. Sorority members might well take on this responsibility. -JANE HOWARD Associate Editor. i . ; .: G LWsv By rWPEAR N.per, WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND Gas Lobby Wants Revenge . By DREW PEARSON W ardrop Issue Points To Shaky Athletic Season PROF. AND MRS. PRESTON SLOSSON pre- sented the other side of the Wardrops' sus- pension yesterday. With the Wardrops defended they want to let the matter rest. Suspension for "insubordination" of one of the world's greatest swimmers naturally has provoked lengthy comment the past few days. Unfortunately the story has unfolded sporadi- cally and conflicting reports have done little more than confuse the issue. It is apparent the reasons for suspension go deeper and beyond the incident at the pool last Saturday. The Wardrop case by itself proves little. Re- gardless of reasons for the action, isolated instances of ' insubordination and suspension happen occasionally at any University whether sports are overemphasized or not. If the Ward- ropes' suspension stood by itself it would prob- ably be quickly dropped. But student concern goes deeper. Sports fans and evepi casual observers see the swim teani incident as part of a disappointing Michigan athletic pattern spreading over the whole year. Collapse of Michigan's long-famed dignified approach to sports is reason for the concern. THIS YEAR the Champions of the West have suffered the following indignities: 1) Fans and players turned the last three minutes of the traditional Ohio-State-Michigan game into what became nation-famed chaos. 2) Big Ten champion Don Haney dropped off the wrestling team. 3) Big Ten champion high jumper Mark Booth quit school for a semester before being induced toreturn. 4) The most recent Michigan-Michigan State hockey game wasn't even finished when players and fans turned the last minute into a near riot. 5) And then the Wardrops were suspended. These are factual examples. Anybody close Editorial Staff Dave Baad...................... Managing Editor Jim Dygert ......,........,.................. City Editor Murry Frymer..................... Editorial Director Debra Durchslag ..,.................. Magazine Editor David Kaplan .................. Feature Editor Jane Howard ........... «............Associate Editor Louise Tyor ................... Associate Editor Phil Douglis .....««............ .. Sports Editor Alan Eisenberg ... .......... Associate sports Editor Jack Horwitz ................. Associate Sports Editor Mary Helithaler .......................Women's Editor Elaine Edmonds...........Associate Women's Editor John Hlrtzel ................... Chief Photographer Business Staff Dick Aistrom ....................... Business Manager nha nn.n.4.- A-.+nnin I-s flnel noon Villa n.arn. to the athletic situation will admit other in- stances showing something short of perfection. Agitation isn't the purpose here. We are not advocating the usual solution-de-emphasis on sports. The University has established an athletic framework. The important thing is maximizing the athletes' educational experience within this framework. When near-riots occur and star athletes are so dissatisfied with Michigan they actually quit the team the quality of the educational ex- perience can be seriously questioned. F SPORTS are to be more than just a play to win proposition, but a contribution to the athletes' learning process at Michigan, the work of the coaches must go beyond the recruiting stage. It means continuous high quality ini- struction by hard-working coaches from the varsity right down to the freshmen. As the faculty tests its educational contribu- tion by such methods as faculty evaluations, the athletic department could well look over its benefit to education. It's unfortunate a series of degrading inci- dents had to provide the spark, but this year's episodes make a re-examination of the coaching staff's success in meeting its educational re- sponsibility not only necessary but mandatory very soon. _DAVE BAAD Managing Editor Nvew books at the Library Joy, Adm. C. Turner-How Communists Ne- gotiate; N.Y., Macmillan, 1955. La Mure, Pierre-Beyond Desire; N.Y., Ran- dom-House, 1955. Lindemann, Kalvin-The Red Umbrellas; N.Y., Appleton-Century Crofts, 1955. Maynard, Theodore-Bloody Mary; Milwau- kee, Bruce Pub. Co., 1955. Mailer, Norman--The Deer Park; N.Y., Put- nam, 1955. Mount, Charles Merrill-John Singer Sarg- ent; N.Y., W. W. Norton, 1955. Newby, P. H.-The Picnic at Sakkara; N.Y., A. Knopf, 1955. O'Hara, John-Ten North Frederick; N.Y., Random House, 1955. Simpson, Alyse-I Threw a Rose Into the Sea; N.Y., John Day, 1955. Spectorsky, A. C.