WUS FUND DRIVE (See Page 4) Y Latest Deadline in the State :43 a t t CWU)IY, COLD VOL. LXVI, No. 92 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1956 SIX PAGES -Daily-Vern Soden ENDEAVOR-Swinging amidst chicken wire, sign poses mystery. ~'n deavor' Rests n Chicken Wire A bedraggled piece of cardboard bearing the academic-sounding word "Endeavor" is now weathering the storm as it attempts to maintain its position high amid the rafters of the old Automotive Laboratory. The sign, swinging on-its mount of chicken wire, displays itself in the now exposed attic almost as if it were an encouragement to the wrecking company which is dismantling the 60 year old building. Nobody seems to know the origin or purpose of the sign, but the "power of imagination has produced WUS Drive Endorsed By Hatcher Tomorrow's and Friday's all- campus bucket drive for the World University Service has the personal endorsement of University Presi- dent Harlan H Hatcher. In a statement made yesterday, President Hatcher recalled: "It was my privilege during the mouth of January to meet with students in the Philippines, Formosa and Japan. I found them eager for learning and using to the utmost their own abilities and relatively meager facilities available to them. "As I watched these students in the Far East," Presideit Hatcher continued, "and reviewed our own Michigan graduates of recent years -including two former editors of The Michigan Daily-the values of exchange of viewpoints and ex- periences through education, I recognized the great contribution made by World University Service. "Students everywhere need the help of each other and of their faculties, and also of the friends of higher education and the pro- ponents of international good will. "I am happy," he concluded, "to endorse the special campaign of WUS and wish for it continued success in providing funds and other aids for students around the world." Students may contribute to the two-day bucket drive at collecting stations throughout the campus. Administrative Wing Tryouts Meet Thursday "What's In it for me?" This reply was made by a stu- dent yesterday when asked why he was not planning to attend tomor- -row's tryout meeting for Student Government Council Administra- tive Wing prospectives. Several students questioned the value of spending their time on SGC's Wing, and even expressed doubts about attending the meet- ing at 4:15 in the' Union. SGC officers point out that from the point of view of a student in attendance at a large university, participation and knowledge of student government are essential. Council member Tom Sawyer, '58, said, "The opportunity to learn '~the operating system of an organi- zation and to gain a knowledge of the problems facing student gov- ernment in itself is worthwhile." Wing Coordinator Don Goody '57 E, pointed out that service on the Wing would enable students to gain 'an "over-all view of the campus. "The Administrative Wing try- out program offers a diverse, yet comprehensive, education on such matters as student government history, campus problems, the stu- dent's role at the University and committee structure of SGC." Good explains that while tan- gible benefits are hard to cite in answer to the question "What's in it for me?" the chief reason for a surplus of guesses. "Of course, we all endeavored in that place-maybe it signifies that," William Telfer, who taught blacksmith shop in the old build- ing, speculated. Prof. Ferdinand N. Menefee of' the engineering college said, "The loft was used by a little of every- body. Various organizations would build different contraptions there, and there was a man named Con- ners or O'Conner who once used it as a private lab. "Conners used to come down and borrow our equipment and tools," Prof. Menefee continued. "Per- haps he put the sign up as an en- couragement." Prof. Walter E. Lay of the en- gineering college related the story of how Frank Hawks built in the loft the glider which he later flew, across the country. Whether the sign was hung to stimulate freshmen engineers or to generate spirit for an impatient inventor, it will not rest much longer in its present position. SGC to Get BiasRepot Panhellenic Association will pre- sent reports on sorority discrimi- nation and its rushing, study co. mittee at today's Student Govern- ment Council meeting at 7:30 in the Cave Room of the League. Panhellenic President Debbie Townsend, '56, will report to the Council on progress made in areas of sorority bias. Jane Germany, '57, will present information on the current rushing study. Reports will also be heard on the SGC Housing Committee and fall operations of theStudent Book Exchange. Joe Collins, 58, is scheduled to present recommendations on ap- proval of such campus activities as the annual Mudbowl game, limitation of Council candidates'j campaign expenditures and infor- mation on progress of the proposed all-campus activities booklet. A discussion will take place on the coming year's academic calen- dar which represents a basic change in the present calendar. FACULTY SENATE: Economic Inve As Chief Area (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third the University's Faculty Senate, its r By DICK In areas of economic concer members say, the Faculty