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February 12, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-02-12

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Sixty-Sixth Year

"Let's Dig Up That Little Worm, Shall We?"

Opinions Are Free,
th Will Prevail

Editorials printed in The Michigan 4Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
editors. This must be noted in all reprints.'

AY, FEBRUARY 12, 1956


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'Tonight' Fans Just
Can't Get Enough
Daily Television Writer
ADMIRERS of the "Tonight" show will be able to focus their sleepy
eyes on three more achievements of the show's stars this week.
Ordinarily fans of this show have no trouble in obtaining an ele-
gant sufficiency of entertainment from the "Tonight" gang. They can
see seven and a half hours of "Tonight" weekly, read Steve Allen's
books and listen to a few albums by Steve and the orchestra.
But this week "Tonight's" constituency are really being treated
royally. They can see Steve starring in "The Benny Goodman Story"
at the movies, they can watch Gene Rayburn star in "Robert Mont-.
gomery Presents" on Monday (9:30 p.m. - NBC) and they can see Steve
star on "Kraft Television Theatre" on Wednesday 9:00 p.m. - NBC).
* * *. *
USUALLY the results of the ratings of shows coincide with the
results of the critical analysis of shows. Occasionally there is some

Two Issues: Praise For Driving
Modification; Hockey Ruling Puzzling

rWO VACATION occurrences need editorial
comment as we swing into another 15-
reek semester.
The first is of definitely laudatory nature.
t may have resulted from the new University
philosophy that students have a responsible
ontribution to make in formulating University
policy. It may have simply been a necessary
ompromise inevitably due to the non-worka-
>ility of old policy.
But all responsible are to be commended for
nodification of the old driving restrictions. The
Regents, administration, city officials, faculty'
nembers and students all shared in producing
he University's first workable driving regula-
ions since the advent of the automobile.
The new restrictions extending the driving
privilege to all students over 21 years of age
and at the same time putting teethf into en-
orcement possibilities brings the University
finally abreast with policy already in effect
Lt other top mid-western schools.
The problems were somewhat peculiar here.
Desire to keep the University a residential
chool along with memories of an abundance
)f accidents when there were no restrictions
had to be compromised with the unreality of
blanket restrictions which had produced noth-
ng but antagonism, dishonesty and ridicu-
ously unsuccessful enforcement. The compro-
nise reccnciles both sides effectively.,
A special compliment is due former Manag-
ng Editor Gene Hartwig. It was Hartwig who
nitiated proceedings last spring by proposing
a committee to study the problem. Hartwig
then served diligently with the committee, and
rovided leadership impetus as the committee
worked to its solution. There are a lot of ideas
loating around campus but follow-through is
'are and deserves commendation.
ANOTHER recent happening is of a different
Two Michigan hockey players were declared
neligible over the holidays and this inspires
iome less laudatory comment.
Taken purely objectively the three-man Big
'en committee that suspended Mike Buchan-
an and Wally Maxwell from further collegiate
:cnpetition. could have come to no other de-
ision. When such cases are. brought into the
>pen there is little that can be done except
enforcing a suspension. Otherwise the present-
y existing amateur codes might as well be
hrown out the window.

The injustice involved comes from the fine
line that has been drawn in these cases. The
decision indicates supreme but almost unavoid-
able hypocrisy on the part of athletic direc-
tors or faculty boards which have to rule on
such problems.
Buchanan and Maxwell received expense
money for trying out with professional teams.
It has been argued they shouldn't be penalized
because this is very much in line with Canadian
amateur codes, and neither player was aware
he was breaking any United States regulation.
ALTHOUGH this argument is worthy of con-
sideration, the hypocritical connotation
leads us to another more important point.
The committee must have attached great
weight to the fact these were out and out
professional teams that gave Buchanan and
Maxwell expense money.
However, expense money to prospective ath-
letes for visits to various United States uni-
versities is extremely common and sometimes
the least of inducements for attendance at cer-
tain colleges.
This may be an extreme charge but it's not
likely the board which suspended Buchanan
and Maxwell was unaware of this American
This becomes even more relevent when ex-
amination of the regulations speaks only in
terms of the expense money they received with
little or no mention of who gave it to them.
Whether our universities should suddenly
give up handing out expense money to high
school athletes is a question already argued
loud and long many times before. This isn't
the point in consideration.
TWO questions are important.
Are all Big Ten college athletes who re-
ceived expense money for visits to universities
eligible for suspension from conference ath-
If so, aren't we reaching a point of absurdity
when a school which has perhaps been winning
too much accidentally falls victim to public
recognition of expenses once given a player
and then receives such extreme punishment?
It hurts not only the school but the unsus-
pecting player whose college athletic career is
virtually eliminated by such "shocking" and
unusual revelations,
DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor

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'Dear Doug' etter Row

THE OTHER day Jim Hagerty,
genial White House Press
Secretary, dropped his geniality
long enough to accuse me of a
"scurrilous lie." I should now like
to straighten out the facts on that
The charge was made in con-
nection with a column on the
Mining Claim in Rogue River For-
Oregon in which I reported that
when a letter arrived at the White
House regarding the Al Serena
Rogue River National Forest in
est, Ike had-scribbled a note across
the top of the letter to "Dear
Doug"--meaning Secretary of the
Interior Doug McKay-and sug-
gested that he se'e what he could
do about the matter.
HAVING HEARD reports that
such a letter was found in the
files of the Interior Department
during the Senate probe of the
Rogue River National Forest sale,
I sent my assistant to see Robert
Redwine, Counsel of a Senate In-
terior Subcommittee.
Redwine said he had such a
letter but that he did not intend
to let me see it. He indicated,
among other things, that he plan-
ned to make use of it later in the
year, when it would be more effec-
tive in the Presidential campaign.
I then went to a Senator who
is a member of the Interior Com-
mittee and suggested that any
probe of the Al Serena-Rugue
River National Forest giveaway
should present all the facts in an

orderly manner and should not
withhold any for political purposes
later. He agreed and contacted
* * *
r REDWINE SAID he did have a
letter which had been forwarded
to McKay by the White House
with a note addressed to "Dear
Doug" scribbled across it in Ike's
own handwriting, but he demurred
about letting me see it and re-
garding the use of it.
After some further pro-ing and
con-ing, continuing over several
days, I finally published the report
that such a "Dear Doug" letter
was in the files of the Senate In-
terior Committee. I did not quote
the text of what Ike allegedly said
to "Dear Doug' since I had not
seen and therefore did not know
the exact text.
Every Republican on the Full
Interior Committee immediately
turned up at a Subcommittee hear-
ing plus crochety Congressman
Clare Hoffman of Michigan, a
member of the Joint Subcommit-
tee, who demanded that I be sub-
poenaed. Other Senators, led by
Goldwater of Arizona, called in
Redwine and wanted to know
about the letter.
When asked to produce it,- he
came back with a letter from the
Interior Department acknowledg-
ing one from the White House.
Obviously it was not the "Dear
Doug" letter. In brief, he did not
produce. I was out -on a limb and
still am.

LATER HE TOLD other Senate
committee staff members that he
had seen such a letter and that
he would swear under oath that
he had seen it, but that he had
searched high and low and could
not find it now. He also stated
that he had found his files rifled.
It was at this point that Jim
Hagerty issued his White House
Since I cannot produce the let-
ter I am now prepared to accept
Mr. Hagerty's statement as being
correct.. * *
I THINK HE WILL agree with
me that a "scurrilous lie"-or in
fact any kind of a lie is a delib-
erate telling of an untruth, and
does not apply to reporting some-
thing which one believes to be
the truth but later turns out to
be in doubt.
However, there's no use quib-
bling over terms. And not being
able to produce the letter-if it
ever existed beyond one man's
imagination-I hereby extend my
apologies to President Eisenhower,
to the White House, and to the
Senate Interior Committee.
And since Mr. Hagerty has on
two occasions phoned me to apolo-
give privately for what he said
about me publicly, I am further
delighted to apologize to him pub-
licly for what I've thought about
him privately.
(Copyright, 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Freedom and Compromise