--The Book of Mountains; N.Y., Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1955. Stevens, Edmund - North African Powder Keg; N.Y., Coward-McCann, 1955. Van der Post, Laurens-The Dark Eye in Africa; N.Y., Wm. Morrow, 1955.- Whalen, Grover-Mr. New York; N.Y., G. P.- Putnam's, 1955. Wisbey, Herbert T. - Soldiers Without TT .. T - - .,. .. ..- tr IN CAPITOL HILL cloakrooms where Senators lounge and read the newspapers between votes, you'll hear it said, with convic- tion, that Sen. Francis Case of South Dakota hasn't a chance of getting re-elected. The gas lobby, confide his fel- low Senators, is out to get him, will spend thousands of dollars to defeat him. Personally, I don't believe this. Having visited South Dakota only last month, I am convinced that the people of that state are too honest and that any effort to spend money against Case will boomerang badly. ** * HOWEVER, the history of the revenge the Keck family of Sup- erior Oil 'tried to wreak against Gov. Earl Warren in California, certainly gives credence to the dire predictions of Senator Case's col- leagues. It was Howard Keck who put up the $2,500 in 25 $100 bills which Case spurned and which, thereby, influenced the veto of the Gas Bill. ' Chief Justice Warren, when he ,rwas Governor of California, also rebuffed the Kecks. Bill Keck, father of Howard, and the dom- inant member of the family, had supported Warren for election and had contributed substantially to his campaign. Apparently Keck figurei that having helped elect Warren he could control him. But Warren was not to be controlled. He put across a highway bill which -in- volved a substantial increase in auto-fuel taxes. This did not please Keck and the oil companies. They fought the taxes furiously, but Warren stood his ground. * * * HAT BEGAN the Keck Vendet- ta against Warren. He never forgave him. And for some years he published a throwaway paper in Los Angeles in which he at- tacked the governor, accused him of bein1g a renegade, of turning on his contributors. In brief, Keck not only admitted that he subsidized political candi- dates, but let it be known that when he subsidizes them he ex- pects them to stay subsidized. If Senator Gore's committee-which Senators Knowland and Johnson don't want to do the investigating -ever gets hold of some of Keck's papers, those papers will show that he had every intention when he tried to give the $2,500 to Sen- ator Case not only of influencing Case's vote, but of keeping him influenced; Since Governor Warren would not stay hitched, Keck proceeded to get his revenge. In 1950 he tried to promote Lt. Gov. Goodwin Knight as a candidate. ** * BUT KECK was still out for re- venge, and when Warren was up for the presidential nomination in 1952, Keck groomed Congressman Tom Werdel to block Warren for president and prevent Warren's control of the California delega- tion. The Kecks and other oil moguls dumped all sorts of money into the Werdel campaign and even succeeded in carrying Los Angeles city. Warren, however, managed to keep control of the California{ delegation at Chicago, even de- spite Nixon's attempt to bolt, and in the end, Harlan Hagen, Demo- crat, beat Werdel for Congress. Warren, meanwhile has gone on to bigger things on the Supreme Court of the United States while Keck has gone on to try to domi- nate the Senate of the United States. * * * NOTE 1-What the public does not realize is that these tremen- dous political contributions by the Kecks and other oilmen result from the 27% oil depletion tax allow- ance which puts them in a more favored tax position than any oth- er group in the USA. Note 2-What these big contri- butions also emphasize is 'the ur- gent need of some such campaign contribution reform as urged by Publisher Philip Graham of the Washington Post, Senator Hen- nings of Missouri, or Senator Neu- berger of Oregon. Note 3-The only Republican from California who voted against the Natural Gas Bill when it was passed last summer was the for- mer Secretary of Governor War- ren, William Mailliard, Congress- oil lobby. (Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) cinematographers, punctuated with becomes an integral part of the in- tensity, and displaying some very fine and moving acting. FRANK SINATRA distinguishes himself superbly in the role of Frankie Machine, a tormented nar- cotics addict. In an offbeat role like this Sinatra could have made himself a weird spectacle, but he plays Frankie with depth and un- derstanding. He is forced to his addiction by many pressures-his slum environment, his possessive wife and his inability to rise above the elements that have become part of his life. The scenes that actually show Frankie taking the "fix" and en- during the torture of narcotics craving