JARY 19 1958 THE MCMGA14 DAILY PAGE SEVEN ,.Y1 96TH IHGNDIL AU3VT New Snack Bar Names Solicited FOUNDED BY PARKER: Origin Resulted From 'Intolerance' Homer Heath Comments' On 'Good Ole Days' By DICK HALLORAN The contest to "Name the New Snack Bar" will open Saturday, Union officials announced today. The prize to the winner will be $100 in scholarship funds. SBX Sales rImiproving i, ;By DIANE LABAKAS The turnover of books at the Student Book Exchange is better than ever, according to Nort Steu- ben, '58, assistant manager. Steuben attributed SBX's suc- cess to the campus-wide advertis- ing campaign carried out by the students and the SBX committee. Citing the group's determination to make this year's SBX a good one, Steuben remarked how he and manager Bill Diamond, '56 E, posted signs at 2 a.m. before regis- tration. A large part of SBX's success r ws attributed by Steuben to Dia- mond's planning and organization. The latter, said Steuben, was re- sponsible for setting up the floor plan in the Union where there is only one door for students to come in and out of. "There were two doors in the old Angell Hall setup," he commented, "which contributed to many thefts. Under our new arrangement not one book has been stolen." The only disadvantage of the new system, said Steuben, is that students inconveniently have tp walk through a Union kitchen to get to the book exchange. How- ever, the large turnover and as- sortment of books indicate that students were not bothered by this arrangement, he declared. Another new innovation con- tributing to SBX's success, Steu- ben pointed out, is Diamond's idea of breaking the system into com- mittees, thereby making division easier. It has relieved the man- ager and assistant manager of work, and thus enabled work to be performed more efficiently. "The SBX booth at registration did not work out too well because many of the students did not know about. it," Steuben said, but add- ed, "the system will be continued next year."i Payments for books that were sold and the return of unsold books will be made from 9-5 p.m. tomor- row and Tuesday on the third floor of the Union. The Snack Bar, one of three new cafeterias in the renovated Union, is located on the north side of the basement and is tentatively sched- uled to open in mid-March. Entries should consist of the suggested name and a short essay of 25 words or less explaining why the name is appropriate. Official entry blanks ,which must be used, will be available at Saturday's open House and the Union Stu- dent Offices thereafter. Suggestions must be submitted not later than March 30, the Fri- day before spring vacation. An-j nouncement of the winner will come after the spring holidays. Students will have a chance to use the Snack Bar for a couple of weeks before the closing date of the contest and may be able to get ideas from seeing the shop in operation. No particular style or type of name is required-the field is open to the imagination. All full-time students are eligi- ble to enter, with the exception of those connected in an official capacity with the Union. In the event a senior is the winner, a cash substitute for the scholarship will be made. (Continued from Page 6) facilities and, if possible, a swim- ming pool. It would cost from $300,000 to $400,000. Funds obtained mostly from such events as a student carnival, which was to evolve into the biennial Michigras, Union Minstrels, an- nual dinners and profits from the Student Lecture Association en- abled purchase of the Cooley home. The Union Opera became a part of campus life one year later as "Michigenda" initiated a 20-year chain of Operas which was to net the Union project $125,000. Stu- dent dues of $2.50 also added to the funds. Also in 1908 the man who was to become the guiding force in development. of the Union took over as its general manager. Homer Heath, '07, was the man behind the 1908-1826 fund-raising cam- paign which eventually provided the present Union structure. Bigger Home The first definite move in the campaign took place at a meeting of alumni in 1910 when it was decided that first a receptive atti- tude would have to be developed on the part of alumni to a Union building. opment of this receptive attitude was the expansion of the Cooley, place in 1912 on the 75th anniver- sary of the University. In order to relieve some of the intolerance which founder Parker saw between independents and Greeks, fraternity and independent men alternated in the presidency from year to year. Union buttons had been insti- tuted and $23,000 in subscriptions had been raised from the impetus given a new Union building by plans drafted in 1913 by University alumni Allen and Irving Pond with advice from Prof. Bates and Heath. 