Senate h Success in economic mattersf attainment of some selfish goal,1 same atmosphere at the Universil present top-rate faculty." Usually made on an annual b Status of the Faculty reviews ana benefits of University academic sta similar positions at other instituti Other studies are frequentlyr consideration by the administratio coverage, faculty insurance and re in which the Faculty Senate, thr investigated and reported upon. According to Prof. Charles G DORMS: Professor Asks Policy Revisions By VERNON NAHRGANG In a letter to the Residence Halls Board of Governors, Prof. Theodore Newcomb, of the Psy- chology department, recommended changes in room applications that would allow applicants to express their preferences more freely. At their weekly meeting, the Board of Governors also heard recommendations by Prof. Lionel H. Laing, of the Political Science department, for reconstruction of South Quadrangle's ninth floor. Prof. Newcomb's letter was read during a discussion of the Human Relations Board's report to the Residence Halls Governors con- cerning discrimination and Uni- versity policy in roommate place- ment. Claims Policy Unclear His letter stated that present policy in roommate assignment is unclear, that students are led to believe that the University stands for discrimination, and that the present practices are misunder- stood, particularly among minor- ity groups. Prof. Newcomb also said that the questions presently on the room applicaton forms are insufficient to let the applicant say all he might wish to say. He then recommended that a new question be placed on the form, explaining roomate assign- ment and allowing the applicant a wide area in which to state any preferences or demands he might have. Should Require Answer At the same time, Prof. New- comb stressed in his letter, the question should not be "loaded," but so stated as to require an an- swer of some sort. Residence'Halls Governors then discussed further the problem raised by the Human Relations Board. It was suggested that a sub- committee might even be formed to study the problem, but no action was taken, and the governors will take the matter up again at their next meeting. Prof. Laign recommended at yes- terday's meeting that architects be asked to present plans for re- designing the ninth floor of South Quadrangle. Prof. Laing proposed that the ninth floor study hall, now being used as temporary housing, be re- built into double rooms as a perm- anent construction. "So far we have received excel- lent co-operation from the frater- nity men," said William Holland,' Health Service Sanitarian. "Sev- eral houses have already correct- ed unsafe and unsanitary condi- tions completely." Working With Ryan Health Service' is working with John Ryan, head of Ann Arbor's Department of Building Safety and Engineering, to make the pri- vate housing units comply with city sanitation and safety laws. Ryan said, "Sanitation was one of the biggest problems we found in our inspection tours which started last summer and are still going on." All but one or two fraternities had insufficient kitchen facilities, )he explained. Most of the houses were ordered to improve dish-washing equip- ment, bring the temperature of washing water up to the sanitary minimum, and make better ar- rangements for the disposal of ga bage. 'The city will make another in- By BILL HANEY University and city officials are "quite pleased" with the pro- gress fraternity and co-operative houses have made in cleaning up their residences. Thirty-two of 43 fraternities, two co-op's and one sorority were ordered last month to "do a general and complete clean-up on resi- dences and all surrounding areas." . Praise spection in April," Ryan said. "All houses must have sanitary eating facilities by then, or some provis- ions to come in compliance dur- ing the summer, or they will not be allowed to open in the fall." Violate Safety Regulations Next to unsatisfactory sanitation, the most prevalent warning was for violation of fire safety regu- lations. "Most fraternities are old large houses which have insufficient wiring," Holland said. "Since people use more electricity now than when the houses were con- structed, the older fraternities were seldom equipped to take the increasing overload." Because of this, short-circuits and small fires from faulty wir- ing have been quite common re- cently, he indicated. City officials are particularly concerned about fire hazards be- cause they found facilities for es- cape in event of a fire are also insufficient. Ryan has warned several frater- nities to either improve present fire escapes or construct new ones. While improvements in sanita- tion must be made immediately, officials are giving the fraternities and co-op's sixty days to "show they are working on improvements for methods of emergency egress. Must Submit Report "In many cases construction or re-modeling to conform with city safety restrictions will involve a great deal of time and expense," Holland said. "So to make it easier for the fraternities we are re- quiring them to submit a progress Benson's Farm Program Fraternities' 'Cleanup' report to Intra-Fraternity Coun- cil within sixty days of their warn- ing.o Most of the fraternities ordered to make safety