are tastefully done and do not overstep into the bounds of sensationalism. The other members of the cast, notably Kim Novak, as the girl who loves Frankie and wants him to kick the habit, Eleanor Parker, as his wife, Arnold Stang, as his half-moronic friend who gives him all-important respect,and Darren McGavin, as the man who supplies the drug and pressures Frankie to take up the habit, perform excit- ingly and add depth to the film. In every way, the junkies' problem is handled sympatheticallyrbut not sentimentally. "The Man With the Golden Arm" is a film that should be seen. It does credit to the art of the motion picture and to the in- telligence of the American audi- ence. -David Newman ALUMNI HALL: Home Plans Show Finn 'Values ]Best A PANORAMA of Finnish con- temporary architecture is now on exhibit in the galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall. Subjects range from the modern factory to the private home with emphasis on the latter group. Individual comfort is the value accented in these modern homes. In the past man's aspirations, needs, and values were expressed architecturally in temples and public buildings. Now the expres- sive element of his values is the home. The idea of social equality is ex- pressed by the fact that the home does not indicate the dweller's occupation or social position but rather is a composite of the values of our society as a whole. * s a THESE HOMES are truly beau- tiful in that they integrate setting, function and aesthetic value. The essence of the Scandinavian en- vironment is realized by the archi- tect's selection of material and construction. One is perhaps at a loss to say whether the edifices were con- structed as interiors and exteriors, for the exterior creates an immedi- ate cognizance of the interior and vice versa. However, one can say that the problem of interior and exterior was not considered per se, but rather these structures were meant to convey the idea of free space and transition by their open plans. The question as to whether these dwellings are livable in the tradi- tional sense is moot. Man today is not a "home-body," therefore traditional structures no longer fill his needs. LIFE NOW has that transitory aspect manifested in modern archi- tecture. Tensions in plan and de- sign are related to an anxious world. Contemporary man is not tranquil - why then should his abode be so? An idea drawn from the Orient is the asche o-. f interorwalls.11 a jazz-based musical score that DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be In by 2 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 195 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 19 General Notices President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold an open house for University faculty, staff, and townspeople on Sun., Feb. 26, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., at the Pres- dent's house. Freshman Hopwood Contestants should call for their manuscripts at the Hopwood Room (1006 Angell Haul). Late Permission: All women students who attended the Toronto Symphony on Wed., Feb. 22, will have late per- mission until 11:25 p.m. A Few More Ushers are needed for Guantics Sat., Feb. 25. All Gulantics ushers are reminded that the show is scheduled to start at 8 p.m. and it Is therefore imperative that they report at 7 p.m. at Hill Auditorium instead of 7:30 as usual. Scandinavian Seminar for Cultural Studies-for the study of Scandinavian culture and civilization. It provides the opportunity to know and under- stand Scandinavia through participation in the Folk School Movement. Purpose of the Seminar Is to encourage and stimulate thought and interest in basi problems of education, government and human relations. For further infor- mation, applications, and scholarship information, write to the American- Scandinavian Council for Adult Educa- tion, 127 East 73 Street, New York 21, N. Y. Fellowship Applications available for the Margaret Kraus Ramsdell Award. To assist students of the University i pursuing graduate studies in this coun- try or abroad, in religious education or in preparation for the Christian minis- try. Both men and women mayhapply for this fellowship. Applications should be made to the Dean of the Graduate School, on forms obtainable from the Graduate School. The deadline is March 15, 1956. Student Government Council. Sum- mary of action, meeting of Feb. 22, 1956: APPROVED: Minutes of the meeting of Feb. 15. Appointment of Lewis Engman to fil1 vacancy until SGC elections. Appointment of Ralph Kors to Cinema Guild Board, accepted resignation of Bill Adams. Allotment of.