I a~lmg Sic att Battty Sixty-Sixth Yea, EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD [N CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Now Are There Any Questions?" 9 ials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. *..=- yjrATT. TORONTO SYMPHONY: Sibelius' 2nd Symphony Outshines Other Works THE ENGLISH TEMPERAMENT loves Sibelius. This fact was demonstrated last night in the Toronto Symphony Orchestra's con- cert as it was earlier in the year by the London Philharmonia. Sibelius' Second Symphony was the undisputed high point of the I. I Y, FEBRUARY 23, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: JANET REARICK orm ntegrationShould Conform To Students' Wishes SGC'S HUMAN Relations Board has proposed that the Residence Halls Board of Gover- nors declare race and religion {"irrelevant cri- teria" in the selection of freshmen roommates unless specifically mentioned by the student. Their approach to the problem is generally a sound one, and the attention the Board is giv- ing the problem is admirable. The. present arrangement leaves much to be desired, though it is not easy to define just what the present arrangement is. Roommate assignment among men is handled by indi- vidual housemothers,-with policy, differing ac- cordingly. ,Among women, assignments are made by the Dean of Women's office. In both cases, however, there is much evi- dence that many of those responsible use race and religion as considerations in assigning roommates to freshmen. The practice is de- scribed as either "facilitation of adjustment" or "segregation," depending on one's point of view. Integration of roommates, as the Human Re- lations Board points out, would have the posi- tive effects of providing a "broader educational experience," 'of eliminating "psychological in- jury" to those who feel discriminated against, and of breaking down racial prejudices based on ignorance and lack of contact. It would also end one of the few grounds for suggesting that the University condones discrimination of any kind. The defense of the present pairing of room- mates is readily told to all who criticize the present system. The freshman year, we are assured, is one of difficult transition to college life. Everything possible is to be done to keeps things running smoothly for the newcomers, and much effort is expended to put freshmen together who have common interests, smoking and sleeping habits and, of course, race and religion. After the freshman year, or even after the first semester (though it seldom happens then), students with a desire to room with anyone they please usuaUy have their wishes complied with. Incoming men are asked on application forms if they would prefer to room with a member of a different race or religon, and women are asked for general roommate preferences. Pre- sumably their wishes are complied with, unless there is serious parental opposition. Though other questions and enclosed pictures can re- veal race and religion, these specific questions are not asked on the women's application form, nor is race asked on the men's application. ON THE SURFACE then it would seem that O those assigning roommates serve only an intermediary- function, carrying out the stu- dents' personal preferences as expressed on the application form. This is an admirable goal. The question is how well those preferences are being determined and what assumptions are being made when they are undetermined. Few would argue that those who have a real objection should be forced to subject their religious convictions or racial bias to the chal- lenge presented by an "alien" roommate. It would be carrying "human relations" too far to provoke unfortunate incidents and unhappi- ness by putting together two students, at least one of whom has declared himself incompat- ible with the other. However the identity of students who)have such objections may not be clearly revealed by the present room application. Some freshmen arp not so convinced of the positive desireabil- ity of rooming with a member of another race or religion that they would go out of their way to request it on the present application forms. Still, many of them would have no objection whatsoever if they were placed (as many of them assume they will be placed, allowing for compatible interests and habits) just like any other student-without respect to race or re- ligion. Many see no necessity for being placed as though, because they happen to be members of a particular racial or religious group, their freshman year would be traumatic unless placed with another member of that group. They may even resent the implications of such a place- "ment, not only as it reflects o ntheir own capa- city to accept others at face value, but as it suggests that meibers of another racial or religious group would have a traumatic fresh- man year if placed with them. The present application forms ask whether the students have any preferences with respect to the type if roommate they would like. It is as