;am Time-Stu dents Struggle with Sun, Bookc By RICHARD TAUB A grim pall has settled over the University. Finals are approaching. The semester has shot by so fast, too fast, that most haven't had time to do- all the studying they planned. But Ann Arbor's seldom-seen sun is causing a great deal of trouble. It's so much easier to soak in the warm rays with eyes closed than to struggle with print which has suddenly become so small. Study halls all over campus are filling up. South Quad suddenly demands ID's and meal tickets for admittance, and many fraternity men have to go elsewhere. Lawns and sun-porches abound with blankets, pillows, books, and people wishing they were somewhere else. But, "I have to kill this final." All plan special study systems which are guaranteed to work. One freshman works with his feet higher than his head because, "The blood activates my brain and I'm much more alert." Many have sadly roresworn study dates. All are driven on by one thought, however, one idea that makes the whole thing bearable: "In a short time school will be over, no more work for two months. And then I can finally go home." -Daily-Peter eong Academic Freedom Week: What Did It Prove? Y Latest Deadline in the State :4E aii4 THUNDERSTORMS!2 See Page 4 L. LXVI, No. 1689 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1956 EIGHT PAGES Parke, Davis Considering Center Here Associated With 'U', Would Be Located On North Campus University's North Campus is mder serious consideration as the ite for a $10,000,000 medicl- harmaceutical research center. The center,, planned by Parke, Davis and. Oompany, would be as- ociated with University research facilities and would be located on 56 acres of land in the North Campus area to be sold to the irm by the University. If Ann Arbor is chosen over ompetinq Detroit as the site for he huge project, the develop- nent would be part of University >lans to set aside an area adja- lent to North Campus facilities or private research institutions in wsoiation with University activi- ies. Brown Informed Ann Arbor Mayor William E. Brown said he had been informed y a Parke, Davis spokesman the enter might employ 600 to 700 Florida Voting ead Seesa ws Stevenson, Kefauver Almost Tied; Adlai Holds Slight Edge Over Estes MIAMI, Fla. (P)-Florida voters tossed a hairline lead back and forth yesterday in a drama packed, Democratic presidential primary between Senator Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn) and Adlai E. Stevenson. Each time the margin shifted, so did the claims on the bulk of the state's 28 votes at the Democratic National Convention in August. Stevenson, Kefauver Shift Stevenson was on top by 154 votes, theTennessee senator by only 28, then Stevenson again by a couple of. hundred. And' so it went, on past the two-thirds point in the counting of returns. What cheered Stevenson rooters was the fact that the late tallies would be coming in mainly from - ! ll +^m nd lndva t erintr I I sman towns -ana rural ams persons. Wilbur K. Pierpont, University vice-president, said Parke, Davis officials approached the Univer- sity to ask whether the University would encourage their research, center here. Pierpont pointed out that this suggestion fitted into plans for development of the area and went en to name, pharmacy, medicine and engineering as "examples of research fields in which the Uni- versity research functions could be centered. Officials Want Land University and City officials are trying to get the land in which Parke, Davis has expressed in- terest, annexed to the city from Ann Arbor township. Pierpont explained that plans for the annexation include over 300 acres east of the present North Campus on US-12, much of which the University intends to use for expansion of its own facilities. The University would pay for the costs of installing and main- taining facilities, such as seters, streets and water mains. Plan for Year A Parke, Davis spokesman said planning of the center, now under- way, was estimated to require a year and that construction of the center would require two addi- tional years. Parke, Davis has obtained an option on the 50 acres of land "with the exception of building additional medical research facili- ties 'there .:if all necessary local requirements can be fulfilled," the spokesman said. However acquiring the option does not definitely mean the cen- ter will be here, he added, "it will just put the firm in a position to- explore and determine all factors." Report Given* On Auto Crash Joint Judiciary Council at its meeting yesterday heard a sheriff's office report of the May 18 traf- fic accident which killed three University students and two others. John Bingley, assistant dean of men. said afr th metUng +hnf+ where they counted on the former Illinois governor to run well. Stevenson, however, s h o w e d strength in cities Sen. Kefauver had hoped to take. With returns in from 1,312 of the state's 1,778 precincts, the scoreboard showed: Stevenson 178,246; Kefauver 177,794. Eisenhower Wins The Republican primary was a walkaway for President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who had competition in name only from Senator Wil- liam F. Knowland (R-Cal). In many precincts, election officials didn't even bother to turn in the Republican count. A complete count from Miami and Dade County gave Stevenson a margin there of nearly 4,000 votes-46,209 to 42,279. That was at least a .partial, and perhaps strategic victory for Stevenson, as Sen. Kefauver had made a strong showing there in the 1952 primary. Stevenson definitely captured areas along the Gulf Coast where many "senior citizens" have come to retire. He said at Vallejo, Calif., yesterday he was happy about that, although early