4.Aitr t g an
Latest Deadline in the State
Sukarno Asks End to
World's Cardboard Screen
Bush Offers
. Highway Bill
Sponsor of Senate
Version Labels New
Plan Unacceptable
Prescott R. Bush (R-Conn) late
yesterday offered a compromise
plan in the hot Senate quarrel
over how to divide among the
states the huge federal funds plan-
, fned for the interstate system in
the highway bill.
However, Senator Albert D.
. Gore (D-Tenn) chief sponsor of
the Senate version of the legisla-
tion, said Bush's plan was not
acceptable to him in its present
He said the fact Sen. Bush of-
fered it demonstrated to him that
senators who favor the version
passed by the House were now ad-
mitting defeat.
Leading Spokesman
Sen. Bush is a leading spokes-
man for the bloc of 17 states
which would get more money for
the interstate system under the
apportionment plan in the House
bill. This group had hoped to sub-
stitute the House measure for the
Senate version. The Senate bill
would mean money for 31 states.
The interstate money would
amount to 25 billion dollars in
federal funds under either version
of the bill-the biggest sum ever
made available by Washington for
a nonmilitary program.
The federal government will pay
90 per cent of the cost of the in-
terstate system, the 40,000-mile.
network of highways linking up all
states of the Union.
Important Proviso
Bush's compromise would ac-
cept for the first two years of the
construction program the appor-
tionment formula in the Senate
bill-but with an important pro-
The proviso says that each state
shall receive in the next two years
not less tlian 10 per cent nor more
than 15 per cent of its needs to
build the interstate system as re-
flected in the Clay commission re-
Connecticut, for instance, would
get 26% million dollars under the
Gore bill for the interstate system
in the, first two years, and $65,-
600,000 under the House measure.
The Bush compromise would give
it 551/2 million dollars.
Youths Start
Bus Boycott
dents at Florida A. & M. Univer-
sity for Negroes yesterday appear-
ed to be starting a boycott of city
buses in protest against the arrest
of two girl students.
The girls, Wilhelmina Jakes, 26,
and Carrie F. Patterson, 20, were
arrested Saturday after they re-,
fused to move to the rear of a city
bus. They were charged with plac-
ing themselves in a position to
cause a riot and released on $25
bond each pending a hearing in
k > police court Friday.
Sunday night a small wooden
cross was burned on the lawn of
the house in which they were liv-
ing and their landlady, Mrs.
Eloise Kendrick, said they became
frightened and moved into the
college dormitory.
Students cheered and clapped
their hands as an empty city bus
Was driven through the campus
yesterday. Earlier several hundred
students staged a mass meeting
and voted to stay off city buses
for an indefinite period.
Plan Union
General Assembly of the Presby-
terian Church in the United States
yesterday approved a "plan of
Union" with the United Presby-
-Daily-Donna Hanson
SUKARNO AND SON-Dean Sawyer displays fuel box
containing $4,000 of uranium-235.
Sukarno Takes Hurried
Tour Through Campus
Observing a time-table that would shame the Twilight Limited,
Indonesian President Sukarno was whisked away to the North Cam-
pus Phoenix Project yesterday seconds after the Clements Library
procedings concluded.
After struggling up the State Department's chain of command,
The Daily reporter received permission to throw one question at Dr.
Sukarno as he strolled the 50- "
'Men Should
See Others
As Brothers'
Says Indonesia Aims
At Unity of Mankind
Indonesian President Sukarno
declared Sunday the greatest ser-
vice to mankind any man can per-
form is to learn how to break down
the cardboard screen" dividing the
In a speech following his accept-
ance of a doctorate honoris causa
degree from the University, Su-
karno called it a tragedy that,
when looking at other men, "in-
stead of seeing a brother we see
a set of beliefs-we probably call
them misguided prejudices."
Outlines PolIcy
In outlining the foreign policy
of Indonesia, he said his country
makes judgements of action "not
because those actions originate in
a particular corner of the world,
but rather on our opinion of
whether it will hinder or facili-
tate mankind" in its search for
Answering charges that the so-
called neutralist nations are aloof
from the world's struggles, Su-
karno said that "what we seek to
do is encourage every man to see
himself as a unit of humanity, to
understand each other, if possible
sympathize with each other. "We
are in this world and take part
in this world's activities."
