r, 'THEY WERE GOING TOO FAST!' (See Page 4) --movorpr 41t Latest Deadline in the State. :43 ii CLOUDY, COLD VOL. LXVI, No. 91 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1956 EIGHT PAGES : Senate' Mostly s Powers Advisory State Department Says Eighteen More Tanks Areas of Over-all Faculty Body Termed 'Intangible, Undefined' By DICK SNYDER Authorized "to consider any subject pertaining to the interests of the University," the Faculty Senate has a history dating to at {east 1880. Available records, according to Prof. George E. McEwen, Senate secretary, show that the present faculty organization has been known as the University Senate and the University of Michigan Senate, while the present Senate Advisory Committee is the predecessor of the Senate Council and University Council. Powers 'Intangible' Powers of the various bodies, whose membership has always con- sisted basically of faculty members of professional rank, are for the OOrder for Arabia q" STAGER JUSTIFIED: Wardrop Suspension, Gets Crisler Okay By ED SALEM Michigan Athletic Director H. 0. "Fritz" Crisler said yesterday that swimming coach Gus Stager was justified in his recent suspension of the Wardrop twins from the swimming team. In an interview with Daily Sports Editor Phil Douglis, Crisler said that "coaches don't make rash decisions in cases like this." Crisler said the Wardrops "made a mistake and were pretty sorry boys last Sunday afternoon. The suspension was unfortunate to Testimony Reveals New Oil Offers WASHINGTON (MP-A Just-re- signed United States attorney tes- tified yesterday oil company lawyer John M. Neff tried to hire him to lobby for the natural gas bill and then attempted to give him $500 for his children. Testifying through tears at times the former Lexington, Neb., off i- cial, Donald R. Ross, said Neff made these overtures-and he re- jected them--after he arranged meetings between Neff and Ne- braska's Republican Sens. Carl Curtis and Roman Hruska. Ross was the first witness as a special Senate committee unex- pectedly reopened and broadened an inquiry into a $2,500 campaign contribution offered by Neff o Sen. Francis Case (R-SD) but re- jected by the Senator. Several other inquiries-one by a, federal grand jury-are under way with the prospect some may go into the whole field of lobby- ing and campaign contributions. The lobbying question was a factor In President Dwight D. Eisen- hower's veto of the' gas bill. Ross, a Republican, resigned his post last Saturday, saying he had done nothing wrong but didn t want to embarrass his party through his connection with Neff, a longtine friend. The Senate committee heard in an earlier phase of its investiga- tion that Neff offered the $2,500 to Case, and actually gave $2,500 to the Nebraska State Republican Committee, on behalf of Howard B. Keck, president of the Superior Oil 'Co. of California. In Lexington, where he has a law office, Neff declined to com- ment on Ross' testimony, saying he can't discuss the case while he is under federal grand jury sub- poena. Recommend c'if t' Inquiry WASHINGTON (P-The Senate Democratic Policy Committee un- animously recommended late yes- terday that a new special biparti- san committee be set up to make a broad inquiry into campaign gifts and lobbying. Sen. Lyndon Johnson of Texas, the Democratic leader, said a reso- lution to create the new group will be brought before the Senate at the earliest possible date, probably today. Sen. Johnson said the new group, with 'membership equally divided between Republicans and Demo- crats, would be asked to undertake a. "far reaching and thorough in- vestigation of lobbying, attempts to pressure and to influence sena- tors, campaign contributions and any and all improprieties that may be disclosed." The plan would be to have the special committee take up where the committee headed by Sen. Walter George (D-Ga.) leaves off with its report on the inquiry into the rejection of Sen. Francis Case (R-S.D.) of a $2,500 campaign con- tribution while the natural gas bill was before the Senate. Five Lucky Stubs To Fall From Sky 4most part intangible and uncle fined. Prof. McEwen terms the Senate "an organ to express the will of the total University faculties and to direct that will to whatever agency it pertains. "The Senate has no clear leg- islative powers. It is only an opin- in-channeling forum with the power to recommend." The power to recommend was not even stated asaedefinite func- tion of the Senate until the crea- tion of the University Council in 1931. Information Sketchy Information concerning the his- tory of the all-University delib- erative body is rather sketchy and unorganized, and for this reason, says Prof. Mewen, it is hard to obtain any completely accurate picture of the Senate through the years. Minutes and manuscripts, how- ever, do indicate that a "Univer- sity Senate" existed from 1880 to 1948, with a period of from 1904 to 1907 in which it was termed the "University of Michigan Sen- ate." In 1931 the University Council was approved and its membership included top administrative offic- cers and faculty members repre- senting all University departments. The University Council took the place of the Senate Council on which, as indicated by records, each school was entitled to