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February 24, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-02-24

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(See Page 4)

YI e

Latest Deadline in the State





-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
.. in Wonderland

China Topic
Prof. Allen S. Whiting, of Michi
gan State University recently re.
turned from Formosa, described
frightening "Alice in Wonderland
picture of Nationalist China yes-
terday in a speech before th
Political Round Table in Rackhan
Explaining the two party systen
is used only as a "facade," he
called the regime "basically au
thoritarian." Initiative and free
expression is stifled leaving on1l
"apathy and hypocrisy" among the
people and "suspicion and distrus
among the leaders.
Torture of Mind
"The more modern torture of
the mind replaces the traditiona
torture of the body," he com
He told how schoolboys stantd
for hours in' torential downpour
reciting party slogans and hov
fear of concentration camps per.
vade officials' minds.
But this "ritualistic acceptance
of the regime" only results in
greater apathy; he said.
Old records of speeches are
blared forth daily in town squares
"The speeches remain the same
and the, speakers remain the
same," he said.
Formosa's accomplishments
might be adequate, he continued,
"were this a dynamic, self-rejuve-
nating one party system such as
Depends on Subsidy
Nationist China's system de-
pends on constant subsidy from
the United States. It fails to be
realistic about competition lesi
American aid end.
'As an American traveling in the
country, "the mirrors you pass
through are so baffling you just
throw up your hands," the pro-
fessor revealed. This, he said, was
why he called it an "Alice in
Wonderland" country.
Referring to its "gloomy" future,
he could see no immediate solution
to its standard of living problems
since its population continues to
wipe out the benefits of its in-
creasing food output. Only by a
change from an agricultural econ-
omy to an industrial can the situ-
ation be improved, he concluded.
HC Votes'
J -tn
o Continue
Inter-House Council defeated
a motion yesterday to abolish its
newspaper, The .IHC Correspon-
dent, and approved a $890 budget
for its coming dance, "The Rites
of Spring."
Council members decided, on a
14-11 vote, to continue publica-
tion of the newspaper and to look
into its problems in the hope of
m a k i n g improvements where
A motion to suspend the Cor-
respondent was later tabled and
council members were invited to
take up the problem in their in-
dividual houses.
The budget for the IHC dance,
to be held March 17 in the League,
was approved yesterday, and the
ticket price has been set at $2.50
a couple.
Charles M. Straayer, '57, IHC

administrative vice-president, an-
nounced his intention to. run for
the position of executive vice-

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fifth in a series of articles dealing with the
University's Faculty Senate, its roles and its problems. The series is based
on discussions with individual faculty members and administrators.)
Like any other organization, the Faculty Senate is not without
Both administrators and faculty members admit the Senate could
be a more effective organ of faculty sentiment and advice, though in
differing degrees.
"With all the brain power we have represented at this institution,"
Prof. Roger Heyns of the psychology department- says, "surely some-
body could come up with something better than the Senate. Ten of
the dumbest of us could think up something better than what we have
Administrative officers maintain that generally the Senate is an
effective organization but see problems arising naturally out of the
size of the University and difficulty of acquainting the faculty with
certain problems in a limited period of time.
Two Categories of Problems
Basically, problems confronting the Senate can be placed in two
categories: those involving relations of the faculty with the adminis-
tration and those arising within and confined to the faculty community
There is a fundamental division of opinion among the faculty as to
the role it should play in formulating University policy in conjunction
with the administration. However, the majority of opinion apparently
favors faculty participation in administrative decisions.
Moreover, administrators indicate a desire to have faculty advice
before making their decisions. Some faculty members question admin-
istration. sincerity, but most express the belief that administrative
officers do want faculty assistance.
Prof. Arthur Carr of the English department points out that "there
is a considerable 'eagerness' on the part of the administration tol
increase the cooperative spirit of the faculty. Part of this, no doubt,
is good public relations.
Ask for Questions, Not Suggestions
"It cannot be said that the administration has not consulted the
faculty on important matters. But they have come to the faculy
as a whole after a decision had been made. Matters have been presented
to faculty bodies for questions as to What the decision meant, rather
than for suggestions before the decisions were made."
Plans for the new Flint College, construction of 'the undergraduate
library and acquisition of North Campus were cited by Prof. Carr as
instances in which the administration "did not consult faculty opinion
at large before making the essential commitments."
University Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss says that the admin-
istration, aware of the values of faculty contribution, is faced with a
time problem in many instances.
Ideal Often Reconciled
"Therefore while we are cognizant of the ideal of total faculty
awareness, we must often reconcile this ideal with attempts at random
sampling of the schools and colleges as units.
"We often request information from all deans on their faculties'
opinions on some issue under the assumption that the deans will in
turn consult with the individual faculty members," Niehuss explained.
Moreover, he said; while the administration appreciates committee
reports, "it is also aware of the time factor in educating individual
committee members to the matter at hand. In general, faculty members
do not possess an over-all view of the University -and do not take into
account such things as relations with the State Legislature."
"Must Have Information"
Saying that th.e "line of least resistance in guiding educational
policy is to let the administration do it," Prof. Robert Angell of th
sociology department claims that the "faculty is perfectly capable ofi
analyzing these matters if the same information which the administra-
tion has is channeled to them."
Prof. Heyns expresses a strong desire for faculty formulation of1
educational policy and says, "Just because the administration is able toi
take everything into account doesn't mean that it is taking everything
into account properly."