During the Clements Library
ceremonies, wearing the traditional
black doctoral gwn and his black
cap symbolizing Indonesia instead
of a mortarboard, Sukarno attack-
ed the "bankruptcy of thought"
behind the old saying "if you wish
for peace, prepare for war."
'... Prepare for Death'
"Let me put it another way," the
gregarious Indonesian continued.
"If you wish for life, prepare for
"In an atomic age it is hardly
sensible to follow the policies of
Metternich and Talleyrand, let
alone of Machiavelli and the
Atomic war, he maintained,
"means the destruction of man-
kind and all his works, his civil-
ization, his culture and' his
dreams." If the world's statesmen
fail at securing peace, "make no
mistake about it, life as we know
it will end."
The "George Washington of In-
donesia" maintained the example
of his country's struggle for inde-
pendence from the Netherlands
shows the proper method for deal-
ing with the cold war. The Indo-
nesian settlement "was not a
solution reached by combat of
arms but by negotiation and con-
Today, Sukarno observed, "much
of the world talks peace and
thinks war. Let us all resolve to
talk peace and think peace.".
OP enings
Wondering what to do with
spare time over the summer?
The Daily has openings for
reporters, photographers and
business staffers.
Take advantage of the finest
college newspaper plant in the
world and gain valuable ex-
perience. No prior training is
During the summer The Daily
will service the Ann Arbor com-
munity five days a week, bring-
ing the campus local, national
and internatoinal news, latest
sports and interpretive articles.
If you're interested in work-
ing on The Summer Daily, con-
tact Lee Marks at the Student
Publications Bldg., NO 2-3241.
New Car
.Approved by Council
--Daily--Donna Hanson
HONORED-President Sukarno receives doctor of law degree in Clements Library.
Colors Dignitary's Visit,
President Sukarno and entourage were conducted about the Uni-
versity campus Sunday with pomp and ceremony quite befitting the
leader of Indonesia.
Arriving in Wayne Major Airport Sunday morning, Sukarno, his
son Guntur and official party were whisked into Ann Arbor in a
parade of 10 cars to attend a 1:00 p.m. luncheon at the Union.
Adhering strictly to a schedule, Sukarno, the Hatchers and com-
pany left the Union amid the
yards from the Library to a wait-
ing motorcade-why is Indonesia
sending students (8) to the Uni-
"Our students here," answered
Dr. Sukarno, "will go back to In-
donesia and serve as the cadre of
our educational system-in tech-
nical and engineering fields."
Goodby, Bung Karno
Then, fulfilling a pledge to the
StateDepartment officer who
okayed the 'interview,' this re-
porter bid Dr. Sukarno a "Good-
bye, Bung Karno (contraction of
BrotherSukarno) ". Although on
shaky ground protocol-wise, the
farewell was a diplomatic triumph.
The Indonesian head of state
turned, exhibited a smile that
bested his on-camera ones and
replied, "That was a kind thing
to say, Goodbye."
At the Phoenix project, Ralph
A. Sawyer, dean of the graduate
school and director of the Phoenix
Project, introduced Dr. Sukarno
and son Guntur to the Ford Nuc-
lear Reactor, radiation caves, ur-
anium-235, a miniature atom-
smasher, and the hot chemistry
Operate 'Hands'
At a radiation cave, both Su-
karnos operated the remote-con-
trolled 'hands' of the master slave
unit. Dr. Sukarno 'picked up' a
beaker in the cave, observing his
action through yellowed glass,
three-feet thick.
Fro his efforts with the 'hands,'
Dr. Sukarno was congratulated
by Walker L. Cisler, president of
Detroit Edison and the state's
chief proponent of peacetime ap-
plication of atomic energy. Cisler
told Dr. Sukarno, a civil engineer,
"You are a good engineer," which
sent a relaxing chuckle through
the touring group.
Asked if he thought a tank for
observing neutrons of cobalt 60
was technically "complicated," Dr.