repre- sentation. The University 'Council with its 57 members proved to be too large a body for effective operation within the Senate, and in 1948 its functions were turned over to the present Senate Advisory Commit- tee. SAC differs 'from the University Council in that it is comprised en- tirely of faculty members and ex- cludes administrative officers. The number of members was also de- creased to 17 and members are representative of the var)us schools and colleges. SAC Active Part In the past years, SAC has be- come the most active part of the Faculty Senate. Its members serve for three-year terms and contin- uity is provided by staggered elec- tions. Directly under the SAC are three standing subcommittees dealing' with. educational policies, plant and equipment and public rela- tions. Special committees are frequent-' ly set up to draw such reports as the economic status of the faculty and to recommendrsuch actions as tenure policy for Senate ap- proval. The Faculty Senate itself, is presided over by the President of the University, Harlan Hatcher, and in addition to its faculty mem- bership, is composed of the Uni- versity's vice-presidents, Director of University Relations, Secretary, Assistant to the Dean of Faculties, Assistant to the President, Deans of Men and Women, Deans of the various schools, the Registrar and the Director of the University Library. The Senate is required to meet at least twice a year and there are few instances since its incep- tion that it has met more than the required minimum number of times.' The Senate Advisory Committee, on the other hand, meets at least once a month to discuss matters "which concern its obligations to the state and to the community at large." Because of their more frequent meetings and the all-faculty na- ture of the body, the Senate Ad- visory Committee has come to be the active unified force behind most faculty policy matters. -Daily-Jim Owens FRATERNITY MEN DRINK TRADITIONAL PUNCH AND SMOKE TRADITIONAL CIGARETTES AT TRADITIONAL SMOKER Fraternity Men, Rushees Go All Out As Open Rushin Sessions Commence By BILL HANEY This is the time of the year when 43 fraternities open their doors, hand out free cigarettes, soft drinks and information to impress several hundred rushees trying equally hard to impress the Greek men. Although the idea of rush- ing hours is to make both mem- bers and prospective members feel natural and informal, those who have undergone this exper- ience say actions are "pretty much standardized" and both parties usually worry about what they are supposed to do next. 'Who-do-you-know Game' As one veteran of seven rush- ing seasons lamented, "Who-do- you-know' orite game seems to be the fav- at these get-togethers. . Y. Strikers' Fists Cause Police Trouble FARMINGDALE, N. Y. OP) - Surging, shouting, fist-swinging pickets charged nonstrikers' cars last night in a renewal of fighting at the struck Republic Aircraft Corp. Cars were backed up for a mile outside the plant gates as night shift nonstrikers soughtsto breacn the picket lines. Stones were hurled, fists swung. Pickets formed human walls against approaching cars. Some hurled themselves bodily onto the hoods of the autos. More than 20 pickets were ar- rested by a handful of police who were all but overwhelmed in the angry demonstration. It brought to more than 40 the number of pickets arrested in a day of wild strife that flared anew after dark. The wage strike of 12,000 pro- duction workers against four Re- public plants on Long Island began Sunday.' It took "full effect for the first time during the day- halting production on a $500,000 backlog of government guided missile parts and jet plane orders. However, test flights of complet- ed jet fighter-bombers continued without interruption. Also, two finished aircraft were delivered to the Air Force and flown to undis- closed bases. It's played- by a rushee and a rusher who discover they come from the same town and they us- ually spend the evening, trying to- establish, mutual acquaintan- ces.". The rushers, who of course have already experienced at least one semester as a rushee, claim the job of the fraternity man is by far the hardest of the two. Preparation begins for a new rushing season immediately after the one in progress ends. Most fraternities elect a rushing chair- man early in the semester and leave the details up to him. Seven-Nine Service But once rushing commen- ces, every, man in the fraternity is required to spend the hours be- tween 7 and 9 p.m. showing the rushee around the house, lighting his cigarettes and answering ques- tions about his fraternity in par- ticular and all fraternities in gen- eral. As may be expected the rushers accept these obligations with varied feelings. One. conscientious host com- mented, "I feel its the greatest way to develop one's own person- ality. You meet so many people' of diversified personalities you have a wonderful opportunity to sift through their unique charac- teristics and select those points you like." 