dispersion from this rule, but nev-
er has there been so much devia-
tion as was evident in the results
of "Inside Beverly Hills" and "Fes-
tivai of Music" seen recently on
Almost every television reviewer
in the country (present company
excluded for THE DAILY was not
in publication at the time) called
"Festival of Music" a "television
masterpiece" and "Inside Beverly
Hills" a "big letdown from what
was expected via the NBC publi-
When the ratings came out
"Hills" swamped the CBS Sunday
night opposition and "Music" was
completely overshadowed by the
Monday evening CBS offerings. So
just try to outguess the public!
TOM DUGGAN, Chicago's con-
troversial television star, last week
walked away with TV Guide's an-
nual local television awards. The
entertair. er received the awards
for the best male personality and
the best interviewer on Chicago
television for the second consecu-
tive year.
He was the top money-maker
for the local ABC outlet and his
popularity seemed to be constant-
ly increasing.
Mr. Duggan didn't show up for
his evening show and later it was
announced that he had quit ABC.
A few years ago, when Duggan
was fired by NBC and it looked
as though he was through in tele-
vision, ABC hired him and it was
at this station that he achieved
his present popularity.
Which goes to prove that tele-
vision personalities, like all other
people, are foolish enougl to oft
times bite the golden hand that
has fed them so very well in the
performance of 'Pygmalion' will be
at 2 :30 p.m. this afternoon.)
OF ALL George Bernard Shaw's
plays, "Pygmalion" is probably
the most popular. It is rich in
humor and characterization and
Shaw's usual "talkiness" is limited.
* * *
SHAW BASED his play loosely
on the Greek myth about Pygma-
lion, the King of Cyprus who
sculpted a statue of a woman so
beautiful that he fell in love with
it. The goddess Aphrodite felt so
sorry for him that she brought
the statue, Galatea, to life.
But Shaw raises some doubts
about the fairy-tale ending by
putting the legend in modern (for
him) dress. His Pygmalion is
Henry Higgins, a vitriolic phinet-
ics expert who can place a man
within two miles just by his ac-
cent. His Galatea is Eliza Doo-
little, a Covent Garden flower
seller that Higgins passes off as a
duchess by teaching her correct
speech. Unhappily, Shaw provided
no Aphrodite and the ending is
more or less unresolved.
For this production, DAC
switches services.rJoseph Gistirak,
who usually directs, heads the cast
as Higgins, while actor Sydney
Walker takes over directing duties.
The switch is successful from the
directorial standpoint, and after a
stiff first act warmup, Gistirak
settles down and gives a creditable
performance. Irma Hurley hurdled
the transition from flower-seller
to duchess nicely, making Eliza,
as Shaw had intended, a cut above
the ordinary.
* * *
OLD PRO Margaret Bannerman

is her usual polished self as Hig-
gins' mother. Jay Lanin, as Hig-
gins' companion in crime Colonel
Pickering, is debonair and genteel
to the proper degree.
Ric Lavin, Robin Hall and Ann
Gregory are all quite good as the
Eynsford Hills, Freddy, Mrs. and
Clara respectively, bit Marie Gil-
son seems a little ill at ease as
Higgins' exasperated housekeeper,
Mrs. Pearce.
But the acting bouquet of the
day should be tossed to Ralph
Drischell, who virtually demonates
the two terrifically funny scenes
he is in. Although the part of
Eliza's mistunderstood father. is

