DORM INTEGRATION (See Page 4) L Latest Deadline in the State 11a1i4 (W1 E SNOW FLURRIES t. VOL. IXVI, No. 93 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1956. EIGHT PAGES Slossons Defend Secretary Denies Wardrop Twins Adams Announced Friends Say Jack in Poor Health, Loyalty to 'U' Prevented Comment By LEE MARKS Prof. and Mrs. Preston Slosson yesterday defended the actions of Bert and Jack Wardrop in a statement to The Michigan Daily. The Slossons claimed they have medical evidence "which would prove that on the occasion of the meet Jack Wardrop was not in a physical condition to do his best swimming." Further; they told the Daily that he has not been well for some time due to an asthmatic condition. Ike To Run Again In another new yesterday that Jack development reliable sources told the Daily told swimming coach Gus Stager before the meet that he would be unable to S.G.C.: Panhel Says 'Bias Clauses Not Present By DICK SNYDER Written bias clauses are non- existent in any of the 19 Univer- sity sorority chapters, Panhellenic President Debbie Townsend, '56, asserted last night. Speaking before the regular ' meeting of Student Government Council. Miss Townsend stated that Panbel has "written record' from 17 of the sororities' national U organizations that there are no clauses in their constitutions which would exclude .any pros- pective' members on discriminatory grounds.. f in the cases of the two sorori- ties which did not file statements as requested with the local Pan- hel, there is "word-of-mouth evi- dence" that no bias Flauses exist in their constitutions. No Bias Clauses' "As far as 'word-of-mouth' is' si guarantee." Miss Townsend said, this is a guarantee that, there are no 'bias clauses' in their constitutions *r in the .17 other- sororities." Questioned on the extent of con- trol which alumni exercise over selection of sorority members, Miss Townsend hesitantly replied, "To my knowledge, there have been ' no cases on campus where any girl has been barred from a sor- ority because she failed to obtain an alumni recommendation. -- "Of course, I can't say that there is no alumni control," she eontinhed, "but there are ways jof attempting to find out why a particular alumni gave 'a. girl a bad recommendation. Alumni can- not definitely keep a particular girl out of a'sorority." Miss Townsend said that some local chapters had accomplished "practical mixing,' where there are members of more than one race or creed.x Engman Appointed in other action last night, SGC approved the appointment of Lew- is Engman, '57, as an interim Council member to succeed Andy Knight, '58, who resigned because of academic difficulties. *Student Book Exchange mana- ger Bill Diamond reported that this semester's SBX made a$133 profit but lost $125 due to theft and loss of books. A progress report was made on a. the housing study committee by Donna Netzer, '56, who explained that the group charged with draft- ing recommendations on housing and environmental health prob- iems as they concern students, ' was hampered by poor student participation. x SGC passed a motion approving "an amount not to exceed $1500 for publication of a student activities booklet to be sent to all incom- ing students." Also okayed 'was a motion limit- ing campaign expenditures in SGC elections to $25 per candidate. KHolmes Film On .Caribbean' Set For Today Second in the series of Burton Holmes Travelogues presented by the University Oratorical Associa- do his best in both the 220 and 440 so he was going to hold up in the 220. Stager emphatically denied he had any prior indications that Jack would be unable to swim all-out in the 220 but co-captain John O'Reilly said he went to Stager before the meet and told him Jack wasn't feeling well. O'Reilly said he asked Stager if he wanted to take Jack out of the 220. Before the meet Health Service physicians told Jack he would be unable to swim. He returned to his home to get an overnight kit and when he returned he was told he could swim. Stager told the Daily he was notified that Jack was in Health Service. Although he denied at- tempting to influence Health Serv- See letter on pg. 4 ice, Stager said he told the physi- cian that he had hoped Jack could swim and would like him to swim. The physician, according to Stager, .took new tests and said Jack would be able fo swim. The physician could not be reached for comment late last night to confirm Stager's report. The Slossons said the reason for the Wardrop's silence was that they wanted to protect the name of the University even at the ex- pense of their own name. "The Wardrops themselves have steadily refused to make any pub- lic statement in their own be- half, preferring to be misjudged rather than stir up discussion which might not redound to the advantage of the University," the letter related. . "We wish to assure the many friends of the Wardrops .. . that they are fine exemplars of the high ideals of British sportsman- ship-one of which forbids per- sonal controversy," the letter said. The