Sixty-SixthYear EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. *"ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "We Don't Want To Leave Any Stone Unturned" DRAMATIC ARTS CENTER: 'Hedda Gabler' Exciting hen Opinions Are Free, Truth Will Prevail Portrait of Depravity ii I t j 4 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: GAIL GOLDSTEIN Human Relations Board Has Answer to Dorm Segregation THE RESIDENCE HALLS Board of Governors Secondly, the group recommends "A syste- is now looking into a recommendation that matic inquiry into past practices and proposed it state "that it considers. 'race,' religion and changes on the part of other comparable uni- ethnic background as irrelevant criteria in versities." roommate placement." This recommendation, intended to clarify and THREE BENEFITS are listed in the Human unify the Residence Halls' policy of roommate Relations Board brief for adopting a new placement, was made by the Human Relations policy. They are as follows: Board, which operates under the Student "1. It would allow new residents a greater Government Council. This board has been chance for a broader educational experience; in investigating the practices employed in deter- other words, the possible range of prospective mining who shall room with whom, particularly roommates would be greatly enlarged. in. regard to first semester freshmen, who are "2. There would be elimination of psycho- required by the University to live in the resi- logical injury to those who recognize that they Blence halls during their first year in school. were placed together on the basis of 'race,' As areslt o it inestiatin, te Hman religion or ethnic background-. As a result of its investigation, the HumanResi- "3. There would undoubtedly be a change in enceHalls Board of Governors late last year, prejudicial,stereotyped attitudes. There is a asking for the clarification of policy. It was mass of carefully collected data which indicate hakingfrthweckthat intimate, face-to-face contacts in real life A ny action that the Residence Halls Gover- situations with members of other ethnic and nors will take on the recommendation will religious groups result in a breakdown of probably not be for some time, as they wish to stereotypes." proceed carefully with the problem, which is This, then, is the case of the Human Rela- tions Board. It states its investigations show certainly a very serious one. that roommates are presently being assigned INREQUESTING the statement by the Board without any overall policy, and that these room- mates are being placed together on the basis of Governors, the Human Relations group's of the individual's race and religion. brief stated that "The present policy of room- There can be no overestimation of the weight- mate placement, in the Residence Halls is un- iness of this problem that now faces the Resi- clear. Procedures vary in the men's and wom- dence Halls Board of Governors. It is worthy of en's systems. In general one finds that new all the consideration that the Governors can residents of the same 'race' and religion are gltec ata placed together. This information has been give it: Not only is this a significant problem locally,J obtained by discussion with administrators in but should the University go ahead with such the residence halls." drastic changes, it will probably have national The Human Relations Board has a point repercussions.- One of the guests at the last here. First, procedures do vary in men's and Board of Governors meeting, forseeing this, " oen's dorms.Bar fGvrrsmegfsenghs, commented that "the University should make Applicants are asked their religion on the a front to the world by showing that these men's application forms, while the women's things just don't matter." And this is the forms have no such question. Secondly, anyone attitude that will win out in the long run. who has lived in the residence halls will know ,tThere has been continued advancement in that the number of roommates with the same this field, but even the recommendations made religion is too large to have come about by by the Human Relations Board are just another chance.,yteHmnRltos or r utaohr In addition to asking the Residence Halls step toward the breaking down of all racial G Inaddtior to s kih y n te R sidenc H'race,' and religious barriers that, unfortunately, still Governors to state they do not consider rc, exist around us. religion or ethnic background "relevant criteria" Undoubtedly, it will take some time to accom- for assigning roommates, the Human Relations plish all that needs to be done, but the Human Board asks two additional actions. Relations Board is pointing the way, The Resi- The Board requests consultation with psy- dece Halls Board of Governors, after all the chologists and sociologists on wording of ques- careful consideration it wants to give the prob- tiQns in the