WUTS Drive
World University Service col-
lected $497 in the first day of
its "bucket drive" yesterday,
and sales in the WUS-sponsored
Treasure Van ran to $585.
The "bucket" collection, which
was hampered yesterday by a
failure of several people to show
up to man the cannisters, com-
pares with last year's total col-
lection for two days of $670.
WUS chairman Anne Wood-
ard, '57, estimated the attend-
ance at yesterday Treasure Van
sales at over 500 persons.
Exotic goods and handicrafts,
.at various prices, will be on sale
again today in the Hussey Room
of the League, from 11 a.m. to
9 p.m., and tomorrow from 11
a.m. to 3 p.m.
Of the total sales at the
Treasure Van, 25 per cent will
go to WUS, while the other 75.
per cent covers the original cost
of the articles in their home
countries and the customs
Poor timing on the - part of
students and a lack of personal
interest' on the part of the coun-
selor are two of the main causes
of dissatisfaction with the present
counseling system, a conference
last night revealed.
During the discussion at the
Union, a division of the counseling
services into two offices, o.ne for
students who merely want pro-
grams stampedand another for
students who need academic ad-
vice was suggested.
Panel of Four
The Conference, sponsored by
the Literary College Steering Com-
mittee and attended by more than
60 students and faculty members,
opened with a panel in which two
professors and two students par-
A more official attempt at dor-
mitory academic counseling was
suggested by Harold Horowitz, '57,
student panelist.
Prof. Kenneth L. Jones, chair-
man of the botany department,
pointed out that if the student
would attempt to see his counselor
between the second and sixth week
of each semester, when he is not
busy, more thorough counseling
would be possible.
Should Compromise
A counselling system should
compromise between "educational
despotism" and "educational anar-
chy" according to Prof. Arthur M.
Eastman, of the English depart-
ment. Distribution requirements
are the incanation of the Univer-
sity's desire, to help the student
grow, although the primary re-
sponsibility rests with the student
himself, he explained.
Richard Whitehill, '59, suggested
that counselors should attempt to
gain even more personal knowledge
of the student than is revealed by
test grades.
Other suggestions made to sup-
ply more adequate counselling
were: using graduate students as
supplementary or preliminary
counselors, having a staff of pro-
fessional.counselors who do noth-
ing but counsel, encouraging the
student to seek academic advice
from his friends and teachers.


Of Demanding Campaign




Soviet News
Agency Used
For 'Spying
American People
Most Vulnerable
viet spy chief testified yesterday
that Tass, the Soviet news agency
is used as a cover-up for Russian
espionage more extensively in the
United States than anywhere else
Ismail Ege, once a major in Red
army intelligence and now an
electronics engineer in Silver
Spring, Md., estimated 8 out of
10 Tass correspondents are en-
gaged in gathering data of mili-
tary value to the Soviet Union.
An Open Field
Ege told a Senate Internal Se-
curity subcommittee the United
States is an especially open field
for this sort of activity because
the American people don't seem
to realize the amount of spying
that goes on-"It's beyond their
The slender, mustached Ege was
the -fourth witness to appear be-
fore the committee in a recently
started study of how Soviet activi-
ties may be carried on in this
country outside Communist party
Out of Bounds
An earlier witness, Harry Free-
man, Tass' deputy manager in the
United States, insisted Tass-con-
fines its activities to legitimate
newsgathering. Freeman declined
to say, however, whether he him-
self has knowingly associated with
Soviet spies.
Praises Ike
Before iYr' s


--Courtesy of University News Service
Thirty Children Housed
In New Psychiatric Unit
Myodernism and practicality are the keynotes of the new
$2,000,000 University Children's Psychiatric Unit.
The new six-story building, dedicated at day-long February 11,
ceremonies, has capacity for 75 children, although only 30 are now
housed in the unit.
Destruction Proof.