returns from Florida were too inconclusive to point to the final outcome. Final Issue With this issue The Daily ceases publication for second semester. The Daily will resume publi- cation for summer school ses- sion on June 26, publishing Tuesday through Saturday dur- ing the summer. House Group Wants Civil Rights Vote WASHINGTON (P) - Twenty- one members of: the House said yesterday they are moving to force civil rights legislation out of the House Rules Committee's control if the committee doesn't act. Northern Democrats and most Republicans joined forces in the Judiciary Committee and finally brought out on April 25 a measure. containing President Dwight D. Eisenhower's civil rights recom- mendations. Rule Requested The Rules Committee, whose chairman is Rep. Howard W. Smith (D-Va), has had under con- sideration since May 22 a request for a rule to bring the bill out for debate and vote. The 17 Democrats and four Re- publicans who announced filing of a discharge petition after a meet- ing yesterday disclaimed any in- tention of "showing a lack of con- fidence in the rules committee." 'Overcome Difficulties' In a carefully worded state- ment issued through the office of Rep. James Roosevelt (D-Calif), they said they were acting only to "make sure that any difficul- ties encountered in the Rules Com- mittee can be overcome by a ma- jority of the House membership sufficiently prior to the closing rush of the session." Senate OK's Highway Bill; Biggest Ever WASHINGTON O/P)-'The Senate wound up a marathon session early today by passing a giant highway bill providing for the biggest fede- ral construction program in peace- time history. Passage came on a voice vote after the Senate had been in ses- sion more than 14 hours. The major provision of the bill sets up a 40,000 mile system of interstate and defense highways connecting 42 state capitals and a large percentage of all cities over 50,000 population. Bill Goes to House The bill now goes to conference with the House, but legislation launching the multibillion dollar program. will probably be agreed on soon because house and Sen- ate versions differ only in details. Most of what President Dwight D. Eisenhower wants in the way of highway modernization program is incorporated in the measure. His plan to finance the project with bond issues was rejected by Congress last year, however. Gas Tax Raise In the 1956 version, both bran- ches have written in more than 14 billion dollars in new taxes on highway users to run the program on a pay-as-you-build basis. Most of the revenue would be obtained from a penny hike in the federal gasoline tax, now two cents a gallon. The House bill, passed April 27, calls for 511/2 billion dollars of federal gasoline tax, now two cents a gallon. The Senate measure would be about the same if it also were pro- jected over 13 years. Security Officers. 11 Fall To Entforc e Driving Rules Atom Power' Plan Asked By Senator PHILADELPHIA (R)-Senator Clinton P. Anderson (D-NM), who heads the Joint Congressional Atomic Energy Committee, yester- day proposed a billion-dollar U.S. foreign atomic power program "to meet the threat that godless Rus- sia now poses." Sen. Anderson, in an address before the 168th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S., also suggested an accom- panying training program for sci- entists from, among "the uncom- mitted peoples of the earth." Pointing out that in the U.S. atomic power plants can not now, meet the cost competition of "con- ventional plants using fossil fuels, Sen. Anderson said: "There are areas of the earth where power costs are high and where atomic power is soon to be cheaper than conventional power," GOVERNMENT CLAIMS,: Auto UneMPloyent WASHINGTON (MP)-The government held yesterday that idle auto workers who receive new supplemental unemployment benefits (SUB) must report them as income annually and pay taxes on them. However, they may receive the payments in full, without their being reduced by withholding taxes, Payments Are Nonwage Income Russell C. Harrington, Internal Revenue commissioner, ruled that the new SUB paymen'ts-due to go into effect Friday for Gen- eral Motors, Ford and Chrysler workers-are not to be treated as wages but as nonwage income. EARLY RESULTS: Senator Clements TIakes Long Lead in Kentucky, LOUISVILLE, Ky. W)-Senator Earle C. Clements, the Demo- cratic whip, yesterday rolled toward renomination and a smashing victory over the state administration of Gov. A. B. Chandler in the Kentucky primary. Sen. Clements piled up a whopping 72,999-vote lead over former Rep. Joe B. Bates, who was supported by Chandler in a bitter fac- tional battle.' 'U,' To Hire Three New A number of states still are con- sidering whether SUB benefits are "wages" that would prevent work- ers receiving them at the same time they draw regular state un- employment compensation (UC) benefits. There had been fears a federal ruling that SUB payments were "wages" might cause these states to turn thumbs down on simul- taneous UC and SUB payments and that some states having al- ready 'okayed the dual system might change their positions. Prohibits Payments A total of 18 states and the Dis- trict of Columbia already have approved, but three states-Ohio, Indiana and Virginia-have pro- hibited dual payments. The worker is entitled to com- bine UC-SUB payments of up to 65 per cent of normal takehome pay for his first four weeks of un- employment, 60 per cent for the next 22 weeks. Under Harrington's ruling the unemployed auto worker must re-. port and pay federal income taxes in his annual return on the SUB payments he received. Farm Money Compromise Passes to Ilse WASHINGTON (P)-A compro- mise farm money bill carrying just under two billion dollars