ON HIS ELECTION to the presidency almost
100 years ago, two thoughts were foremost
in the mind of Abraham Lincoln. He sincerely
believed that the concept of slavery should be
checked as not in the best interests of the
"plain people." He also held firm in a belief
that the Union of states was sacred as a model
experiment in government "of the people, for
the people and by the people."
Today, slavery has vanished as a nominal
institution. It vanished when Lincoln became
President. We are presently living under the
rocky assumption that because-an Emancipa-
tion Proclamation has been made, because our
contemporary-Supreme Court justices have de-
clared against segregation and inequality, we
are free of any burdens upon our conscience.
Lincoln's first proposition- has been allowed
to succumb to the second belief-that the
unity of the nation should also be preserved.
Compromise is often extolled as a significant
democratic idea. But when. compromise means
the abandonment of principles and ideals for
the preservation of a calm, serene nation, we
are only leaving ourselves vulnerable to the
propaganda claims of other nations.
W HEN we continually expound on the evils
of segregation and real inequality, only to
check our remarks and actions with the delu-
sion. that the Unio'n will be shattered if they
are put into actual practice, we are only pay-
ing lip service to apparently old-fashioned con-
cepts of free and equal citizens.
The lesson that comes to us from Lincoln
on his birthday today is that the continuance
Editorial Staf
Dave Baad. -. Editorial.Staff.-.Managing Editor
Jim Dygert. .... ......... City Editor
Murry Frymer-...................... Editorial Director
Debra Durchslag ..................Magazine Editor
David Kaplan ...,.....................Feature Editor
Jane Howard ......-...... ,....,. Associate Editor
Louise Tyor ... ................Associate Editor
Phil Douglis -........................ Sports Editor
Alan Eisenberg .......... Associate Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz................ Associate Sports Editor
Mary Hellthaler ,.. ...................Women's Editor
Elaine Edmonds ...... Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel . ..........Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Dick Alstrom ...........................Business Manager

of our existence depends not on the stressing
of one proposition over another, but on the
effective application of both beliefs.
Birth of a New
Sports Legend.
CONNIE MACK died last Wednesday.
To most students around the University of
Michigan, this fact may not have been vitally
important. Registration and J-Hop were cer-
tainly more important to their lives. What
modern-day college student would possibly feel
it important to mourn an old-time owner of a
distant athletic enterprise?
But there were some that did feel sad at the
news. Connie Mack's passing meant an end to
an era--to an age of sport. The last real link
with the old days of our. national pastime had
been severed forever. Now, only Amos Alonzo
Stagg remains as one of sports living pioneers.
It is not necessary to go into Connie Mack's
accomplishments here. They have been hashed
over many times. More important was his
value to sports lovers as a symbol of the
golden age -- the era that began with Cy
Young-went on through Babe Ruth and Wal-
ter Johnson-and ended last Wednesday after-
Cornelius McGillicuddy was a living legend
last week. Now he is a real one. As Fielding
Yost is to Michigan--as Grantland Rice is to
sportswriting, so is Connie Mack to baseball.
Those who saw that lean blue suited figure--
waving a score card deep in the shadows of
American league dugouts down through the
years will never forget him. Y
An era has ended, but a legend has been
--PHIL DOUGLIS, Sports Editor
New Books at the Libra
Adamski, George-Inside the Space Ships;
N.Y., Abelard-Schuman, 1955.
Berrill, N.J.-Man's Emerging Mind; N.Y.,
Dodd, Mead & Col, 1955.
Bjorn, Thyra Ferre-Papa's Wife; N.Y., Rine-
hart & Co., 1955.,
Castle, Marian-Roxana; N.Y., Wm. Morrow
& Co., 1955.
Coon, Horace-Triumph of the Eggheads;
N.Y.. Rndnm Hnu. inrt

to the
Need Apparent..
To the Editor:
TAMMY Morrison, in her article
in The Daily of January18,
advanced several sound reasons
why the amount of donations to
the March of Dimes should not
slacken due to the success of the
Salk vaccine.
However, she missed one im-
portant point by just stressing the
need for money in the fields of
vaccine and therapy research.
As a former polio victim (who
had to postpone entering college
because of the disease) I am well
acquainted with the individual
suffering and cost that this sick-
ness incurs. Although my attack
was comparatively slight I still
rolled up a bill for hospital ex-
penses at the rate of $23.00 a day
for several months. Then about
two hundred physiotherapeutic-
treatments which would have cost
me $5.00 each immediately follow-
ed. Fortunately the Polio Foun-
dation paid almost all of this huge
Multiply my experience by the
thousands of former victims re-
ceiving treatment now, and . the
continued need for funds is quite
These people need our aid, so
let's not have the March of Dimes
fall short of its goal.
-Ernie Rein, '59
Redundant Ticket...
To the Editor:
HAVING recently lost my bien-
nial struggle with the Univer-
sity's ill-famed railroad ticket, I
was prompted to look with some
care at the means by which that
instrument overwhelms the regis-
tering student. The means of
course is grinding repetition. My
inspection revealed that the rail-
road ticket requests twenty-three
separate items of information
more than once. It asks six of
them twice; three of them three
times; five of them four times; one
of them five times; two of them
seven times;" two of them eight
times; one of them nine times
and three of them twelve times.
When my ticket was filed in Wat-
erman Gymnasium, the University
was notified at nine different
points that I am male and at eight
more that I am married.- I hope
the in-ormation is worth its price
in good will.
No one with th faintest under-
standing of the Uni'ersity'sprob
l m in registerinyg22,300 students
97ll want to minle the diffi-
culties faced by the administra
tive staff. But other universities
have dealt effectively with the
problem of duplicating these
simple items of information with-
out depressing the spirit of their
student bodies. It ought to be
able to happen here.
-Donald Stokes, Grad.
Evaluations In Use...
To the Editor:
QUCH of your readers as may

