See Page 4
- Latest Deadline in the State
Police Propose
Drinking Reform
Fatal Accident Illustrates Evidence
Of 'Excess' Drinking at Pre-parties
Tighter driving restrictions and close supervision of all pre-
parties were urged by police yesterday in a final report on last Fri-
day's fatal traffic accident.
The report followed a week 'of investigation into illegal drinking
at a Phi Sigma Kappa pre-party before the crash..
It claimed there was definite evidence of excess drinking by
minors and adults and charged chaperones with "laxity."
Effect of the recommendations on the driving ban could not
be gauged yesterday, but presumably the report will be discussed
Editor Urges
In Criticism
Today's literary critics are too
concerned with scientific object-
ivity and are controlled by narrow
assumptions, Philip Rahv, editor
of "Partisan Review," told an audi-
ence in Rackham Auditorium yes-
Lecturing at the annual Avery
and Jule Hopwood contest cere-
mony, Rahv spoke on, "Criticism
and the Imagination of Alterna-
There has been, a loss of spon-
taneity in criticism, he remarked,
which has resulted in sterility.
Disengaged Spectator
e added that nowadays the
critic more often than not pre-
fern to play the part of a disen-
gaged spectator and analyst of the
literary event.
Quoting Henry James, he de-
scribed criticism, as "the very edu-
cation of our imaginative life."
"Criticism is not a work of art,
neither is it utilitarian, the editor
continued. "Criticism is a form of
literature about literature."
Though he admitted there is
certain literature which needs
scientific study, Rahv asserted:
"But this is scholarship, not lit-
erary criticism properly speaking."
Questions of Vaule
Criticism should not be institu-
tionalized, Rahv stressed, since
it deals more with questions of
value than with facts.
Institutions are necessary, but
they impose bonds, Rahv said, and
"we can see the growth of self-
consciousness in criticism. -
"Normalizing c r i t i c i sm, too,
leaves it in a worse quandary than
ever. Nowadays the writer-teacher
is less concerned with social ef-
fect than cause and effect."
Criticism must resume the func-
tion of cultural service. Rarely an
end in itself, Rahv said, criticism
is mostly a means to an end, which
should be to mediate between art
and the individual artist, between
tradition and novelty, and art and
Top Hopwood
Prizes Given
Ten major and nine minor
awards amounting to $9,200 were
given yesterday in the annual
Avery and Jule Hopwood creative
writing contest.
Prof. Arno L. Bader of the Eng-
lish department, Hopwood com-
mittee chairman, announced 17
winners in fields of fiction, drama,
poetry and essay in a ceremony
at Rackham auditorium.
In the major division, Harriet
B e n n e t t Hamme, Grad., and
George Lea III, '56, received the
largest single awards. For her
three-act play entitled, "Mia
Mine," Mrs. Hamme received $1,-
200, and Lea received the same
amount for a novel about jazz
mus i c ian s called "Somewhere
There's Music.''
Robert G. Brown, '56, won $900
for his . three-act play, "Jamie
Backwith," in the major drama
Two other awards in major fic-
tion division went to Malcolm
Bosse, Grad. who received $900
for a volume of short stories en-
titled "Our Brave Little Band."
Ellen Adams, Grad, won $600 for
"Collected Short Stories."
'by Board of Regents today.
Procurers Killed
Sheriff Erwin E. Klager said the
report would not be followed up in
any way since evidence indicates
procurers of liquor were among
those killed in the head-on collis-
But Dean of Men Walter B. Rea
said available evidence would be
turned over to Joint Judiciary
Council and all infractions of Uni-
versity drinking regulations in-
It appears likely Phi Sigma
Kappa will be fined for drinking
Dick Meuller, '56, pre-party bar-
tender, told police he was asked to
serveadrinks several days before
the party.
Witnesses questioned by police
said William McKean, '58E, Nancy
Robson, '59, and Thomas Bernaky,
'56, the lone survivor, were all
Medical Condition
They commented that- Keith
Ryan, '58E, driver of the car, had
had one martinii. A statement re-
leased by Dr. Joseph Ryan, his
father, indicated a medical con-
dition could have caused the acci-
Ryan had been suffering from a
condition termed "the opposite of
diabetes." He was on a strict diet,
which, if broken, would have
caused a severe reaction.
Prof. James McDonald of the
journalism department, chaperone,
said he discovered the 'drinking
when he encountered McKean in
a hallway, obviously under the in-
fluence of intoxicants.
He said he urged fraternity
members to stop drinking and
tried to get them out of the house
to formal dinner as soon as possi-
ble. He admitted having one glass
of champagne.
Two witnesses, Mrs. Dorothy An-
ton of Detroit and Margaret Jen-
sen, a graduate student counsellor,
saw Ryan's car as he drove to-
ward the dinner.