Nine Students Receive
Avery HopWood Ptizes
In an afternoon ceremony in the Angell Hall Hopwood Room
'yesterday, nine freshmen in the literary college received creative
writing awards amounting to $320.
Awards in fiction, poetry and essay were presented by James R.
Squires, assistant professor of English.
Judges were Allan Seager, as---


sociate professor of English, and
Prof. Squires,
Essay Winner
John J. Yiannias, 1275 Mt. Pleas-
ant, Dubuque, Iowa, won top hon-
ors in the contest with first prize
of $50 in the essay division for
"Greco-Americus," and third prize
of $20 in poetry for "Golden Cob-
Other essay winners were: Sarah
Drasin, 605 Aberdeen, Grand
Rapids, $30 for "Functional Archi-
tecture;" Nancy Winston, 519 Mer-
idan, Dearborn, $20 for "The Sky
and a Dollar Besides"; and Carol
Luse, 17501 Heyden, Detroit, $20
for "Suburbia."
"If I Could Have Two Things in
One" gave Rebecca Weiner, 245
Roydon Rd., New Haven, Conn.,
the first prize of $50 in the fiction
Awards in Fiction
Other fiction winners were:
Alice Katherine Meech, 1301 E.
Adams, Syracuse, N. Y. $30 for
"One Summer in Pink"; and Anna

It's All Mine!


"The story has to be told if we
want to win in November," was
the advice John B: Martin, Jr.
gave the local Young Republicans
last night.
Martin, a prominent Michigan
Republican and .former Auditor-
General, defined the "story" as
the Eisenhower Administration's
record in respect to peace, pros-
perity, labor, and minorities.
Peace Is An Issue
Speaking at the Union, Martin
predicted the fact that American
soldiers are fighting nowhe're on
the globe at present would be an
He defended Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles' 'Brink of War'
statements, saying, "Mr. Dulles
was only saying a nation must be
militarily able to back up what
it says and if pushed far enough
it will fight." Martin said the Dem-
ocrats fell over the brink three
times in the past.
"More men and women, across
the country, working at more and
better jobs at higher pay than at
any time in the history of our
country," was Martin's definition
of the prosperity under the Presi-
Income Improves
A graduate of the Law School,
Martin claimed the laboring man
has received more "real income"
than ever before, during the past
three years.
"The Administration's record on
minority groups has never been
equaled," Martin stated, "not only
have we had the Supreme Court
decision, but there has been direct
pressure by the President to inte-
grate the Negro in Washington,
D. C., in the armed forces, and in
factories dependent upon govern-
ment contracts."

Designed to make the hospite
same time to prevent the child f
objects, it contains the latest
Heat is supplied by forcing air'
over hot-water pipes in the ceil-j
ing, to prevent children from tear-
ing ordinary pipes. The walls are
lined with sturdy tile up to a
seven-feet in height.
Door hinges are constructed to
prevent dismantling, and furniture
has been done in 11/2 inch oak.
Previous steel beds have proven in-
sufficient and lasted only a few
Tailored Program
Children are provided with three
to five hours of psychiatric aid
with one of the 16-resident psy-
chiatrists, in addition to an indi-
vidually tailored program of
schooling and shopwork.
Most children, it is expected,
will average an eight-months stay,
costing somewhere near $6,000, al-
though many patients are treated
At the dedication service, gen-
eral satisfaction was registered by
the more than. 200 invited guests,
representing medicine, government
and education.
Cooperative Evidence
Gov. G. Mennen Williams called
the State's mental health program
evidence of genuine co-operation
between his office and the legisla-
ture, which provided funds for the
Sen. Elmer R. Porter said the
unit commanded his complete sup-
port because it was designed "not
for more beds, but for more teach-
ing and more research.
"So long as the University con-
tinues to attack the mental health
problem at its roots through study
and training of personnel, just so
long will it continue to receive my
most enthusiastic and energetic
Johnson Files
Insanity Plea
Harold A. Johnson, charged with
the murder of his wife and two
children Jan. 9, claimed insanity
in defense of his not guilty plea
as his case was opened in circuit
court yesterday.
The drawing of a jury to hear
the case occupied most of the first
dav activities. Judge James R.