have noticed the editorial by
Mr. Marks just prior to the end
of last semester will be relieved
to know that the School of Busi-
ness Administration has made
good use of student evaluations of
faculty and courses since before
Mr. Marks was born.
Originally these evaluations were
initiated by the faculty, but in re-
cent years they have been pro-
moted and to no small extent, ad-




Integration Seen As Slow Struggle


Daily Staff Writer
DR. HUBERT M. Blalock, a mem-
ber of the University. sociology
department, has for a length of
timerconcerned himself with the
racial problems and race integra-
Although he avoids being called
an "authority" on the desegraga-
tion issue, he here offers his ans-
wers to some of 'the more pressing
questions of the day.
Q. As a whole are Southerners
accepting the Supreme Court's
anti-segregation decision or do
they resent the situation?
A. It certainly hasn't been fully
accepted at the present time. Cer-
tain communities near the border
areas are going along with deseg-
regation more than places in the
so-called "Deep-South."
Q. How well is desegregation
working in a specific Southern
state, for example Virginia?
A. Since it is impossible to gen-
eralize about this state as a whole,
it might be said that the eastern
part of the state seems to have
a vested interest in slavery as a
result of historical tradition. Prob-
ably the western mountain area
would be less likely to fight the
It should be pointed out that
certain nSothern citie f inr y-

have accepted it with a minimum
of difficulty.
Q. Do you feel that using deseg-
regation as a campaign issue tends
to distort it?
A. There has been a typical pat-
tern of using desegregation polit-
ically to take the attention from
real economic problem. Often it is
a convient issue to keep the poli-
ticians name in front of the voters.
However there are undoubtedly
ome individual Southern politic-
ians who genuinely believe deseg-
regation is a harmful and danger-
ous idea.
Q. What part have the Citizens
Councils played in this issue?
A. Citizens Councils are seem-
ingly organizing the battle against
desegregation by using legal meth-
ods to stall acceptance. They
manage to stay within the law
and exert economic pressure. They
tend to use a polite type of pres-
sure rather outright violence.
Q. How effective has the Nation-
al Association for the' Advance-
ment of Colored People been in
utting desegregation into effect?
'rA. This organization seems to
have been quite aggressive in its
use of legal measures. However
they are limited because in order
-o accomplish their goals they
have to have the support of school
boards, courts etc. If the courts
are controlled by nennle whon a

be pointed out that integration
isn't complete in the North and
that residential segregation does
exist. Residential segregation is
not so much a matter of laws as
it is of subtle pressures, for ex-
ample the zoning ordinances which
place people in certain areas so
there is no chance of White and
Negro children attending the same
schools. Integration is a very dif-
ficult problem to deal with and
certainly can't be fought Consti-
Q. Generally speaking do news-
papers give an accurate account
of developments in the desegrega-
tion situation?
A. The amount of slanting de-
pends primarily on the specific
paper and reporter. There are
Northern papers- which overplay
sensational aspects of the situa-
tion. Southerners sometimes feel,
since all the integration problems
aren't solved in the North, more
attention should be devoted to
them rather than emphasizing
problems in the South.
Q. How would you state the
case against desegregation? -
A. Southerners sometimes feel
that forcing the issue causes
trouble. Temporary hardships for
Negro teachers arise because
Southern schools will be reluctant
to hire them to instruct students.
It is said since educational stand-
- -tl rf --, Y irn Wo s -



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