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February 22, 1956 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1956-02-22

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u r A'*r44,0l gtttt Bao1y

"A Little Less Ballast And We'd Have Cleared It"

Sixty-Sixth Year
The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in al reprints..

VARY 22, 1956



iother Fund Drive, But
Education, Not Charity

i Friday University students
asked to contribute to an-
'er, it is not a charity drive.
11 be contributing to the aid
er the world who are only
upport themselves.
id University Service's rules
d is given to one of its 38
cat nation must raise a cer-
i within its own country. If
ry is unable to raise money,
e, its students work on WUS
rofit organization, operating
nmittee of Student Govern-,
tional and International Af-
Nationally, the service works
,h UNESCO, the United Na-
Scientific, and Cultural Or-
a recent WUS organizational'
Tuture Is Our Future," was
alph J. Bunche, one of the
mericans in the United Na-
The film told of WUS's
a and showed what the ser-
to accomplish.
e major accomplishment of
In addition to helping the
countries get some sort of
vice is building up a price-
ween the United States and
he world. This friendship is
hen the world is divided and
iend is valuable to the West-
; United States is getting

friends in the parts of the world where friends
are scarce. As the WUS film showed, most of
the aid is now being directed to South Asia,
where it is sorely needed.
ALTHOUGH the main purpose of WUS is to
help education-hungry students get the
learning they seek, it often goes much further.
As brochures being distributed by WUS repre-
sentatives point out, the service aids refugees,
establishes loan funds, and provides medical
care for students all over the world. Perhaps
the most important of these is the medical
care. It is a well known fact that more than
12 per cent of Japanese students, for example,
have tuberculosis.
The coming fund drive is not the result of a
sudden decision or a whim. The local WUS
organization has been working toward Febru-
ary's drive since early last October. Co-chair-
men Alice Greenberg and Anne Woodard have
met with a group of representatives of campus
government and religious organizations weekly.
Long hours of conference and planning have
gon into the coming fund drive. Brochures
and pamphlets have been prepared. A lot of
time and energy has been expended.
It's up to the student, then, to make the
work of WUS successful. While showing the
service that their work has not been wasted,
the students, by contributing generously tomor-
row and Friday are also going to be building
international relations for the United States-.
And, above all, these generous donations are
going to build other campuses where students
can make use of the type of educational facili-
ties that surround us here.


Ga nWerests in A fori

e' Who's Violating What?

NATIONS Mixed Armistice
ensured Egypt yesterday for
lagrant violation of the Arab-
>, Security Council member
he Egyptians that the French
ns shipments was not aimed

at Egypt. Another Security Council member,
the U.S. dispatched 18 tanks to Saudi Arabia,
and Great Britain admitted arms shipments to
both Middle East belligarants.
The Mixed Armistice Commission seems to be
out of step with policy.
-M. F.



-east Troubles Increasing

Associated Press News Analyst
CARD to see now how the United States
avoid being involved in at least a limited
race in the Middle East.
e are some of the factors involved:
part of the mutual defense program, the
d States made a deal last spring to send
tanks and other equipment to Saudi
pparently was part of, or a corollary of,
rrahgement by which the United Stateg
ains its great air base at Dhahran.
n after this deal Russia made one for the
v of Czech arms to Egypt, major threat
t the existence of Israel. The American
etion was not publicized, but the West
much of the Communist attempt to leap-
ito Middle Eastern squabbles.
el demanded balancing arms shipments
the West. The United. States hesitated,
rg to know, for one thing, whether the
ce of power had actually been upset.
,. Pakistan, Britain and Turkey formed
-orthern Tier" defense group under the
dad Pact, -and Britain immediately in-
d her arms shipments to Iraq, who how-
continued her alignment with other Arab
against Israel, despite the bitter Egyptian
e toward the Baghdad Pact.
ABIA, Syria and Egypt signed pacts
against Israel.
arently is sharing her Communist
th Syria.
one reference to the possibility
war has come from Israel, on
hat she cannot afford to wait until
re filly armed. There are about
:'lion sraelis, forty million Arabs.
Editorial Staff
3aad *..,....................... Managing Editor
,ygert ,.. , ..........,................ City Editor
Fryrier .....,«".............. Editorial Director
Durchslag ..........,......... Magazine Editor
Kaplan ....................... Feature Editor
:oward *..................... Associate Editor
Tyor ........ ............e..... Associate Editor
ouglis .........«................. Sports Editor
isenberg .....«..,...... Associate Sports Editor
lorwitz ................. Associate Sports Editor
HeUthaler ... ................... Women's Editor
Edmonds ..,....... Associate Women's Editor
H rtzei .........................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
astrom ........................Business Manager

