; m taDi Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "That's A Laugh, Ain't It?" n Opinions Are Free, ruth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. F2 .,... " " . w...+... ...,,,. 'lk / '1 Y, FEBRUARY 19, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: JANET REARICK CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL: Budapest Quartet Play Beethoven and Mozart THE PERFORMANCE by the Budapest Quartet on Friday night was a very good one, but their performance last night was superb in most respects. The Quartet, to begin with, played with the customary polish and smoothness which has been their mark in trade for more than two decades. Theirs is a super-disciplined, technically incisive ensemble playing. With the return of Alexander Schneider last February to the organization on the sudden illness of Jacques Gorodetsky, the group has regained some of the former brilliance and excitement that can be heard on the pre-war recordings of the Quartet made in the late thirties. Recently, however, the string tones of Joseph Roisman, the first violinist, has acquired a driness and an edge which is not always ap- propriate or desirable in quartet-playing. It made for harshness in some passages of the Mozart Quintet, especially in the first two move- ments. THE PROGRAM last night was calculated to show off the best qualities of the organization: Bethoven's Quartet Op. 18, no. 2; Smet- I Faculty Sidestepping Controversial Responsibilities' Report ONE of the five examples of faculty conser- vatism pointed to in the recent Daily edi- torial may have been little noticed but its im- port,necessitates rexamination. This refers to inaction on the Faculty Senate Report on the Faculty's rights and responsibilities to Society. Last summer five Faculty Senate sub-com- mittees submitted reports concerning problems raised during the faculty dismissals cases the previous year. Reports concerning tenure mat- ters, severance pay, Senate rules and appoint- ment procedure were accepted with little fuss by the Faculty Senate. The fifth report, concerning the Faculty's responsibilities to society, was turned down by a small margin. The balloting conducted dur- ing the last two weeks in June registered 353 votes against the report and 317 for. There are nearly 1,100 faculty members who could have voted on the report. Whether the report should have been passed or not is not the primary qestion at this time. The question is-why has nothing happened since last summer's negative vote. The sub-committee was commissioned to sub- mit a report to give faculty members some positive criteria by which to judge their occu- pational activity. It hardly, seems plausible that suddenly faculty members no longer need the criteria so badly lacking in the pre-'dis- missals' days. rJ7O possibilities immediately come to mind. One is obviously to write a new report that would be acceptable to the majority. The other Diap,"ers a THE PRESIDENTIAL order revising current selective service regulations to exempt fathers from the draft is unfair, inconsistent and undemocratic. That a man should be exempted from ful- filling his military obligation because of the happenstance of his private life is grossly unjust. Normally, exemptions are made from the draft for the good of the nation-either mei are not physically able and therefore a detriment to the service or else they can contribute more to the national welfare in civiliaiVlife. Fathers per se fit into neither of these categories but are being excused from their obligations by the pure chance of their personal lives. The new ruling obviously favors men who are able to marry yung and begin to raise a family. Those who have the financial backing and/or the education necessary. to support themselves -and a family are favored while the young man, who through choice or neces- sity, must postpone his plans from a family until such time as he has himself is subjected to discrimination. Why should he have to devote two years of his life to something not of his choice while his married and parented counter- part lives his life without such obligations? This exemption will do little to improve the morale of those who are now in or to be called up for military service, knowing that while they pull K.P. others still in civilian life are getting ahead and living comfortably only because they happened to be fathers, This is particularly true during peacetime when military service is regarded by many as a drudgery and sacrifice of' time to be gotten over with as quickly as possible. Knowing that they have been chosen by an arbitrary method will certainly not make the draftee more willing to serve. is for a re-vote. The 400 or more faculty mem- bers who didn't vote could easily swing the vote to support of the report. Perusal of neither alternative is presently evident.r Unfortunately the Responsibilities to Society report has become a hot potato. Not unex- pectedly,, last summer's vote on the report became tangled in the preceding year's contro- versy over whether or not Messrs. Nickerson and Davis should have been dismissed. Although much of the hassle has been be- hind closed doors, the controversy descended to the point where if you voted for the report you were voting against the University's previ- ous stand on dismissing the professors. The Report was too nearly a direct reference to the University's handling of the dismissals. NOW few apparently want the split brought back into the limelight. A re-vote favor- ing the report might make the University look bad and a watered down report would antago- nize the liberal element into a battle of ideals that might publicize unnecesarily a serious split on the University faculty. Meanwhile people will