cIw0i 4rn ~it Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG.4 ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Nice Dog-Good Dog-Fr iend-See? Good Friend--" hen Opinions Are Free, Trutb Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: VERNON NAHRGANG Academic Freedom Week: What Did It Prove? t--i G*. S F101 . I 1/4=SA _,J q% BUJNGET SHUNJU: Variety in Japanese Literary Magazine (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article is based on an interview with Goro Kambayashi Editor-in-Chief of Bungei Shunju, Japan's largest circu- lating monthly magazine. Mr. Kambayashi is now traveling in the United States under the auspices of a Department of State leader exchange program.) By RICHARD HALLORAN Daily Staff Writer BUNGEI Shunju is a literary department store.. One can read about any type of reading matter he likes in any given issue. Bungei IF ACADEMIC Freedom Week served one ma- jor purpose, it was to point up to those few who bothered to be interested in it how little anyone knows or cares about the subject. - Comparatively small audiences saw that speakers were unable to agree even on a defi- nition of the term, much less on implementa- tion of it. One professor said Tuesday he thought Aca- demic Freedom was well understood, but subse- quent events prove him wrong. Everyone agreed that freedom should be preserved, but agree- ment stopped there. Russell Kirk insisted that Academic Freedom is a natural right; Prof. Roger W. Heyns said that it is not a right but was a necessity; Prof. Amos Hawley thought that it was often confused with civil rights; Dean Deborah Bacon said that it was neither a right nor a gift, but something that had to be bought and paid for. Kirk said that Aca- demic Freedom is distinct from other freedoms; Dean Bacon said that all freedoms are sub- stantially the same, and definition depends on their frames of reference. About the only as- pect of definition that could be agreed upon was freedom's attendant responsibility for wise and prudent use, and most speakers even dif- fered on the degree of responsibility that free-. dom carries with it. UNIVERSITY President Harlan Hatcher said Monday that the Administration has no de- sire to enter the area of Academic Freedom; that it prefers to leave this question to the realm of the faculty. But specific examplesof infringement upon Academic Freedom brought up during the week - the Lecture Committee, loyalty oaths, the Nickerson-Davis case and the general problem of Communist teachers-. serve to point up the fallacy in that statement. Prof. Hawley asserted that the Nickerson- Davis case actually had nothing to do with academic freedom, but was a question of civil rights. If this statement is not merely a dodge, it brings up the whole question of to whom a teacher is ultimately responsible-the state or. the school. With regard to the Lecture Committee, many. speakers felt that, ideally speaking, it is wrong not to allow a student to hear any speaker he wishes to, but, since the University is state- supported, nothing can be done which might antagonize legislators or voters. This stand may be economically practical, but it seems to indicate a dangerous tendency to compromise the very principles upon which our government is founded for the sake of the Almighty Dollar. Yet if the voters truly feel that playing ostrich and ignoring encroachments on freedom is right, perhaps they do not deserve or want a form of government that says it isn't. The Loyalty Oath is another stumbling block. An oath usually connotes good faith, but a loyalty oath seems more an expression of mistrust in an individual, a mistrust that undermines and negates that faith. THE QUESTION of whether or not Com munists should be allowed to teach also arose several times during the week. Some speakers felt that the only criterion for a professor is whether or not he is a good teacher, feeling that being a Conuunist would automatically disqualify a man because of the narrow thinking attending that doctrine. Oth- ers thought that a distinction could be made between card-carrying Party members and philosophical Marxists. In many ways, this constant disagreement was profitable, because it forced people to examine their own thinking on the subject. But unfortunately, those who came to the lectures were the people who have probably long since examined their thinking. The ones who needed most to learn stayed home. Most of the speakers agreed that there is Academic Freedom at the University, but all of them differed as to the degree of it to be- found here. One faculty member said that academic freedom is the-student's responsibil- ity, while a student insisted that the burden of setting examples lay with the faculty. Con- stant shifting of responsibility will get both groups nowhere. Cooperation should be the watchword of both; that is, if both wish to pre- serve and extend Academic Freedom.. Poor