'Can't Remember N ames' Another fraternity man stand- ing in a dark corner lamented, "I don't like to shake hai~ds or make idle conversation, and I just can't remember names." Though the evening ends at 9 p.m. for the rushee, work is not even half through for their hosts. After the last of their' prospec- tive brothers leaves, the fraternity men assemble to discuss the merits or demerits of the guests. These Aviation Authority Contracts Studied Contracts for converting Detroit Metropolitan Aviation Authority into a powerful three-county or- ganization were being considered yesterday, although the Univer- sity indicated its . reluctance to join the proposed authority. lengthy gatherings are aptly termed "hash sessions." One comment heard almost in- variably in one form or another is "He's a real nice guy and no doubt he's fraternity material, but is he Theta Theta material?" One fraternity has decided, since their hash sessions - habitually carry into 'the next morning, to serve coffee and donuts to keep less hardy members awake. The biggest complaint against the rushing setup comes from the students with the highest schol- astic averages. But most of them admit all they have to do is re- .arrange their schedules to com- pensate for the abnormal demand. on their time. Studying Difficult One student decided to cut in- tramural sports for the two weeks and use that former recreation time for studying. "I think most fraternity men have to give up their time-consuming luxuries for a while, but the experience of meeting the new fellows is sure worth the time," he said. . One rushing consellor, obviously concerned about doing a super- lative job, said, "I only have to give up the unimportant things- eating, sleeping, going to clas- ses .... Ike Prolongs Announcement THOMASVILLE, Ga. ('P)-Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower decided yesterday to extend his south Georgia vacation until Friday or Saturday and the White House just about ruled out possibility of any announcement here on wheth- er he will seek reelection. The President came to the plan- tation estate of Secretary of the Treasury George Humphrey last Wednesday with tentative plans to remain for about a week of quail hunting, golf and general relaxation-and reaching a final decisi'on on whether to run again. Hagerty said "there isn't a thing to it" in commenting on a report that the President would disclose here late Friday, after the stock maikets close for the weekend, whether he will seek another term. A newsman had told the press sec- retary such a report was circulat- ing in this area. World News Roundup By The Associated Press ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.-An at- tempt to put the school super- intendents of the nation on record condemning the State of Alabama and the state university in the Authering Lucy case failed to carry its first hurdle yesterday. The resolutions committee of the American Association of School Administratiors meeting in con- vention here, repected a resolu- tion that said "when confronted by physical force," state and uni- versity authorities "failed to en- force the opportunity of equality." WASHINGTON-The Court of Appeals yesterday set aside a de- cision holding that congressional committees lack authority to ex- pose former Communists simply for the sake of exposure. The court's eight judges vacated a two-one decision by a three- judge panel Jan. 26 in the con- tempt of Congress case of John T. Watkins, a labor leader. * * * WASHINGTON-The adminis- tration refused yesterday to give investigating senators details they wanted to know about a 1954 easing of free world trade with Russia. The refusal was announced in a letter from Undersecretary of State Herbert Hoover Jr., delivered by John B. Hollister, United States foreign aid chief, at a stormy hearing of the Senate Investiga- tions subcommittee. * * * MOSCOW-One of the major goals in Soviet nuclear research in the new five-year plan is an atomic-powered airplane. This was disclosed yesterday in a speech to the 20th Congress of the Soviet Communist party. NEW YORK-Attorney Charles P. Grimes said yesterday he ex- pected "quick action" on his at- tempts to have the courts nullify the lifetime amateur ban imposed on America's premier miler, yWes Santee. "I plan to draw up papers in the1 next couple of days and will .file for an injunction in either the State Supreme Court or a federal court-I haven't decided which," Grimes said. "be sure," he added, "but time heals all difficulties and this will soon be forgotten." 'Nothing New'-Stager Meanwhile Stager said that there was nothing new he could add to his previous statements. According to Associated Press re- ports, the Wardrops "walked out" on the coach during the Indiana meet last Saturday. However, Stager refused to verify this re- port when questioned. He said that at present, "the spirit of thie team is fine and they are looking forward to the Ohio State meet next week." Stager em- phasized that this has been as much of a hardship for the team as it has for me." One prominent member of the swimming team, who preferred an- onymity, was especially pleased with Stager's decision. The swim- mer said that Jack. never worked with the team all year long. . "He puted that sick bit twice," he said, "letting us think that he would swim until the last minute, and as a result we lost two meets." In addition to the Indiana loss, the Wolverines lost to Iowa and Michigan State while tieing Iowa State. University Health Service veri- fied