With the ship about to sail, the President
heard of the Arabian tank deal and held it up
for nearly two days. In the end an American
agreement was recognized as an American
agreement - and, presumably, Dhahran was
recognized as Dhahran.
Israel is now redoubling her efforts.
The situation is complicated by the fact that
Britain has continue to sell carefully doled arms
to both sides. Presumably, she could, if the
United States asked her help, step up sales to
Israel. But Israel wants more than arms, and
more than a mutual assistance agreement with
Britain, France and the United States, who are
already committeed to guarantee her borders.
It looks very much as though she wants the
appearance of approval of her policies which
American arms shipments would give. Since
those policies include retaliation against Arab
activities along the disputed borders-com-
pounding violations of the United Nations
true-the United States is unwilling.
The chances are good, however, that Israel is
going to get some quid for the Arabian quo, and
that America's troubles in the Middle East are
beginning to multiply.
New Books at the Library
Laing, Frederick-The Giant's House; N.Y.,
Dial Press, 1955.
Leonard, Elizabeth Jane & Goodman, Julia-
Buffalo Bill; N.Y., Library Publications, 1955.
Lord, Walter-A Night to Remember; N.Y.,
Henry Holt, 1955.
Lundgren, William R.-Across the High Fron-
tier; N.Y., Wm. Morrow, 1955.
MacKenzie, Donald-Occupation Thief; N.
Y., Bobbs-Merrill, 1955.
Masters, John-Bugles and a Tiger; N.Y.,
Viking Press, 1955.
Pearson, Lester B.-Democracy in World Pol-
itics; Princeton, Princeton U. Press, 1955.,
Pierce, Glenn-The Tyrant of Baghdad; Bos-
ton, Little, Brown, 1955.
Priestley, J. B. & Hawkes, Jacquetta-Jour-
ney Down a Rainbow; N.Y., Harper's, 1955.
Randall, Ruth Painter-Lincoln's Sons; Bos-
ton, Little, Brown, 1956.
Rice, Grantland-The Final Answer and Oth-
er Poems; N.Y., A. S. Barnes, 1955.
Roberts, Kenneth - Boon Island; N. Y.,
Doubleday, 1955.
Robertson, Terence -- Night Raider of the
Atlantic; N.Y., E. P. Dutton, 1955.
Sharp, Paul F.-Whoop-Up Country; Min-
neapolis, U. of Minn., 1955.
Sheehan, Marion Turner - The Spiritual

IT'S EASY to understand why
Senator Knowland, the GOP
Senate leader, is deftly maneuv-
ering to get the gas-lobby probe
out of the hands of forthright
young Senator Gore of Tennessee.
Knowland comes from Califor-
nia. And all you have to do is
look at how the Superior Oil Com-
pany influences politics in Cali-
fornia, plus the fact that all sorts
of gas money was never recorded
as campaign contributions, to see
why Knowland wants to shift the
investigation to a more docile bi-
partisan committee.
Any thorough investigation is
bound to hit a lot of people in
very high places in both political
parties, so leaders of both parties
want an investigating committee
that will -be "reasonable."
TAKE ONE small but very sig-
nificant fact. -The Keck family
of Superior Oil did not record one
single campaign contribution in
the 1952 or 1954 election. Perhaps
they followed the same pattern
they did when they gave 25 $100
bills to Senator Case-cash. Cer-
tainly Keck money has been
dropped into both state and na-
tional elections, with some $300,000
raised by the Kecks and kindred
interests to defeat Gov. Earl War-
ren in 1950.
Significantly, the man who is
conducting the grand jury probe
of Keck's man John Neff and the
$2,500 Case contribution, knows
the Keck situation in California
intimately. He is Warren Olney,
close friend of Chief Justice War-
ren, appointed by Warren as coun-
sel of the California Crime Com-
mission, in which job he had a
chance to know something about
the techniques used by oil-gas lob-
bies to 'dominate the California
Olney will push an exhaustive