Both claimed one of the boys
in the front seat was unconscious.
Further they estimated the car
was travelling at high speed and
veering off the road.
Lone Survivor
University Hospital authorities
said yesterday Thomas Bernaky,
'56, lone survivor of a head-on
collision last Friday which killed
five, has "slightly improved."
They emphasized, though, that
his condition is still critical.
University authorities said Bern-
aky would be graduated from the
University this semester even
though he will not be able to
take final exams.
He has not yet regained con-
[HC Future
A bright future for the Inter-
House Council was predicted last
night at its first meeting since it
was reorganized recently.
Presdient Bob Warrick, '57k,
said he was "very sorry" to see
the old organization replaced but
added "I foresee in the new group
a brilliantand great future ahead
for Residence Hall government as
a whole."
He warned, however, "the new
structure will not solve everything
by itself," and called for close
cooperation among the House
The new I H C, a council
of House presidents, established a
committee to investigate possibi-
ties of. establishing an IHC news-
paper to replace their dittoed
N e w Committees established
were Campus Affairs, Public Re-
lations, House Service, Orienta-
tion, Social and Scholarship.
In other action the body ap-
proved the appointment of Arnold
Ruskin,''58E, George Warden, '58
and Maynard Goldman, '59 to the
IHC Judiciary.
World News
By The Associated Press
NICOSIA, Cyprus-Turkish Cy-
priots armed with stones and clubs
rioted through the streets of Ni-
cosia and Larnaca yesterday, seek-
ing revenge against Greek Cypri-
Their anger was aroused by the
fatal shooting Wednesday night of
a Turkish Cypriot police sergeant
at Polis, a village 60 miles from
States told the Communist coun-
tries yesterday to stop enticing
refugees to go back home.
A White House statement de-
clared those who seek asylum in
this country have the right to
stay here. And it said the United
States means to satisfy itself that
any who leave are doing so of
their own free will.
* * *
passed a big new housing bill
yesterday, including provision for
500,000 more public housing units
and billions of dollars in credit
and insurance for new home con-
Approval was on a voice vote.
The measure, going far beyond
what President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower wants in the way of a hous-
ing program, still has to be voted
on in the House.
New Housing Holds
No More Than 600
'We Will Need Emergency Housing
For 100 Women,' Dean Leslie Says
University administrators are expecting an enrollment of 22,300
students next fall, an increase of 1,650 over last fall.
These figures indicate a housing shortage next semester, probably
more severe than was created by last fall's 20,650 enrollment.
Housing construction completed since last fall includes Couzens
Hall, new Ann Arbor apartments, and North Campus apartments
for married couples.
No more than 600 students could be absorbed in these housing
Affiliated houses, cooperatives, and Ann Arbor realtors are not
optimistic about meeting the in--
-Daffy-vern Soden
FREEDOM FORUM-Members of the Academic Freedom forum discussed "Academic Freedom: Dead
or Alive at Michigan?" last nights They are (left to right) Hank Berliner, '56, Dean of Women Deb-
orah Bacon, Prof. Roger W. Heyns, Murry Frymer, '56, and Prof. Gerhard Lenski of the sociology
department, moderator.
Panel Debates Degree of 'U' Freedom
Whether Academic Freedom is
dead or alive at the University
was disputed last night by a four-
member forum held in conjunction
with Academic Freedom Week.
Prof. Roger W. Heyns of the
psychology department said the
question was unanswerable because
of the varying degree of freedom
found . in different departments
and schools.
Citing as examples the loyalty
oath, the Lecture Committee and
the Nickerson-Davis case, Daily
Editorial Director Murry Frymer,
'56, said that Academic Freedom
exists here, but that it is not the
healthy, driving force it should be.
Freedom and Freud
Giving what she called the "half-
historical, half-literary, slightly
colored by Freud" view, Dean of
Women Deborah Bacon insisted
that Academic Freedom is not
linked to reason, and that it dif-
fers from other freedoms only in
its frame of reference.
Former Student Government
Council president Hank Berliner,
'56, emphasized the professor's
role in alleviating apathy and fost-
ering student interest in Academic
"We have to stop talking about
freedom as a right," Heyns said.
"It's a necessary condition to the
function of a university, the search
for truth."
Prof. Heyns went on to say that
to preserve freedom, we must deal
with two restricting conditions,
the misupderstanding of a univer-
Regents Meeting
Following a three year tradition,
the University of Michigan Re-
gents will hold their May meeting
at Hidden Valley, Michigan.
The Regents stopped off at
Freemont yesterday for an hon-
orary banquet.
Today's business meeting will
begin at 10 a.m.
sity's function and the fear which
makes us overestimate a profes-
sor's power and misperceive the
limits which society will allow.