Wardrops were suspended by Stager following Saturday's meet with Indiana when Jack took a third in the 220. A friend of the Wardrops said their first knowledge of the suspension came when they read it in the news- papers. Prof. Slosson claimed there was no truth to reports that the Ward- rops were unhappy about not re- ceiving the captaincy or election to Michigamua. "They actually cared little about either," he said. -Daily-Hal ueeds FIRST FL9OR CUTAWAY-This section will be the first floor of the Student Activities Building, now being constructed behind the Administration Building, on Maynard, Jefferson, and Thompson Streets. SBuilding Ready Next Februar Counseling: " 0 'Meeting TopLc By ETHEL KOVITZ "Appallingly inadequate!" ''They don't know enough about either the curriculum or the student." These are some of the criticisms students levelled at the Literary College counseling system. One student suggested replacing the present system with one in which "a student, before taking a course, would be able to speak to the head of the department to find out what the couse is about and By RENE GNAM Progress on the University's $1,- 140,000 three-story Student Act- ivities Building is proceding at a rapid rate. Plans call for the building to be completed by Feb. 1, 1957, and ac- cording to Project Superintendent Theodore F. Mills, the deadline will probably be met. Mills reports that all first floor concrete has been poured, as well as the concrete wall foundations which required 810 yards of con- crete. Work on Second Floor A major portion of the work is now being concentrated on fram- ing the second floor and building tunnels to connect the Student Activities Building heating and electrical systems to those of the rest of the campus. To enable workers to construct the underground tunnels for heat- ing and wiring, a section of the Maynard Street sidewalk in front of the Student Publications Build- ing has been torn out and a gaping hole dug. The gray frame building located between the new structure and the Student Publications Building will be torn down in June to make way for landscaping. The building is now being used as an office for the contractors. One Hundred Fifteen Rooms There will be approximately 115 rooms in the new Student Activi- ties Building, including adequate areas for janitorial and main- tenance work. About 30 rooms will be in the basement, primarily for mainten- ance and meeting areas. Adjoin- ing the basement will be a "work- shop" area. This single-floored space will be reserved for float construction and special activity building pro- jects. Rooms adjacent to the work- shop area will be tool and supply rooms. Also in the basement will be a mimeographing room, a sewing room, and mechanical rooms. The first floor is scheduled to include the main lobby. This floor will contain offices for adminis- trative personnel and their sec- retaries as well as meeting rooms for campus organizations. Meeting Rooms and Offices The second floor will contain several meeting rooms in addition to student activities offices. Each floor will have a small lobby. Construction for the Student Activities Building was originally intended to employ structural steel. However, delivery possibili- ties for the structural steel are limited, which caused the design to be changed to include reinforced concrete. SGC ITryout Meet Tday Interested students will be of- fered a chance to obtain an over- all view on student government today when SOC's Administrative Wing holds its mass' tryout meet- ing at 4 p.m. in the Union. The meeting is open to all stu- dents who would like to know more about the operation of and the benefits that can be derived from participation in the Council's committee staff setup. The Administrative Wing is a potential step toward Council membership itself. Wing service may possibly become obligatory on the part of all SGC candidates in the near future. Three Top Jobs As well as the possibility for sub- sequent Council membership, the Wing itself is structured so that there are three top jobs for mem- bers to shoot for. Operating under the Wing Co- ordinator, an SGC member, are an orientation director, a committee personnel director and an office manager. Advancement to these positions is determined by indi- vidual achievement instead of seniority. Tryout Program Set Following today's mass meeting, prospective members will go through a four-meeting tryout program designed to acquaint them with history of University student government, campus problems, the student's role in student govern- ment and committee structure of SGC. Upon completion of the brief orientation period, students are assigned to committees of their choice. Committees include public relations, campus affairs, office, staff education and social welfare, national and international affairs, student representation and coordi- nating and counselling. Another Authority? INDIANAPOLIS (I)--H. Dale Brown, 11th District Republi- can chairman, said yesterday a White House aide asked him to