Justice Department probe, while
his fellow Californian, Senator
Knowland, is trying to avoid the
exhaustive Senate probe planned
by Senator Gore.
Superior Oil is William Keck.
President of the company is his
son, Howard B. Keck, who put up
the money for Senator Case. The
Keck family owns 51 per cent of
Superior Oil, wealthiest independ-
ent oil-gas company in the Na-
tion, with stock valued at over
$1,000 a share. It shot up $120 a
share on the day the Senate passed
the gas bill.
Operating for the Kecks in
Washington has been registered
lobbyist Monroe Butler. He was
here during the gas debate last
summer and approached various
California congressmen, asking
them to vote for the bill. He also
contributed to some of their cam-
Republican Congressmen from
California voted almost in a bloc
for the bill, and the amount of
money they may have received
from the Kecks might have been
in Senator Knowland's mind when
he proposed that the probe be tak-
en away from Senator Gore.
ACTIVE IN lobbying before the
California legislature was not onlyI
Keck-lobbyist Monroe Butler but
Keck-lawyer Harold C. Morton,
one of the ablest attorneys in Los
Angeles. Between them these two
men exerted more power with the
California legislature than even
famed Artie Samish, lobbyist for
the beer and whisky industry.
Partner in the Morton law firm
was Charles Lyons, who when
Speaker of the California Assem-
bly was convicted and jailed for
,taking a so-called "lawyer's fee"
for influencing legislation. Lyons,

a Republican, was three times
speaker of the assembly.
* * *
YOUNG SHELL, son-in-law of
Keck's attorney, was active in pass-
ing the Tidelands Drilling Bill
governing the operation of oil
companies in offshore areas; also
in the battle over gas-oil conser-
This battle, similar to that in
Nebraska, disrupted the California
assembly into one of the bitterest
battles in recent years. The show-
down came over a milk-toast sub-
stitute for conservation called the
"Ward bill" which left control of
conservation in the hands of a
committee of 30 oil-gas producers.
The bill was emphatically opposed
by another Californian serving in
the justice department, Stanley
Barnes, Assistant 'Attorney Gen-
eral in charge of antitrust activi-
ties. He charged it with being in
violation of the anti-trust act.
Despite this, the gas-oil lobby
won. Their victory, according to
Assemblyman Lloyd W. Lowrey of
Yolo County, was due to the cam-
paign contributions of Keck-lob-
byist Harold Morton.
(copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

to the
Letters to the Editor must be signed
and limited to 300 words. The Daily
reserves the right to edit or withhold
any letter.
Wardrops Justified ...
To the Editor:
IT SEEMS to me that there are
too many students on this cam-
pus with broken legs-caused by
hopping on and off the "band
wagon." This time it is the "cru-
cify the Wardrops" band-wagon.
As a good friend of these two
young men, I feel it is my duty
to shed some evidence on the
other side of the issue (as opposed
to the adverse "ink" the boys are
Unlike some who are too quick
to criticize, I do not wish to be-
come involved in a personality dis-
pute; with these people Christian
charity all too often yields to emo-
tional upheaval. I feel that I have
the true picture which goes back
to other years and was culminated
in the four man discussion immedi-
ately after the 220 yard race. Al-
though, admittedly, it is difficult
for me to be objective about this,
I definitely contend that Bert and
Jack are 100% justified in their
However, the point as I see it,
and in the final analysis, goes
much deeper. It rests on the fun-
damental principle of the integri-
ty of the individual. It is inter-
esting to note that my friends'
enemies (almost to the man) are
those who do not really know the
boys. Those of us who have the
privilege of knowing them (unfor-
tunately we are relatively few)
have nothing but respect for them.
As a student and graduate dur-
ing the past years I have known
many many athletes (including a
room mate who was football cap-
tain, some all-Americans, and
world record holders)-I am not
impressed by an "M" sweater. Yet
I covet Bert and Jack's friendship
because they are men (not boys)
of outstanding character who I feel
are real Michigan men. They have
a sincere and warm interest in the
problems of their friends, for ex-
ample. Space does not permit me
to list all the fine attributes which
I feel my friends possess; trul
champions in or out of the pool.
If those who criticize unjustly
and without regard for fact took
a little time to meet and know my
foreign friends they would indeed
be surprised. The attributes of
personality all too often associated
with them just are not true. Try
meeting and knowing them-you
will never regret it!
--Arthur E. Rogers, Grad.
Investigate Book Prices
To the Editor:
A CONDITION of excess profit-
eering by certain merchants at
the expense of the students ex-
ists here in Ann Arbor.
The University of Michigan is
the only University to my -know-
ledge which does not have a uni-
versity book store. The Regents
are of the opinion that competi-
tion among local book stores would
result in fair, representative prices.
Has it?
Two of my text books which had
recommended publishers' list prices
were sold to me at Ann Arbor
prices which were 10% and 20%
above the publishers' prices.
These extra mark-ups can re-
sult in a total extra-ordinary prof-
it- of $100,000 per year at the ex-