School and State
"In not allowing Communists to
speak," Frymer said, "we are de-
stroying the 'freedoms they ,are
only talking about destroying."
Charging we have made martyrs
out of Communists and that there
is a tendency to identify school
with state, Frymer said, "If we
value freedom, we must allow it
FBA Names
New ,~rBoard
. The Fraternity Buying Associ-
ation last night chose a new
Chairman of the Board of Direc-
tors, receiving three new mem-
bers, and announced new savings
on purchases, according to Chuck
Rubin, '58E, FBA information
Fred Sheldon; '58, was elected
Chairman of the Board. Vic Carl-
son, '57BAd will serve as vice-
Phi Epsilon Pi, Delta Sigma Pi
and Phi Delta Epsilon have joined
the Association, which seeks to
lower fraternity costs by mass
Rubin also announced new sav-
ings as a result of increased mem-
bership. Basing a comparison on
the records of eight fraternities
outside the association, it was
determined that saving on 65
large-volume, canned items rang-
ed from fourteen to twenty-two
per cent. The average saving was
nineteen per cent.
These new figures established
firm groundwork for the entrance
of several new professional frater-
nity members, according to Rubin.
A committee to study adminis-
trative revision was also appoint-
ed, consisting of Rubin, and Bob
Nelson, '57.
to those who would work to de-
stroy it. Demoracy has nothing to
fear in battle."
Dean Bacon felt that freedom
is neither a gift nor a right; it
must be earned or bought. "The
price is one most of us have never
been asked to pay: the price of
public scorn, loss of job, disen-
franchisement, exile, the -rack."
Maintaining that arguing the
subject will never produce results,
Dean Bacon said that crisis is
the proving ground. "How are you
going to act when the Titanic
goes down?" she asked.
Within and Without
The student can have no con-
ception of freedom and its respon-.
sibilities if he never sees it, ac-
cording to Berliner. The faculty
should not wait to be consulted on
issues, it should speak out.
"The greatest challenge to Aca-
demic Freedom is not-without the
University, but within, and I'm
not sure that challenge is being
met," he said.
Prof. Heyns countered with the
belief that the faculty does not
speak because it believes that it
will not be listened to. "The solu-
tion is to listen to the faculty when
it does speak, and thus encourage
it to do so," he said.
Final, Speech
Playbill Today
Fourth and final laboratory
Playbill by the University speech
department will - be presented at
8 p.m. today and tomorrow in Bar-
bour Gymnasium.
.Free of charge, the Playbill in-
cludes three one-act plays.
Allan Knee, '56, will direct his
own play, "Joe's Rainbow," and
Wandalie Henshaw, '56, will direct
E. Paul Rebillot's 'The White and
Silver Bird." Michael Gregoric, '56,
will direct "Rococo" by- Harley
creased enrollment.
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Leslie, assis-
tant dean of women, described the
extra-residence hall situation for
women saying, "All undergraduate
league, cooperative, and sorority
housing is already full and wait-
ing lists are growing."
"We will need emergency hous-
ing for 100 women," predicted Mrs.
Leslie, "and we are asking women
without housing to bring a parent
to Ann Arbor with them next fall,
and together they can look for
Mrs. Leslie was concerned about
the effect on University public re-
lations the shortage of housing
might have, saying that "admin-
istrative madness". would prevail
throughout the summer as efforts
are made "to accommodate the in-
Gene Bush, president of the Ann
Arbor board of realtors, conceded
that the student housing situation
was "a terrific problem," but added
that realtors were acting to share
the burden.
"We are trying," revealed Bush,
".to get residents with five or six
roms to share some of the space
with student roomers. Also, 200 new
apartments will be operating in
the area next fall and the changed
driving ban should make commut-
ing easier." -
Dr. Peter Ostafin, assistant dean
of men and chairman of the Uni-
versity's Housing Committee, said
that room conversion in the men's
residence halls were "not likely,
because we have always, in men's
housing, depended on the , com-
munity to ease the burden, and
we are very grateful for their help
in the past."
If the comunity absorbs the in-
crease, thought Ostafin, it will en-
tail more commuting, more living
at home, and longer walking dist-'
ances for students.
Mrs. Elsie Fuller, assistant dean
of women, foresaw "the same
crowding as last year" for women's
residence halls next semester. "We
will have 325 'temporary conver-
sion' spaces, plus 125 additional
spaces in the new Couzn's Hall
to help meet the increase," Mrs.
Fuller said.