though it never occurred to those who wrote the questions that there are some people not so conscious and concerned as they over a par- ticular racial or religious background. That background is important to the indi- vidual students themselves, of course, but many believe it has relevance mainly in their deal- ings with themselves and their God and does not necessarily affect their qualities as room- mates. Their inner convictions or outer color neither restrict nor greatly enhance their abili- ty to form a smooth, quite possibly a friendly relationship with a fellow human being. WHO SUCH PEOPLE ARE could be easily determined. It might be done through an open-ended question on the room application, stating that the University will not consider race or religion as criteria unless requested to do so by the student, or two questions could be devised, oneasking whether a student objected to rooming with someone of a different race or religion, another asking if he would prefer such an arrangement. Those answering either question in the af- firmative would apparently consider race and religion "irrelevant criteria." Unless there is serious parental dissent, those assigning room- mates shoul dnot be so presumptuous as to disregard the student's stated viewpoint. The Residence Hall Governors have it in their power to take a positive step toward integra- tion and better understanding, while at the same time achieving maximum conformity to the wishes of the students concerned. They should not throw away this opportunity. -PETE ECXSTEIN - I -q rt°r: f _ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Asks Reserve Draft For Dads Build Up eserves .. . To the Editor: IN REFUTING Wednesday's let- ter to the editor by Robert B. Patrick, '58E, criticising and con- demning Mr. Dick Halloran's state- ment "The Presidential order re- vising current selective service regulations to exempt fathers from the draft is unfair, inconsistent and undemocratic," I would like to suggest that the amount of men, single or married, who have not incurred financial hardships from military service is probably quite small. This is true, especially, now that the educational benefits are no longer available to those men who have been in the armed forces. Under the present statutes, even the men who have served on ac- tive duty are required to spend from four to seven and a half years in the reserve forces upon their return to civilian life, and in view of this, I would like to offer the following suggestion. Since the present aims of the United States Army are to build up its reserve strength, I sincere- ly believe that those men who are affected by the new Presidential order revising current selective service regulations to exempt fa- thers for the draft should be re- quired to, at least, enlist in the reserves. As long as there will' always be a conflict between those who will have to serve and those who are trying to avoid it by "pure chance of their personal lives," I think that the above may be one solution which is able to reconcile both views. -Joseph A. Aponte, '57 Is Speed Law Good? .. . To the Editor: ONE cannot argue with the logic of Mr. Snyder's editorial be- cause there isn't any. The sen- sationalistic effort to use anoth- er's misfortunes to push his own personal views on traffic regula- tions is deplorable. From Mr. Snyder's editorial alone one would conclude that the unhappy Vern had acquired a string of tickets before the in- flexible speed law went into ef- fect. His license could have been removed as easily for a violation of a reasonable speed law as for an inflexible one. As pointed out in the editorial, more horse power requires more brain power and a greater sense of responsibility behind the wheel. Surely one does not increase re- sponsibility or brain power by re- moving the need to think. Under the old speed limit a driver was supposed to drive at a safe speed, which required occasional thought. It is now only necessary to look at the speedometer, without regard to such legally superfluous factors as road or weather conditions, or 'traffic. It is of course early to make any real conclusions, but it is interest- ing to note that while last Febru- ary there were two traffic fatali- ties in Washtenaw county, there have already been this month, under the, inflexible speed law, seven fatalities. -J. P. Benkard, Grad. Re: W ardrops (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the com1- plete statement oftProf. and Mrs. Slosson concerning the suspension of the Wardrop twins from the Michigan swimming team.) To the Editor: This letter is written not to continue an unpleasant controver- sy, but in the hope of ending one. We are both close friends of Jack and Bert Wardrop, who have been guests in our home since Septem- ber. We are deeply solicitous for the credit of the University, one of us an alumna, the other a pro- fessor. serious damage has al- ready been done to the good name of Michigan, both at home and abroad, by the circulation