do a political favor which convinces Brown that President Dwight D. Eisenhower will seek a second, term. Brown didn't say what the favor was, but he did add: "I wouldn't have been asked to do it unless the President was going to run again." U.S. Won't T W Aid Arms Race in East WASHINGTON (P)--The State1 Department told a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee that it will not promote "an arms race in the Middle Fast," subcommittee Chair-, man Morgan (D-Pa.) said yester- day. t Morgan said this was the testi-l mony of George'V. Allen, assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs, during a three-hour closed door session with the House group Wednesday. Morgan added on his own that he doesn't believe this country will ship further arms to the tense Middle East except as "worked out on an equality basis" between the Arab and Israeli rivals. Morgan said Allen reported that both the Israeli request for arms to "offset" Communist shipments to; the Arabs, and arms requests from the Arabs, are now under review in Washington. Morgan said he would seek Sec- retary of State Dulles' appearance before the full Foreign Affairs Committee sometime next week for a further discussion of the Middle East problem. Owhat benefit it would be to him."f Another student commented that "every professor. should be ap- proached for advice.", Whose Responsibility? Because of the widespread dis- satisfaction with the present coun- seling system, a student-faculty conference will study the question "The Undergraduate's Education: Student or Counselor's Responsi- bility?" Sponsored by the Literary Col- lege Steering Committee, the con- ference will be held at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union. Topics to be discussed will in- clude the psychological factors in- volved in counseling; how the counseling system functions in the Literary College; what the philo- sophy of the college is on coun- seling; and how counseling relates to the learning experience of the student. Is Revision Merited? "Another topic which is to be discussed is whether the dualism existing between the idea of a counselor as an educational advisor and as merely a rubber stamp merits a revision of the system," David Levy, '57, chairman of the Steering Committee commented. To open the discussion Prof. Arthur Eastman, of the English department, Prof. Kenneth L. Jones, chairman of the Botany de- partment, Harold Horwitz, '57 in the philosophy honors program and Richard Whitehill, '59, will point up the issues as they see them. 'Never Made Statement' -Hagerty Refuses To Tell Of Any Decision THOMASVILLE, Ga. (P)-- The White House yesterday denied that President Dwight D. Eisenhower's chief aide, Sherman Adams, has told Republican leaders that the President will announce next week he has decided to seek re-election. "I asked Sherman about that and he said he never made any such statement," James C. Hag-,, erty, Eisenhower's press secre- tary, told newsmen. News Announces Second Term The Detroit News, in a dispatch from its Washington bureau, said Wednesday Adams and Leonard W. Hall, chairman of the GOP Na- tional Committee, had told Repub- lican leaders Eisenhower would an- nounce for a second term next week. Hagerty again refused to shed any light on whether Eisenhower has reached a decision regarding a second term. "I wouldn't know," the press secretary said with a laugh. "If I do know, I am not going to tell you." Jagerty Asked of Decision Hagerty was asked then whether Eisenhower has sent word of a de- cision to anyone. "Not to my knowledge," he re- plied. A reporter told Hagerty there seemed to be a possibility of word of Eisenhower's decision "leaking out." "Do you think it will happen that way?" Hagerty was asked. "No, I do not," he replied. This was the first time Hagerty had more than a "no comment' to questions dealing with the possi- bility of a second term. . t I IWorld News Roundup By The Associated Press Possible Peace ,. . LONDON-Britain yesterday disclosed plans for separating the quick-shooting armies of Israel and her Arab neighbors at the starting point of a possible Palestine peace. Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd told Parliament about the plan, a withdrawal of one kilometer-five-eighths of a mile-by the rival Israel and Arab armies along the 1949 armistice lines with an interna- " tional patrol moving into the no- I FREE DISCUSSION: Advisory Group Aids 'U' Faculty- (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fourth in a series of articles dealing with the University's Faculty Senate, its roles and its problems. The series is based on discussions with individual faculty members and administrators.), As well as in economic areas, the Faculty Senate has been successful in other activities, though to a lesser degree or at least in a less tangible manner. Each principal administrative officer has a faculty committee to turn to for advice, and these com- mittees are also free to develop and submit ideas to the adminis- tration. The