room applications, on aid in lemfshould be ready to give unanimous support carrying out the transition in policy, and onl to the recommendations of the Human Rela- help in a controlled study of the results of the tions Board. change in a few houses. VERNON NAHRGANG e TODAY AND TOMORROW: VILLAINS have played a prominent role in the history of the theatre but few have matched Henrik Ibsen's "Hedda Gabler" for deliber- ate meanness and wickedness of purpose. However, Ibsen did not solely employ black paint but intended to create a, frustrated and unhappy woman whose plight would engender sympathy and, under- standing in her audience. An otherwise excellent production by the DAC last night presented Hedda as such a cold and brutal wench as to make first-nighters indifferent; if not gleeful, about her curtain- ending suicide. "Hedda Gabler" is the story of a young, emotionally unadjusted woman, incapable of love or finding the excitement necessary to release her inner tensions. Ibsen gives no environmental background to explain Hedda's neuroses but introduces her as the wife of a silly, ineffectual Acholar, incapable of understanding his much younger wife. Hedda regards her husband with contempt, revealing she married him for security. Incensed with her middle class life, she sums up her emotional problem, "I only have a gift for boring myself." This, indeed, represents Hedda's instability for she is searching for a happi- ness she can never have. Here is Ibsen's theme and here is his plea for empathy. The destruction Hedda strews in her own and others' lives only demonstrate Ibsen's conviction that such a disaster was inevitable. Besides Hedda's emotional immaturity, or perhaps as a result, she is frigid and finds any intimacy with men revolting. Confronted by a former suitor, Eilert Lovborg, she had spurned WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: U.S. Lagging in Missile Race By DREW PEARSON I IT IS REASONABLY] dent knew in advance that the signs of his re able. Thus, at his pr days before he said th trust his own feelings ra reports. This could only favorable report of th decide the matter. Moreover it stands ti heard considerably more the public has heard, or+ hear, about what limit to live under. The decision whether been clarified for him1 could have told him ti again. They could not, that he could take his making his decision. T] it clear that he hims health for granted, and cide to run again-the cal fitness to bear the office will be not only a: sary subject of public d fact, has discussed thec so frankly as has the THE DECISION which whether he hinself that he is equal to the is equal to it not as he the past month but in strain and stress and c press conference Mrs. C Press Herald made a r Mr. Hagerty's comment ington knows to be tru has not recently had to the office. No doubt he full schedule. But January was a com both at home and abrc storms that are election campaign, and ;momentum of the Sov and Africa. The hardest question# to resolve is not whet The President's Ordeal By WALTER LIPPMANN PLAIN that the Presi- office. The doctors have given him as good of his latest check-up an assurance on that point as they could covery would be favor- have. Nor is it a question of his being in- 'ess conference a few capacitated, though that eventuality is, as at he would probably he himself has said in on'e of his press con- ther than the doctors' ferences, a weak link in our constitutional y have meant that the system. The doctors' report is adequately re- ie doctors would nlotassuring on that point. The real question is not death or disability but inadequacy, not o reason that he has being at his best, being able to carry on the from his doctors than routine of the office but not to supply the could have expected to kind of energetic leadership which the world ations he must expect situation is certain to demand. This, it is quite plain, is the crucial point to run again has not which the President is now wrestling ,with. by the doctors. They hat he must not run THERE IS ANOTHER POINT, second only to and did riot, tell him this, which would become of critical im-' health for granted in portance if he resolved all the other questions he President has made in favor of running. It turns on the vice- elf is not taking his presidency. , There can be no doubt at all 1 that-should he de- that the President would have a very special question of his physi- personal obligation to consider without fear e full burden of the or favor, impersonally and objectively, the legitimate but a neces- choice of the man who would succeed him in' liscussion. No one, in case of death or disability. He will be re- question of his fitness quired, if he runs again, to give the country President himself. his personal guarantee that the vice-presi- dential candidate does in fact believe in, does he must now make is not merely support