$200,.RegionalAssembly, March 2, 3, 4. Allotment of not to exceed $1500 for publication of a Student Activities book- let, Calendaring, Slide Rule Ball, May 11. Limitation on campaign expenditures for Student Government Council candi- dates to -$25; expense account to be submitted three days before election. Activities: March 3-Assembly Ball; May 5-- Crease Ball; May 12-Men's Glee Club spring concert. DEFEATED: Motion for addition to Section 3, Activities, University Regulations Con- cerning Student Affairs, Conduct, and Discipline, r.. 17 by establishment of activities criteria. RECEIVED REPORTS ON: Fall operations, Book Exchange: Pan- hellenic Rushing procedures; Panhel- lenic-Selectivity clauses; Committee on University Housing and Environmental Health; Free University of Berlin pro- gram; Calendaring and constitution approvals. Several Laurel Harper Seeley Scholar- ships are being announced by the Alum- ni Association of the University for the academic year of 1956-57. These awards are in the amount of $200 each and are open to both graduate and undergraduate women. Made on the basis of scholarship, contribution to University life and financial need. Application blanks may be secured at the Alumnae Council Office in the Michigan League Building, between 9 a.m.-12 noon and 1-5 p.m. daily. Appli- cation with references must be filed by March 30. Lucy Elliott Fellowship for 1956-57. 2 4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Wtardrops Provoke Comment The Myth Exposed.. . To the Editor: THIS list weekend the lop-sided two-faced myth that is "School Spirit" was finally exposed. The shame of it is, though, that two men like the Wardrops had to be sacrificed to its greedy maw. As a result of a long'"series of related incidents that exposed Michigan's brand of "Do or Die for the Team" the Wardrops leained the mean- ing of bigotry and prejudice. Here was a classic case of two men, excelling in their sport, un- disputed champions, being pulled down by envious, petty little people who mouthed mealy cliches about "team-work" and "honor." Some even accused Jack Wardrop of not working for the team. Do they dare match their list of world and varsity records with his? It did not seem to matter to anyone, from the coaches on down to the rear-row heckler, that 15 years of rugged training had brok- en Jack Wardrop's health. What mattered to all was that Jack did not finally die in the service of the University. Apparently the coaching staff and student body feels that unless an athlete drops in his tracks he is not displaying harniii ,.Wh..1 xatn+t.all + nfth+ men and society mothers can be. They expected to be judged on performance, not on how many backs they slapped or apples they polished. They discovered that Honorary memberships are based on intrigue of the smoke-filled room variety. Good fellowship is extended only if you are humble, modest, grateful and a "nice" guy. So at last we have found two men with the courage to rebel against the code that asks more of them than it gives in return, willing to resist the cries of the l mob and the threats of the offi- cials. The Wardrops showed a rare kind of guts-guts they were told last Saturday by the coaches they did not have-in sticking to their convictions. They were forced into their action and there are those who are now smiling smugly that "those foreigners" got their comeuppance. Their greatest sin was that they had dared to be better swimmers than the boy-next-door . . . and they were rewarded accordingly. It will be a long time before we see the like of the Wardrops again. And I for one want to thank them-perhaps their action was not in vain, and perhaps it will bring about a re-evaluation of hnth the Svsten nd the Tradition ordination, we would like to com- ment upon the unfair, biased and degrading insinuations which the article contained. It would seem that the main ob- jective of a news article ,is to in- form the public of the facts; edi- torials are for the purpose of ex- pressing a personal opinion. We find, however, that the author of this front page story has ex- ,ressed not facts, but outright blas- phemy against the characters of the Wardrops. Can the author sup- port his statement that the con- flict between the twins and the coach was "caused by Jack's dis- appointment after not being elect- ed captain of the team?" We find that this statement has implica- tions of a degrading quality against the characters of the swimmers, and if explored more closely and intelligently by the author would certainly be found to be a false implication. The statement following which states, "It is also believed that he was unhappy when he (Jack) was not chosen for a Michigan honorary society last spring," is even more absurd. This is merely { I I