was possed by both the House and Sen- ate yesterday and sent to Presi- dept Dwight D. Eisenhower. The measure appropriates $1,- 993,744,968 to finance the Agri- culture Department in the fiscal year starting July 1. This figure is'some five million dollars higher than the amount requested by the administration. Voice votes in both chambers marked passage of the compro- mise, which provides ten million dollars more than originally voted by the House but some 25 millions less than the totals approved by the Senate. The biggest item in the bill is some 928 million dollars to offset losses of the Commodity Credit Corp. in its price support and loan program. Granted New Duties, More Police Righ ts Additional Personnel To Aid Swoverland In Patrolling' Campus By BILLHANEy A squad of three or four Campus Security Officers will be hired bV the University next fall to en- force driving regulations, admin- istration officials revealed yester- day. These officers will be charged with the responsibility of stopping cars they suspect of being illegally driven by students, as well as aid- ing University Security Officer Harold Swoverland in the per- formance of his regular duties. Several Student Government Council members have already questioned the propriety of using the $7 per car registration fee, approved by SGC Monday, for en- forcing of rules other than driving regulations. New Authority This will be the first time any campus authority will have the power to halt and question stu- dent drivers. In the past license numbers of suspicious cars were taken downl by Swoverland or Ann Arbor police and checked through the Office of Studdent Affairs before students were called in to ex- plain. Officers will also be empowered to enforce all other University regulations, such as illegal drink- ing, Vice-President of Student Af- fairs James A. Lewis said. SGC President Bill Adams, '57- BAd, said, "It was my understand- ing the money from the fee was to be: used only for driving regula- tion enforcement and parking facilities." Purpose Unmentioned Administration members pre- sent at the special SGC meeting Monday afternoon made no men- tion that the additional officers would be used for purposes-other than traffic enforcement, accord- ing to Adams. "Aside from the question of whether driving registration fees should be used for enforcement of other University regulations," Dick Snyder, '57, said, "the fact is that I and other Council members voted with no knowledge that the $7 fee would be so used. FOOTBALL CHEERLEADERS: Anatomy of Squad Manager Concedes Defeat Bates' campaign manager, Charles M. Blackburn, waited only " about an hour after the polls. had shut down to concede defeat. Gov. Chandler said "it's obvious" Sen. Clements has won. iscussed Sen. Clements s-id only he was "reasonably sure" of victory. Bates was not available for comment. School spirit, football games and girl cheerleaders came up for per- ennial spring comments yesterday. In balance, the opinions of "those concerned" indicate that at least for another year there will be no change in the anatomical makeup of the football cheerlead- ing squad. Co-captain of next year's squad, Ralph Watts, '57, says he contem- plates no change "unless the en- tire student body wants its cheers led by girls as well as boys." Women Not Allowed According to unverifiable tra- dition, no members of the fairer _.r 'h .,a aern .a. n -la..-a n opposite sex out, and points to comments from other campuses that Michigan Stadium spirit "is not the best." Girls Would Help "If girl cheerleaders would help the spirit at the games," she says, "it would be marvelous." At present all Big Ten schools except Michigan have mixed squads. Watts offers the opinion, however, that the Michigan State changeover a few years ago was "a failure." Football Captain Tom Maentz, 57, thinks that the addition of feminine talent to the sauad would Crisler says he thinks the stu- dent body is the determining force in the makeup of the squad and believes the present composition of the squad is what the students want. Dean of Women Deborah Bacon terms her position in the contro- versy as "neutral against it." "Every year we get two or three energetic girls wanting this, though they're not the people who could be considered campus leaders or scholars." Spirit Is Same Football Manager Dave .und- quist, '57, says he doesn't think Morton Wins Returns from 2,234 of 4,036 pre- cincts gave Sen. Clements 146,297 votes to Bates' 73,298. James R. Delk polled 2,760. Former Rep. Thurston B. Mor- ton was the apparent winner of the Republican nomination. He gave up a post as assistant secre- tary of state in the administration to make the race. Morton claimed victory and de- clared "beginning Wednesday morning I am launching my cam- paign to win election in Novem- ber." Phi Esilon P- MAYO COMMENTS: Country To Observe 88th Memorial Day The nation will honor its war dead today in the 88th observance of Memorial Day. The University and other schools, governmental agencies and most private businesses will be closed, although most formal local observances have already taken place. Most Ann Arbor churches conducted Memorial Day services Sunday, while a parade to mark the day, drawing crowds estimated by police at over 10,000, took place Monday night. President To Return to Washington On the national scene, President Dwight D. Eisenhower will fly back to Washington from his Gettysburg farm to put in a normal working day. He has given a wreath to be placed before the Altar of the Nation, a war memorial in the Cathedral of the Pines, Rindge, N. H. The tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Arlington National Cemetery will be decorated by Secretary of the Army. Wilbur