attendance, particularly at the Thurs- day Forum, would seem to indicate that neithef faculty nor students are very much worried about Academic Freedom. One professor, said he thought disinterest was a sign of health; that neither group thought their freedoms were in danger. But in the light of examples cited before, it would seem that this is certainly not the case. THE ACADEMIC Freedom Week slogan, "Use it or lose it," although somewhat overstated, gets the point across. Russell Kirk's allegation that there is little genuine intelligent interest in freedom of any sort sounds warning. However, it is doubtful whether Academic Freedom will ever be completely lost, because there will always be a few diehard individual- ists who will refuse to be apathetic in these days of widespread conformity. But what kind of Academic Fr edom will it be? It is up to The People to decide how much liberty they will lose to apathy. Do they want their freedoms to be puny and weak, or healthy, driving forces that motivate and enrich their lives? -TAMMY MORRISON I ,..~ .' I I ai f <<% '.Av t Y C 0 A ;, qr . OW"fe T s?,aact4rrt rrxst..PosT. ue. Shunju has no counterpart in the Life, Colliers, The Atlantic Month- ly, and Esquire, a high grade specialty magazine. Bungei Shunju started as a liter- ary magazine and as circulation increased, it absorbed others and added new features so that it now publishes articles on domestie and foreign issues, health, art, poetry, literary fiction, cartoons and pic- tures. It now has a circulation of approximately 700,000. The magazine, generally regard- ed as conservative in taste, has its largest readers amongst young in- tellectuals, and whilte collar work- ers but aims its publication at a wide urban readership. The edi- tors hope someday to build up rural readership on a subscription basis but postal facilities do not yet allow this type of expansion. The majority of copies are sold in' book stores in urban centers. POLITICALLY, Bungei Shunju follows the middle of the road and prints articles with a right or left wing flavor if they are controver- sial or have commercial value. In elections, the magazine does not back a given party and is cautious not to get overly involved in poli- tical activity. It will publish arti- cles backing or criticizing various candidates, however. The magazine did strive to get the government led by Shigeru Yoshida out of office in 1954. It has watched the growth of the current Hatoyama government and the editors have become dis- illusioned with the regime's poli- cies and actions. Personally, Kambayashi is afraid of the right wing coming to power. --The Japanese people, he explained, are not at home with the left wing whereas they are suceptible, tra- ditionally, to the right wing. * * * KAMBAYASHI noted that the Soialists, measured as an intel- lectual group, are more studious than other members of the Diet, Japan's legislative body. He add- ed that one should not expect to see much socialization of industry should the Socialists come to pow- er as Japan has no tradition for such a move. He compared the Socialist's plans to the British La- bor party's program of industriali- zation of basic and heavy industry only. As for the political effect of his magazine andother forms of mass media, Kambayshi's opinion is that the newspapers have more influence on the Japanese people's thinking than do the magazine, primarily because of their daily impact. Mass media is influential in getting new ideas accepted in Japan today. United States but is a mixture of YOUR OWN BELOVED SONS: Intense Expression of Korean Conflict Thomas Anderson's first novel is about the Korean conflict. As it turns Out, Your Own Beloved Sons is quite a creditable piece of work and demonstrates a style that is surprising for two reasons: first, Thomas Anderson, though born in the U.S., was brought up and schooled in Denmark, and came to the States only shortly before the Korean affair broke out; sec- ond, the author is now only 26 years old. Soon after arriving in the States he joined the U.S. Army and on that fateful Christmas of 1950 he found himself at the front in Korea. It was a desperate time for the U.N. forces and desperate mea- sures were being taken by the commanders. Young Anderson was assigned to a perilous mission which involved penetrating into reach Dutch occupied Hoengsong. The history of this brave recon- naisance party is the body of the novel. How well the author has been able to fashion a novel out of this material is a matter on which considerable critical judgment has already been made. Your Own Be- loved Sons has been acclaimed as "an extraordinary novel", a book "beautifully written"; its author has been lauded as "a gifted writer". This reviewer would pro- pose, in brief, a few more modest claims for the book. It is clearly one of the most in- tense and personal expressions to come out of the Korean con- flict. It is the reaction of a