Cash Theft

al as much like home, and at the
from destroying himself and other

An attempted robbery of Cu'n-
ningham's Drug Store on Main
Street at 8:55 p.m. yesterday was
thwarted by the actions of a girl
clerk and the store manager.
According to Duane Passanza,
the manager, a man about 60-65
years old simply walked into the
store and demanded that Joyce
Turner, a sales clerk, open the
cash register.
Miss Turner screamed, bringing
Passanza to the scene where he
,grabbed the assailant. After a
brief struggle, the robber broke
loose and fled.
The thief was described as wear-
ing a long overcoat and smelling
of alcohol. He was believed to be
By The Associated Press
ODENTON, Md.-The Pennsyl-
vania Railroad's Embassy, fast
Washington-to-New York passen-
ger train, was wrecked about three
miles north of here last night with
unofficial reports of five persons
dead, and at least 33 injured, pos-
sibly many more.
An Anne Arundel County police-
man reported five dead. Fifteen
injured were taken to South Balti-
more General Hospital, in Balti-
more about 12 miles to. the north,
three were reported at University
Hospital, also in Baltimore, and
at least 15 at Anne Arundel Gen-
eral Hospital in Annapolis.
* * *
another of their leaders arrested,
Negroes were called to a mass
prayer meeting last night on the
eve of the first scheduled .court
appearance of those arrested in
Montgomery's bus boycott.
The Negroes arrested so far on
indictments growing out of the 11-
week-old racial protest against
segregated bus facilities' will be

Call Camne
From Henlry,
Dealer Says
Ratner Refuses'
To Contribute
WASHINGTON-A former Ford
dealer testified yesterday he was
told the Ford Motor Co. called on
its Chicago dealers to contribute
$50,000 to help elect President
Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952.
Milton Ratner, who sold Fords
in Chicago for 20 years, said he
was asked to give $1,000 but that,
"as far as I know," he was one of
two Ford dealers in the city who
refused to contribute to the cam-
Source Anonymous
Ratner told his story to a Senate
subcommittee investigating auto-
motive marketing practices. He
said his information came from
another Chicago Ford dealer who
was never identified during the
This=Information, Ratner swore,
was that the call for $50,000 came
from "the office of Henry Ford."
There was no immediate com-
ment on the testimony from Ford
Motors. Several Chicago Ford
dealer, asked there about Rat-
ner's statement, said they knew
nothing of such solicitation.
Ford to Testify
Chairman Monroney (D-Okla.)
announced the other dealer men-
tioned by Ratner would be called
before the subcommittee, and that
Henry Ford II is scheduled to be
a witness early in March. He said
the second dealer's name would
not be disclosed for the time be-
The subcommittee is concerned
with the situation, Sen. Monroney
said, as "one example of some of
the things that are wrong with
the auto industry."
Old Troubles
Ratner had been telling senators
about his troubles ith Ford Mo-
tors - a series o disagreements
which ended with the cancellation'
of his franchise in March 1955.
The dealer who asked him for
the contribution, Ratner said, in-
structed him to "turn it over at
once, to a Mr. Ryerson, I believe,
who was head of the Eisenhower'
for President Committee."
SBX Finds.
Union Home
Student Book Exchange, after
several semesters of campus no-
madism, has at last found a stable
temporary home in the new addi
tion of the Michigan Union.
Shuttling from Qqonset Hut A tG
Alumni Memorial Hall, then to a
basement corridor of Angell SHall,
SBX has at last settled down until
it's permanent home in the new
Student Activities Building is com-
Located on the third floor of
the Union this semester, it will
function one level lower in the,
According to SBX manager Bill
Diamond, '57E, the exchange made
a profit of approximately $13
under it's Union sponsorship. How-
ever, sales dropped off about $1400
from last semester's exchange.
Although $125 was lost from
theft, Diamond says that the new
location has helped to alleviate
the problem somewhat.
Students this semester were re-

quired to leave all books at a
table near the entrance before en-
tering the shelf area. The less
crowded conditions made is pos-
sible to keep a more careful check
on the customers as they left.
, In previous years the book ex-
change suffered from , crowded


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