of false, exaggerated, or one-sided rumors about the case. The Wardrops themselves have steadily refused to make any public statement in their own behalf, preferring to be misjudged rather than stir up dis- cussion which might not redound to the advantage of the Universi- ty. As we can personally testify, they have refused interviews re- quested by leading newspapers, magazines of national circulation, and by British publications as well. All these offered to present the reasons the boys have for the ac- tion which they felt it best to take. The Wardrops have not presented the medical evidence which, to our knowledge, is in their hands, which would prove that on the occasion of the meet Jack was not in a physical condition to do his best swimming. We understand this reticence because we spent years in British universities, and we wish to as- sure the many friends of the Wardrops, both here and abroad, that they are fine exemplars of the high ideals of. British sports- manship-one of which forbids personal controversy. They have brought much welcome fame to Michigan athletics as guest stars from a friendly country. But the contribution to the University of their high scholarship and fine character can be even greater. They have not requested us to make this, or any, statement, nor have they authorized it. We do this solely on our own responsibility. Very sincerely, (signed) Preston Slosson, Professor of History Lucy Slosson, M.A., Mich. '32 evening. The last movements of th melodies, exhibited the orches- tra's most forceful playing. In these lines the violins produced their fullest and best sound. The difficult pizzacato sections for the cellos in the second move- ment were, executed with great clarity and precision. * * * AN ORCHESTRA'S reputation cannot rest on its interpretations of the works of one composer. The other portions of the concert showed that/ the orchestra is only second rate. Although all the notes were there and were played in tune with good taste, ohe thing was. missing. This element that dis- tracted so greatly was "spark." That illusive something that gives a concert life and zest was missing from everything but the Sibelius work.j The "Park" section of the "New York Profiles" suite by Norman Dello Voio captured for a moment that life which was npt found in the other works. The other move- ments of the work didn't come off the way they should have. * * * SO MUCH GOOD Mozart has been heard this year that it takes a really outstanding performance to make any impression. The two Mozart numbers performed last night-the overture to "Idomeneo" and the "A major Symphony, Number 29" did not meet the standard set by other performances of Mozart works this year. Both compositions seemed to drag. Al- though excellent dynamics and in- tonation were displayed the re- strained tempos caused the work to be unimpressive. A lack of precision in the strings was also noticable in the overture. The fact that this was the opening work might explain this defect. The encore, a Minuet by Handel was such a let down that it almost completely erased the impression made by the Sibelius Symphony. -Bruce Jacobson ARCH AUD: Jane' Has Good SeriPt WHEN A classic of English lit- erature is fed into the Holly- wood movie-making machine, what comes out the other end is often not very inspiring. As a rule what emerges is only a wild jumble of loud, noisy, and hyper-sensational scenes - with scant if any attention to the more subtle or more meaningful aspects of the story. The final product, in the spite of the sound materials that may have gone into it, turns out full of defects. "Jane Eyre," playing a one-night stand tonight at the Architecture Auditorium, is an exception to this rule. The final product shows some pretty good workmanship. The credit here belongs mainly to Aldous Huxley, Robert Stevenson, and Richard Houseman, who col- laborated on the script. THE DETAILS NONE OF the details-no matter how gory-of Emily Bronte's fam- ous tale have escaped the collec- tive pen of these three gentlemen, yet at the same time they have managed to preserve the essential tenderness and truth of the story. The blood and thunder are still there, but along with it is a rather clear and moving depiction of character. Joan Fontaine, who is cast as Jane, turns in an admirable per- formance. As the governess who falls in love with the father of the child she is tutoring, she is re- strained, poised and perfect. AS EDWARD Rochester, the strange and tortured soul whom Jane loves, Orson Welles is suf- ficiently fierce. His eyes flash, his arms wave majestically, and he is extremely dashing as he gallops to and fro across the wild and windblown English moors. There is some excellent camera work in this film. The shots of the moors at night, and the mam- moth old English manor houses are particularly good in creating and sustaining the mood of the, story. -Phil Breen New Books at Library Avery, Ira-The Five Fathers of Pepi; N.Y., Bobbs-Merrill, 1955. Camus, Albert - The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays; N.Y., A 1--.