publication of "Senate Af- fairs" starting in March, 1954, has received general faculty approval as an attempt to overcome the difficulties in the Faculty Senate's ftnction as a forum for discussion of University problems and policy. Senate Advisory Committee Meetings of the Senate Advisory Committee, held once a month as contrasted with the Senate's two meetings per year, havegenerated much 'free-for-all discussion" flmnn +1', A xn~iralv,,i'nracntoafn in propriate University administrator. Comnittees Are Called Upon The administration can theo- retically call upon; one of these three committees or a special com- mittee for advice on such problems as parking, dismissal procedure, construction of a new building and admission increases. Committee decisions, unless stat- ed, are not binding upon the whole Senate. Likewise, Senate decisions are considered only as recommen- dations by the administration and are not binding upon the particu- lar administrative officer, whether, they originated at his request or on the committee's own behalf. Last summer the administration proposed a different parking plan instead of accepting the Senate submitted proposal. Former Chairman of the Senate Advisory Committee Prof. Algo D. Henderson of the education school explained the institution of "Sen- ate Affairs" saying, "The Univer- sity has certain advantages of organization in being de-central- ized. yet retaining effectiveness in man's-land. * * * Allied Force Support... BONN, Germany - West Ger- many agreed yesterday to bargain with the Big Three Western Pow- ers on their claim for continued financial support for Allied forces in Germany. Foreign Minister Heinrich von Brentano handed notes to the am- bassadors of the United States, Britain and France to advise them of his governments' decision. Experts of the four powers prob- ably will meet here next week to discuss the dispute. .* * * Uranium Released .., THOMASVILLE, Ga. - Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower yester- day ordered release of 40,000 kilo- grams of uranium 235-worth- one billion dollars-for use at home and abroad in atomic energy for peaceful purposes. "'This action," the President said in a statement at his vacation headquarters, "demonstrates the confidence of the United States in the possibili- ties of developing nuclear power for civilian uses. Five Receive SRA Awards Alice Greenberg, '57. received TREASURE. VAN, BUCKET DRIVE: W.U.S. Fund Drive Sta By VERNON NAIRGANG Thousands of dollars worth. of foreign handicrafts and manu- factureres from 15 countries goes on sale at 1:30 p.m. today. These exotic goods are part of World University Service's Treas- ure Van, half of a fund-raising campaign that includes a "bucket drive" today and tomorrow on campus. Opening ceremonies of the Treasure Van will be held today in the Hussey Room of the League, where the imported articles will be on sale through Saturday. Rugs, Ash Trays, Ivory To Be Sold Included in the list of handicrafts and manufactures that sell for 75 cents to $27 are bookends, cigarette holders, rugs, placemats, purses, ash trays, carved ivory dolls, jewelry, bells and shoes. During the first days of the Treasure Van sale, today and to- morrow, WUS will drive for additional funds for students around the world by means of a "bucket drive." "Buckets will be stationed at 16 campus locations, where stu- dents and faculty members will be urged to help further the educa- tion of other students and faculty members who are unable to finance their own. Senate To Probe Future Influencing of Officials. WASHINGTON (AP)-The Senate voted 79-1 yesterday to in- vestigate any illegal or improper efforts to influence any senator, or any one in the government. The debate made it clear that the main things to be investigated are lobbying and campaign contributions, though the resolution does not restrict the investigators to such matters. Four Democrats and four Republicans will undertake the inquiry for the Senate. They are to report by Jan. 1, but are authorized to make interim reports either before or after the November elections Only Sen. William Langer (R-N.D.) voted "no". He said his conscience would not let him vote for the resolution. All this sprang from a report Sen. Francis Case (R-S.D.) made to the Senate Feb. 3, the weekend before it voted 53-38 for a bill to exempt natural gas producers from direct federal price regula- tion. Since then, the "incident" has f odayresulted in one senatorial and one rts Today - and Presiden grand jury investigation that are still proceeding, and President SDwight D. Eisenhower's veto of the gas bill on the grounds that some of its promoters had acted arrogantly and with impropriety. Before the final vote Wednes- day on the new and sweeping in- vestigation, the Senate accepted an amendment by Sen. William Fulbright (D-Ark.) to make the inquiry cover anyone in govern- ment. Fulbright was one of theL authors of the vetoed gas bill. Registration For Rushing Tops Recordr Rushing signups ended yesterday