still ask, "What hap- pened?" It is indeed lamentable that the faculty feels it must side-step an issue so vital as what its rights and duties to society should be. Freedom, loyalty and the like are touchy terms but still in the realm of important dis- cussion. --DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor ad Defense The great inconsistency comes from the fact that much of the Department of Defense's efforts to build up an effective reserve system will be negated by this action. The tendency today amongst young men is to ride the draftee situation out, hopiiig that they will not receive their greetings from their neighbors saying that they have been chosen to be among the unlucky many. No sweeping movement to join the reserve unit has been seen despite recent legis- lation supposedly designed to encourage enlist- ment. The increasing possibility of no call at all presented by the new regulation will serve only to increase draft eligibles determination to wait it out. THE PHILOSOPHY of the military "New Look" is to keep active duty forces at the minimum needed to deter an aggressor or in the event of. hostilities, to fight a holding action until the partially trained reserve can- be activated and brought into the conflict. Yet a sizeable segment of the male population will not only receive no training now but at the time when every trained man is needed, this group will be totally unprepared to do its share. Having neither compulsion nor incentive to join the reserves, fathers will not have the slightest hint of military life. It makes little sense to put on a high pressure campaign to strengthen the reserve forces and then turn around and take a step to deliberately under- mine them. The draft laws now in effect are far from fair, consistent, and democratic in many re- spects. Defense is everybody's business, not just the concern of those who have yet to go through the siege of the diaper. -DICK HALLORAN WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Military Battle Over Missiles, By DREW PEARSON MORE OF THE inside story on the hassle over guided missiles and the resignation Cof Trevor Gardner as Assistant Secretary of the Air Force can now be told. The public didn't know it, but Gardner resignedi while under a Senate investigation. W h e t h e r that investigation was justified or not is another matter. Most Sen- ate invesigations are healthy but this one may have set back the guided-missile program by several months. Basic trouble with the guided- missile program is that it's been pulled back and forth between rival arms of the so-called unified Armed Forces. The Navy has its own guided missiles, the Army its own, and the Air Force works in- dependently of both. * * * ALL THREE have their own scientists, their. own budgets, and their own missiles. They don't al- ways know what the other branch of the service is doing, and each is determined to get ahead of the other in this race to develop what all three know will be the weapon to decide wars in the future. Today, rival military chiefs know that if a guided missile can be developed to hit Moscow, then the airplanes of the Air Force won't be important any more. Thus, if the Army gets ahead in guided missiles, it can make the Air Force take a back seat. And right now, the Army, with old- fashioned foot soldiers and Ike's budget cuts, is taking a back seat to the Air Force. So is the Navy. Guided missiles could reverse this. Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Gardner, an energetic young rocket manufacturer from Los Angeles, was the mast dynamic crusader for missiles on the Wash- ington scene. He was putting the Air Force ahead of the Army and Navy. And it's strongly suspected inside the Pentagon that the Army and Navy h'ad something to do with tipping off the.Senate com- mittee to certain things that start- ed its investigation. * * * THIS INVESTIGATION got hot quite recently when Bob Kennedy, brother of Massachusetts' Sen. Jack Kennedy and Counsel for the old McCarthy committee, queried Gardner regarding a sub- contract given his former firm, Hycon-Eastern, by an Air Force prime contractor in Boston. Kennedy suspected that Gard- ner, as Assistant Air Force Secre- tary, had helped place this Air Force contract with his old firm. Gardner stated that he knew noth- ing about the contract, pointed out that subcontracts are let by the military or the prime contractor, don't come up to top executives of the Air Force. Furthermore, he had sold all his stock in Hycon be- fore he entered the government. Kennedy, however, persisted. He and Carmine Bellino, former Mc- Carthy investigator, cross-examin- ed Gardner at length. * * * "DIDN'T YOU have a 33-minute telephone conversation with Gen- eral Schriever last August?" they asked, referring to Ben Schriever, the hard-driving young officer in charge of pushing the ICBM (In- ter-Continental Ballistic Missile). "Yes," replied Gardner. "Wasn't that all from your home?" "Yes, it was." "Now, didn't you talk to General Schriever about getting that con- tract for Hycon-Eastern?" This was what the Senate prob- ers were driving at. They figured Gardner has phoned from his home to General Schriever so the call wouldn't show on the phone records of the Pentagon. The answer was no. HAVING CHECKED into Gard- ner and his operations, I am con- vinced he was telling the truth. He sold his stock in Hycon out- right, made a clean break with the company. If he had kept it, he would have made a profit of $2,- 000,000. The value 'of companies able to make rockets today has increased tremendously since. (Copyright, 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) AT THE STATE: Hell' Real Hot Movie FOR A ROUGH, tough, hard- boiled gangster movie, "Hell