-C 1 Ur DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) dide, Trifluoromethyi Cyanide and Trifluoromethyi sulfurpentafluoride," Thurs., Feb. 23, 3003 Chemistry Bldg. at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, L. o. Brockway. Events Today Caribbean Travelogue, motion pictures in natural color, tonight, 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium, second in the series of Burton Holmes Travelogues offered by the University Oratorical Association. Tickets on sale today 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m. in the Auditorim box office. Placement Notices The Following Schools wiii have repre- sentatives at the Bureau of Appoint- ments to interview candidates for teach- ing positions. Tues., Feb. 28: Grosse Pointe, Michigan - Teacher Needs: Elementary (kindergarten to 6th grade); Elementary Music; Special Education (Reading Coordinator;School Psychologist, Speech Correction); High School English; Foreign Language; Math (Algebra/Geometry); Science (Chem.) Lansing, Michigan - Teacher Needs: All fields. Wed., Feb. 29: Mattle Creek, Michigan (Lakeview Cons. School) - Teacher needs: Ele- mentary; Elementary Librarian;sJunior High Boys Phys. Ed.; Math/Science; High School Arts/Crafts; Homemaking; Social Science/English; Math. Elizabeth, New Jersey-Teacher needs: All fields. Thurs., March 1: Southfield Township (Detroit) Mich. -Teacher needs: Elementary (Kinder- garten to 6th grade). South Redford, (Detroit) Michigan -- Teacher needs: Elementary; Elementary Music; Physical Ed.; Art; Librarian; High SchoolC Core; Math; Science; Cur- riculum Coordinator; Music; Commer- cial; Industrial Arts; Driver Ed.; Girls Phys. Ed. Mount Clemens, Michigan (L'Anse Creuse)-Teacher needs: Elementary; High School English; Math; Chemistry; Physics; Social Studies. Crystal Falls, Mich.-Teacher needs: Fourth Grade; Boys Phys. Ed. Fri., March 2: Bay City, Michigan-Teacher needs: Elementary; High School Math; English; Science; Boys Phys. Ed; Girls Phys Ed; Commercial. For additional informatiV and ap- pointments please call the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg. NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. SUMMER PLACEMENT: There will be a meeting of the Sum- mer Placement Service in Room 3G, Michigan Union, on February 23, from 1 to 4:45 p.m. Anyone interested in summer employment is welcome. Jobs range from all types of Business to Camps and Resorts. Camp Hancock, Fossil, Oregon, wants male Counselors who are studying Geology, Paleontology, etc.. to lead groups of boys 12-16 in digging fossils. Wright Aeronautical Div., Curtiss- Wright Corp., Wood-Ridge, N. J., has summer openings for Engineering stu- dents, a few for Physics, Chemistry, and Math. Requires personal interview be- fore April 15. The Belfry Players of Williams Ba, Wisconsin, are now accepting applica- tions of resident actors. There are some scholarships. Applications should be in by April 5. For further information on the above contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 2614. SUMMER PLACEMEN'I' INTERVIEWS: Representatives from the following will be here to interview for summer fobs in Room 3G Michigan Union, from 1-4:45 p.m. Thurs., Feb. 23: Mr. Charles Kaufman, Camp Director, Tau Beta Community House, Ham tramck, Mich. will interview for male and female Counselors. Mr. Lewis Schulman, Director, Camp Sea-Gull, Charlevoix, Mich., will inter- view for male and female Counselors. Mr. Paul Hunsicker, Director, Camp Arbutus, Birmingham, Mich., will inter- view for female Counselors. Mr. Gold, Director, Camp Farband, Chelsea, Mich., will interview for male and female Councelors-General, Arts and Crafts, Athletics, Dramatics, Scout- craft.' Mrs. Barbara Lide, Field Director, Camp Cedar Lake Waterloo Recreation Area, Chelsea, Mich., will interview for women Counselors. Mr. Richard Molby, Jr, Assistant Director of Camping, Detroit Boy Scout Council, will interview for Counselors. Mr. Sidney Weiner, Div. Supervisor, The Easterling Company, Ann Arbor, Mich., will interview for Salesmen. Russell Kelly Office Service, Detroit, Mich, wll iteriew ome forTyp Mich., will interview women for Typ- ists, Stenographers, General Office Clerks to work in offices of Detroit firms for the summer. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: Representatives from the following will be at the Bureau of Appointments: Mon., Tues., Feb. 27, 28: General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y.-men in LS&A, Journalism, Advertis- ing, Marketing, and BusAd for Advertis- ing and Public Relations. There are also some openings for women. Tues., Feb. 28: Carnation Co., Los Angeles, Calif.- men for Management Training, Sales, Manufacturing, and Office Manage- ment. Positions are located throughout U.S. * Connecticut General life Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn.-men in LS&Aand BusAd for Management Training in Administrative, Technical and Sales po- sitions. Off ices throughout U.S.. Can- work, with their sweeping lyric t. r 4I IN THIS CORNER: Lr The Mature Stu mbler By MURRY FRYMER LIMBING a strange and forbidding moun- tain can be a ifficult experience for some- one who has neve tried it before. A more ex- perienced mountain climber who wants to help the novice could do it in one of three ways: One, he could take him up himself, carrying most of the burden of decision. Two, he could point out various paths and alternatives which the new climber might try, at the same time cautioning him against un- seen dangers. Or, three, he could do nothing at all, letting the newcomer work out his own solution. Mountain climbing and getting a college edu- cation, admittedly, dof't have too much in common. But this analogy can be used to point up the particular problem of student counsel- ing which from time to time raises so much discussion. As in the mountain climbing situation, the University has three alternatives concerning the amount and form'of counseling it will give its students. It can assign personal guides to the freshmen, carrying them along through diffi- culties to graduation, it can assign counselors who "counsel" but do no more-that is, who point out various alternatives and advise to the best method of progress. Or they can leave the whole matter up to the student himself. TN THE LITERARY college, the resulting sys- tem doesn't fall into any of these groups. The philosophy seems to be that too much guidance, that is, tutelege instead of guidance, hurts the intellectual development of the indi- vidual. At least, it is felt, not enough is left to his personal maturity. The other extreme seems to be denied as well. The student should have some counseling, the College says. But, unfortunately, no happy medium is reached between the two ends. Whereas the student is not left completely-to himself, neith- er is he given much in the way of counseling. Time requirements seem to limit individual guidance to a mere formal status, allowing for rules and regulations to be presented to the student; and then final approval of elections. However the student's decisions are rarely questioned. Although individual counselors vary, rarely do they assume the complex prob- lem of giving meaning and unity to a student's curriculum, nor will the student expect them to resolve choice conflicts between two possibili- ties. Under the system now in operation in the Literary college, the entire counseling process at times seems meaningless. It would be easier to allow the student to sign his own election card. Maturity is an important ingredient of col- lege training, and the University should en- courage it wherever it can, but not at the risk of what often are misguided errors. Whereas some students manage wisely through word of mouth counseling and direc- tion, others can be just as easily misdirected. Too much is left to chance. The experienced people who could save some of this turmoil TALKING ON TELEVISION: Award Show Produces Confusion. * By LARRY EINHORN Daily Television Writer WE HAVE once again reachedi that time of the year which is set aside as "award time." The first of the series of award shows to be presented on televi- sion was seen last Saturday night under the title of "Academy Award Nominations." A score of Hollywood personali- ties were on hand to act as hosts and hostesses and they fumbled throughout the entire ninety min- utes of "suspense and excitement." There is even more red tape involved in presenting an award show than is necessary in select- ing a rescuer for "The Big Sur- prise." 1L'V Q P t1 A YT *...... .,,7M.,,.l editor who the winners are and he prepares a "secret reel." In charge of the "secret reel" for Saturday's telecast was Bill Horrnbeck, who was bonded for the occasion. This is a very im- portant fact and it was mentioned many times. Some of the stars became con- fused and called the "secret reel" the "silent reel" or the "quiet reel." But this is all right for everyone must be confused during an award show. AFTER THE AWARDS are made the recipients come up to the stage and accept the awards. In the case of a nomination show the re- cipients come up to the stage and sign their names on the "tote board" which includes the various categories in which awards are to music and other lesser-known members of the motion picture in- dustry were on hand to personally sign their names. On an award show televiewers get a chance to see the movie stars introduce the award winners. This gives the public a chance to see just how un-professional most of them appear when seen off the Cinemascope screens. * * * WHEN THESE stars act in the movies they only have to say a few lines at a time which are all rehearsed very carefully. But when they are appearing on live TV they have to read from a TelePrompter and occasionally are forced to ad lib a line or two. Most of them stumble over the lines which are before them and then become completely flustered