Sukarno chuckled and said "Ya."
His son Guntur, when lifting a
loaded fuel box containing $4,000
of uranium-235, showed-off an
American colloquialism, blurting,
"Oh, brother."
Witicism of the day came when
The Daily's feminine photographer
asked Dr. Sukarno to pose, only
to have her camera fail to flash.
Quipped the Indonesian leader,
"It won't work. I'm radioactive."
SGC .,Plans -
Of Calendar,
Student Government Council
yesterday established a commit-
tee to study the actviities calendar
and its associated problems.
The Council acted on a motion
by Rod Comstock, '568, providing
that the committee be composed
of two members of the Calendar-
ing Committee, the chairman of
the Coordinating and Counseling
Committee and two SGC members,
and that it report back to the
Council with recommendations by
the first week of January, 1957.
Result of Controversy
The motion came as a result of
controversy over activity schedul-
ing for next year.
The Committee will be expected
to consider development of a pri-
ority system of activities calendar-
ing, the expanding activities
schedule, late permission policy,
Council authority in this area,
possiblity of recommendations to
the University calendaring com-
mittee, methods of recommenda-
tion implementation, and methods
of working with other groups
which have their own calendaring
Approve Appointments
SGC also approved appointments
to various committees. Treasurer
Joe Collins, '58, was appointed to
the Student Activities Building
Committee. Cinema Guild Study
Committee appointments were
Campus Affairs Committee Chair-
man Lew Engman, '57, chairman,
Council president' Bill Adams, '57
and Union president Roy Lave,
'57E. Comstock was appointed to
the Campus Chest Board.
bright blinking of photographers'
flash guns and the whirring of
movie cameras, and set out on the
short walk to Clements Library
where he was to receive an hon-
orary degree..
Greets Children
On the steps of the library, Su-
karno paused a moment to greet
and talk to some children who
were assembled by the door, wait-
ing for a glimpse of the Indones-
ian president.
Omnipresent security officers
from the state department hovered
anxiously around Sukarno, ges-
turing cryptically to cohorts.
Inside, the special convocation
audience, composed of University
students leaders, officials, deans
and Indonesian students and of-
ficials sat hushed while Prof.
Dwight C. Lang, of the history de-
partment, read the citation.
The ceremony was an impressive
one with the deans in their robes
and multicolored academic hoods
and the Indonesian officials in
their brown military uniforms and
brightly colored ribbons.
Meanwhile, outside the library,
curious students l4ned the walk to
the building, anxiously awaiting
a peek of the Indonesian leader.
Guntur Oblivious
Sukarno's son, Guntur, obviously
bored and tired of the ceremony,
sat on the library steps absorbed
with an American puzzle game
and oblivious to security men, stu-
dents and photographers.
On stone benches along the li-
brary walk sat an array of both
American and Indonesian news-
men and photographers, taking
advantage of the short rest period
during the convocation.
Suddenly, applause thundered
from the library door and photo-
graphers and security men snap-
ped to attention, ready to watch
and record Sukarno's exit from
the convocation precedings.
Atom Expert
Asks Plant
Kinney, Santa Fe publisher and
authority on atomic energy, pro-
posed yesterday that the United
States help build at least seven
atomic power plants in countries
where fuel is scarce.
He said this would help offset
the new Russian technique of "So-
viet service with a Soviet smile."
McKinney, who headed a panel
which made an exhaustive report
last winter on peaceful uses of nu-
clear power, appeared before the
Senate-House Atomic E n e r g y
Committee. It is considering ways
to speed up the civilian atomic
power program.
World News
By., The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the
farm bill yesterday, inaugurating
a billion-dollar-a-year soil bank.
and other new benefits for the
farm population.
He said the legislation has
shortcomings, but "its advantages
outweigh its harmful provisions."
The bill is a substitute for an
omnibus farm measure Pres.
Eisenhower vetoed April 16 because
of its provisions for a return to
high, rigid price supports for
major crops and other features
objectionable to the administra-
* * *
PARIS - France and Morocco
yesterday signed agreements giv-
ing Morocco the right to take over
her own diplomatic affairs, but
leaving open the future, status of
V.S. air bases in the former North
African protectorate.