reports that Jack Wardrop was there the morning of the meet. The examining doctor said that See WOLVERINES, Page 7 Prophet Jones Sent To Jail For Indecency Dr. James F. Jones, "The Lord's One and Only Prophet," was Jailed yesterday on charges of gross in- decency and attenpted gross in- decency. Taken at his "Castle," a specta- cular mansion at 75 Arden Park, Detroit, the Prophet was led away as he excitedly quoted Biblical passages. "God help me!" he declared. His arrest was based upon a re- port by Patrolman John Henry of the Vice Bureau. Henry, who managed to become a member of Jones's flock, received audience with the Prophet to seek a cure for a twitching arm. The Divine. Prophet told Henry to soak his hands and face in cold water, along with certain immoral suggestions. Dec. 29, when Henry told Jones he was cured, Jones exclaimed, "The Lord knows I am not a fake. Thank you, God!" It was at this same audience, his arrest warrant reports, that the Prophet went beyond the bounds of decency. Three women accompanied Jones to headquarters. The women ex- plained they were members of his flock and wanted to be near him. Jones's official self-appointed title reads, "The Right Rev. Dr. James F. Jones, D.D., H.D.R., Dominion Ruler of the Church ofj the Universal Triumph, The Domi- nion of God, Inc." Each charge under which the Prophet was arrested carries a pos- sible $2,500 fine and a five year prison sentence. Home Exhibition Opens in Rackham An exhibition of Contemporary Home Furnishings opened yester- U.S. Sent Middle East $16 Million Dulles Awaiting Call From Eban 4 WASHINGTON (P)-Saudi Ara- bia has 18 more United States tanks on order-M47 Pattons near- ly twice as big as the 18 contro-. versial M41 Walker Bulldogs shipped out yesterday. American and other diplomatic officials also reported Israel has received at least $,000,000 worth of United States ammunition, spare parts and radio gear since last August. $16,000,000 Sent This was included in the $16,- 000,000 worth of materiel which the State Department disclosed Saturday as having been sent to the troubled Middle East during the past six months. President Dwight D. Eisenhow- er's decision to lift the short-lived United States arms embargo left the State Department withthe problem of what to tell Israel and Congress. Israel is pressing for approval of its request, filed last Nov. 16, to buy $50,000,000 in United States weapons. This is sought to counter Egypt's purchase of $80,- 000,000 in Communist jet planes, tanks and artillery. Dulles to Meet Eban Secretary of State John Foster Dulles is to return Wednesday from a Bahamas vacation. Israeli Am- bassador Abba Eban is expected to call on him or his top Middle East aide, George V. Allen. Chairman Walter George (D. Ga.) of the Senate Foreign Rela- tions Committee said over the weekend he wants Secretary Dulles and Undersecretary Herbert Hoov- er Jr. to explain the tanks-for- Arabia deal as soon as possible. Freighter Picketed The freighter James Monroe sailed fromkBrooklyn yesterday with the tanks for Saudi Arabia. Pro-Israel groups picketed the area, unsuccessfully urging the longshoremen not to load the tanks. Officials said Saudi Arabia ap- plied last April 28 for 36 United States tanks. It based it re- quest on a 1951 agreement under which the Saudis were receiving United States arms training. The Saudis said they had no tanks at all. After this order was approved on Aug. 25, officials said, the Saudi Arabians sent a check for about $2,500,000. But they decided later to buy only the eighteen 25-ton Walkers, which are light recon- naissance tanks. They shelved temporarily their orders for 18 Pattons, which weigh 48 tons each and are classified as medium tanks. UN Censures Egypt Action JERUSALEM (A) - The United Nations Mixed Armistice Commis- sion yesterday censured Egypt for what it called a flagrant violation of the Arab-Israeli cease-fire agreement. It was the commission's first meeting in several months. A spokesman said the finding was handed down in response to an Israeli complaint concerning a border incident Aug. 26, 1955. The Israelis charged a heavily- armed patrol cross the border from Egyptian territory and fired at Israeli troops, wounding one sol- dier. Student Jurors? Students who would like the FOR THE GREATEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE: ThinK Calmly, Positively and joyously, Peale Advises By TAMMY MORRISON How would you like tomorrow to be the greatest day you ever had? What you have to do to achieve this, according to Norman Vincent Peale, is think calmly, think positively and think joyfully. Peale, who vigorously offered his three points for "Right Thinking and Effective Living" to a capacity crowd at Hill Auditorium last night, believes that this is the way to release the self and live a full life. To think calmly, says Peale, you must achieve "peace of mind." Quoting poet Edwin Markham, a friend of his, he described this peace as the calm source of power in the center of a cyclone. Can See Things Straight "With this peace," he said, "you can see things straight and deal with social inequalities and injustices calmly, yet powerfully. You must develop 'Imaginative Imperturbability.'" I tating that "vn an dn anvthin vn uant with vo. rmind if ON