on Frisco Bay" is pretty good. Akin in pace and characterization to a vintage Spillane novel, the film moves fast and loudly. Woman gets smacked in the kisser, squeal- ers get bumped off,cops take graft and, all in all, everybody has a fine old time. The plot is the familiar mobster fairy tale. Alan Ladd (a tough guy) gets out of San Quentin after serving a term for a manslaughter he didn't commit, natch. His blood has been boiling for five years on that stony island and as sooii as he emerges, he goes gunning for the rats that framed him. * * * THE MAIN RAT and local Luci- fer of the Frisco Hell is water- front boss Vic Amato, played handsomely by Edward G. Robin- son (also a tough guy, but not as tough as you kndw who). From then on its each rat for himself and the action is aplenty. Amato is a power-drunk fellow and the gang he oversees is a col- orful crew. Nobody trusts each other in the organization. So with internal strife plus Alan Ladd hammering away at everybody, you can imagine the fun! And it is fun, to be sure. Rob- inson performs a tour de force here, and though he has done it before, he still makes it good. The big boss is an interesting type-- impossibly black and evil, but with something new thrown in. * * * IT SEEMS Amato is violently anti-religion and this adds a new interest to the character. He is married to an old country woman, very religious whom he terms "A walkin' rosary." The icons that adorn his home disagree with him, too. This may be offensive , but after all, he is the villain, ergo he is supposed to be offensive. Con- sidering the part, Robinson is to be praised for some intelligent acting which makes Amato be-' lieveable in spite of his immense grossness. "Hell on Frisco Bay" may not be "Hamlet," but who wants Alan Ladd playing Hamlet? (Now there's an idea!) -David Newman ana's Quartet Op. 116, no. 1 ("From my Life"); and Mozart's Quintet'in G Minor, K. 516. The early Beethoven Quartet shows the composer looking back towards Haydn of the Opus 76 Quartets, and shows Haydn to be the old master still. The perform- ance was an exciting one, with out. standing cello playing in the sec- ond movement. Since the Quartet by Smetana was the curiosity of the evening, it deserves added comment. This work proved to be more interest- ing than the full-blown symphonic tone poems (like The Moldau) also by the same composer. Here, Smet- ana is shown grappling with the problems posed by Quartet-writ- ing; both in form and in the treat- ment of the medium. Sm'tna seems to solve all the problems primarily by ignoring them. But the work has both a dramatic and emotional drive, flashy violin- writing, and in large part, it is riotously funny. Smetana at times seems to be parodying the folk elements that he capitalized on in his other compositions. For example, there was the passage in the second movement where the screechy violins in unison cascade over the lumbering cello; or the beginning of the third movement where ,the cello inserts elaborate, mock- heroic trills in its pompous theme. The treasure of the evening was the Mozart Quintet. It was a truly elegant performance, especially in the third and fourth movements, and it was an apotheosis of Mo- zart, suitable for the season. The work throughout is one of those sweetly sad compositions, and the sudden jocular allegro at the end of the fou'rth movement only made for greater heart break. -A. Tsugawa DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Diem Stalling For More Time In Viet Nam IN THIS CORNER: .S. Guns v. Red Ideology By MURRY FRYMER W ITH tanks, guns, guided missiles, and a large, powerful army, the Western world is helping the small, neutral nations of the world to make a decision. It won't be diffi- cult for them to make it, either. All they have to do is equate Soviet words of friendship and peace, along with new Red offers of economic and technical aid, with the Western power display. It comes out easy. One offers food and hope, the other bullets and fear. hRecent changes in Soviet political theory, whether real or not, are going to make a big impression. No longer is war and force a part of Soviet ideology, at least as far as public consumption is concerned.. The reformulation of policy is designed to have an erasure effect, to wipe out all previous Soviet aggressions, and offer a hopeful pros- pect of peace to the world. It could be called "Peace Offensive No. 2" as the Soviets move from their first Geneva conference policy to their 'second, and now to reversing again to the first. IN contrast, recent bulletins from Washington offer an unfortunate comparison. Among oth- er things, the U.S. has announced new speed- comprehensible," and from the Arabs who claim default on an earlier agreement of U.S. tanks in exchange for use of the Dharhan air base. And so to somehow work our way out of this diplomatic muddle, the United States' is now considering sending arms to both Middle East belligerants, in this way hoping to keep both the air base and the previous Eden-Eisenhower promise of peace for the area. This raises speculation as to whether the Soviet Union might not switch its propaganda office to Washington. The contradicting, and often hypocritical policy that has been issuing from the State Department seems custom-made for Communist cold-war attacks. This is not 1948. However the State De- partment seems anachronistically to be oper- ating according to that earlier policy. Peace and friendship is what the frightened and war-weary world isdanxious tohear today, not plans for more and more force. The Soviets are realizing this and shouting their offers of cordiality louder than ever. Honest or not, consistent or not, the militarily powerless na- tions of the world will