* * *
WASHINGTON - Fred A. Sea-,
ton, former United States Senator
from Nebraska, was appointed
secretary of the Interior by Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower yes-
* * * .
ROME - Pro-Western Center
parties held nearly firm and the
Leftist partnership of communism
and socialism lost ground last
night in early returns from Italy's
nationwide balloting for local
Tme, Hours
Fee System
Lewis Requests
Student Cooperation,
Full Responsibility
Student Government Council
yesterday approved recommenda-
tions for fees and judicial action
with regard to the new driving
The recommendations, made by
the Driving Regulations Study
Committee, provide for a system
of fees based upon length of time
the car will be in use at the Uni-
versity and the number of class
hours for which the student driver
is registered.
Lewis Coments
Vice-president for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis expressed the
hope that "with student support
we'll be able to enforce and ad-
here tothe new regulations. Stu-
dents have a real responsibility in
this area, because the whole change
was initiated by them."
The original fee recommenda-
tions provided that a student reg-
istering his car for a period of 31
days to a year pay $7, and $3.50
for just the second semester or a
portion of it.
Much debate over the fairness
of charging a student graduating
in February for a full year, while
a student entering in February
would be required to pay only half
as much, led to an amendment to
the recommendation.
The amendment, proposed by
Jim Dygert, '56BAd, provides that
a system of refund be worked out
for all instances where a student
will only have a car on campus for
the first semester. The amended
recommendation was unanimously
Further fee recommendations
provide that a student registering
his car for 11 to 30 days, inclusive,
pay $2, while a student register-
ing his car for one to 10 days, in-
clusive, pay $1.
Part-ime Provisions
Provision was also made for
those not in full time attendance
at the University. Those registered
for 10 hours or more will pay the
full $7, those registered for from
five to nine hours, inclusive, will
pay $4 and those registered for
from one to four hours, inclusive,
will be exempt from fees.
The new driving regulations,
passed by the. Regents In Febru-
ary, provide that students over 21
may operate a registered car on
campus. In passing the new regu-
lations for a two-year trial per-
iod, the Regents emphasized the
students' role in cooperating with
and being responsible for imple-
mentation of the plan.
No specific action was taken by
the Committee with regard to
adjudication of the plan. Methods
of handling these problems will be
left to Joint Judiciary Council and
the Administration with the un-
derstandnig both groups must be
satisfied with results. Those re-
sults will be referred back to SGC
for review.
The Committee also asked that
students be allowed to handle all
cases involving judgement as far
as is practicable.
Fines Set Up
The Administrative Code set up
by the Office of Student Affairs
in March provides for fines up to
$50 for first offenses and possible
suspension for a semester for sec-
ond offenses.
Assistant Dean of Men Karl D.
Teachers Will Judge
Extent of, Proctoring
The extent to which literary school exams will be proctored will
be left up to the individual instructors, according to James H. Rob-
ertson, assistant dean of the Literary College.
A set of rules which were distributed to faculty members of the
college recently called for one proctor for every 25 to 50 students.
Designed for Guidance
"These rules were designed just for the guidance of the faculty,"
Dean Roberston said. "Actually they are fairly old-it's only the
formal announcement of them that's new.
"There hasn't been before and there won't be now any require-
ment that the faculty follow them.
Certainly with the large and very
diverse faculty that we have we
couldn't expect everyone to carry
them out.
rogram"However,"he added, "since
they were formulated by a faculty
group, most of the faculty must
the University for enrollment be in favor of them."
would be contacted. No Softening
Group To Discuss Summer P
A student group headed by Un-
ion Administrative Vice-President
Herb Karzen, '57, meets today to
campus during the summer for stu-
dents who live nearby," Univer-
sity Assistant Director of Admis-
sions Don Feather explained.
TWpn +1,or wnt nn li-n c,.vthat hoihI
A major problem with the coun-
selling group last year was that
they did not get started early
enough in the spring semester.
It is the feeling of those working
with the group that a summer
There has been no softening of
the rules or any encouragement