young and impressionable mind to vio- lence, and that theme of violence is effectively presented and under- lined on every page. The "philoso- phy of it all' is restrained and almost surpressed, in pleasant op- position to the common practice of war novelists of alternating epi- sodes of bloody encounter with periods of clam during which the essential "futilitydof it all" is ex- amined at length. This story of Sergeant Stanley and the band of followers (in the best soldiering meaning of follow- ers) he takes out on the mission is a vivid, dramatic account of men in battle. The chief deficiency of the novel, however, is that while the battle is convincingly real the men are not. One takes the im- pression that they are figures that move before a backdrop without illuminating it significantly. The author therefore, in the absence of a strong, believable, sympathetic protagonist or group of protagonists, has left the lead- ing role in this Korean adventure in the hands of War itself. If this was Anderson's intent, it is un- fortunate, for he could not have chosen any other conflict less suited to heroic dramatization than that "patrol action" in the. Far East in which participated men who today will look you in the eye and flatly state: "That was no warA. Donald A. Yates DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN from to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices. for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1956 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 84 General Notices All Departmental Offices, plant facili- ties and service units will be closed on Memorial Day, May 30, 1956. Residence halls and the University Hospital will 'operate on a holiday schedule. Regents' Meeting: Fri., June 15. Com- munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than June 6. To all students having Library bookst 1. Students having in their possession books borrowed from the General Li- brary or its branches are notified tha such books are due Wed., June 6. 2 Students having special need for certain books between June 6 and June 13 may retain such books for that pe- riod by renewing them at the Charging Desk. 3. The names of all students who hav not cleared their records at the Lbra3y by Fri., June 15, will be, sent to the Cashier's Office and their credits will be withheld until such time as said records are cleared in compliance with the regu- lations of the Regents. Late Premission: All women students who attended the play "The Chalk Garden" had late permission until 11:20 p.m. LatePremission: All women student will have late permission ,Until 11 P.m. during exam period that begins May 30 and ends J'une 14, PLANS FOR COMMENCEMENT COMMENCEMENT Sat., June 16, 5:30 p.m. WEATHER FAIR Time of Assembly-4:30 p.m. (except noted). Places of Assembly Members of the Faculties at 4:15 p.m. in the Lobby, first floor, Admini- stration Building, where they may robe (Transportation to Stadium or Field House will be provided.) Regents, Ex-Regents, Deans and other Administrative Officials at 4:15 pm. in Administration Building, Root 2549, where they may robe. (Trans- portation to Stadium or Field House will be provided.) Students of the various Schools and Colleges on paved roadway East of East Gate (Gate 1-Tunnel) to Sta- dium in four columns of twos in the following order. SECTION A-On grass field in a line about 450 South of East. -LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THU ARTS SECTION B-On grass field in a line about 30o South of East. -EDUCATION (in front) -ENGINEERING (behind Ed.) -ARCHITECTURE (behind Eng.) -LAW (behind Arch.) -PHARMACY (behind Law) SECTION C-South side of pavement, -MEDICINE (in front) -NURSING (behind Medicine) -DENTAL (behind Nursing) -NATURAL RESOURCES (behind Dent.) -MUSIC(behind Natural Res) SECTION D-North side of pavement. -BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION'(ii front) -PUBLIC HEALTH (behind Bus. Admin.) --SOCIAL WORK (behind Publie Health) -GRADUATE (behind Social Work with Doctors in front) MARCH INTO STADIUM-5:30 p.m. WEATHER RAINY In case of rainy weather, the Univer- sity fire siren will be blown between 4:00 and 4:15 p.m. indicating the exer- cises in the Stadium will be abandoned. Members of the Faculties, Regents, Deans, etc. will assemble at the same places as for the fair weather progran. Graduates will go direct to Yost Field House at 5:00 p.m. and enter by the South door. ' GLENN L. ALT Chief Marshal Recreational Swimming -- Women's Pool. Starting Wed., May 30 and contin- uing through Sun., June 10, the hours will be as follows: For women only: Mon. through Fri., 4:00-6:00 p.m.; Mon., Tues., Thurs., 7:15- 9:15 p.m.; Saturdays, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Co-recreational hours: Wed. and Sat., 7:15-9:15 p.m.; Sundays, 3:00-5:00 p.m. Faculty Night: Fridays, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Michigan Night: Sundays, 