Tim Leedy, '57BAd president of
the Inter-Fraternity Council, -fore-
casted full capacity use of fra-
ternity houses next semester. "We
have only 15 empty beds' in the
whole system this semester," said
Leedy, "and this will mean that
annexes will be fully utilized next
Clyde Vroman, director of ad-
missions, shed light on where the
'housing burden of next fall's 1,650
increase would fall by estimating
"200 or fewer" of the increase
would be freshmen.
Over 4,207 incoming freshmen,
said Vroman, have been granted
tentative admission thus far, but
nearly 30% attrition of that fig-
ure can be expected before the
fall. This would bring total fresh-
man enrollment to around 3,100.
Robert L. Williams, assistant
dean of faculties, released the 22,-
300 enrollment estimate yesterday,
explaining the University was "ab-
sorbing its further enrollment
burden in small chunks, due to the
shortage of housing for students."
Accuracy of the forecast, thought
Williams, has been nerfected from
Joint Chiefs.
[Way Tour
Soviet Union
States dramatically, though in-
directly, notified Russia yesterday
that the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff
would probably accept an invita-
tion to inspect the Soviet armed
forces-if such an ivitation is
The matter was handled in such
a way as to leave no doubt that
the Soviet government was being
prodded to bid the American mili-
tary high command to visit Mos-
cow and tour the country.
The unusual affair was handled
by the White House and the D-
fense Department. The office of
the air attache of the' Soviet
embassy became involved and did
an almost unheard of thing, giv-
ing out a statement to explain
what had happened so far.
The State Department remain-
ed-perhaps skeptically-silent.
The White House's contribution
was a 'remark by Murray Snyder,
assistant press secretary, that he
"wouldn't be surprised" if the
Joint Chiefs of Staff would accept
an invitation to visit the Soviet
Union. He hastened to explain
that. they had no invitation.
Snyder, however, said that "there
have been informal discussions
about high officials of our govern-
ment visiting Russia" ever since
the Geneva conference last July.
U *S. Economy
WASHINGTON (R) - Govern-
ment leaders yesterday acknow-
ledged that business is in for some
bumps-but no tailspin-in the
months just ahead.
Secretary of Commerce Sinclair
Weeks told a news conference the
economy is "very spotty." Sec-A
retary of the Treasurery George
Humphrey said some industries
"will go down a little." The ad-
justments will be brief and "rela-
tively minor," he predicted.
These appraisals coincide with
a selling surge on the New York
Stock Exchange, sending the mar-
ket into its heaviet losses of the
week, and with announcement in
Detroit that continuing auto lay-
offs have boosted Michigan's job-
less to 190,000.
Claims Kefauver
Distorted Facts
Adlai Stevenson said last night
his record as governor of Illinois
is being personally "distorted" by
Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn) in
their campaign for the Democrat-
ic presidential nomination.
He referred to a statement by
Kefauver in Kissimmee, Fla.,
Thursday that Stevenson "vetoed
Co-ops Provide Blend of Individualism, Greek Letter Spirit
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
of three articles surveying coopera-
tive housing at the University.)
Co-ops are often pictured as col-
lections of young Bohemians, or
worse, young Marxists.
These ideas distress the students
in cooperative houses at the Uni-
versity, perhaps because there is
a grain of truth in them.
Co-ops characteristically stress
individualism. While the label
"Bohemian" is certainly unwar-
ranted, there seems to be greater
variation from person to person
in these organizations than any-
where else on campus.
Moreover, some members admit
there has been an association be-
tween cooperatives and Marxists.
At one time the Labor Youth
League was supposed to be cen-
tered in the houses. But co-oppers
report that they have now more
or less disappeared from Inter-
Cooperative Council.
Cooperative houses are primari-
ly devices for low-cost living on
campus. All roomers and boarders
contribute work to the house so
By and large, the typical co-
opper is difficult to distinguish
from any other student on campus.
No three-button suit in most cases
(although there are a couple of
Ivy-League co-oppers) neverthe-
less, the typical member cuts a
well-groomed, most un-Bohemian
Randy Longcore, '57, is president 1
of Robert Owens Cooperative
House and vice-president of the
Inter-Cooperative Council. He has;
a cordial air about him, almost
whimsical at times.
He is majoring in mathematics.
But unlike the stereotyped mathe-
matics major, he has an avid in-
terest in sports. He swims, plays
basketball, softball, and last year
played football for the house.
Longcore ventures that if he
had' not gone into co-ops, he prob-
ably would have joined a social
But now he has developed an in-
tense enthusiam for the coopera-
tive idea.
"Actually I'd say there are very'
few people who move into co-ops
third of the co-oppers are foreign
"Some of these foreign students
are awfully sensitive," he com-
mented. "One time a foreign stu-
dent sat down at our table and I
said, 'Hey, Hey! We don't want
any foreign students sitting down
here.' I just said that 'because he
See CO,-OP, Page 6
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