politically, the principles feels within himself that he himself stands for. burden of his office, He can give no such guarantee for Mr. Nix- has known t durimg on. It is not a question of whether Mr. Nixon its great periods of supports the Eisenhower legislative program risis. At Dr. White's or whether he speaks up in defense of the ,raig of The Portland Eisenhower policies. Of course he does. The emark which, despite everybody in Wash- question is whether he represents the central thing which Eisenhower represents, the thing bear the full load of which has given Eisenhower such a hold on has had a reasonably the American people. This central thing is that Eisenhower unites iparatively quiet period the country and heals its divisions. This ad, a lull before the precisely is *hat Nixon does not do. Instead g in Congress, in the of being a national leader, he is a ruthless from the gathering partisan. He is a politician who divides and iet challenge in Asia embitters the people. The country has just had a spectacular dem- that the President has onstration of this characteristic in his speech her he might die in at the Lincoln Day Dinner in New York. "Speaking for a unanimous Supreme Court," N TESTIMONY so electrifying it stunned Congressmen, but so secret only the bare details can be told, missiles expert Trevor Gardner charged that the Defense Department has failed to follow up vital scientific discoveries that could revolutionize air warfare. He warned fervently that the Rus- sians may be pursuing these scien- tific concepts, thus gaining a mili- tary advantage that could spell disaster for the United States. Gardner has just resigned as Assistant Air Force Secretary in protest against the lagging re- search program. He was prompt- ly summoned behind closed doors by the House Military Appropria- tions Subcommittee to explain his stand. Here are highlights that can be safely told: 1 Gardner revealed we have broken through the scientific bar- rier of new propulsion ideas and aerodynamic concepts that hold a "tremendous promise." These could boost the range, altitude and speed of our planes and missiles, he said-if we are willing to take the financial risk. 2. He charged bluntly that our military planners "are underesti- mating the Russians." 3. He warned that our defenses against enemy attack have been crippled for economy's sake. 4. Gardner objected vigorously to the Defense Department's pri- ority system, which puts equal em- phasis on the intercontinental bal- listics missile and the medium- range guided-missile. 5. He charged that the total Air Force budget had been danger- ously slashed. The Air Force would need $3 to $4 billion more than has been budgeted for fiscal year 1957, he estimated. Gardner insisted there was no- thing personal in his charges. He still counted Secretary of Defense Wilson and Secretary of the Air Force his friends. But he took sharp issue awith their judgment. Gardner, himself a Republican, was hit by a few hostile questions from Republicans attempting to defend the Administration. "The Joint Chiefs of Staff told us they were satisfied with the defense budget," rasped Congress- man Errett Scrivner, Kansas Re- publican. Gardner waved a secret docu- ment which he had sent to Secre- tary Quarles, requesting more money for research and develop- ment. "General Twining (the Air Force Chief) was one of the endorsers of this document," Gardner re- torted. "He is the only member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff I am con'cerned about." He reminded committee mem- bers that last year they, them- selves, "arbitrarily cut $18,000,000 off our research and development budget." "Would you mind striking out the word, 'arbitrarily'?" asked Congressman Scrivner. "Yes, I would mind," Gardner replied bluntly. Gardner explained that Wilson had assigned equal priority to the intercontinental a n d medium- range missiles because he feared Russia would use her 1,500-mile missile to blackmail NATO na- tions. Wilson wanted to rush de- velopment of 1,500-mile missiles of our own and locate them strate- 'gically around Europe as a de- terrent. Gardner argued that Soviet sup- ersonic fighter-bombers could hit targets with atomic bombs more effectively than medium-range missiles, thus could blackmail NATO nations without using mis- siles. In his opinion, he said, the Russians are building a 1,500-mile missile as one step toward the in- vincible intercontinental missile. The Air Force has been keeping in the intercontinental - missile race, he said, by the sheer ex- pediency of lifting "big chunks of money" from other uses and ap- plying them to the ballistics mis- sile. This is setting back the whole program of modernizing the Air Force, he warned. Congressman Scrivner argued that we are so short of scientists and engineers that we cannot spend any more money than is now appropriated for