improvements have already started removing rubbish piles in basements, replacing faulty wiring, and keeping sur- rounding areas cleaner, Holland said. Only one sorority was warned to malee any extensive changes in sanitation or safety, as opposed to almost fbrty mens groups. "This is because men seem to become lax when living together," Holland said. "Regular check-ups have become necessary to keep the men in compliance with city regu- lations, but once we warn them they are usually quite cooperat- ive." Ridiculed BY House Group DENIES ESPIONAGE: Red News Agency Chief Won't Talk for Senate WASHINGTON (M)--The top-ranking American executive of Tass, the Soviet news agency, refused yesterday to tell Senate investigators whether he has associated with Russian spies. Harry Freeman, once described by ex-Communist Whittaker Chambers as a "black tie" Communist intellectual, firmly denied n . ;: Bus Service May Cease Financial losses for several years may cause the Ann Arbor City Bus, Inc., to drop its operating franchise here as of Sept. 1. An attempt to locate another operator is being made by the Great Lakes Greyhound Lines. Washington's 224th Birthday, Celebrated by Nation Today :.: Today the banks are closed. That is the recognition that IxGeorge Washington, the first pres- ident of the United States, will receive on his birthday. > >= " -"""- " ._;:::;. It wasn't always like this. Back in the 1800's, fathers pointed out .:2:' .~to their children now little George had chopped down the cherry tree and then admitted it in the face of punishment. The fathers told their children how George Washington had help- ed Betsy Ross sew the first Ameri can flag by showing her how to make a five-pointed star instead of the usual six-pointed one. Little children of the last cen- GEORGE WASHINGtON tury also heard how Washington his last portrait threw a silver dollar, across the Potomac, and they saw the paint- ing of Washington crossing the Delaware. Seen When the boys and girls of the 1stigations een twentieth century learn in school of the many deeds of the man ofSuccess whose 224th birthday is today. they S salso !earn the truth of these deeds. Children ar-' now told that in a series of articles dealing with George couldn't possibly have oles and its problems.) chopped down a cherry tree. SNYDER They are told that neither George 'n o te fculy, ostfacltyWashington nor Betsy Ross could n to the faculty, most faculty possibly have had anything to do hlas achieved greatest success- with the making of that particular is not viewed by the faculty as flag. but as -necessary to insure "the ' Children are now told that, al- ty which contributes toward the though it was physically possible for Washington to have tossed the asis, the. report on the Economic silver dollar, there were no silver alytically the salaries nd fringe dos tn. ,ff s cmpaed ith taning of Boys and girls today learn that ff as compared with standings of Washington would have to have ons. been a fool 'to cross the Delaware made by faculty committees for in the way the painting shows. n. Extension of Social Security Iconoclasts have criticized, ex- tirement benefits are all matters posed and debunked the myths ough the aid of committee, has about the father of our country, but his stature in the eyes of ordv of the engineering college, millions remains untouched. 4however he himself has engaged in espionage. Freeman, deputy manager for Tass in this country, was one of three Soviet news agency employes called in by a' Senate Internal Security subcommittee in a study of how the Kremlin may operate in the United States outside Com- munist party channels. Second in Command While Freeman is the top Amer- ican in the Tass bureau in this country he is actually second in command since, he testified, the bureau is headed by Leonid Veli- chansky, a Soviet citizen. There was a strain of irony in yesterday's hearing. Benjamin Mandel, the com- mittee's research director, read a passage from Chambers' book, "Witnesses," describing Freeman as a dedicated Communist-the type who "conspires in black ties" with the backing of Soviet arms. Declines to Comment The slight, bald Freeman smil- ingly declined to comment on the passage or to say whether he ever knew Chambers, the onetime mag- azine editor who was a key figure in the Alger Hiss case. Freeman did recall, however, that. Mandel-the man doing the reading-was business manager of the Daily Worker when Freeman worked for that Communist news- paper in the 1920s. Mandel, long ago renounced communism and is a veteran committee staff member. Freeman and two other Tass staffers, Hays Jones and Mrs. Sasha Small Lurie, all testified they have not been Communist party members since joining the agency. All refused, however, on grounds'of possible self-incrimina- tion, to say whether they were Communists just before they went to work for Tass. Plan. Called 'Nebulous By Cooley WASHINGTON (IP) - Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Benson under- went a cross-fire of criticism and ridicule yesterday from hos- tile 'House Agriculture Committee members. Flushing an unaccustomed pink on occasion, Benson heard the ad- ministration's farm program called late, nebulous and political. The secretary, already