1 In October, 1915, with a $1,000,- 000 objective, $250,000 to be used for endowments, 10 seniors were picked to conltact alumni through- out the country. A central cam- paign committee and alumni sub- committees were set up. This channeled campaign netted the Union $765,000 in pledges and by March, 1917, $400,000 in cash had been collected - enough -to justify financially immediate con- struction of the present Union. Actually, the ambitious efforts of a building committee, set up in 1911, resulted in groundbreaking for the new building by President Hutchins in the spring of 1916. Construction proceeded on the shell of the building only, with the Contributing toward the devel- 'interior and -furnishings to be completed according to the pro- gress of the subscriptions cam- paign. Better Uses With the advent of World War I, construction was curtailed. however, the building was soon put to use by the Student Army Training Corps. The war ended and sufficient bank loans were obtained to open the building in the fall of 1919. Onedyear later, 70 per cent of all students were Union life mem- bers. d-Fees for membership were five dollars. They have periodi- cally increased, by authorization of the Regents, until they now total $12. In the first year of operation, 7,500 persons per day passed through the Union's doors. Meet- ings held totaled 2,500 and total business amounted to $500,000. Still uncompleted at the open- ing were the second floor..reading room and the swimming pool. A contribution by Mrs. Edward W. Pendleton of Detroit enabled com- pletion in 1925 of the present Pen- dleton Library. Various student and alumni campaigns saw completion of the pool in 1924. Probably most notable of the early Union committees was the Infirmary Committee which was responsible for establishing Health Service. Greater Merit Because of dissatisfaction with having senior officers elected di- rectly from the campus, three years of campus debate ended in a 1928 resolution which made the posi- tions of Union president and sec- retary appointive on the basis of merit rather than elected politi- cally. Upon retirement of the Union's debt in 1935, more improvements were commenced. The number of guest rooms and dining room space was increased, and space was al- located for the University Club and the International Students Center. Most recent alteration of the structure was in 1953 when the old second floor swimming pool bal- cony was torn down with business and student offices taking its place. Dedication of the current addi- tion construction program took place Oct. 30, 1954. With comple- tion of the new $2,900,000 addition, the Union will be launching an- other phase of service to the cam- pus. Union offic-s see this new phase not at, a climax to the ideas of Bob Parker, but merely as an- other level in the "story without ehd." By JIM ELSMAN Homer Heath, '07, the first Gen- eral Manager of the Union and now vice president of the Ann Arbor Trust Bank, recently remi- nisced about what the Union was like back in the good ole days. Referring to 1907-26, his stint as Union manager, Heath proudly: said, "Back then the Union was strictly a men's club. Women came in the side door and then just for dinner dates and dances. "Nowadays you see girls loung- ing around with men in the front lobby. I think women should con- sider it a privilege to enter the Union." After confessing that these were the nostalgic reminisces of an "old man," Heath explained why the Union was less a "Men's" Union than of old. "Boys and girls seem to want to be together much more today than they used to. "Times have changed." The Hub Heath said that the Union used to be "the hub of all campus ac- tivities," but as the percentage of women on campus increased there was a tendency away from Union leadership. "Having a Student Legislature shows the influence of the women on the campus. When women were a scarcity on campus, the Union led the men and thus the campus." Parenthetically Heath added, "I hope they never have women cheerleaders. Football is 'a man's game." Recalling the early days of the Union, Heath remarked, "Our Union opened Nevember 17, 1907. We had the old Cooley house then, about where the swimming pool is now. "In 1913 I went out East to get an idea of what other campuses had, with the idea of building a new Union on our campus. Colum- bia, Yale, and Princeton had noth- ing-Harvard and Dartmouth had very little to offer. The Forerunner "Therefore, we had very little to go by when we built the present Union around 1917." With obvious pride, Heath added, "Ours is the forerunner of all other Unions in the country-no other college had anything comparable in 1917." Heath revealed that the building was largely paid for by the stu- dents, who held fairs and other enterprising activities. Alumni subscriptions paid the balance. Heath fingered some ledger sheets piled on his desk, shook his head and chuckled, "Back then it cost us $1,200,000 to build the whole Union. Now it costs over three million to put on an addi- tion." -Daily-Hai Leeds HOMER HEATH .. . First General Manager "In those years nearly every lnan paid $50 for a life member- ship. Can you imagine that now? I hear today few men wear their Union buttons--they used to line up for them. He is now Vice-President of the Ann Arbor Trust Company. "The time during the First World War when we fed nearly 4,000 service men for almost half a year," was one of Heath's best