research, "The Air Force has made an ex- haustive study," answered Gard- ner. "It is using 'only 3 per cent of the nation's scientists and en- gineers. There is no shortage of technical men to do the work we want to do. Money appropriated for research and development will not be wasted because of lack of qualified personnel." Gardner also discussed the need for a so-called missile czar. Such a czar, he urged, should be given statutory status, should have di- rect access to the President and should have complete, unquestion- ed control over developing guided missiles. He stressed, however, that he was concerned about the whole scope of research and devolop- ment, not simply the guided-mis- siles program. He discussed sev- eral secret new planes and other equipment whose development has been held back, he charged, for lack of funds. After his testimony, several Congressmen gathered around him and praised him for his patriot- isn. (Copyright, 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) and driven to drink but who now tion of another woman, Hedda de- termines to destroy the happiness she envies. In addition, Judge Brack, a'strong-willed and deter- mined former beau, conspires to possess Hedda, whatever the cost. By cruel and unscrupulous tac- tics, Hedda disposes of Lovberg, partly for revenge and partly "to have power over someone else's fate." When she finds out the beauty she envisaged in Lovberg's death was unfulfilled and that Judge Brack has discovered her secret and plans to exploit his power over her, Hedda is over- come by her failures and the fu- tility of hope and commits suicide. Beth-Sheva Laikin enacts Hed- da in a cold-blooded manner and as a woman devoid of human qualities. This is not the proper interpretation but Miss Laikin is a magnificent craftman, control- ling her wickedness masterfully. She leaves the audience cold with fury and anticipating her next feat of depravity. DAC standbys Ralph Drischell and Sydney Walker, as Hedda's husband and Judge Brack, once more turn in top professional jobs. Bill Fletcher (Lovberg), Esther Benson (Mrs. Elvsted, Lovberg's inspiration), Robin Hall (the aunt of Hedda's husband) and Mary Jane Forsyth (a servant) turn in excellent performances. DAC's "Hedda Gabler" is a play coldly calculated to keep you in suspense, is enacted by a fine cast and carries an exceptional dra- matic impact. But director Joseph Gistirak has missed the boat in his analysis. Hedda is so thoroughly depraved one wonders how her husband, Judge Brack and Lov- berg evei considered her as the woman they wanted to love, honor and cherish. -David Marlin AT THE ORPHEUM: 'Game' Has Perfection THE older woman teaches the boy the wonders of love; then the boy teaches the younger girl. This is the Gallic game of love, and the French film that tells of it is a beautiful work, indeed. The tone is bittersweet and the story is highly moving, touching lightly at times and explicitly at others on the strange painful movement of growing up and leav- ing an innocent childhood. Based on a novel by Colette, "Game of Love" tells the story of Phil and Vinca, two young people becoming aware of them- selves, each other and the mysteri- ous new actuality of sexual love. It comes first to Phil in the form of a worldly sophisticated woman who needs to recapture her youth through the boy. s * WHEN THE affair threatens to consume his innocence, she forces herself to end it, even at the risk of temporary hurt to him. It is then that Vinca awakes, and the youth, so blithe and free, is gone. There is gladness about this, and wonder, but there is also that sad disillusionment that is part of growing up. Certainly this is a poetic theme and it is handled with delicacy and gentle touch. Cast in its half- light, the picture becomes real and yet is endowed with. an etherial quality. There is similarity between Phil's two loves and symbolism in his experience. But this does not actively intrude. It is there if you want to see it, but it is only a leit motif of the plot. * * * PIERRE MICHEL BECK, a young and talented actor, plays Phil with warmth and under- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1956 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 5 General Notices Members of the University Club: The club dining room will be opened Wed. Feb. 22. Art Print Loan Collection. Students who have reserved prints may l k them up Mon., Feb. 20 through Pri., Feb. 24 in room 510 Administration Bldg. (Basement) Reservations will not be held after Fri. the 24th. Academic Notices Aeronautical Engineering Seminar. R. R. Heppe, Department Head-Aerody- namics, Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, will speak, on "Current Aircraft Design Problems," Mon., Feb. 20, at 4:00 p.m., in Room 1504 East Eng. Bldg. Make-up final examination for Botany 1 in Room 2004, Natural Science Build- ing, Tues,, Feb. 21, 