given a rough time by the Senate Agri- culture Committee, was summoned before the House group to outline the administration's farm propo- sals-including flexible price sup- ports and a "soil bank" for taking surplus cropland out of produc- tion. Voted Last Year The House committee last year voted to junk the flexible support system for a return to high rigid price supports. The Senate com- mittee has voted likewise this year. Chairman H. J. Cooley (D-N.C.) at the outset accused Benson of ig- noring the committee in submit- ting specific proposals, and ordered him to have the program ready in legislative detail "by Monday." "You've been in office three years and to this day -we have never had an official bill," Cooley declared, and in evident sarcasm told Benson to "advise with your attorneys so you won't request authority you alreadyhave." Cooley Keeps Prodding Under Cooley's prodding, Ben- son acknowledged 'the soil bank feature of the program is not new, and that the Department of Agri- culture had rejected similar pro- posals contained in two House bills as recently as last July. "You admit it's not new with you," Cooley fired back. "Then why do you come so late?" Benson agreed the soil bank idea went back to the Biblical days of Joseph in Egypt. He said that his program took the best feat- ures of proposals that have been made, and combined them. ROADS BLOCKED Rain, Floods Soak West CoastArea PORTLAND, Ore. (.IP)-Heavy rains caused floods that isolated the northern California coastal city of Eureka yesterday and resulted in three drownings in southern Washington. The deluge also started earth-slides that blocked highways and rail lines over a wide area. Some places got half a foot of rain and more within 24 hours. Two men drowned near Prosser, Wash., when overflow from an irrigation canal trapped them in a discharge tube they were repairing. Rising flood waters and slides severed all communications with Eureka except radio. Humboldt Country streams spilled out of their banks again, recalling last December's damag- ing floods. The Eel River also was expected , to flood. National Two large earthslides in the Eel River Canyon and several smaller Roundup slides blocked the Northwestern d Pacific Railroad's tracks in Cali- fornia. By The Associated Press From northern California into MONTGOMERY, Ala.-A grand eastern Washington the Pacific jury yesterday indicted 15 persons Northwest was plagued by floods involved in Montgomery's Negro and threats of floods. bus boycott. Major rivers, though, stayed in The grand jury warned that vie- their bank. ence is inevitable unlesra Bias Hurts, Kauper S'ays The subordination of the Negro to the status of second class citi- zens weakens the nation's influ- ence abroad Prof. Paul G. Kauper pointed out yesterday in the last lecture of the Thomas M. Cooley, series. Recent advances in equal rights for Negroes is due in part to the fact that the nation could not re- concile racism with its democratic values during World War II he stated. He also pointed out that most people in the country have come to feel that citizens good enough to fight and die in defense of the country are good enough to share equally in the enjoyment of rights and privileges. lations improve. The boycott has been under way 11 weeks in protest against segre- gated seating on buses, required under Alabama law. The grand jury report said the boycott is a violation of Alabama law which prohibits boycotting without "a just cause or legal excuse." The jury said the boycott origi- nated with 18 members of what it called the interdenominational al- liance composed mostly of Negro ministers. Those 18 members created the Montgomery Improve- ment Assn. which has financed the boycott to the extent of some $18,000, the report continued. w * * WASHINGTON-Democrats ag- itated over the tank sale to Saudi Arabia and other aspects of United States foreign policy yesterday prepared to give Secretary of State John Foster Dulles a not-so-warm welcome home from a vacation in the Bahamas. * * s DETROIT - Amid shouts from his flock that "all is well," James F. (Prophet) Jones returned to his home yesterday after a night in jail to await examination on a morals charge. Some 300 of his followers over- flowed the court room as the reli- gious cult leader stood mute at his arraignment. Recorders Judge Geald W. Groat entered a plea of innocent and get examination for Feb. 29. NEW YORK - Edwin Franko Goldman, 78, whose name has been identified with free open air band concerts for nearly 40 years, died TORONTO SYMPHONY: MacMillan to Lead Hill Concert By GAIL GOLDSTEIN The Toronto Symphony Or- chestra, conducted by Sir Ernest MacMillan, will appear at 8:30 p. m. today in Hill Auditorium. The present orchestra dates back to the Conservatory Symphony Orchestra formed in 1906. In 1908, a charter was issued in the name of the Toronto Symphony Kunits. Though several conduct- ors were suggested to replace him, the unanimous decision of the Or- chestra's Board of Directors was Ernest Campbell MacMillan who was knighted by King George V in 1935 for services to Canadian music. During Sir Ernest's first year as conductor, the idea of fulllength evening concerts was inaugurated. The adivent of talkinu pictures. I -