remembered experiences. When asked to comment on the contemporary University, Heath said regretfully, "The University is getting too big. Anyone will tell you that, but it has got to be-it has got to be." Managers During its 51-year history the Union has had only four general managers. The first was Homer Heath who served the newly-formed organi- zation from 1908 to'1926. L. Paul Buckley served from 1926 to 1933, when he was suc- ceeded by Stanley G. Waltz. The latter was rctirg manager until 1934 when he was appointed gen- eral manager. In 1941 Waltz was succeeded by acting manager Frank C. Kuenzel. In 1945 Kuenzel was named gen- eral manager, the post he holds today. He is spending his twenty-ninth year as a Union employee. Union Rolls List Many Noted Men By KEITH DEVRIES Included in the rolls, of Union life members are many famous men. Former New York Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, Michigan Gov. G. Men- nen Williams, Playwrite Arthur Miller, President Dwight D. Eisen- hower's brother Edgar, and Sec. of the Army Wilber M. Brucker all are life members, Elsa Staeb, who is in charge of the memberships, points out. With the Union since 1920, Miss Staeb has seen life member- ships increase from 7,000 to 37,000 and has seen many of the men taking them out become promin- ent later. Until 1928, Miss Staeb notes, someone wanting to become a 'life member either had to pay $50 while he was still a student or $100 if he had already graduated. Given Automatically Now a membership is automati- cally given to a student who has completed eight semesters at the University. Anyone spending less time here can get one by paying $6 for every semester he is short of the eight. To determine who have become life members by spending four years here, Miss Staeb every se- mester looks through cards for the Union signed on the registration "railroad tickets," checking them against records of previous regis- trations. While there is no personal noti.' fication for those getting member- ships in this way, the names of those receiving them are printed in The Daily and posted on the Union bulletin board. A new life member is given as a tangible token of his member- ship a pin which is exactly like the ordinary Union pin except that the colors are reversed. In addition he receives an iden- tification plate to fit on his key chain. Located Easily "This is a particularly valuable gift," Miss Staeb says. "Almost every week we receive keys in the mail that a member has lost and through our records are able to locate him." One of the big advantages in holding a life membership, she points out, is that a member can stay at the Union whenever he comes back to Ann Arbor, while a person who is either not a life member or hasn't had a reserva- tion made for him by one usually has little luck in obtaining a room. --Daily-Sam Ching EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND SENIOR OFFICERS of the Union. Left to right: Herbert Karzen, Campus Affairs; Fred Trost, Public Relations; Todd Lief, President; Roy Lave, Union Relations; Kirke Lewis, Personnel; Bob Blossey, Executive Secretary; Fred Williams, 'Social; Neil Barnett, Adminis- tration; Harlan Givelber, Student Services; Russ McKennan, Publicity; George Henrich, Dance. li -- (1 fi I AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNION At their January meeting the Union Board of Directors unanimously approved a constitutional amendment, the effect of which would add a third senior officer to the Union. A referendum vote on the proposed amendment will be taken during the All-Campus Spring Election on March 27 and 28. The present two-officer setup has been in existence for more than 50 years despite the growth of the campus and the in- creased number of activities now conducted by the Union, as well as the increasing number of men participating in the Union activities program. The need for the third senior offi- cer accompanies the expanding Universty and, of course, an expanding Union. Under the proposed amendment the present two seniorposi- tions of president and executive secretary would be replaced by three senior offices, to be -known as president, executive vice-president, and administrative vice-president. Any questions concerning the amendment or request for a copy of complete constitutional change should be addressed Michigan Union Membership All full-time male students are entitled to membership privileges at the Michigan Union.. Membership is indicated as follows: Men holding blue I-D cards issued in year-Separate Membership Card. 1952-53 school All other men -a "U" punch for the current semester in your -D card. If you have NOT yet obtained your membership, please bring your 1. I-D CARD and 2. CASHIER'S RECEIPT to the Union Student Offices between 3-5 P.M. Monday through Friday. NOTE: We request that all men obtain their membership not later than March 9th.. After this date mem- berships will be issued only once each week. For those who have class conflict with these hours, the offices will be open 1-5 P.M. on Friday,'Feb. 24th, fto ervo \/u II I 11 11 11 1