pense of the students.
I suggest that Student Govern-
ment investigate this situation. In
their investigation they should
compare text book prices in Ann
Arbor with those in other college
towns that have university book
If it is found that book prices
in Ann Arbor are out of line with
prices in other similar cities, it
should be suggested that either
prices get into line or the Univer-
sity open its own book store.
-Richard N. Meyers, Grad
Overlooked the Obvious
To the Editor:
HE attitude of Dick Halloran
in his Sunday editorial wa
disgusting. In his futile attemp
to prove that military exemption
of fathers is "unfair inconsisten
and undemocratic" he has over
looked the obvious reason for thi
exemption. This reason is tha
military service for such individ
uals would inflict undue financia
hardships upon them-a hardship
which is not justified in peace
I doubt very seriously that Dick
Halloran is concerned with th
great injustice of this exemption
to any greater extent than it ma
increase his personal chances o
becoming a member of the "un
lucky many" to be drafted. I
the young, uninformed pseudo-in
tellectuals of this paper must writ
editorials on the draft law, per
haps a far better topic would b
the deplorable loopholes in th

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room. 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notics
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notces
Any Veteran who expects to receive
education and training allowance under
Public Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill) during
the Spring semester must have his cutre
rent elections checked in the Office o1
veterans' Affairs, 555 Administration'
Building, this week between 8:30 a.m.
and 3:00 p.m. if he has not already done
so. '.
The following houses have also been
accepted for using the new late per-
mission plan: Mrs. O'Leary's League
House, Mrs. Vogt's League House, Mrs.
Yost's Annex. ..
Allresidences that are interested in
the late permission plan must have
their notification submitted to the
Women's Judiciary Council by Feb, 29.
Delta Delta Delta announces its an-
nual scholarship competition Feb. 15
through March 14.
Two scholarships of $125.00 each are
offered for the benefit of any deserving
women student, independent or affili-
ated, who shows evidence of scholastic
capability, superior citizenship, and
who has financial need. The scholar-
ship must be used on this campus for
the fall semester of 1956.
Applications may be obtained from
the Office of the Dean of women.
These should be completed and, with
the three specified letters of recom-
mendation, returned to the Dean's
Winners of the competition will be
announced at League Installation Night.
A Meeting will be held Wednesday
February 22. at 4 p.m. in Business
Administration Room 31 for those inter-
ested in forming a student chapter
of either the Society for the Advance-
ment of Management or the American
Management Association. All those in.
terested are invited to attend.
Agenda, student Government Counc
Feb. 22, 1956.
Minutes of the previous meeting.
Officer reports: President, Vice-Pres
dent, Picture, Appointment to 800 Va
cancy, Treasurer.
Committee Reports: Panhellenic Rush
ing Study Committee, information, Jane
Germany; Panhellenic Selectivity report,
Debbie Townsend.
Book Exchange, summary, Fall opera-
tions, Bill Diamond.
Housing Committee: Report on pro
gress, Donna Netzer.
National and International Affair ,
Free University of Berlin, Paul Vit.
Calendaring: Addition, Slide Rule 1
Ball, May 11; Closed calendar period
before examination period begins, one
o'clock closing night involved.(May 28);
Campus Affairs: Criteria for activities
approval, Joe Collins, Activities booklet.
Campaign expenditures, Joe Collin,
,University Calendar, 1956-57, Joel Ta.
Activities: May 5, Barristers' Society, J
Crease Ball, League, 9-1. (Calendaring
approved); May 12, Men's Glee Club,
annual spring concert, Hill Aud.,8:30
College Students interested in taking
the Selective Service College qualifica-
tion Test have until midnight, Mon.,
March 5, 1956, to submit application, it ;
was announced today by Mrs. Gladys
H. Jones, test supervisor. The test
center in this area is 100 Hutchins Hall,
University of Michigan.
The purpose of the testing program Is
to provide evidence for local Seletv
Service boards so they may consider
student deferments for military regis..
To be eligible to apply for the test,
scheduled to be given April 19 to college
students in 875 test centers throughout
the United States, Alaska, the Canal
Zone, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico, a etu
dent must intend to request deferment
as a student, be satisfactorily pursuing
a full-time course of instruction, and
must not have previously taken the.
The test was developed by Science
Research Associates of Chicago, one of
the nation's leading publishers of edu
cational testing, reading-improvemet,
and guidance materials.
Students interested in taking the test
to qualify for possible draft deferment