7:00-10:00 p.m. Placement Notices SUMMER PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Sat., Feb. 18: Mrs. Hordis Ohberg, Camp Director of the Teaneck Golden Knot Girl Scout Council, Inc., Teaneck, New Jersey, will interview for counselors. Call the Bu- reau of Appointments for appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 2614. Tues., Wed., Feb. 21, 22: Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Stein, Cam Nebagamon for/Boys, Lake Nebagamon, Wisconsin, will interview for male Coun- selors at 3528 Administration Bldg., 9-12 and 1-4. Wed., Feb. 22: Mr. Aaron Bornein, Director, Camp Tanuga, Kalkaska, Michigan, will inter- view for male and female Counselors at 3528 Administration Bldg., 9-12 and 1-4. Call the Bureau of Appointments for appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 2614. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: New York State Civil Service announ- ces exams for Physicians, Psychologists, Nurses, Pathologists, Biostatisticians, Public Health Educators, Dietitians, Librarians, Fingerprinters, Machine Operators, Engrg., Construction and Transportation Workers. Applications must be in by March 16, 1956. Applic- tions will be accepted up to March 3, 1956, for the positions of Associate Radio-Physicist, which is open to any qualified citizens of the U.S. Other positions open to any qualified citizens of the U.S. are: Med. Assist. Librarian, Tabulating Machine Operator, Sr. Fish Pathologist, Biosttistician, Assistant Instructor of Nursing Arts. U.S. Civil Service announces exam for Student Trainee in the optional fields Agricultural Economics, Agri. Statistics, Plant Pest Control, Biology, Plant Science. Grades CS-2 to GS-4. Also announced are exams for Rural Electrification Administration; Student Trainee in Civil, Mech., of Elect. E.- GS-2-4, closing date March 7, 1956; District Supervisor--S-11, Closing date Feb. 24, 1956. U.S. Civil Service, Ordnance Tank Automotive Command, Detroit, Mich., announces a need for Illustrators in Ill., Mich., and Wis. Need people in Technical and General Options for Air Brush, Lettering, Line Drawing, Lay. out, Charts and Maps. American Association of Advertising Agencies has set Feb. 27 as the deadline for applications from men and women who wish to take the advertising apti- tude test. This test is open to anyone who is interested in any phase of adver- tising, and will be held on March 3 in Detroit, Ann Arbor, and Lansing. OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCED TRAINING: NYY, School of Retailing, New York, N. Y., announces a Graduate Program leading to the degree of Master of Science in Retailing and an executive career in the retailing field, Sept. 1956 Tna 1957 _Thr nmaram i n afnn *t has reformed due to the inspira- t TALKING ON TELEVISION: TV and Broadway Happy Together By LARRY EINHORN Daily Television Writer A GREAT DEAL of comment has been made about the rela- tionship be.tween television and the various other forms of enter- tainment, mainly the movies. But very little has been said about the relationship between television and the Broadway stage. There have not been many deal- ings between these two mediums, but what has occurred has been very beneficial to both. And it has been carried on in a digni- fied manner, not similar to the crude method in which the movie industry has used television. Broadway has given television such great shows as "Peter Pan" and "Blithe Spirit." Surprising- ly enough "Peter Pan" did not have a very successful run on Judy Tyler used to be Princess Summerfallwinterspring on the "Howdy Doody Show" and now she has an important part in the Rodgers and Hammerstein play. And the star of the show is Helen Traubel, who although she did not get her professional start on tele- vision, did debut her musical come- dy abilities with Jimmy Durante on TV. There are also a few stars who alternate their services between TV and Broadway. Included in this group are Helen Hayes, Ethel Merman, Ezio Pinza, Mary Martin, Victor Borge and Faye Emerson. SID CAESAR is probably the best example of an ex-Broadway- ite who has since moved over to television. Not too long ago Caes- ar had a role in a Broadway show in which he demonstrated a water- ter the show has concluded its New York and touring runs. Since the cast is already com- pletely rehearsed, costumes al- ready fitted and props still avail- able, there would not be a great deal of preparation needed for such a spectacular. .* * * THIS WILL not only give the backers of the show additional re- turns, but will also give teleview- ers who live in smaller towns the opportunity to see actual Broad- way presentations. There are two ex-Broadway pro- ductions which are now in the process of being groomed for TV spectaculars. Both CBS and NBC are trying to get Mary Martin to star in "Annie Get Your Gun" on TV. And CBS has already signed Vic-