grasp at any straw. YET, in the West, despite anything Messrs. Eden and Eisenhower may say, policy is drntpA IwarA frpn Tanrs and nuns for By PETE ECKSTEIN Daily Staff Writer THE Geneva settlement "of July, 1954, which ended the Indo- Chinese war, called for special elections this year to unify war- torn Viet, Nam. Ngo Dinh Diem, Premier of South Viet Nam, is struggling to unify and keep his country out of Com- munist hands. North Viet Nam- ese Communist leader Ho Chi Minh is demanding fulfillment of the Geneva agreement on elections. Prof. Russell Fifield of the poli- tical science department, -an auth- ority on Southeast Asia, answers a series of questions on this world trouble spot. Q: Why is the Diem govern- ment opposed to all Viet Namese elections now? A: They take the position that they never approved of the Geneva settlement on Indo-China and are not legally bound to it. They also contend that free elections could not be held in a Communist-held area. Q: If elections were held this July, could Diem hope to win? A: The longer the elections can be postponed the better the chances are that Diem could win. I think he is stalling for time. If elections are held in July and if they are not free elections, minister his part of Viet Nam. He is also a true nationalist, and the Communists in Indo-China can no longer say that the leader in South Viet Nam is a puppet of the French. He wants to have a constitu- tional government along Western lines, but he realizes that many problems face him before that can be brought about. He's a strong anti-Communist and refused to co-operate with the Japanese in any way. And he is a Roman Catholic in a country where Catho- lics are i na minority. Q: How would you describe Diem's government? A: It is not based as yet on any constitution. Diem became Chief of State following a plebis- cite in the South where the people voted for him in place of former Emperor Bai Dai. South Viet Nam has a long way to go before it can have a democratic parliament. The French didn't encourage self- government in Indo-China the way we did in the Philippines. Q: Have we been giving Diem all the support we should? A: The strongest friend Diem has had has been the United States. If it hadn't been for our support he probably wouldn't be in power. At the same time I don't think Diem can be considered a imnnet. maintain the status quo in the hope that time would work to his advantage. It would seem likely that Ho wouldn't take drastic ac- tion unless he felt he has the support of Russia and China. Giv- en the experience in Korea and the present policies of Krushchev and Bulganin, it is doubtful that Moscow and Peiping would sup- port Ho in an invasion. Q: In the now-famous article in Life magazine, it ,is claimed by Mr. Dulles that a show of Ameri- can willingness to fight to save Indo-China prevented that country from completely falling to the Communists. Do you think we were willing to fight? A: That would be hard to say. I personally doubt it. Q: Was the Indo-China settle- ment in any sense a Western vic- tory? A: In retrospect it was a ser- ious defeat for Western diplomacy and, of course, a military defeat for France. The United States was so disturbed over the Geneva settlement that it refused to ap- prove the Conference Declaration in its entirety. Q: The Communists seemed to have the upper hand in the war. Why did they agree to the settle- ment? A: It is still puzzling as to why the Communists agreed. It may THE Daily Official Bulietin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1956 VOL. LXVII, NO. 6 General Notices Members of the University Club: The club dining room will be opened Wed.. Feb. 22. Art Print Loan Collection. Students who have reserved prints may pick them up Mon., Feb. 20 through Fri., Feb. 24 in room 510 Administration Bldg. (Basement) Reservations will not be held after Fri. the 24th. The Ann Arbor Play Reading Group will meet Mon., Feb. 20 at the Masonic Temple at & p.m. The group will read "Summer and Smoke" by Tennessee Williams. There is no charge. New members welcome. Academic Notices Aeronautical Engineering Seminar. R. R. Heppe, Department Head-Aerody- namics, Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, will speak on "Current Aircraft Design Problems," Mon., Feb. 20, at 4:00 p.n., in Room 1504, East Eng. Bldg. Mathematics Colloquium: Tues., Feb. 21, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 3011 A.H. Prof. Annette Sinclair will speak on "A Topological Approach to a Class of Approximation Problems in Analytic Function Theory." Tea and coffee will be served in Room 3212 A.H. at 3:45 p.m. The Extension Service announces that there are still openings in the following classes to be held in Ann Arbor: Ceramics 7:30 p.m., Mon., Feb. 20 125 Architecture Building The Arts of the Renaissance 7:30 p.m., Mon., Feb. 20 Auditorium B, Angell Hall The Recorder and Its Music 7:30 p.m., Mon., Feb. 20 435 Mason Hall Registration for these classes may be made in Room 4501 of the Administra- tion Building on South State Street during University office hours, or in Room 164 of the School of Business Room 164 of the School of Business Administration, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., the night of the class. -Daily-Dick Gaskill PROF. RUSSELL FIFIELD "... postponing elections might help Diem" Q: Are the areas of Commun- ist strength in the South a threat? A: T h e Communist under- ground is still very powerful in the South, but it is Communist policy to be quiet just now. Q: What are the motives be- hind this policy? A: I think Ho is trying to prove to the world that he is living up, as he sees it, to the Geneva agree- ment on Viet Nam. Also, he prob- ably wants to build up his own stngnth.