1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SPEAKING... OFF THE CUFF SPRING FEVER By Virginia Robertson SPRING HAS NEVER really come to stay this year. She only. seems to poke her head in the door and then to run away. But her hurried appearances have been enough to infect exam- ridden students with that old familiar ailment, spring fever. It's all around you now. People stare into space in the library, with a glassy-eyed expres- sion, or walk down the sidewalk without seeing anything or anyone. And in general, it's difficult for spring fever-ridden students to see. the woods for the trees, much less to get any normal jobs and assign- ments accomplished. Take a look at yourself while you're at it, if it seems as though you have no energy for doing anything besides sitting around relaxing and you can't seem to get anything done. But, you know, this general feeling might be due to something else besides a general innate laziness in man, which seems to make an annual appearance when warm weather rolls around in the Northern climes. * * * * A NEW ANGLE has been brought into the picture by the scientists concerning the common ailment. E. Wendell Hewson reported some very startling facts about spring fever, which were discovered through research and experiments at the University of Pennsylvania. It was discovered there, that when warm weather arrives after a spell of cold weather, the volume of the blood increases. This increase tends to produce a tired, and worn-out feeling, commonly branded as spring.fever. As yet only theories have been developed as to why the blood volume Icreases and how to stop this increase which produces "spring fever." Although it's not really a very crippling disease in the normal case, spring fever is so common and widespread that a cure for the pest might turn out to be a widely heralded event by all its common sufferers. But, in the meantime, you'll be able to see it's a ects all around. And if you do happen to recognize it in yourself, the 's not much else you can do about it now, except to buck up the best you can, and keep yourfingers crossed until after finals., League Plans Summer Activities Students May Apply for 10 Felowships Qaifiedstiudents mav anniv forCI By SUE RAUNHEIM "Students attending summer school this year need not worry about the lack of social activities on campus," stated Cherry Harris, summer president of the League. The League Council has set up a program of activities for each week of the summer session which will begin June 20. Coeds and men will find these activities a good means of relaxation from the drudgery of classesrand hot weather which the summer time usually brings. To start the summer session, Paul Brodie and his band will pro- vide music for the annual mixer which will be held on June 22 in the League Ballroom. Square Dance The first big affair sponsored by the League will be a square dance on Monday, June 25, in the League Ballroom. Music will be provided by Karl. Cox and his orchestra. This square dance will be informal so men may wear dungarees and shirts while coeds will be approp- riately attired in full skirts and blouses.. John Redd will do the calling for this dance to be held from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Admission will be free. Every Tuesday evening starting June 26, from 7:30 to 9 p.m., bridge lessons will be given at the League by Mrs. Walter McLean. There will be admission charges for this series which consists of six lessons. Dancing Lessons On Wednesday evenings, ball- room dancing lessons will be held for those students who want to brush up on the latest steps. At 7 p.m. beginners will be instructed v a Pi -Daly-Peter Song SUMMER PLANS-Cherry Harris, summer president of the League discusses plans for League activities with Judy Barnes, judiciary member.and Judy Gamble, dance class chairman. The League Council has set up a program of activities for coeds and men for each week of the summer session which will include a square dance, a mixer, and weekly bridge and dancing lessons. SGC GIVES APPROVAL: Alethia Joins Phi Mu National Sorority by Rudolph Martinak in the League Ballroom and. at' 8 p.m. intermediate dancers will have their lesson. There will be an ad- mission charge for men while women students will be admitted free of charge. For those students who play bridge well enough to enter tourn- aments, duplicate bridge games will be held every Thursday eve- ning in the League. On Saturday evening after a long hard week, students may dance to the strains of Paul Brodie and his Orchestra from 9 p.m. to midnight in the League Ballroom. "A happy and fun-packed sum- mer is being planned for all," Miss Harris concluded. Members of the summer League Council are: Jocelyn Watt, ju- By ROSE PERLBERG A Student Government stamp of approval, last Wednesday made Alethia's initiation as a colony of national sorority Phi Mu, official. Although recognized by Phi Mu as a chapter, the group will have to remnain a colony for the next year in compliance with University regulations. Thirty-three coeds assembled at the Union Sunday .for formal in- itiation into the new colony. Taking the Phi Mu pledge were: Margaret Bearst, Jean Chapman, Jane Dansard, Maurine Edwards, Jacqueline Farrel, Sally Freeman, Carol Friebolin and Jennie Gibson. Others Initiated The list continues with Martha. Hall, Barbara Jones, Shirley Janes, Sandra Judson, Carol Kirkland, Irene Kunst, Kay Mackey, Caryl Miller, Dianne Modzel and Su- sanne Mosher. Other new actives are Janie Nee- lands, Mary Nixon, Sylvia Phelps,, Jean Richards, Judy Richards, Sue Sauter, Frances Sekles, Elizabeth Snyder, Suzanne Strahle, Ann Ur- shel, Mary Lou Vann, Margaret Wiersma, Laurene Woods and Pat Wright. Officers for th& coming year were recently installed. Leading the Phi Mu's will be Miss Neelands, as president with Miss Goss as- suming the duties of vice-presi- dent. Takes On Finance Duties Financial worries will fall on the shoulders of Miss Shirley Jones; as treasurer and Miss Dodzell will serve as social chairman. Elected to fill the offices of re- cording secretary and correspond- ing secretary were Miss Judy Rich- ards and Miss Phelps, respectively. Alethia was organized at the be- ginning of last semester, and sev- eral months ago the coeds applied for membership in the national sorority. SGC Vote Phi Mu approved their petition and the SGC vote ended the career of the local group. Themia coeds recently reacti- . Former Alethia members were vated the Alpha Gamma Chapter following in the footsteps of of Zeta Tau Alpha. Their move was Themia, the other local sorority similarly approved by SGC, April established during this school year. 25. 4W ~ r' .:. . . . . . . . . . ..S r : :"iwr { A:":"a ." ",r; 4-"i }: ;i : ...... v-.":"S t . .".:« rX" "." rs' :... l«i...." r:ih .{. . ;:" ."... ::+:"?..,.+.5 ;' But nothing can imitate Baby checks in new fine spun, carefree, "MOONGLEAM" " 0 0 NO IRON PLISSE PERFECT FOR CAREER GIRLS AND TRAVELERS TOO. Beguilingly styled with val lace trim in baby pink or blue illustrated - is a waltz-length gown with scoop neckline adorned with vol lace and deep ruffle. Price 5.95. Others not illustrated- matching pegn- oir duster 7.95. Shortie gown 5.95 Baby doll shortie pj's 5.95. . L 1. r4 'l.' I ON FOREST OFF SOUTH U. and 1111 SOUTH U. NEAR THE DIAG. 42 THE BERMUDA SHORT STORY .. ~is a tale of cool summer relaxation, told here in three different ways: Black Watch, Skene, MacDonald, or black and white plaid tarpoon cloth. Navy, khaki, olive or white chino. Navy, brown or olive striped chino. Sizes 10 to 18. 11 bjmmw- '. -