in order to continue their college educa-
tion are urged to have their completed
application postmarked no later than
midnight, March 5. Applications dated
t after March 5 will not be accepted.
rFor additional information, applica-.
tions, and addresses of -test centers,
students should consult any Selective
Service board.
Professor I. J. Gelb of the Oriental
Institute, University of Chicago, will
speak 'on "New Light on the Origin
1 of our Alphabet" Feb. 22, at 4:00 p.m.,
s Auditorium B. Angell Hall. The publie
is invited.
t _
n~t Concerts
- The Toronto Symphony Orchest
S Sir Ernest MacMillan, Conductor, wil
be heard in the Choral Union Serie
Wed., Feb. 22 at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill
- Auditorium. A limited number of
1l tickets are available at the offices of
p the University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Memorial Tower, and will also be
available after 7:00 on the night of the
performance at the Hill Auditoriumbox
k office.
n Faculty Recital. Patricia Joy Arden,
Instructor in Piano in the School of
y Music, will present a recital at 8:30
f p.m. Thurs., Feb. 23, in Lydia Men-
- delssohn Theater. Works by Bach, Beet-
f hoven, Della Joio, Schumann, and Cho-
pin. Open to the general public without
e charge.
)e Academic Notices
e Schools of Business Administration,



to the

Liked Edit . ..
To the Editor:
KO S to Dick Snyder for "Auto
Power Without Brain Power"
-one of the most powerful and
constructive editorials you have
ever run.
-Wm. Bender, Jr.
Script Editor WUOM

Schulman Boo Good For A Laugh ,

UNDER the supervision of gradu-
ate wit, Max Schulman, auth-
or of Barefoot Boy With Cheek
and others, fifty years of college
humor magazine production has
been raked over with a ten foot
pole in a search for material suited
to commercial hardback presenta-
tion. It must have been lots of
The material finally was amass-
ed; the book, Max Schulman's
Guided Tour of Campus Humor,
has been published, and such col-
lege scene gems as these can now
turn a respectable face to the
Freshman Girl's M o t t o:
"Mother Knows Best."
Sophomore Girl's M o t t o:
"Death Before Dishonor."
Junior Girl's Motto: "Noth-
ing Ventured, Nothing Gained."

there continue to be character-
istics common to all college hum-
or. These are:
"a) an irreverence toward auth-
ority, b) a love for the outlandish,
c) a preoccupation with sex."
All three categories are heavily
represented within the pages of
Schulman's Guided Tour. Hap-
pily, most of the jokes have their
inspiration in the undergraduate's
attitude toward life. , This wise
editorial policy gives the antholo-
gy some depth and suggests over
the space of 456 pages a fairly
rounded student outlook on the
world in general.
As for the entertainment value
of the book, it is good for a thous-
and laughs, if the contents are
consumed in small doses. For ac-
tually, there has been some pretty
good material collected in it.
* * *

A Gargoyle editor was once
heard to say, "What we print in
the Gargoyle is original. It may
not be funny, but it's original."
To anyone but the editor, origi-
nality in a humor sheet is of the
smallest importance. Whether the
stuff that is printed is "funny"
or not is, of course, the measure
of its worth.
Frankly, we couldn't pass a re-
liable judgment on the Gargoyle's
current worth if our life depended
on it. We know we don't chuckle
through each issue as we once
used to. But somewhere among
old papers there are some seven-
and eight-year old Gargoyles that
we recall as some of the most
amusing relics out of our own
early college days.
Clearly, then, the only fair jury
for each new issue of a student
humor magazine is the under-

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