7:15-9:15 p.m. After the examination period, the pool will be open at the following times: Fridays, June 15 and 22-6:30-9:30 p.m. Sat., June 23-7:15-9:15 p.m. Sundays, June 17 and 24-7:15-9':15 p.m. Student Government Council. Sum- mary of action taken May 28. APPROVED: Minutes of meeting of May 23. Appointments: Joe Collins to Stu- dent Activities Building Administration Committee; Lewis Engman, Bill Adams, Roy Lave to Cinema Guild Study Coin- 4 4 ~4l Memo"ri Day TODAY is a day, like many holidays, whose and a hundred other places did not die easily significance is often overlooked in the speed nor willingly. The will to live was as strong and intensity of everyday life. Today is Me- in them as in any of us but they did what morial Day, dedicated to those who have fallen they did because they had to. in battle in the 'service of their country. This country now is what it is because these In our search for the spiritual and material men gave up their lives for it, and today should benefits of life, it might pay us well to stop serve as a quiet reminder that the privileges we and think for a minute of those who have enjoy are due in no small way to the sacrifice given their lives for their country. It is a they have made. sobering thought for many of us to think It is for the privilege of living in this that there, but for the grace of God, go I. country and breathing the fresh air of its Most of us remember clearly the names of freedom that today we pay humble tribute to Normandy, Tarawa, Hamnung, and Heartbreak our Honored Dead. Ridge. The men who fought and died there -RICHARD HALLORAN watchword: 'Cooperation LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Readers Express Final Opinions of 1955-56 ON MONDAY, Student Government Council gave the stamp of approval to regulations which will prevail when the new driving plan goes into effect in September. No doubt shouts of agony will go up from those lucky few who are over 21, because the new fee will be $7-$6 more than the old one. But, in the words of the Driving Regulations Study Committee, the new fee system is an attempt to be as fair as possible to the most students. They expect that there will be some injustices, but they wish to keep them at a minimum. When the Regents approved the new regula- tions in February, they stipulated that respon- sibility for enforcement should fall upon stu- dents and administration. Tipping the fee will provide for strict enforcement of the new regulations, enforcement necessary to avoid mass chaos. The Administration, which esti- mated its expenses at $23,975, will have to hire three new officers, a clerk and a part-time assistant. Besides providing for decals and Editorial Staff other printing work, they will also buy $2,500 worth of equipment-a motorcycle, three uni- forms and a radio unit. This last will only be an expenditure the first year. The Com- mittee is hopeful that, after the first year, the fee would be somewhat lowered or, better yet, additional revenue would be turned over to a much-needed solution to the campus parking problem. BUT WHAT the new driving regulations need more than money is student cooperation. The Administration will spend a healthy chunk of its appropriations for an all-inclusive educa- tion program-letters, and copies of the Ad- ministrative Code to be sent with grades to all present students and also to incoming fresh- men, plus additional notificatidn on railroad tickets. Penalties will be severe-there is a possibility of a $50 fine for first offense and a semester's suspension for second offense-and because of the education program ,a student will be unable to plead ignorance of the regulations. The plan is on a two-year trial basis; if the new regulations are not complied with, the Regents can legally go back to the old 26 year age requirement. On the basis of these purely pragmatic reasons, cooperation is imperative. But more important, students should observe the regulations because lifting the driving ban IRS School s To the Editor: YOUR SUNDAY May 20, edition carried an article by Pete Eck- stein regarding the closing of the Internal Revenue Service School. One of our members was quoted therein as having said, "Our pro- fessors all know we're leaving. Some of them are just passing time." We feel that this statement is not representative of the opinions held by the InternalRevenue Ser- vice personnel in attendance at the University. Our professors have been most conscientious and diligent in attempting to make this experimental program a suc- cess. We have not noticed any change in their attitude toward the program or the forcefulness of their instruction since the notice of its termination. We appreciate the sincere efforts of our professors and humbly apologize for this unwarranted re- mark besmirching their integrity. They have earned our deepest re- spect. -91 Members of the Internal Revenue Service Musical Faux Pas . . To the Editor: THE FIRST of the many faux pas taken by the reviewer con- cerning Thursday night's all Mo- ,art concert was that in calling the Missa Brevis "trash," he an- nounces to all the world that he is not qualified to discuss the per- formance. The Missa is a work of beauty, intricate yet lucidly contrapuntal. The singing of this piece by the "Singers" was a most thoroughly enjoyable experience for them as witnessed by the continued en- consequently of the music, and the serenity of the "Santus" could hardly be called "Bulldozing." The reviewer's concept of Mo- zart appears to be of a seraphic child who wrote tinkly music, but, one look at the score of the Re- quiem and it is perfectly obvious that such a child does not write Kyrie or a Dies Trae of such pow- er. Furthermore, it was sung with just this controlled power which was never "bellowing." Klein conducts Mozart as a strong yet passionate composer, and the individual numbers of' the work were conducted with the overall architecture of the whole constantly in mind. The great range of dynamics and color of tone was constantly in evidence from the rugged Confutatis to the deeply moving Lacfymosa. To dis- miss this performance as a "loud fiasco" is embarassing not only to the performers, but also to the readers who are well aware of the reviewer's shortcomings. Plaudits where plaudits are due! The quartet sang beautifully, but the only mistake all night hap- pened in a quartet passage, which was covered by the quick witted Klein and the 1 superb Skippy Doppmann in a measure or so of an even more posthumous Mozart than are the last sections of the Requiem. The audience missed this, buta reviewer is expected to know the work. Once again, as in the Gieseking review, an attempt at clever writ- ing cannot bridge a chasm of mus- ical ignorance. -Allegra Branson, '57 Polished Performance To the Editor: WHAT DETERMINES the quali- would think twice about tearing apart a Klein performance. The choir sung "with heavy bluntness." How does the critic want a requiem to sound, like a divertimento. We should only have the good fortune to hear more concerts like Thursday night. -David Horwitz, '59 Logic? . To the Editor: HE LETTER by George E. Hart on May 24, displads the kind of muddle-headed reasoning that has lead to the present mess of conflicting, ineffective automobile legislation with its accompanying appalling toll of accidents. The current emotional belief that low- er horsepower leads automatically to fewer accidents typifies the kind of attitude that has delayed sen- sible progress, both legislative and mechanical, for the past many years. Surely to anyone who will both- er to think on these things rather - than emote on them the connec- tion between higher horsepower and driving on the wrong side of the road will become obscure. -J. P. Benkard, Grad. Student Behavior .. . To the Editor: STUDENTS HAVE frequently ex- pressed a desire to become bet- ter acquainted with members of the faculty and to have an oppor- tunity to visit at their homes. Saturday, May 19, such an oppor- tunity was extended thru an "open house" given by our son. More than 250 students came during the eve- ning. There was music, dancing and much merriment. Many were voluble in praise of our hospitality. Several stayed for hours after the porcelain was gouged out of the kitchen stove. Enamelled cupboard drawers were marred. Refrigerator and pantry shelves were looted of food, some of it only to be thrown out into the =garden. Shrubbery and trees were broken.. Lipsticks were tested on wallpaper. Wet glasses and liquor ruined the finish on the piano.'. Also, among our student guests were not only vandals but thieves. Wood carvings, mementos and a precious miniature Swiss clock of gold and enamel were stolen.' Next time, I will have armed guards in every room and every guest will be frisked before leav- ing. For shame! -F. G. Positive Automation... To the Editor: THE Michigan Daily's report of my talk leaves the impression that I offered nothing in the way of a positive approach to the prob- lem of automation. Actually the theme of my talk was this: "What we are faced with in automation is a total situation which requires a total response, namely democratic planning by the entire society to insure thatathe benefits of automation are shared by everyone and not merely by those who happen ,to control the machinery of production." I quoted, from the "Impact of Automation," by Walter Reuther, and explained how unions are try- ing to meet the challenge of auto- mation on the economic front by bargaining for higher wages, short- er hours, guaranteed pay plans and fringe benefits. Then I outlined the AFL-CIO legislative program to "serve the advance of human welfare as well as to sustain full employment." I stressedthat~t in the abse~nce 44 DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor I... 11iIfiT LYO GiU V71IL'10 T7TR llVt"!L+bT